Everyone's eyes moved to He Chuan who stood up slowly.

The blood is still flowing.

In his hand, he held a white cloth.

"He Chuan, don't be brave." Coral Gong Xinhai couldn't help shouting in the audience.

"Why, now, do you still want to stand up and show off as a hero?" Aoi Sakimoto laughed wildly, as if she was watching a clown.

He is confident that the Kamisato family will soon be in dire straits, and now he can completely make a fuss.

He Chuan lowered his head slightly, and there was a sharp long knife in his hand.

The blade is as smooth as a mirror, and the breeze blows gently.

"Elder Suma died at the hands of Gale Swordsmanship, Yasuo, how do you explain it?"

Once, he didn't understand why in that story, Tian Zong was like Yasuo, unwilling to surrender and wait for the truth to come out, but decided to escape from Ionia, betraying everyone, and bearing everything alone in pain.

Now, Kamisato Ayaka was in front of him, with his long sword unsheathed, blocking the enemy's deadly sword for him.

His stinging heart gave him the answer.

How can a swordsman's dignity be protected by others?

Today it’s Kamisato Ayaka, tomorrow it’s Coral Palace Heart Sea, and then what?

He Chuan!

Are you a waste!

He traveled across time just to stand behind a woman, beg for mercy from a powerful enemy, and huddle in peace?

"He Chuan, don't mess around. You are no match for him. What's more, you have surrendered." Kamisato Ayaka advised without looking back.

"Surrender?" He Chuan smiled.

"Are you referring to this? Chiyoko used it to wipe my sweat." He picked up the white handkerchief in his hand.

Kamisato Ayaka turned her head and stared at He Chuan with her beautiful eyes. At this moment, she seemed to feel that the aura of the man in front of her had changed.

"Back away, Kamisato Ayaka."

He Chuan stood with his sword across, his torn clothes rising in the wind, and his rickety body standing unshaken like mountains and earth.

Kamisato Ayaka hesitated for a moment and stepped away.

"You take care of yourself."

Maybe, he still has some confidence.

"Are you begging for death?" Sakimoto Aoi put away her smile and looked at the figure in front of her, seemingly confused.

Feeling the energy of the evil eye wash over the body again, the majestic power bursts out.


He Chuan's body trembled slightly, and he understood that every time the evil eye was used, death would be closer to him.

At the same time, he smiled.

He said: "Death is like the wind, always with me."

Warriors have no choice.

Just fight.

Looking at Coral Palace Xinhai and the others, He Chuan nodded to them to reassure them.

"Okay, I'll kill you here to prevent you from having those boring dreams of being strong again." Aoi Sakimoto said to herself.

He Chuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and took action directly. The long knife whizzed towards him, carrying a fierce wind, and all the evil eye energy flowing in his body was mobilized.

He used the tactics he learned from Araki Ryu, using his utmost strength and making dangerous moves.

Aoi Sakimoto raised the knife to touch each other, her complexion suddenly changed, and she was forced back by the huge force.

"Now, it's my turn to attack." He Chuan roared angrily, "Just die."

He pursued her relentlessly and also used the evil eye. At the same level, Aoi Sakimoto was not worth mentioning.

The changes in the scene shocked all the viewers.

Is this He Chuan still hiding his strength?

The head of the Araki-ryu family and Norimasa, who had already returned to his seat, knew the details of He Chuan best.

As early as seven days ago, when they were sparring at Mingjing Zhishui, Nozheng was still fighting with He Chuan inextricably.

But now, He Chuan's performance in the Taoist Forum far exceeds that of Norimasa. In the last contest, he competed with Aoi Sakimoto, who was close to the third level, and he didn't know who would lose and who would win.

"You also have evil eyes!" Sakimoto Kui looked at He Chuan who was crossing swords with him in shock.

"Isn't this what you fools put on Haiji Island?" He Chuan sneered.

Sakimoto Aoi was shocked in her heart. He used his killing move and rushed towards He Chuan.

"Even so, you will not be my opponent!"

He Chuan did not withdraw his long sword. He concentrated all his strength on his arm, raised the long sword straight, and stabbed down.

"Steel-cutting flash!"

Fierce white light shot out, and Sakimoto Aoi's killing move instantly disintegrated, like an earthworm shaking a tree.

"How is that possible!" Sakimoto Aoi hurriedly retreated.

He showed extremely strong physical skills and began to fight with He Chuanyou. The two sides chased each other and started fighting in the field.

"This Saki Motokui's body skills are actually so good."

"I've never heard of Cangshan Liu having such a body skill."

"Then He Chuan is not weak. He actually forced Aoi Sakimoto to this point. How did he practice."

Originally, He Chuan had turned the disadvantage and started to attack, but after Aoi Sakimoto opened up his position, he was more flexible than He Chuan and regained the dominance in one fell swoop.

He Chuan followed Motoki Qi with all his strength. He also had some body skills.

Step forward and chop!

He lowered his body, lowered the wind resistance, and rushed forward as if flying close to the ground, at an extremely fast speed.

In just a blink of an eye, people had already arrived in front of Sakimoto Aoi.

"Whirlwind Slash!"

This is a variant of the Steel Flash. Used quickly after using the forward slash, it can turn inertia into the power of a spinning slash in one fell swoop, which is astonishingly powerful.

Before using Evil Eye, He Chuan was not completely sure to use this set of skills consistently, but with the increase of Evil Eye, he could finally use it boldly.

Aoi Sakimoto turned around and saw He Chuan's figure approaching quickly, and was shocked. The next second, He Chuan had already arrived in front of him.


A swirling sword wind directly knocked Sakimoto Aoi away, who could not avoid it in time. He Chuan followed up again, pointing the long knife directly at Sakimoto Aoi's eyebrows.

He didn't hold anything back, and those who humiliated others would always be humiliated.

"I surrender!"

Aoi Sakimoto screamed.

He Chuan's long knife suddenly stopped, and his face turned pale. In fact, at this time, he had only one breath left.

"You got Fooled."

Aoi Sakimoto reacted, her face turned purple and extremely angry.


He drew his sword and was about to charge forward when a figure stopped in front of He Chuan.

"Mr. Aoi Sakimoto, you have given up, the game is over." Ayaka Kamisato appeared at the right time. If Aoi Sakimoto is still messing around, she doesn't mind letting the other party see the swordsmanship of Kamisato.

But at that time, even if he could defeat himself, he would not be able to get out of Kamisato Yashiki.

In the audience, exclamations arose one after another, and slowly, someone spontaneously gave He Chuan applause.

He Chuan looked at Chiyoko who looked in disbelief and smiled.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

At this time, even Coral Palace Xinhai could only express exclamations of praise.

"He Chuan, you are really awesome."

After a while, Kamisato Ayaka announced the result, and the third place in the discussion was Feng Zhenyunta.

The second place is Aoi Sakimoto.

The first place is He Chuan.

"In addition, because Aoi Sakimoto maliciously hurt others, the spoils of war will be cancelled." Kamisato Ayaka said.

"As for the medical expenses of the two injured, they will also be borne by Cangshan Ryu. Unfortunately, before your school pays the medical expenses in full, please ask the three Cangshan Ryu to stay at my Kamisato's house for a while."

Listening to this, Ayaka Kamisato is going to detain Takeda Hiromitsu and the others here.

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