Pirates: Abnormal ways to use pet fruits

Chapter 71 The door was kicked open

Crowe looked at Leijiu who was walking back with Smiley in his arms, and asked directly:

"How is it? Is this guy poisonous in his current appearance?"

"It is not poisonous in this state, but its excrement is poisonous. If you want to stay with it, you should be careful."

Leijiu held Smiley in her arms and caressed him. He didn't pay any attention to the saliva coming out of Smiley's mouth that could corrode the ground.

Looking at Smiley who was quiet in Lei Jiu's arms, Crowe thought for a while and said:

"Yeah! It's under your control for the time being. Just be careful not to let it release poison gas randomly!"

"Okay! No problem!"

Leijiu said expressionlessly while holding Smiley, but she was very happy inside. She felt that this little guy got along very well with her.

After Smiley's matter was resolved, Crowe looked at the laboratory in the distance and said: "Since the people on the island already know that we are on the island, we have to move faster. If we let them run away, or It’s not good to hide it!”

After finishing speaking, Crowe didn't waste any time and led the people directly and quickly towards the distant laboratory.

The weird "balloon" warriors we encountered along the way were all easily eliminated by the clone soldiers of the Vinsmoke family and Crowe's pirate brother!

In a rather cold laboratory, Caesar, who was watching the rapid progress of Crowe and his group through the surveillance system, were a little surprised.

Caesar was even more surprised when he saw Crowe subduing Smiley easily!

You must know that Smiley is a biological weapon specially made by Caesar to match his Devil Fruit.

As a result, he was easily subdued before he officially used Smiley, and Caesar was very angry.

"He, he conquered Smiley so easily! There was no disturbance at all, and Smiley didn't even resist.

And what’s going on with the woman in purple? The saliva shed by Smiley was extremely poisonous, but nothing happened to her after touching it. "

Caesar pointed at the picture of Crowe and his party on the screen, looking like he couldn't believe it.

"The information the young master received from the Navy was that Crowe's Devil Fruit ability can forcibly control the bodies of creatures collared by him. The controlled people have no way to disobey his orders.

The monster you made should be considered a living creature! That's why he controlled me.

As for the woman you are talking about, she should be Leijiu, the eldest daughter of the Vinsmoke family.

But we don't know her abilities. But judging from her fighting scenes, it should be related to poison. "

Monet looked at Crowe on the screen and said helplessly.

The reason why she agreed with Caesar before was to release Smiley. It is believed that Smiley's original body is just a poison gas bomb, and Crowe's ability may not have any effect on it.

But it seems that I am overthinking it. Now not only does it not threaten the opponent, it even provides the opponent with a good fighting monster.

"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier!"

Caesar yelled after hearing Monet's explanation. After yelling, he said with some fear:

"Is his fruit power so strong? Then if he controls a big shot like the Four Emperors, wouldn't he be invincible?"

"He can only control his body, but not his mind. If he makes a mistake in his orders, the person he controls is likely to backfire. Normal people will not control someone who is much stronger than themselves for a long time.

As for the Yonko you are worried about, do you think that with his current strength, he can put a collar on someone like the Yonko?

And his ability is not without its shortcomings. The news from the navy is that as long as you can't hear his orders, you can not be controlled, but the previous orders will not be eliminated. "

Monet told the information he knew about Crowe from Doflamingo.

"That's it! Then I'll make some soundproof earplugs first." As he spoke, Caesar began tinkering with various things in front of the experimental table.

While Caesar was making soundproof earplugs, Crowe and his team had already arrived outside the laboratory where Caesar was working.

Looking at the closed white metal door of the laboratory, Crowe pulled out Qiushui from his waist, waved it twice, and the entire door was split open! "

Putting Qiu Shui back into the scabbard, Crowe waved his hand inside.

"Let's go! Go and find Caesar for me. Everyone in the entire laboratory can be killed except Caesar and a woman with green hair."

Following Crowe's order, a group of people, led by the Iji brothers and Zangao, rushed directly into the laboratory and started searching.

After the little brother left, Crowe walked towards the main laboratory with Moriah and Gaji.

"Let's go in and have a look too! Gaji, you're about to see your old friend! Are you excited?"

"Hmph! Who would be an old friend with a guy who is always careless and pretentious!

If you ask this guy to help with experiments, you will definitely regret it. He has no real talent or knowledge. Gaji said behind Crowe.

"Don't say that? After all, he can create artificial Devil Fruit. Although it is only an animal type, the success rate is not high. But it also shows that he has done some research on blood factors."

"Tch! Those are all his methods of copying Vegapunk. Otherwise, no matter how much time he is given, he won't be able to do this." Gaji said disdainfully.

"Boohoo! It's done! Perfect soundproof earplugs." As he spoke, Caesar handed the prepared earplugs to Monet who was waiting aside.

"Come on, Monet. Give it a try."

Monet took the soundproof earplugs from Caesar and put them directly on his ears.

The moment he put it on, Monet felt that the sounds around him suddenly disappeared. The whole world becomes pure.

Monet looked at Caesar in front of him and saw Caesar opening his mouth wide at him, as if he was yelling something.

But Monet, who was wearing soundproof earplugs, didn't hear Caesar's voice at all. Then she took off the soundproof earplugs.

The moment you take it off. "ah……"

Caesar's special roar rang in her ears. But when he saw that Monet had taken off his earplugs, Caesar stopped yelling.

"How's the effect? ​​I think it should be good." Caesar looked at Monet and said confidently.

"It's really good. After putting it on, you can't hear any sound."

Hearing Monet's affirmation, Caesar smiled and said: "That's fine, as long as Crowe doesn't control him.

Even if our two nature types are no match for them, we should be able to hold on until Dover comes to the rescue. "

"Well! I have asked people to leave Punk Hassad before and inform the young master. If there are no accidents, support will arrive in three hours." Monet explained his previous arrangements.

"Well! Then the next step is..."


Before Caesar finished speaking, the specially made iron door of the laboratory where they were located had been kicked open. Crowe walked in directly with Moriah and Gaji.

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