Start cultivating immortality from the armored warrior

Chapter 129 Researching Shuttle Craft

At this time, Dongshan also read the information on Badou's computer. There was indeed a loophole in the ERP satellite, which was enough to paralyze the satellite. Dongshan nodded to Wang Kun and indicated that judging from the data on the computer, Badou did have computer skills. .

Wang Kun said: "You do have talents that are beyond ordinary people, but you can't join ERP just by relying on your talents."

Badou was very happy that his talents were recognized, but the second half of Wang Kun's words still puzzled Badou, so he asked: "What else do you want?"

Wang Kun patted Badou on the shoulder and said: "The person who will examine you will tell you to go back and wait. Someone will come to you then."

"Can I join ERP after passing the review?" Badou was quite excited.


"Thank you, I will definitely pass the review." Badou said excitedly.

After sending Badou home, Dongshan said: "This man's ability is indeed good, he is a talent, but it is a pity that he has gone astray."

Things about Badou being a hacker were easy to find out, so Dongshan said he had gone astray.

"It's not too late to look back now, isn't it?" Wang Kun said.

"Hopefully he can pass."

After Dongshan and Wang Kun returned to ERP, Wang Kun told everyone about the shuttle boat. However, because he had already dealt with supernatural beasts and knew that there were other creatures outside the earth, he was not worried about the existence of aircraft on the moon. Accident.

"Let's go, brothers, let's get to work." Wang Kun said.

"I'm the best at this kind of thing." Xizhao said jokingly.

"Come on, let's see what this alien spaceship looks like." Dongshan said.

A group of 6 people drove the light and shadow horse to the moon. Wang Kun suddenly thought that the ERP research laboratory might not be able to accommodate the three shuttle boats, so he notified Yang Kexin and asked her to contact Mr. Zhou to find a suitable warehouse for parking.

Wang Kun then contacted Bald Qiang and asked him to put down his work and return to D City to prepare to study the high-tech spaceship from Ares.

Soon Wang Kun and his party appeared on the moon. Wang Kun easily found the location of the three shuttle boats. He originally planned to pull them back, but Wang Kun then thought about it and thought that pulling them back would cause other countries to invade. The satellite discovered it and received these three shuttle boats into the light field.

Before leaving, Wang Kun took out a Chinese flag from the storage ring and inserted it on the moon. He then mobilized the earth element to secure it tightly to prevent it from falling off if it was not firmly inserted.

After returning to Earth, Wang Kun came to a military warehouse. The contents of the warehouse had been emptied, leaving only a few scientists and a team of special forces.

Wang Kun released the shuttle boat from the light domain. Although several scientists were very interested in the light domain, the shuttle boat that could float on the ground attracted their attention even more.

Moreover, with their current abilities, they could not study the light domain at all, so it was more realistic to start with the shuttle boat in front of them. Wang Kun and the others also watched curiously how these scientists studied the shuttle boat.

The first problem encountered now is that the driver's cab cannot be opened, and there is no gap on the outside of the shuttle boat. The scientists have been researching for a long time and have not found a solution.

Moreover, Earth's current technology cannot cut through the shuttle craft at all. Although Wang Kun has the ability to cut through the shuttle craft, he is worried that it will cause immeasurable damage to it, so he can only watch.

Just then Guang Touqiang arrived. After nodding with Wang Kun, he came to the small space shuttle boat with yellow and green as the main colors at the edge and started tinkering.

"Let them study it, let's go back, we don't understand this anyway." Wang Kun said.

Xinnan and the others also had this intention, and left here with Wang Kun. Shortly after Wang Kun and the others left, Mr. Zhou rushed over. When Mr. Zhou saw the three shuttle boats, his expression was serious, and he immediately cleared the warehouse and the surrounding 3 The kilometer setting has become a military restricted area.

Mr. Zhou looked at the shuttle boat and said, "It seems that the Nantianmen plan is going to be advanced."

As the saying goes, everything is always difficult at the beginning. Even with the participation of Bald Qiang, it took three days to open the cab. After opening the cab, the densely packed dials inside made many scientists' scalps numb.

A month later, Croton passed the review and test of the dragon group, and successfully joined the ERP research laboratory with Wang Kun's permission. Croton learned that the two people who came back to see him last time were the Summoner of the Emperor Armor and the Wind Eagle Armor. After summoning people, I was even more excited and couldn't sleep.

On the second day after arriving at ERP, Badou started working overtime, using his extraordinary hacking abilities to put layers of protection on the two satellites belonging to ERP. As for the loopholes discovered last time, Meizhen and Toshan have already repaired them.

"Congratulations to the host for meeting the key plot character Croton, and you will be rewarded with 2 high-level draws."

"Oh~ I was actually rewarded with 2 advanced lottery draws, which is pretty good."

Wang Kun looked at the 5 high-level draws displayed on the panel and said: "I have saved up to 5 times, so let's save 5 more times and then draw 10 consecutive draws. Anyway, I don't need anything now."

Good news came from Bald Qiang. They successfully dismantled the Thunder Horse (the mount of King Kong Armor), which was Bald Qiang's first shuttle boat with two main colors: yellow and green.

A high-tech radar - the G6000 radar - was obtained from the Thunder Horse. The ultra-high frequency radar manufactured by Ares can detect any object, which is a rare thing.

There are also two drill bits on the Thunder Horse, which are more than twice as tough as the metal of the shuttle boat itself. Through these two drill bits, some metal scraps were successfully rubbed off the shuttle boat, thereby studying what metal the shuttle boat is made of. Caused.

Unfortunately, after careful analysis, it was concluded that the metal used to make the shuttle craft contains two unknown metals in addition to the iridium, rhodium, and rhenium that are found on the earth.

But even the three types of iridium, rhodium, and rhenium that exist on the earth are very rare on the earth. Iridium is one of the very rare elements in the earth's crust, usually accounting for only one ten millionth of the earth's total mass. Global iridium reserves are approximately 3 tons, of which China’s iridium reserves are approximately 1600 tons, accounting for only about 100% of global reserves, and are extremely difficult to mine.

Rhodium is a platinum group metal, known as the "treasure metal" because of its rarity and high price. Global rhodium reserves are approximately 1200 tons, of which China’s rhodium reserves are approximately 20 tons, accounting for approximately 1.67% of global reserves.

Rhenium is a silvery white metal with the highest boiling point and the third highest melting point. Global rhenium reserves are approximately 2100 tons, of which China’s rhenium reserves are approximately 30 tons, accounting for approximately 1.43% of global reserves.

Even if these three rare metals on the earth are solved, there are still two metals that do not exist or have not been discovered on the earth. Many scientists are sighing and regretting.

Only Bald Qiang kept knocking in his office, as if he was making something.

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