The next morning

After yesterday's exploration, it was initially determined that the surrounding area was still safe for the time being.

But in order to cope with possible crises, everyone still changed back to regular clothes.

"Today we are going to another island a little further away."

As soon as she got into work, Qin showed another serious side, completely different from her usual self.

"The top priority is to fill in the charts as completely as possible."

On the wooden table, several horizontal and vertical lines were drawn on the yellowed paper, and a simple compass was placed in the upper right corner.

No one present had any experience in drawing sea charts, but with the help of Luo Yu's spiritual thoughts, at least a few pieces of land that had been explored so far were drawn.

It might not be too accurate, but it's better than nothing.

The hull moved slightly, bringing up pieces of white waves, passing through the circular land in the center, and soon arrived at the next small island - Popo Island.

There is nothing much to say about the process of getting to the island. It is nothing more than clearing out the monsters, picking up special products, setting up signs and drawing a map.

"Another island!"

Biting the pencil, Luo Yu looked at another piece of freshly baked chart fragments in his hand. Well, at least it can only be described as fragments now. Most of the places are black, which is similar to the process of lighting up the teleportation anchor point in the game.

It just took some thinking

The conditions on the island are limited, and Luo Yu does not think he is a person who loves learning. Even the straight lines on the chart are drawn with branches, and it is not easy to find a pencil.

If his memory is correct, there is still one island left, and this chart is almost complete. This is the first one he has drawn. He never thought that he would one day become a navigator with a background in liberal arts.

"Luo Yu, there is something discovered here!"

An exclamation attracted Luo Yu's attention. The few people who had just arrived on the island split up. Luo Yu was responsible for drawing the sea chart, while the remaining few people were exploring nearby. It seemed that they had made a discovery.

He put the chart into the space and ran directly following the sound.

In front of me is a large stone wall with two murals carved on it. I guess I was afraid that the traces would disappear, so I specially traced them with a black note.

The content on the mural is easy to understand. It probably means that a group of people accidentally came to this island by boat, but due to weather conditions, the boat ran aground and had to stay here.

"Probably not the creator of the island civilization."

After reading the mural, Luo Yu quickly came to a conclusion.

This group of people is still riding a wooden boat, and their number is small. It is impossible for them to build such a huge mechanism like the one on the bottom of the sea.

In addition, according to the ‘iron nails’ they destroyed before, the age of the murals is obviously after them. In other words, there is now another mystery on the island.

"Maybe they brought that doll?"

Thinking of the huge humanoid machine, everyone fell into deep thought. Judging from the extent of the damage, Ying's idea was not unreasonable.

"Since there are murals, there must be more than one. Let's look around and maybe we can find something else."

Regardless of what should be said, people in high positions can always discover some tiny details. It is obviously impossible for the person who painted the mural to just explain the process of his own distress. At least the origin should be made clear.

Thinking about it this way, the possibility of other murals greatly increases.

With the goal in mind, the next step is a long search process.

At noon, several people who worked separately met at the beach. Surprisingly, they found nothing. Not to mention other murals, except for a few conches, they found nothing.

"I'm going to starve to death. When will I eat?"

Paimon couldn't help shouting. She had taken a lot of credit in this exploration. She had flown up some high stone walls.

I looked up at the sun and saw that it was indeed time to have lunch.

He took out the pots and pans from the space and grabbed some seafood from the sea. Luo Yu basically prepared everyone's meals these days.

His ability to take this job was inseparable from Karen's foul mouth, "The food cooked by Luo Yu is delicious."

Knowing that he was praising himself, Luo Yu had no choice but to show his hand in front of everyone. Unexpectedly, this meal depended on him. Even Mr. Zhong, who was a fastidious eater, was full of praise.

Just like that, the island’s exclusive chef comes out with fresh food.

Thinking of this unbearable experience, Luo Yu couldn't help but regret, wondering why he was so crazy that he wanted to show off his skills in front of them.

The products in this sea area are also quite rich. You can get whatever you want. It is much better than the buffet in the previous life.

But this way of eating will inevitably lead to some problems, such as:

"I'm so full that I feel like I'm going to explode if I move."

Glancing at Paimon's bulging belly, Ying was about to say something, but stopped herself. She was no different.

The only person who could move at the scene was Luo Yu, who hadn't eaten much.

"It seems I can only go to the next island by myself."

He held his forehead. It was indeed gratifying that he was good at cooking, but he still had to pay attention to moderation. There were many people who were starved to death in their previous lives.

Of course, he didn't need to use a wave boat by himself. Luo Yu stepped lightly and landed steadily on the sea, as if walking on flat ground.

Looking carefully at his feet, he was gently lifted up by the light green whirlpool, always keeping a slight distance from the sea. Compared with walking on the sea, it would be more appropriate to say that he was floating there.

With the blessing of the wind element, it only took a few minutes to reach the last Shuangshuang Island.

First, I added it to the chart, and then started wandering around the island, partly to explore and partly to relax.

Shuangshuang Island, as its name suggests, is composed of two small islands connected to each other. Counting some surrounding reefs, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small archipelago.

Speaking of which, among the islands that have been explored so far, Shuangshuang Island is the most special. Maybe we can find more things.

While wandering around, a stone cave caught Luo Yu's attention. When he walked into it, there was a small hole above his head, but it was enough to allow sunlight to enter. The originally dark stone cave became brightly lit.

There are stone beds, stone tables and other furniture, and there is even a separate bathroom. Lying on the bed, you can just see the stars in the sky through the hole above.

I have to say that the owner of this stone house knows how to enjoy it.

Turning his eyes to the right, he saw murals leaning against the wall. Compared with the previous ones painted directly on the stone wall, this one was obviously much more delicate.

Picking up the slate, it told the origin of this group of people. As expected, Ying's guess was correct. They brought the doll. Unfortunately, the specific reason was not clear.

At this moment, Luo Yu was slightly startled by a purple-blue light. He stretched out his hand to dip some, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it. It seemed to be some kind of fungi.

But which one it was, he didn't know.

Continuing to search the surroundings, something that seemed to be a notebook came into view. Why do I say it seemed like it, because it was made of slate, with a thin layer, but it was made in a decent way.

"Who is he, so idle?"

Luo Yu complained, opened the notebook with one hand, and scanned a few lines. The content in it made his eyes widen.

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