Since Manyo was a wanted criminal on board, the Southern Cross fleet did not stay too long.

In order to thank them for their help, Luo Yu gave Beidou the amulet he had made before.

It contains his strength, and it is easy to get through the thunderstorm area.

But before leaving, Beidou introduced him to a few people as a "local snake" from the outlying island.

For Inazuma's current situation, it would be relatively easy to have someone who knows her.

"Isn't this Mr. Luo Yu? I haven't seen you for a long time. My young lady always talks about you."


Feeling the sharp gaze behind him, Luo Yu couldn't help but shudder and glanced at the smiling Toma not far away.

He was certain that this kid definitely did it on purpose.

"Oh, that's actually the case..."

He sighed and recounted his previous experience.

It was probably because he helped the club a few minor favors while traveling, and happened to meet Ayato.

After chatting for a few words, I found that the two of them were very compatible. To be honest, they almost became sworn brothers on the spot.

Later, I was naturally invited to Shenli's house and met Ling Hua.

Luo Yu, who had spent a meal in vain, was naturally embarrassed, so he immediately took a sword manual and gave it to the Shenli brothers and sisters.

Since the two of them had no spiritual power in their bodies, they had to use elemental power instead. Although the effect would be quite different, it was enough.

All in all, his relationship with Ling Hua was more like that of master and disciple.

"So that's your explanation?"

Looking at the jealous Ying in front of him, Luo Yu didn't know whether he should be happy or not.

It's a good thing to be able to express your emotions, but you will suffer in the future.

Because of Luo Yu's relationship, the group of people left the island and arrived at Narukami Island without much effort.

Compared to the troublesome situation of running around in the plot, this time it can be said to be quite good.

People can't help but sigh again, Guanhu is so delicious!


By the time a few people arrived at Mulao Tea House, it was almost dusk.

"I'd like to trouble you all to rest here first, and then I'll take a few of you to see my young lady tomorrow."

After all, overturning the Eye Hunting Order does not happen overnight, and good sleep is also very important.

But Thomas would never have thought that the people in front of him didn't need to sleep at all, except of course Paimon.

But after all, it's someone else's kindness, and it's hard to refuse. Besides...

A glimmer of light flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, this place is not simple.

Late at night, a figure quietly climbed onto the roof of the Muliao Tea House, hesitated for a moment, and then quickly passed by the lake nearby.

Head straight to the island in the northwest.


"it's me."

"It turns out to be Mr. Luo Yu, what are you doing here now?"

"I should be the one asking you, Thomas, oh no."

Luo Yu paused, with a smile on his face.

"I should still call you Mr. Corroder!"

"I didn't expect you to find out so soon."

Seeing that he was exposed, ‘Toma’ simply stopped pretending and showed his true face.

He looked like an ordinary man, but his aura was creepy.

Luo Yu frowned slightly. He thought it would be all kinds of strange things, but he didn't expect it to be a person.

"Can you tell me how you found out?"

"Don't you know that you stink? For a housekeeper, is that possible?"

Even though the opponent did not show any intention to attack, Luo Yu did not dare to neglect.

No matter how weak the enemy is, he always stays alert. This is how he deals with things.


The man covered his face and let out a weird laugh.

"So this is ah!"

Before he finished speaking, a palm with some minced flesh came to him.

"So fast."

This was Luo Yu's first thought, but he was not a vegetarian either. Xian Ning still appeared between the two of them at some point.

There was a "ping" sound as the two soldiers met, and the other's flesh and blood actually made a sound like metal.

"Is that human being?"

Shaking his slightly numb arm, he lost for the first time in a battle of strength.

Although the other party didn't get any benefits.

"He is indeed the number one enemy of the Order."

The man licked his lips with a look of madness in his eyes.


He just heard him yell, his clothes were in tatters, and weird dark red tattoos covered his entire upper body.

Luo Yu retreated suddenly, he always had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after the transformation, the man was like a wild beast, only knowing how to run rampant.

Just like, Qiu Qiu Rock Helm King!

The powerful force stirs up dust, leaving clear footprints behind every step.

"Shield up!"

An earthy yellow shield surrounded it, with strange runes engraved on it.

This is his first time using Rock God, and he deserves to be said to be the most secure man.

Facing such a powerful attack, he just blew up his windbreaker.

One punch, two punches, three punches...

The power brought by this overdraft is limited after all, and Luo Yu clearly felt that his attacks were getting weaker and weaker.

And this is a good opportunity to fight back...

"Xian Ning!"

Luo Yu shouted softly, and Xian Ning, who was floating in the air, understood and flew back to the sword box.

"Killing sword! Jinghong!"

The young man held the hilt of the sword in his hand, with light shining in his eyes. He drew and sheathed the sword in one go.

The light blue sword light sliced ​​across, and wherever it went, the cut surface was flat and smooth.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Luo Yu panted heavily, the attack just now took quite a toll on him.

In other words, he doesn't have much spiritual power, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do if he flattened an island.

"Don't... be happy... too soon..."

The man who was cut off from the waist vomited blood, but still had a weird smile on his face

"The Order is...invincible...poof!"

Before he could finish speaking, a knife was accurately inserted into the man's heart.


Luo Yu's face changed slightly and he looked around, but found no one.

And with his current spiritual power, even if he was discovered, it would be difficult to defeat him.

Carefully taking out the hidden weapon, the fire flashed in his eyes. I have to say that Yangtong is indeed a good tool for destroying corpses and eliminating traces.

He was indeed careless this time. He didn't expect the erosion to come so quickly.

And what exactly does the religious order that the man refers to mean...


"I really heard it, it was so loud last night!"

"Good good."

Early in the morning, Paimon told Ying about the noise she heard last night.

It is worth mentioning that after the man's death, Luo Yu found Zhen Tuoma in a cave near the Mu Le Tea Room.

It seemed that they were caught the day before the others arrived. I don't know if that was good luck.

In order to prevent the secret from being exposed, he had to implant some false memories. Fortunately, with the help of hypnosis, it was not difficult.

But this also illustrates a terrifying thing. Every move he makes is in the eyes of the so-called religious group.

It's not a good feeling to be watched.

Luo Yu sat aside, playing with the dagger in his hand.

‘apocalypse’, these are the letters engraved on the handle.

"The Revelation Order? What a loud tone!"


"Let's go, I agreed to take you to see the lady today."

It didn't take long for Thomas to return to the Muliao Tea Room and bring breakfast for several people.

Whether he should talk or not, he was very good at handling the details.

"what is that?"

As soon as he went out, Paimon saw the statue not far away.

In the spirit of asking if you don’t understand, I successfully transformed myself into a hundred thousand whys.

"That's the statue of Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes. Do you want to see it?"


Just because of these words, several people had to travel a few minutes longer.

It's just like a tourist group. If they didn't say anything, who would have known that this group of people was planning a terrible plan.

But don’t tell me, you can’t go to Inazuma without seeing this statue.

"It's so strange. There is a chilling atmosphere around here... Most people are not kind enough to come here."

"Wait a minute, not everything embedded in this..."

"That's right, it's the Eye of God."

Seeing how interested Paimon was, Thomas simply told her about the origin of the Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes statue.

Luo Yu was naturally not interested in these. What he was more interested in was, is this statue the real thunder and lightning or the shadow of himself?

Suddenly, a strange breath came out of his space. It was not malicious, but it was a little dissatisfied.

The target seems to idol?

"I didn't expect you to give me such a troublesome thing, Master..."

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