I work 9 to 5 in Chainsaw Man

Chapter 77 The shadow of the past

Dudalinov stood in front of a short tombstone, stunned.

The tombstone looks like it has been erected for a long time. Tiny moss has climbed up the surface of the tombstone, and mottled fragments are carved on it. The base underneath is very clean, and it looks like someone has been cleaning it frequently. In the middle of the tombstone is engraved Rose Klee. Ulrich.

Dudalinov reached out and took away the withered flower branches and placed fresh roses on them.

She stared at the tombstone quietly. Her voice was not as sad as before in front of Nikita's monument. Instead, she lowered her head like a primary school student who had done something wrong and said: "Mom, long time no see. I am now the president of the council. Mary was ousted by me.”

She pursed her lips and continued: "I know, you said, it was your own choice, don't blame him, but there is no way not to hate him, I didn't kill him, I just let him retire and get pension It’s enough for him to support his current family.”

"I found your diary, which made me recognize you for the first time, mother. You who didn't give me companionship and care when I was young actually confided in your diary. To be honest, you wrote The love story with Mary is really cliché, haha..."

Dudalinov was facing the tombstone, chatting about some of the family's trivial matters, and the expression on his face gradually became relaxed. The rain stopped at some point, and the fresh wind blew through the ends of her hair, reminding her of her chaotic thoughts.

Chi Ke in the distance did not bother Dudalinov, but stopped in front of the three tombstones in front of him. His eyes were downcast, and his tone was unprecedentedly lonely. His confident look when facing demons and other people seemed to be just phantom.

At this moment, he took off all disguises. Cowardice and timidity were his true appearance.

Chi Ke sat down cross-legged, without the signature smile on his face. The corners of his mouth moved up and down, and there was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. If Xu Sheng were here, he would doubt whether he had recognized the wrong person.

He placed a bunch of roses in front of each tombstone, took out a bottle of vodka from his pocket and said, "Brothers, I'm late, I'll punish myself with a drink."


"What shadow of the past?"

Alice took a broom and swept the dust in front of each tombstone in the cemetery. Takagi followed behind with a small spray and sprayed it. Alice was really curious and couldn't help asking.

Takagi didn't think about anything and replied: "Almost all the demons signed by everyone in the experimental force were provided by the captain. These demons are powerful and cheap. I don't know how the captain did it. There were officials who asked the captain to hand over the demons before." The captain rejected all the methods she tried."

"But Chi Ke, none of the demons he currently controls are provided by the captain."

Alice widened her eyes slightly in surprise and said: "As far as I can see, Chi Ke controls at least two kinds of demons. Although it is very powerful to sign two demons with missing arms and legs, there are not a few, right? Not to mention the far ones. , just tell me, uncle Zhenyi, don’t you also have mastery of two demons?”

"It's different." Takagi pressed down the spray and suppressed the rising dust. "Although the Pocket Demon and the Karma Demon I signed are two demons, there is a simple classification between the demons. If the Karma Demon is A level, Pocket Demons belong to the C level, one is higher and the other is lower, and their abilities are one attack and one auxiliary. In comparison, the two demons I signed will not bring much burden to me."

"But Chi Ke is different. According to the classification, the demons he signed are all B-level demons. The Silk Thread Demon has strong cutting ability and a certain defense recovery ability. The Eagle Demon has excellent The ability to fly, and he has signed more than two contracts with demons."

"He signed a contract with three demons!" Alice exclaimed: "Then what is his price?"

"I don't know. I have never seen him use the third demon's ability. I know this because he told me in a daze when he was drunk and I went to the bar to pick up people."

Alice nodded and asked: "Then how did he sign these demons?"

Takagi's throat moved slightly: "When Chi Ke first joined the army, he was not an experimental unit directly joined, but an ordinary Kberg trainee demon hunter. After one month of internship, he successfully became a full-time member of a patrol unit. Team, I don’t know what happened next, but the captain mentioned to me that their team was later ordered to carry out the mission of exterminating the followers of the Demon Gun. In the end, only Chi Ke of the four-person team came back."

"After that, the captain introduced Chi Ke into the experimental unit. I don't know Chi Ke's past, but he always gave me a very fake look."

Alice thought of Nikita's fake smile and blurted out: "Like Nikita?"

"No, Nikita made a fake smile because he lost his emotions, but Chi is not a fake smile. He is like an actor with superb acting skills, pretending to be others, hiding his true emotions and moods, Integrate yourself wholeheartedly into the role you play, and act according to the thoughts of the character you play.

This is inappropriate. If he wears the mask for a long time, he will forget his true appearance. He will never be able to escape the shadow of his teammates' death. "

"What should we do?" Alice thought about Chi Ke's behavior and couldn't think of a reason.

"He can only rely on himself."

Takagi's eyes gradually deepened, looking at Chi Ke's back in the distance.

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