My battleship is stronger than yours

Chapter 3 Civilians are treated so poorly

On the observation deck on the third floor of a luxurious manor, a handsome middle-aged man was lying on a beach chair with champagne and fruits next to him. Opposite him sat an enchanting and luxurious young woman. At this time, the young woman was watching Looking at the sea in the distance, the man was lying on the chair and reading the letter in his hand, "Oh~ our son was assigned to the civilian class, and the treatment is very poor." The young woman opposite said, "Dear, what's going on? What's wrong? Shouldn't our son be in the noble class?" The man smiled slightly. "This seems to be the good thing that old dog Biliang did. Last time he encouraged his idiot son to fight, and this time he did this again. "It's such a shameful thing." The young woman frowned slightly, "How can my son suffer such injustice? No! I have to find someone to transfer him to the noble class." The man just sat up and reached out to gently hold the young woman's hand and said to "It's okay, let's let our son exercise. As members of the royal family, we must be able to cope with various situations with ease, otherwise how will we deal with greater crises in the future, but I have to take good care of the old dog and puppy." Beat them, or else will we really think we have no temper?" The young woman rolled her eyes at the man angrily, as if she suddenly remembered something, and said viciously, "In a few days, your second wife, third wife and The fourth lady is coming back soon. They have worked really hard to meet with the Sun Empire this time! Do you want to reward them well?" When the man heard his wife say this, he held his forehead and smiled bitterly.

Let’s look at our Comrade Kuala Deng here. After packing his not too much luggage, he took a short rest and followed the others in the dormitory to prepare for dinner. When passing by a canteen that looked like a luxurious manor, Kua La Deng raised his leg and wanted to go in, but was grabbed by the classmate next to him and pulled him back. Kua La Deng looked at the classmate in confusion, and the classmate said nervously, "This is from Class 1." "The restaurant is not something we can go in." Good guy, everyone in the class called it the restaurant. At this time, a well-dressed student with gold threads on his clothes that could blind people walked over. When he walked into the restaurant When I was there, I looked at Kuala Lantern with a sneer on my face.

Kuala Deng continued to walk forward with his classmates. During the process, he passed a restaurant that looked like a bathing center in his previous life and a restaurant that looked like a high-end hotel in his previous life. It was the restaurant for Class 2 and Class 3. Finally, at the end of a winding path, Kuala Deng finally saw a small house with a chimney and mottled walls. It was the cafeteria of Class 4. After pushing open the creaking door and entering, Kuala Deng judged that this was an authentic cafeteria.

The noisy dining environment, there was a long queue in front of the dining window, the dining table and chairs were all made of antique-grade wood, and it was even more off-putting to see other students bringing back their meals on metal plates. , a plate of something that couldn't be described as yellow and sticky, there were some solid things inside, and the only thing that could be identified was the unique color of carrots.

After waiting in line for a long time, classmate Kuala Deng successfully brought back a plate of something indescribable called dinner, and there were holes in the wooden spoons that were distributed. He and his classmates sat at a table and watched While his classmates were eating with gusto, Kuala Deng also took a tentative spoonful and put it into his mouth. In his previous life, he was a soldier, so although he was visually resisting, he was not pretentious. After taking it into his mouth, he was surprised. I found that the taste was pretty good, with the mellow aroma of stewed potatoes.

When Kuala Deng finished one bowl and went to the window to get a second portion, he was told that it was gone. He almost exploded on the spot. How could this piece of shit still not be full? After sitting down angrily, the classmate next to him leaned his head over and said with a shrewd look, "There is a welfare club behind the cafeteria. There is food in it. I heard from the seniors that there is uneaten bread baked in other cafeterias. We'll go buy it later, I heard you can buy one for only 5 copper coins."

After finishing the meal and returning the tableware, Kuala Deng and a few classmates went to the welfare club. I have to say that this school is still strong. The welfare club is so big that you can't see the end at a glance, with a dazzling array of products and all kinds of products. There are all kinds of books, stationery, bedding, daily necessities, and snacks. Of course, the food area has the most students around. Most of the items bought by the aristocratic students are black truffles, high-end chocolates, and the like. high-end goods, while the students in Class 4 were wandering around the various "last-minute" foods delivered from other canteens.

Kuala Deng was already familiar with the other three people in the dormitory, so of course he came to the welfare club with the three of them. After buying things, he returned to the dormitory with his classmates. When he put the loot on the table, The faces of the four people were all filled with happy smiles. Kuala Deng usually looked down on the leftovers on the table, but after this day of torture, these leftovers now became cute.

While the four of us are enjoying the feast, we will briefly introduce the classmates in the dormitory. Cui Youfu, nicknamed Pang Pang. After Kuala Deng’s observation, this person is quite timid and very cautious. Feng Wei, nicknamed Pang Pang. Bamboo pole, this person is very tall and thin, but he is a righteous man. Zheng Rang, nicknamed Military Advisor, can be seen on the first day of school that this person is very gentle, but he is also very smart and flexible. He is like a savior in the examination room at first glance. exist.

After everyone finished eating, the four of them went to wash up and came back and lay down on the bed to get ready for bed. Kuila Deng looked at the small oil lamp hanging on the wall and felt really bad. Compared with the life at home, the gap here was really huge. It was too big, and the treatment of civilians was really bad. It seemed that he needed to write a letter to his family and ask his father to take care of the matter and transfer him to the noble class at least. That night, I fell asleep in Kuala Deng's random thoughts.

Early the next morning, there was a noise like a broken gong in the corridor. At the beginning of the period, Kuala Deng got up angrily and prepared to catch the maker of the noise. However, when he got to the corridor and looked up, he saw something hanging on the wall. After ringing the clockwork bell, I went back to the house in a dull mood. At this time, the classmates were also awake. There were many things today. Getting books and school uniforms all needed to be done by myself. The housekeepers of the first and second classes did these things. , Class 3 has someone who is responsible for sending them to the dormitory, and only Class 4 has to do it themselves, which is good, there are not so many people queuing up.

However, when Kuila Deng had done all these things, put on school uniforms, and obtained ID cards, it was already noon. After having a visually stunning lunch with his classmates, he went back to the dormitory to rest for a while. Go to the auditorium to prepare for the opening ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, an old man with gray hair but high energy who claimed to be the principal was frothing at the mouth and talking about how many years of history and glorious achievements this school has made. Kuala Deng sat down below and was speechless. He was about to fall asleep, and he didn't know when the opening ceremony was over. Kuala Deng followed the class back to the classroom in a daze.

At this time, the principal and the vice-principal were talking quietly in the background of the auditorium. The vice-principal asked carefully, "Principal, have you seen him?" The principal had no expression on his face and just nodded slightly. The vice-principal was cautious again. When he said, "This academic dean is so brave, he dared to put him in a civilian class." The principal still didn't say anything. The vice principal said, "But how did he offend the navy general? It seems that there is some water in it." "Shen, it seems we have to think of a way to prevent the struggle between them from involving us." The principal still didn't speak. The vice principal was surprised, "Principal, what do you think?" At this time, the principal spoke, Hu Hu Shaking and trembling, he said very angrily, "This kid fell asleep while I was talking! He was also drooling! I saw it all! Let him stay in the civilian class first, and wait until there are new instructions from above! I'm so angry Hey!".

At this time, Kuala Deng entered the classroom as if nothing was wrong and sat with the other three people in the same dormitory. He looked around and finally asked the question in his heart, "Why are there no female classmates? I clearly saw There were a lot of girls on the day of admission." When Pangpang next to him heard Kuala Deng ask, he rolled his eyes. "I said Lade, why do you miss your female classmates on the first day of school? They girls are like We are not in the same class, and of course we will not take classes together." At this time, Feng Wei also interjected, "We will only be able to see female classmates when we create our own battleships. I will create a powerful battleship by then. , let the female classmates line up and give me the soul chain, hey hey~" Seeing Feng Wei's wretched look, Zheng Rang couldn't stand it any longer, and lay on the table with his eyes closed.

After waiting for a while, the sound of high-heeled shoes "click-click-click" came from the corridor, and then the classroom door was pushed open. When the teacher walked into the classroom, the whole class let out a "wow" sound. Kua Ledeng also looked up and said "fuck" because the assigned teacher was too unexpected.

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