Pirates: Abnormal ways to use pet fruits

Chapter 67 Vinsmoke Gaji was well prepared

After Crowe and his party arrived at Beihai, Crowe directly controlled Vinsmoke Iji to contact Vinsmoke Gaji. After obtaining the location of Vinsmoke Gaji, the group of people rushed there non-stop.

Soon Crowe and his party arrived at the sea area where Vinsmoke Gaji was.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Crowe directly asked Absalom to make the Wanli Sunshine invisible! Follow the snail fleet.

Soon the two snail fleets merged together, and the Wanli Sunshine continued to follow the snail fleet.

Crowe was disguised as a clone soldier and followed Vinsmoke Iji. Let's go meet Vinsmoke Gage.

Originally, Crowe was thinking of letting Vinsmoke Iji deceive Vinsmoke Gaji out.

But he was afraid that the other party would discover some clues, so he disguised himself as a clone soldier and came in with Vinsmoke Iji. It just makes it easier for me to control him.

Of course, Crowe was not unprepared. He was now equipped with the shadow of the golden lion, and at the same time, Moria's shadow was also hidden in his own shadow.

As long as Vinsmoke Gaji reacts inappropriately, he will face a righteous attack from himself and Moria.

Crowe followed Vinsmoke Iji to a command room.

Looking at the tall man with a mustache and long blond hair in the command room, Crowe recognized this man at a glance.

It was the commander of Germa 66, the head of the Vinsmoke family, and the king of the Germa Kingdom that he was looking for - "Strange Bird Garuda" Vinsmoke Gaji.

Gaji glanced at Crowe who was following Iji, and then asked directly to his eldest son:

"How was the mission accomplished?"

After Iji saluted Gaji, he said coldly:

"The mission has been completed. I have followed the employer's request and killed all the Coptic people who could resist.

The final payment after that. When I came back, I had taken it all back. "

"Yeah! Well done!"

Gaji walked up to Iji with a smile and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder.

Seeing this situation, Crowe came directly behind Gaji, and his hand with green light was about to touch Gaji.

Gaji, who was smiling and praising Iji, suddenly turned around and put a seastone handcuff on Crow's wrist.

Crowe, who was handcuffed with sea-floor stone, sat limply on the ground.

"I was discovered! I feel like I did a pretty good job!" Crowe said with a helpless smile while sitting on the ground.

"The 'controller' Crow with a bounty of 3 million Baileys, I already knew when you attacked the snail." Looking at Crow who could no longer resist, Gaji said.

"A snail ship doesn't have any technological equipment for quickly transmitting messages!"

"These snail ships were originally bred through some special phone bug genes. Each main ship can communicate with each other.

So at the first moment of your invasion, not only Iji and the others knew about it, but even my main ship here knew about it.

The reason why I cooperate with you and let you find this place is because I am very interested in your bounty!

Of course, the most important thing is that now the underground world has spread, and all the money Doflamingo earned from auctioning the Zhenzhen Fruit has been robbed by you.

I am more interested in this money. This much money is enough for me to create two more batches of clone soldiers. "

After hearing Gaji's words, Crowe was speechless for a while. How could the news spread so quickly? It couldn't have been Doflamingo who released it himself!

"You said it so bluntly, does it seem like you are planning to kill me?"

"Yes, I just need your head in exchange for the bounty."

As he said this, Gaji strangled Crow's neck with his hands, and then tightened it little by little.

"Cough, cough! Can't you just have some fun!" Crowe, who was choked and out of breath, said reluctantly.

If he hadn't seen it on his neck and Gaji hadn't felt that Crow was defending himself with armed haki, he would have believed his lies!

The moment Crowe spoke, a tall dark figure emerged from his shadow.

After the black shadow emerged from Crowe's shadow, he directly transformed into Moria and appeared behind Gaji.

Moriah pulled up Gaji's shadow and directly cut off Gaji's shadow with his big scissors.

As Gaji's shadow was cut off, the big hand that was holding Crow loosened, and Gaji fainted and fell to the ground.

"Jihehehe, it's really embarrassing!"

As Moriah spoke, he put the cut-out shadow of Gaji into his body.

"Huhu, we're finally here. The car almost flipped over this time!" Crowe collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

Looking at Gaji lying on the ground. Now Crowe was a little lucky. Fortunately, after being handcuffed by Shanghai Tower Stone, he just couldn't issue orders.

For those who are collared by themselves, the collars on their bodies will not disappear, and the previous orders cannot be lifted. Otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Chihehehe! Actually, it's not just you who had an accident here. There was also a fight outside before.

After you and this boy leave. It didn't take long for the Vinsmoke family's snail boat to be surrounded by thousands of miles of sunshine.

If Mr. Shiji hadn't reacted quickly and used the floating fruit to float the ship high into the sky, the entire ship would have been sunk. "

"It seems that the other party is quite well prepared. Is there anything wrong with the people on the ship?" Crowe expressed concern.

"Except for the stupid big guy you brought back, everyone else is fine, but that guy is really awesome.

After we floated up, there were three people on the other side, wearing the same combat uniforms as this kid, and they all chased us to the boat. Moria pointed at Iji and continued:

"But they were solved by Weibull and me in a few moments! However, Weibull was in some trouble.

One of the women used poison. Although Weibull quickly defeated her, he didn't notice and was poisoned by the other woman.

Although Hogbark can temporarily suppress the toxins, after a long time, there is probably nothing you can do!

So you still need to control that woman to detoxify her. "Molia quickly told what was going on outside.

"Then what should we do now? I'm wearing sea-floor stone handcuffs, so I can't activate my abilities!" Crowe waved his hand in front of Moria with difficulty.

Looking at the seastone handcuffs on Crowe's hand, Moriah closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while, Moriah opened his eyes and came to a small cabinet in the command room.

He slowly opened the cabinet according to the memory of Gaji he found. Just when he was about to reach in, he remembered something and stopped.

Moriah searched inside the house. Find two pieces of thick cloth and wrap your hands in the cloth. Then he took out the key to the Hailoushi handcuffs from the cabinet.

"Hahaha! Are you careful enough?" Crowe said with a smile.

Moria ignored Crowe, but carefully inserted the key into Crowe's sea-floor stone handcuffs.


The sea-floor stone handcuffs on Crowe's hands were released!

Crowe, who was free again, stretched and said with a smile: "It's still so easy!"

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