"Did you make a mistake?"

Before starting, He Chuan once said this in the face of Tanba Takaya's arrogance.

Now, He Chuan finally said the next sentence.

"I have never regarded you as a rival."


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Tanba Takaya's mouth. He raised his head and looked at He Chuan, whose eyes were indifferent. His eyes were full of disbelief and unwillingness. Finally, he fell to the ground and fainted.

"very good!"

While everyone was paying attention to He Chuan, Aoi Sakimoto couldn't help but laugh out loud, and a killing intent that was so strong that it couldn't be covered seeped out of his body.

This is why he hates He Chuan from the moment they meet!

He and He Chuan are basically the same kind of people!

How could those scum-like things be qualified to be regarded as their opponents!

This is such a person! it's him!

He Chuan! He must die in the hands of Aoi Sakimoto!

Among his peers, only he can ascend to the final throne! No one can stop him, not even... Kamisato Ayaka!

Soon, the doctors of the Kamisato family led people to carry Tanba Takaya away. Except for the knife that was cut in half by He Chuan, he had no injuries on his body. He passed out. This was purely due to the continuous use of two killing moves and He Chuan's The heart-wrenching words made him angry.

Tanba Tetsuo walked with the doctor, and when he passed Chiyoko, his eyes were extremely angry.

"You would rather hand over the Tengu Ye Shen Chapter to an outsider than to us!"

At this moment, he finally made up his mind!

"He Chuan." After seeing He Chuan's action, even Feng Zhenyuntai couldn't look at it with a normal mind. A high-spirited fighting spirit emerged from him.

In the next scene, it was Feng Zhenyunta who appeared.

He faced off against the fourth member of Aoi Sakimoto's group. Stimulated by He Chuan, he no longer held back. His moves were full of unique skills. When he swung the blade, he was like an ancient knight traveling thousands of miles with his sword.

The opponent is also a disciple of the Myoken-ryu among the ten Narukami clans. He has superb sword skills and a physical body that has been trained since he was a child.

However, when he met Feng Zhenyunta, he was still in the same situation. After dozens of fierce battles, he unfortunately lost.

Both sides saluted, Feng Zhen Yuntai put away his sword and turned his attention to He Chuan again.

He could feel that He Chuan's kendo philosophy was different from theirs, and fighting with him would definitely improve his kendo level.

Immediately afterwards, Onitaka Ishihara of Hikiki-ryu went into battle against the fourth-placed player in Hechuan's group. After a fierce battle, Onitaka Ishihara relied on his unpredictable body skills and devious sword moves to defeat his opponent. .

Then Qianhe Qianzhen appeared, and the results of the lottery came out, which was shocking.

She actually faced off against Aoi Sakimoto, who was the most brutal.

Many people couldn't help but speculate whether she would be killed by Nazaki Motokui.

It would be a pity for such a young, beautiful and proficient swordsman to be lost in the hands of Aoi Sakimoto.

However, even so, Qianhe Qianhe did not choose to retreat. One of the purposes of her trip was this Saki Motokui.

The shrine has a transcendent status in Inazuma and has its own intelligence network.

Before she came out, she heard her mother-in-law say that Cangshanliu was connected with the foreigners who were the fools.

Iwakura-ryu, looking at the entire Inazuma, is a treasure.

Although they cannot interfere too much in Inazuma's state affairs, as people of the world, Gensakura Ryu has reason to help Inazuma protect Iwazo Ryu.

No matter how much you fight in your own family, it is still your own business. The Fools and the others have done nothing good in Inazuma. Iwazo Ryu cannot fall into their hands.

Looking at the pretty figure slowly walking inside her, the cold smile on Sakimoto Aoi's lips continued to expand.

"I think you are ready. Right?" Sakimoto Aoi pulled out the long knife, and the bloody aura was clearly revealed.

Xi Qianhe was unmoved and practiced swordsmanship at the shrine for ten years. She had already learned to be calm under any circumstances.

"If you want to get the secret sword, you have to pass my level first." Su raised the rapier with his bare hand, looking at Qianhe with an extremely serious expression.

The long sleeves fluttered, and the shadow of the sword was projected out like cherry blossoms, pointing directly at Sakimoto Aoi.

Sakimoto Aoi smiled indifferently, swung the blade, and effortlessly blocked all the confusing sword shadows.

"The mantis' arm is like a chariot."

He stepped forward and charged forward. The powerful force Qianzuru was unable to resist. He could only rely on his light body to dodge around and deal with Sakimoto Aoi.

"We can't go on like this." Xi Qianhe knew in her heart that if her attack failed to pose a threat to Sakimoto Aoi, she would soon be suppressed.

"Thousands of cherry blossoms are falling!" She raised her hand, and her wooden clogs were like a boat, and her steps were filled with wind, carrying her and raining down countless swords, scattering like cherry blossoms.

"too weak."

However, under such an offensive, Sakimoto Aoi stood motionless.

When the rain of swords was about to fall, he suddenly raised his sword and swept out with terrifying power.

"Broken River!"


Aoi Chizuru's killing move was instantly broken, and Aoi Sakimoto's knife accurately hit her in the abdomen, knocking her away and rolling to the ground.

At this time, people were shocked to discover that Saki Motokui actually put the sword into its sheath and struck the blow.

If he really slashed forward with his sword, Xi Qianhe would have been cut in half by now, and Xiang Yuyu would have died.

This huge gap in strength made many viewers gasp.


Xi Qianhe held his sword and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Admit defeat." Sakimoto Aoi said indifferently. It's not that he doesn't want to kill directly, but if he kills at this moment, the Kamisato family will pay great attention and be wary of him.

This will hinder their subsequent actions.

Even so, he did not hold back. Under the sweep of the steel knife, Xi Qianhe's slender waist was like a weak willow in the wind, and it was almost cut off.

However, even after receiving a heavy blow, Xi Qianhe still stood up silently, her eyes were firm, and there was still a trace of blood on the corner of her bright red mouth.


Kamisato Ayaka stood in front of the stage, watching this scene. She knew that there was a huge gap between the two sides, and it was already difficult for Xi Qianhe to win. However, as a warrior, she could not say anything to make Xi Qianhe admit defeat.

The fighting spirit is like anger, and it is released in one breath. Some people may not be able to lift it up for ten days and a half, and some people may not be able to raise it for a lifetime.

Aoi Sakimoto did not show any emotion in response to Qianhe Qianhe. He approached Qianhe Qianzuru, who had re-arranged his posture, with a knife.

Xi Qianhe attacked again, the attack was extremely swift, and the sword came out without a shadow, spreading the candlelight in the night to all parts of the ring.

Aoi Sakimoto used her sword to attack. Both sides were extremely powerful. If they were given enough time, they would surely be able to enter the Three Realms and become a strong player.

However, there seems to be a long distance between this kind of strength and power.

Xi Qianhe was repelled again.

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