Bakuru waved his weapon Lian Che Ya towards Shah Rukh. While avoiding it, Shah Rukh summoned his own weapon - the Extermination Spirit Ring Knife. The blade and the ring bell were made of Gujira Beast Eagle respectively. It is made from the skull and the lower jaw of a rotten scorpion. After impact, it can emit brain-shattering sound waves that split the mind.

Bakuru took advantage of his speed and launched a series of attacks on Shah Rukh like a ghost. Shah Rukh could only defend passively, but fortunately he knew Bakuru's moves, so he could resist them with weapons. Bakuru's offensive.

After a few rounds of fighting, the two weapons collided with each other and sparks flew. Shah Rukh stared angrily and said, "I just want to live a good life, why are you forcing each other so hard!"

Bakuru sneered and said, "Are you still living a good life? Don't forget your identity! The general's orders cannot be questioned!"

During the conversation, Shah Rukh found an opportunity and used the power of his weapon. He poured the energy in his body into the extermination ring knife, causing the blade and the ring ring to collide with each other, making a heart-stopping sound. .

The sound was like the roar of a demon or the scream of an evil spirit, piercing Bakuru's eardrums. Bakuru had no armor to block him. After being hit by the sound wave, he held his head in pain and let out a shrill wail.

At this time, Shah Rukh was like a warrior standing on the edge of life and death, his eyes full of determination and anger. He knew very well that General Lufa had given an order to kill him, and he had no way out. Only by trying his best could he have a chance to survive.

"I'm sorry, brother." Shah Rukh waved the extermination ring knife in his hand and struck Bakuru.

At the critical moment of life and death, Bakuru endured his headache and narrowly avoided Shah Rukh's attack. Bakuru took a few steps back and distanced himself from Shah Rukh. At the same time, a red streak appeared outside the warehouse. The figure watched all this through the gap.

Because Shah Rukh did not have much energy, the sonic attack from the Extermination Ring Sword did not cause fatal damage to Bakuru. Now, although Bakuru's eardrums and head still hurt a little, he can continue fighting.

Bakuru used the Fang Slash, and heat waves surrounded his body as he swung the sword, condensing the heat waves into a blade and slashing towards Shah Rukh.

The crimson blade slashed at Shah Rukh quickly. Shah Rukh had no time to dodge, so he had to put the weapon in front of him to defend himself. The crimson blade collided with Shah Rukh's weapon, and a wave of heat hit his face.

Seeing that Shah Rukh could no longer hold on, at the critical moment, a red slash appeared, grazing Shah Rukh's body like lightning, and collided with the red blade energy. Shah Rukh was struck by these two slashes. The huge energy generated by the collision of different slashes is pushed away.

Bakuru looked in the direction of the red slash, and saw the Xingtian Armor suddenly appearing in his field of vision. Bakuru couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Xingtian Armor!"

It turned out that Xiaotian received a notification after Shah Rukh sent a message to Sabin and was teleported outside this abandoned warehouse. However, Xiaotian did not attack Bakuru immediately, but watched the battle between Shah Rukh and Bakuru outside the warehouse.

He was waiting for the best opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy. It was not until Shah Rukh was about to die that Xiaotian took action. He used the Fire Torture Universe, which was as powerful as a volcanic eruption. He used it at the critical moment to save Shah Rukh.

Shah Rukh, who was pushed away and fell to the ground, breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing the Xingtian armor, and secretly rejoiced in his heart: "I finally managed to hold on until someone came to rescue me."

Xiaotian's transformation was as fast as lightning, and he was in front of Bakuru in the blink of an eye. He was seen holding a burning sword, stabbing Bakuru's abdomen like a poisonous snake.

After all, Bakuru is also a speed-type Nether Demon with quick reactions. At the moment when the Fire Sword was about to stab, he used teleportation and came behind the Xingtian Armor like a ghost, avoiding this fatal sword.

When Bakuru came to the back of the Xingtian Armor, he waved the Lianche Ya in his hand and slashed at the back of the Xingtian Armor. The blow was so swift and violent that it seemed to split Xingtian's armor in half. However, just when Rencheya was about to strike, a sound of howling ghosts and wolves sounded, interrupting Bakuru's attack.

This is when Shah Rukh, who is still on the ground, once again used the ability of the weapon to destroy the spiritual ring knife. This sound was like the sound of nature, and like the roar of an evil ghost, it was transmitted into Bakuru's mind, and the severe pain came again, interrupting the attack that Bakulu was about to make.

Lufa, who was far away from Bawang Group, naturally sensed the appearance of Xingtian Armor, and quickly sent a message to Bakuru: "Bakulu, retreat immediately!"

Bakuru heard Lufa's voice transmission, but at this time, his head was in great pain, and with the Xingtian Armor turning around to attack, Bakuru had no energy to restore Lufa.

Lufa continued to send messages to Bakuru: "Bakuru, can you hear me? Retreat quickly!"

Because of the armor, Xiaotian only heard the sound, and did not feel any discomfort except that the sound was a bit unpleasant. It is no wonder that Shah Rukh did not use this trick on Xiaotian and the others in the original work, and it did not work on the armor. .

After turning around, Xiaotian struck Bakuru with a sword. Bakuru let out a scream and was knocked to the ground. The pain in Bakuru's body was greater than the pain in his head.

"You traitor!" Bakuru looked at Shah Rukh and shouted angrily.

Shah Rukh just got up from the ground and looked at Bakuru without saying anything. Shah Rukh knew that after the Xingtian Armor appeared, his sentence was certain, and now no matter how he explained, it was useless.

Seeing that he still had the strength to shout, Xiaotian used the Fire Punishment Qiankun Knife again. He first inserted the Fire Punishment Sword upside down on the ground, then gathered energy in his right hand and injected it into the sword through the handle, and slashed a luminous blade at the opponent with his backhand. It is so powerful that it can easily defeat the opponent's attack.

While scolding Shah Rukh, Bakuru was also paying attention to the Xingtian Armor. The moment the red slash appeared, Bakuru immediately rolled aside, but he couldn't avoid the slash from the Fire Punishment Universe and still hit Bakuru. On his body, Bakuru was blown away by the energy of the Fire Punishment Universe.

"Ah~~" After letting out a scream, Bakuru lost the ability to fight.

Bakuru, who fell on the ground, saw Xingtian Armor walking towards him step by step. He knew that he could no longer run, so he replied: "You can hear the general, I can't walk. Shah Rukh and Xingtian Armor are..." Together! General, you must~"

Because the little angel used Xingtian Armor's killing technique and pulled Bakuru into the barrier, Bakuru's sound transmission was interrupted.

Lufa heard what Bakuru had not finished and knew that Bakuru had been pulled into the sure-kill barrier. His heart was filled with resentment towards Xingtian Armor and murderous intent towards Shah Rukh, and he said in a low voice: "Armor Warrior! Shah Rukh! Just wait for me!"

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