The moment he stepped through the door, the strong smell of dust hit his face, causing him to cough continuously.

"Puff! Cough cough cough cough... Is this the so-called secret stronghold? The dust is indeed dense enough." Looking at the dusty room, He Chuan put his hands on his hips and sighed.

After putting down the luggage and cleaning the entire house, it was already midnight.

He Chuan took a bath, feeling tired from his body that had not yet fully recovered, so he lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, a rooster crow came from outside. He Chuan rubbed his eyes and turned over.

Boom boom boom!

A rapid knock on the door woke up He Chuan who was about to continue sleeping.

He stood up with a look of surprise on his face.

"Did someone come to your door so soon? How can the secret stronghold arranged by Xinhai be so unreliable? It shouldn't be?"

With this thought in mind, he put on his clothes and walked toward the door cautiously.

The knocking on the door continued, as if it would not stop until no one responded.


"Tongyu, are you back?" An old voice came from outside the door.

"Huh?" He Chuan was stunned behind the door. Who is Kiryu, the original homeowner?

The thumping sound continued.

"Open the door quickly, Kiryu." The old man knocked on the door relentlessly, and the clear voice seemed very abrupt in this morning.

He Chuan scratched his head, feeling a little irritated.

If the old man is allowed to knock like this, he will probably knock the patrol team.

After hesitating for a moment, he opened the door a small crack.

"Old man, you have the wrong person. I am not Kiryu."

The moment He Chuan's door opened, a black shadow slipped in along the crack of the door.


He Chuan's scalp was numb. The security in Daozuma City was so terrifying? Hanamizaka is located on the outskirts of Inazuma City, still some distance away from the city. He just stayed in this old house for one night and was arrested on the spot?

However, when he saw the person coming clearly, his action of almost drawing out his sword and slashing suddenly stopped.

Standing in front of him was an old woman who was only as tall as Hechuan's chest, with gray hair, a stooped body, and wearing coarse linen clothes?

The old woman was holding a black cloth bag in her hand, and her dim old eyes looked at the young man in front of her carefully as if she were choosing vegetables at the vegetable market.

"You are……"

He Chuan's heart thumped again just after he was relieved.

After pondering for a while, the old woman laughed and said, "You are a boy from the Kiryu family, right? We haven't seen each other for so many years, and you have grown so tall. I remember hugging you back then."

He Chuan was relieved when he heard that the old man had mistakenly admitted him, at least he would not be reported immediately.

Before He Chuan had any other reaction, the old woman said again: "I remember, your name is He Ren. Your father left some things for you. Mother-in-law, I have been keeping them well for so many years."

With that said, he took out the black cloth bag he was carrying and handed it to He Chuan.

Faced with this sudden situation, He Chuan was a little at a loss.

He couldn't bear to look at the old man's kind smile and the trembling withered palm he held out.

"Explain it to her." He Chuan thought to himself.

So he patiently pushed the old man's hand back and said softly: "Old man, you are wrong. I am not Kiryu Kazuto. I am just his friend and I am here to stay for a while."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the old woman frowned, "Friends? What kind of friends? How old were you when you went out with someone? How could you be a friend? Nowadays, Inazuma City is under martial law, and all unidentified people will be arrested. Mother-in-law, although I am old, I am not yet blinded by old age. If I say you are a peacemaker, you are a peacemaker. Take it!"

After saying that, she stuffed the cloth bag into He Chuan's hand, slowly opened the door and left, leaving He Chuan alone in a daze.

Just as he was about to chase her out, he suddenly stopped and stood there, frowning, chewing on the old woman's words over and over again. He always felt a little weird, but couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

"Unidentified...the Kiryu family...I am Kazuto."

He thought about it for a while, and suddenly it dawned on him, and his heart became clear.

"I see, it turns out that I am really Kazuto Kiryu!"

He finally understood what the old lady meant, and his admiration for Coral Palace Xinhai became even stronger. There was nothing less suspicious than an identity recognized by the neighbors. With this identity cover, no matter how much the patrolling soldiers investigated, , and couldn't find it on him.

With this in mind, he opened the black cloth bag in his hand. Inside, a photo frame, a brochure, and an identity card were neatly placed.

On the photo frame, a family stood together with smiles on their faces. Inside the kit, their family history was introduced in detail. Finally, on the old ID card without a portrait, the four words "Kazuto Kiryu" were written.

"It turns out that I have an older sister, a younger brother, and a younger sister. I am nineteen years old this year. My parents went overseas to do business and have not returned for fifteen years. My mother-in-law Yoko Yamada next door was entrusted by my father to take care of my house for more than ten years." He Chuan He studied his family history carefully and missed every word.

With this information, I can go in and out of Inazuma Castle with peace of mind.

Delighted with this sudden gift, He Chuan's biggest worries when he arrived have disappeared. Now he can finally feel free to investigate some of the issues he is concerned about.

After packing these things, He Chuan decided to go out for a walk. Hanamizaka is a commercial street northwest of Inazuma City, which is still some distance away from the city.

Now that he came to Inazuma City, He Chuan naturally couldn't really listen to Kitagawa Changguang, so he stayed in this stronghold until the end of their mission. He still had a lot of things to do. When he returned to Haiji Island this time, he would miss Coral When Gong Xinhai reports the evil eye, the story that followed the plot will change, and things will no longer be under He Chuan's control.

Before that, he should try his best to improve his strength.

Walking from the alley to the street, he used the money in his hand to order a dish of street food at Munan Restaurant. He Chuan sat on the high wooden stool in front of the door and ate happily.

"Huhu, although strength is important, right now, eating is more important."

The steaming heat spreads the deliciousness of the soup, and the rich ingredients in the big bowl make He Chuan's mouth water.

The meal cost seven hundred and forty-two molas. When paying the bill, He Chuan was secretly speechless.

The consumption level of Inazuma Castle is many times higher than that of Haiji Island. The price of this meal can last many days on Haiji Island.

Maybe it was because it was still early, so there weren't many pedestrians on the road, and He Chuan couldn't get more information from passers-by. After thinking for a while, he walked towards the Tianmu Blacksmithing House on the street.

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