How to reverse your identity at the beginning of the game?

Chapter 239 The cruelty of the mortal world

Afterwards, several people continued to purchase in the city, and the amount purchased was several times that of the previous times.

Both carriages were full and both made a creaking sound as they walked.

Fortunately, after taking Zhou Yang's elixir, the two old horses had their marrow cleansed and their marrow was cleansed. Now they can no longer be regarded as ordinary horses, but as horse monsters.

Halfway there, Xia He said worriedly: "Master Zhou, I'm afraid there's going to be a war!"

When Zhou Yang heard this, he felt that this woman Xia He had some brains, and then nodded: "Yes, when there are more refugees in the north, there will naturally be chaos. This time, let's not go out to make the purchase!"

On the way back, they passed many farmlands, where people were still threshing rice, but their yields didn't seem to be as high as those of Zhou Yang and others.

After all, their planting technology and water conservancy and irrigation are not as good as Zhou Yang's.

At the same time, Zhou Yang’s farmland is in its first year. Is it fertile? It is normal for the yield to be high.

Therefore, we can see a trace of worry on the faces of these farmers.

After returning to their mountain, Zhou Yang and others continued to live.

Just a month after the first autumn harvest, a group of officers and soldiers rushed to the village and began to collect grain taxes.

But in the process, conflicts occurred with the villagers.

Zhou Yang and the others stood on the mountain and could see everything clearly.

The village chief was currently asking the soldiers who were collecting food:

"Why do we need to pump 100 jins of grain this year when we only need 50 jins?"

The old village chief in Qiu is getting older, and only one of his last two front teeth is left.

But facing the soldiers, he did not dare to be too presumptuous, but was very polite.

"Old man, it's not your place to ask. Don't ask. Now each household has fifty kilograms of grain. If there are more than four people in the pocket, it will cost one person ten kilograms more grain!"

The soldiers who collected the grain were very overbearing and didn't even bother to explain.

"Little General, the harvest in our village this year is not very good. The grain is 20 to 30% less than in previous years. If we draw so much, we may not be able to wait for next year's autumn harvest!"

The village chief bared his last tooth and said with a smile.

"Damn it! Nonsense! I'm going to the battlefield soon, and I don't care whether you can survive next fall!"

As he spoke, he slapped the old village chief away. The old village chief fell to the ground with a sound, his last front tooth missing, and blood flowing from his shriveled mouth.

Later, under the threat of soldiers with swords and guns, these villagers had no choice but to give up.

But these soldiers did not come to Zhou Yang's direction to collect.

Because they were new arrivals and had not yet set up an account in the town, their house happened to be half-covered by trees, so it was normal for the new soldiers not to notice.

"These soldiers are so hateful!"

Dongmei cursed from the side.

The same goes for several other women, who seem to have no favorable impressions of these soldiers.

Zhou Yang and Xiao Tiance were indifferent because they had gradually understood that this was the helplessness of mortal life.

In the world of practitioners, why not?


It will soon be late autumn, and many trees on the mountains have withered and turned yellow.

At this time, the countryside is already in deep slack, because all the vegetables that should be planted in winter have been planted.

The family on the mountain just eats and drinks every day.

Before I knew it, I woke up one day and the mountains and fields were covered with white snow.

Zhou Yang opened the door and was filled with emotion when he saw the scenery. At least he didn't see much snow in the Broken Star Sea these years, except on the Heavenly Demon Peak.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest! But can they survive until next year?"

Zhou Yang looked at the sky and found that it was still snowing heavily, and it seemed that he had no intention of stopping.

In the end, it snowed intermittently for half a month!

When I opened the door, I could no longer see the old horse and calf tied outside the door.

Perhaps after hearing the door opening, the two old horses stood up.

Between the two horses, the calf was chirping.

It seemed that the heavy snowfall for days had little effect on the three beasts that turned into monsters.

Zhou Yang looked at the roof and found that the snow was more than one meter deep. In his previous life, such thick snow would only appear when driving to the North and South Poles.

Looking towards the direction of the village, I found that some houses had been completely buried.

It probably collapsed!

Most of the houses in rural areas are thatched houses with simple structures, with walls made of mud or big heads. They were inherited from the older generation. After so many years of wind and rain, they were considered scrapped in this heavy snow.

Therefore, people whose houses collapsed can only live in their neighbors' houses next door.

Bad things always happen one after another.

What followed was a week-long melting of snow, and the temperature dropped rapidly. Zhou Yang estimated that it had dropped to more than ten degrees below zero.

This is an extremely low temperature in the south. Everyone’s winter quilts and cotton-padded clothes are not well prepared, and some elderly people have died on a large scale in these days.

The old village chief kept coughing at home. People who were a few years older than him had died in the past few days. He felt that his end was coming soon.

At noon that day, some people were still busy with funerals, and a group of bandits dressed in rags rushed into the village.

There is no doubt that these people are here to grab winter food and other supplies!

In an instant, the village was filled with cries.

These bandits took off their clothes directly from the dead bodies. In short, every villager's thicker clothes were stripped off.

One of the robbers held a knife to a woman's neck.

"Damn it, take it off quickly!"

Faced with the robber's request, the woman turned pale.

The woman’s husband yelled: “If you have the ability to bully a woman, you have the ability to kill me!”

After all, a man cannot bear to see his wife being defiled.


The robber was not polite and stabbed the woman's husband to death.

The woman opened her mouth wide, not daring to scream, and tears flowed down her face.

"If you don't want to die, take off your clothes for me!"

The robber said gloomily. At this time, the robber's hands were shaking, perhaps because the temperature was too low.

The woman did not dare to resist anymore and quickly took off her coat that had not been washed all winter.

After the man took the coat, he left directly!

Only then did the woman realize that they only wanted clothes. Looking at her deceased husband and her two emaciated children, who were waiting to be fed, she felt desperate.

The robbers did not steal money or women, only food and clothes.

Because the money is obviously useless, they don't expect these villagers to have much money.

"Boss, there is smoke over there!"

At this time, a robber saw that there was still smoke from cooking on the mountain, and it seemed that someone was living there.


When the bandit leader saw that there were still people eating at noon, he was obviously from a wealthy family. After all, most people only had breakfast and dinner. Those who had lunch at this time must have unusual family conditions.

Immediately, more than thirty bandits walked towards the mountain through the snow.

Soon, they surrounded Zhou Yang's house.

"Boss, there are horses and calves!"

The bandits were very excited when they saw the horses and calves outside the door. They could be used to carry heavy loads or be killed for meat!

"Take away!"

The bandit leader waved his hand, and three of his younger brothers came forward.

But when they approached Lao Ma and Niu Xiaozi, a sudden change occurred!

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