My battleship is stronger than yours

Chapter 47 Encountering trouble just after leaving home

Two days later, the fleet sailed out of Hualong's national border and entered the high seas. From now on, everyone must be very alert, because being on the high seas means that crises are lurking around, and dangers will occur all the time. So here Kuala Deng asked Guan Linglong to turn on all the radars except the fire control, but also locked all the weapons. After all, he didn't want his cousin to cause trouble again.

A fleet of fifty warships looks large enough, but it is like a group of floating ships being washed by wind and waves on the sea. It is very small. That day, Kuala Deng was sitting in the captain's command room, staring at The situation on the radar, while Kuai Caiwei and Guan Linglong were baking cookies in the kitchen. Although they were sailing on the open sea, it was broad daylight. Apart from seeing ferocious beasts during the day, Kuala Lantern really had no ghost ships. I heard it appeared during the day.

But just when Kuala Deng was about to stand up and see what the two people in the kitchen had blown up, before he could even take a step forward, he heard the ship's bell ringing "dang dang dang" from the pathfinder in front of the fleet. , Kuala Deng quickly ran to the terrace, and saw the battleship captain and Hai Ji standing on the deck looking forward. No matter how he looked, Kuala Deng didn't find anything suspicious, and then he returned to the command room to look. Radar, but six small red dots were clearly displayed on the radar. At this time, footsteps also sounded in the corridor. Guan Linglong and Kua Caiwei, still wearing aprons, rushed into the command room.

The two tabby cats did not bother to clean the flour on their faces. Kuai Caiwei stood directly in front of the window of the captain's command room, while Guan Linglong stood next to the Kuala lamp and began to unlock the weapons on the battleship. With the red The dots were getting closer and closer. Kuala Lantern saw a few small black dots at the junction of the sea and the sky in the distance on the sea surface, and there was a large black cloud above these small black dots. Even though they were so far away, they could still see The density of lightning in that cloud was extremely high, just like a scene from a horror movie.

Kuai Caiwei also changed from her usual nonchalant demeanor and stared at the small black dots with a serious face. Guan Linglong reported that the distance to the target was still more than 90 kilometers away. According to the radar detection, it could be speculated that it was a ghost ship. Kua La Deng had some thoughts. I don’t understand why the ghost ship dares to come out and make noise in the daytime? Can you really do whatever you want on the high seas? When the distance between the two sides was still 70 kilometers, the ghost ships opened their eggshell shields. From the gun sight, it was seen that these ghost ships raised their sails only when the shields were opened.

Kuila Deng ordered Guan Linglong's main cannon to load armor-piercing bullets. Although type-3 bullets can cause greater damage, if armor-piercing bullets are not used to penetrate those shields, it is hard to say whether type-3 bullets can penetrate the shields.

When the No. 1 and No. 2 turrets were all loaded, the distance between the two sides had also entered the range of fifty kilometers. The two turrets rotated in unison, aiming all the muzzles of the main guns at the ghost ships. After everything was ready , with Kuila Deng’s command, all six main guns fired their shells out of the barrel, and the six huge shells flew towards the ghost ship with smoke. After waiting for about a minute, one of the six ghost ships Four ghost ships exploded, and the other two were swaying on the sea due to the shock wave.

Guan Linglong has already started loading here. Kuai Caiwei saw that the Miracle Ship's first round of attack had achieved such a big advantage at such a long distance, and a smile appeared on her face, but the sound of the cannon just fired was really unpleasant. Xiao, her legs were still trembling a little and her ears were buzzing, but her character couldn't fall down, so she could only grit her teeth and hold on, but she didn't feel that a piece in the middle of her pants had become wet.

The remaining two ghost ships continued to move forward as if nothing had happened. Kuila Deng tapped his index finger on the command platform and kept staring at the two remaining ghost ships on the opposite side. As the ghost ships were getting closer and closer, , the originally clear sky here became overcast, and the waves were much bigger than before. When the two turrets of the miracle ship were adjusted and ready to fire, Kuai Caiwei immediately blocked her ears. , and then looked at the ghost ship opposite with an excited look.

As the main gun fired, six shells flew towards the ghost ship on the opposite side. After all, a tiger fights a rabbit with all its strength. You can't relax your vigilance just because there are only two ghost ships on the opposite side. Once they get in, the Miracle Ship will still be there. The secondary guns could be used, but he was really unsure about the combat effectiveness of the other warships in the fleet. After all, they were all sailing warships, and they were missing the eggshell shield.

As the remaining two ghost ships exploded and sank to the bottom of the sea, the lead ship rang the ship's bell again. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard the captains of other warships outside cheering. After all, if there were no miracle ships, this might not be possible. It will be a tough battle, and they are not sure of their chances of winning. But although the six ghost ships were destroyed, the dark clouds in the sky still did not disperse, but the thunderstorm disappeared and turned into heavy rain.

The heavy rain didn't stop until night. Kuai Caiwei looked at the heavy rain outside the window and the thunder and lightning that sounded from time to time. She always had a bad feeling in her heart. After Kuala Deng washed up, she came to the captain's command room. When telling her to wash up, Kuai Caiwei smiled with difficulty, revealing a row of small black teeth. This was all caused by the biscuits she and Guan Linglong baked in the afternoon. They simply couldn't be called biscuits. Kua La Deng always felt that they baked them. What came out should be called charcoal, and it was still bitter in the mouth, but Kuai Caiwei and Guan Linglong ate the biscuits in pain, and said harshly that the biscuits were delicious.

When going to bed at night, Kua Ladeng quietly told Guan Linglong to work harder tonight. Don't turn off all the radars for the time being, and just cruise with the radar on. This ghost weather was a bit outrageous, and he was also afraid of sudden events, and then he Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

But in the middle of the night, the alarm bell on the Miracle Ship rang loudly. Kuala Deng sat up from the bed in shock, and Guan Linglong also quickly got out of bed. The two of them prepared to leave the lounge and go to the command room to watch. It depends on the situation, but just when they opened the door, Kuai Caiwei on the opposite side rushed out of the bedroom while crawling, but she didn't pay attention and tripped over the door frame. With this force, she hit her head It hit Guan Linglong's belly. Guan Linglong failed to withstand the impact and fell backwards, hitting Kuala Deng directly. Kuala Deng was rushing out and didn't stand firm enough. She was suddenly hit by Guan Linglong again. After bumping back, Kua La Deng is now lying on his back on the ground, Guan Linglong is lying on Kua La Deng, and Kua Caiwei is lying on Guan Linglong.

When the three of them came to the command room, Kuala Deng walked directly to the radar monitoring screen and saw that less than 20 kilometers away from the Miracle Ship, a patchwork of red dots were approaching in this direction, and the speed was not high. It was slow, but none of the other surrounding warships had their lights on. Kuaila Deng urgently sounded the whistle, and then asked Guan Linglong to shoot a set of flares into the sky.

As the whistle sounded, the flares took off. At this time, many captains came to the deck to check the situation. As the flares flew higher and higher, they also vaguely saw something similar to a ship in the distance. But because it was too dark, the weather was bad, and the heavy rain affected the line of sight, the view was not very clear. Kuila Deng turned around and asked Guan Linglong, "Why didn't they give an alarm when they were approaching a range of 150 kilometers?" Guan Linglong The answer was, "They suddenly appeared when we were about to pass through the archipelago area, and they seemed to be hiding behind the archipelago, waiting for us to approach and suddenly assemble."

Kuila Deng's head was numb. This group of broken sailboats could actually block radar detection. Then apart from the firepower advantage, wouldn't all other advantages be gone? After transmitting the image from the gun sighting scope, Kuala Deng saw that this group of ghost ships had already deployed all its eggshell shields, and the lead ship was only about ten kilometers away from them.

Kuala Deng asked Guan Linglong to load quickly, and started all the launching units. He activated all the first batch of anti-ship missiles prepared in the units and entered the standby state. As the weapon indicators came online group by group, Kuala Deng Seeing that all the anti-ship missiles in the launch units are being activated, the shells are loaded slowly, but the missiles are activated quickly. In order to ensure that the lead ship is not attacked by the ghost ship, Kuala Lantern directly launches four anti-ship missiles first. Locked the leading four faster ghost ships.

After the four leading ghost ships were all sunk, the artillery shells were already in place. The three turrets were now doing their own thing. Within their own firing range, they could hit whoever they could. There was no unified target. After planning, this group of ghost ships appeared too suddenly. Other captains also reacted at this time. They quickly formed a defensive formation with the Miracle Ship as the center. In fact, Kuala Deng didn't want them to surround them. They were wandering around the Miracle Ship because there was a torpedo launch window on the side of the Miracle Ship. Once opened, the torpedo launcher could be used to launch torpedoes, but now they directly blocked the firing area and the torpedoes simply misfired.

There are particularly many ghost ships coming this time. The launch unit of the Miracle Ship has been working for one round. However, the number of ghost ships on the radar has not decreased, but has a tendency to increase. It is like locusts passing through the border, desperate for their lives. They pounced here, but fortunately they all appeared from the front. If they were surrounded from all sides, the Miracle Ship would also be in a hard fight.

Kuai Caiwei watched the anti-ship missiles launching one after another outside the window, watching the main guns firing one after another, and the explosions in the distance without saying a word. She was very nervous now. She said it before setting off. He was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect that when the battle really came, it would be such a fierce scene. Kuaila Deng didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would have said to her, "He has been the one doing the hard work so far, and the others The battleships are just a show, and not a single battleship has been lost, so just have fun secretly!"

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