Identity exposed.

Denjiro's smiling expression turned serious.

his hand.

All held on to the handle of the knife.

Yingdi looked at Denjiro, raised his sword and fired several sword rays, killing all the gangsters lying on the ground. Then he looked at Denjiro and said, "What, do you want to fight with me?".

Indy's sword skills.

In fact, it's just average.

Denjiro was not afraid of Indy's swordsmanship.


He can feel it.

The vigorous power in Indy's body.

He wasn't sure he could kill Indy.

After a moment of silence, Denjiro stared at Indy and said, "Who are you?".

Yingdi took off the mask naturally and smiled lightly: "Do you know who I am now?".

See Indy’s true face.

Denjiro recognized it immediately.

Although Wano Country is closed, they can still see some big news, not to mention that Denjiro has been paying attention to what is happening outside.

"It's you!" Denjiro looked at Indy and frowned slightly: "You came to Wano Country to find Kaido's daughter. Do you want to threaten Kaido? Are you afraid of death?"

Indy looked at Denjiro calmly: "This has nothing to do with you. If you tell me where Kaido's daughter is, I can pretend I didn't see you today!".

Denjiro's hand was holding the sword tightly.

The revelation of his identity made him want to kill Indy.

But after seeing Yingdi's true appearance, he knew that he couldn't do it, because Yingdi had just killed a great swordsman. With his current ability, let alone killing Yingdi, could he block Yingdi's attack? Attack is an unknown thing.

There was silence for a while.

Denjiro put down his hand holding the sword. He looked at Yingdi calmly and said, "Why do you know me? We, the people of Wano Country, should have never had contact with outsiders. What's more, I have become like this. People who know me well don’t know me!”.

Indy saw Denjiro put down the knife and smiled lightly: "Why are you asking so many questions? What can you do if you know. As long as you tell Kaido if his daughter is there, I won't expose your story!".

Denjiro was silent for a while and said: "It's on Onigashima. You can find out by just asking anyone when you get there. But as soon as you land on Onigashima, you will probably be discovered!"

Yingdi waved her hand: "That's my own business, I don't need you to worry about it, you can go!".

Denjiro looked at Yingdi, but did not leave or speak.

Look at the way he looks.

Looking very hesitant.

a long time.

Denjiro couldn't help but said: "I still want to know why you know me!".

Indy looked at Denjiro and smiled and said: "You will know in the future. After all, I am your master. Remember to protect your lady. I will be sad if something happens to her!".

Indy finished.

He gave Bellemeier a look.

Bellemel understood and turned into a goshawk, soaring into the sky.

And Indy jumped on Bellemere's back and flew away under the cover of night.

Denjiro watched Yingdi and the two fly away, and stood there stunned for a long time.

Indy's words.

He couldn't figure out what it meant.

Why Indy said it was his master, he had no idea.


Yingdi knew about the young lady and asked him to protect the young lady, which means that Yingdi is very clear about their affairs. It also means that Yingdi really has no ill intentions towards them.

Denjiro couldn't figure it out, so he collected the bodies of some gangsters and left the street. As for the death of the gangsters, he would do it even if Indy didn't do it.

After all, his identity.

It cannot be exposed yet.


Bellmere and Indy flew towards Ghost Island.

On the road.

Bellmere couldn't help but ask Indy: "The situation in Wano seems to be quite complicated!".

Yingdi nodded slightly: "That's not true. Wano Country is an important producing area of ​​Hailou Stone, and the strength of the samurai cannot be underestimated. It is difficult to deal with Wano Country with our on-site strength, so don't I underestimated the samurai of Wano!".

Bellmere was a little surprised: "What a group of powerful guys, do you want to recruit them?".

Yingdi smiled: "That's natural. When I take over the princess of Wano, the samurai will be my people. Then I can use them to help me make money!"

Bellemeier nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

And Indy.

Thinking about him.

Meeting Denjiro was an accident.

But the chat with Denjiro was planned.

his purpose.

It was through Denjiro.

Spread those words he said to Guangyue Rihe wherever.


Guangyue Rihe had some understanding of him.

In this way, when he simulates pursuing Hiyori Kozuki next time, Hiyori Kozuki may already be familiar with him, so that he can use the minimum number of times to brush Hiyori Kozuki's favorability to 500 points, so that he Can save a lot of money.

Indy thought to herself for a while.

Bellmere suddenly said: "We are here. The island with the Skull Mountain below should be the Ghost Island!".

Indy wakes up.

He looked down at the ground.

Sure enough, I saw a mountain that looked like a skull.

It's Ghost Island.

That's right.

Yingdi thought for a while and reminded: "Be careful now. First, look around in the air to see if there is anything special. Look for a place with a good environment and suitable for a person to live!".

Bellemare nodded.

Circled and searched over Onigashima.

Ghost Island is not big.

Bellemare made one turn, which lasted only three or four minutes.

During this period.

She locked into a position.

Not far from the Skull Mountain, there is a forest. There is a small courtyard in the forest. The environment there looks very good and is very suitable for a person to live.

After Bellmere and Indy determined the location, they landed into the courtyard. During the landing process, they were very careful to avoid being discovered by others.

The two of them were very lucky.

It fell into another courtyard without being discovered.

Even luckier.

They just landed.

A girl appeared in front of them holding a mace.

Judging from the girl's appearance, she should be ready to fight.


After the girl looked at Yingdi's face, she immediately threw away the mace and showed a happy smile: "Sir Yingdi, why are you here? Are you here specifically to see me!".

The girl is Yamato.

Indi smiled, stepped forward, stretched out her hands and said, "I'm here, you can follow me away from now on!".

Yamato rushed into Indy's arms and said happily: "Okay, sir, I'll go with you!".

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