This also leads to the fact that Sauron has not yet mastered ghost energy and Asura mode.

Lin Yu was already thinking about whether to awaken Sauron in Devil May Cry form first.

Zoro in the original work can master the ghost energy, so it is better to strengthen it directly and directly control the power of ghosts and gods. The combat power exploded will never be weaker than the Asura mode with the power of ghost energy.

There is also a way to help Sauron master the power of ghosts and gods, which is simply to use the job transfer book directly.

In this way, the path forward for the three main characters is almost paved. Luffy is waiting for the fruit to awaken, Sanji is looking to see if there is a chance to transform humans and evolve, and Zoro directly controls the power of ghosts and gods.

As for other people, just lie down with a belt and shout 666.

Helping them improve their combat power is also for better self-protection.

"By the way Zoro, there was no chance for you to use this when you were in the dream. Now, you can decide for yourself whether you want to use it."

Lin Yu took out a simple yet eerie purple book. This book looked particularly weird, as if there was an invisible layer of ghostly energy lingering on it, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

It is the Ghost Swordsman's job transfer book, and he has the Devil May Cry form with the power to control ghosts and gods.

"In a certain underground city, there is a group of people who are infected by ghost energy and a part of their body becomes strange. They are called ghost swordsmen. The ghost swordsmen can awaken different powers and become different types of swordsmen. Ghost swordsmen, such as berserkers who fight with energy and blood, and emperors who are good at using psychic power,"

"And this is a unique item called a job transfer book. You can understand it as some kind of inheritance. After using this, it can help you master the power of ghosts and gods and use the power of ghosts and gods to fight."

"After using it, you can become a swordsman with the power of ghosts and gods, the Dark Lord Devil May Cry!"

While Lin Yu took out the props to Sauron, he also began to instill the preliminary concepts of the dungeon into several people.

"Do you have the power of ghosts and gods? It sounds interesting."

"It does match my demon sword, Ghost Sword."

Zoro took out the Third Generation Kitetsu from his waist and looked at it carefully.

This knife and Xue Zhi were obtained by Zoro in Rogge Town, and the previous two knives have been replaced.

From the moment Zoro got this knife, he had a faint feeling that there was something inside.

If I have to go into detail, it seems that there is an evil will, which is the so-called evil spirit.

Zoro actually has insights into the third generation of ghost Tetsu on weekdays, and wants to fully develop the power of the third generation of ghost Tetsu, which is the later ghost energy and Asura mode.

However, a mere demon sword cannot match the real power of ghosts and gods.

As a dark lord, Devil May Cry is a swordsman who can use the power of many ghosts and gods!

"So what, do you want to use it?"

"Once it's determined, there's no regrets."

Lin Yu asked very seriously.

"Ah, there's no need to ask. As early as when I chose to join you, I already don't care about evil or justice. As long as it allows me to achieve my goal and fulfill my ambition..."

"Even if we cooperate with ghosts and gods and step into hell, so what!"

Zoro had a smile on his face, and his words already expressed his unwavering belief!

"Hehehe, it sounds interesting. What does the power of ghosts and gods look like?"

Luffy was looking forward to it. Of course he was also happy that his partners could continue to grow stronger.

"It sounds cool. This way we won't be afraid of ghosts in the future. Are there really ghosts in the world? Zoro, please use it and see!"

Usopp's words reminded Lin Yu.

If Zoro is proficient in the power of Devil May Cry and enters the territory of a certain Shichibukai, he will have some fun.

While you were still playing with corpses, I had already started summoning ghosts and gods!

That scene is very exciting to think about.

Sanji lit a cigarette aside and remained silent.

Lin Yu looked at Sanji. He really didn't know what should be enhanced for Sanji, an armor transformer or a Kamen Rider belt?

After all, Sanji can barely be considered a reformer, and his family back home secretly built a tailor-made transformer for him, so let's leave it at that for the time being.

"Very well, since you have decided Zoro, then use him."

Lin Yu gave Sauron the Devil May Cry job transfer letter.

Zoro didn't waste any time, took the job transfer letter and opened it directly.

The next moment, a blue-purple light shot out from the job transfer book, like a ghost, directly covering Sauron.

The process of changing jobs is very short and can be completed in just a few breaths.

When the ghostly aura dissipated, Sauron was seen half-kneeling on the deck with a pained face. The job transfer letter had disappeared, replaced by the strange changes in Sauron's left arm!

On Zoro's left arm, ghostly auras of different colors could be seen with the naked eye. They were intertwined with each other and even fighting.

Because this ghost energy does not only come from the power of a ghost or god.

But it comes from the power of seven different ghosts and gods!

To become Devil May Cry, the Dark Lord, is to be able to freely control the power of ghosts and gods to fight!

Kazan of the Soul of the Blade, Kaija of the Afterimage, Pu Meng of the Corrosion, Saya of the Frost, Carlo of the Dark Flame, Rakshasa of the Plague, and the seventh ghost: the rampaging Boraxiu!

"Huh, is this the power of ghosts and gods? It's really an intoxicating and powerful force!"

Zoro's left arm has been completely eroded by the power of ghosts and gods. This is the price of using the power of ghosts and gods.

At the same time, the third-generation ghost sword, known as the demon sword, was also affected by the power of ghosts and gods, automatically unsheathed, and was entangled with the ghost energy on Zoro's left hand.

It seems that because of Devil May Cry's job change, the power of ghosts and gods automatically selected the weapon around Zoro that is most suitable for the power of ghosts and gods, which is the third generation of ghosts.

And directly and domineeringly injected the power of ghosts and gods into it, completely changing the third generation of Ghost.

Third Generation Kitetsu: No, I can't do it anymore. It's too much. I won't be able to bear it. It's going to turn into...

If the previous three generations of ghosts were just fast swords, the third generation of ghosts now blessed with the power of ghosts and gods will definitely not be weaker than the big swords, and may even be stronger than the first generation of ghosts!

Moreover, the current third-generation ghost sword is already a real demon sword. If anyone other than Zoro touches this sword, I am afraid that the power of ghosts and gods contained in it will erode the sanity in an instant, and directly become a killing machine without sanity!

"It's amazing, Zoro's aura has completely changed!"

Luffy rarely had a playful smile on his face and looked at Zoro with a serious face.

The others were similar. If he hadn't experienced the training in the dream, Usopp would have been scared to death.

The aura on Sauron's body was really terrifying, and he was completely like a ghost.

The ghostly energy was already visible to the naked eye, floating around Sauron.

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