"Team leader, I feel something is not right. Why are there more and more of these bastards? Is there something wrong?" In the communication channel, a recruit expressed his opinion to the veteran.

"Then why are you still standing there, Brother Bals, aren't we here just to find the source of the problem? Let's go find it."

For the veteran, he thinks these recruits are saying useless things every day. Isn't his duty to find the source of the problem? Why are you still struggling here?

They are in different locations in the hive, dealing with different problems respectively. The direct troops taught by Astartes have already become quite large, and they are now scattered in various areas to cover the actions of Astartes.

Another big bomb was dismantled. These things are not simply something you can make by yourself. I am afraid they were spread from the Astra Militarum.

Something is wrong, absolutely wrong.

Already alert, the Astartes moved closer to the Astra Militarum base.

Bars was just a newly graduated warrior who was sent here to learn from the veterans, but he always felt that this incident was not a simple restoration of the nobility.

What if these attacks, large and small, are all cover for some big conspiracy?

Let the troops and Astartes stationed here run around, so what's the point of the activity?

After all, the Astartes here are not guarding anything, and there is nothing worth holding on to for the warriors.

On the contrary, where the defense becomes weak... all the secret sentries in the city are activated. The whole city of Upper Nest and Middle Nest is under secret martial law. Since there is no parade in Lower Nest, everyone is just entertaining themselves. Le, so there are not many troops.

But there is no need to choose this time to attack the lower nest. At least on the surface, there is usually no big force left in the lower nest.

Baals and the others took the opposite route of action, moving quickly towards the archives. These gangs must have left clues. Under the Astartes for so many years, it was impossible for so many enemies to appear for no reason.

Serial murders, no, Desert Storm, no, asteroids hitting the planet, no, earthquakes...

Wait, an asteroid impact?

Bals pulled out the file. An asteroid hit the planet and was bombarded by missiles. It was not shattered, but it just changed its trajectory and fell into the sea...

WTF? These days, does anyone still believe that missiles can’t destroy asteroids? What do you star defense troops do for food?

Turning another page, I found the main fragments of the asteroid, which were probably smashed.

Baals was so angry that he went back and wrote a report. The Astartes wanted to take over all the authority over the planet. The ground was finally managed, but you didn't even look at the enemies coming from the sky.

What a bunch of trash, how dare you settle such a matter so hastily!

Just as he was about to scold these irresponsible human officials, he heard a deafening explosion, and the ferocious air waves shattered the glass decorations outside into small pieces.

The huge explosion raised the city's defense by several levels. Bars immediately told his team leader what he had discovered. This asteroid had fallen into this world for quite some time. He didn't know when it started. , can only be certain after the invasion of the Night Lords.

This extremely subtle invasion could be the work of Tzeentch, or it could be the work of genestealers or other aliens.

Xiachao was overwhelmed by the overwhelming troops. After the reform, it has become a good living area, and everyone's stable life has been guaranteed. Now there is a violent incident that has not been seen for a long time. Everyone is afraid and hides at home. Go out.

No matter how much the soldiers searched, there was no trace of the nest.

Of course, they couldn't find it, because the gene stealers chose their lair underground under the Orion's home in the desert.

They are not stupid. This is a fully developed nest city that has never been seen before. It will even eliminate the slums. This kind of place is extremely difficult to hide even if you lay down a nest. Once discovered by the "Resident Mutual Aid Committee", it will be over.

(If the Astartes can’t heal the hive under its guard, you should commit suicide.)

In contrast, although the people of the Desert Orion House were fierce and fierce, they still had a large number of people and no troops came.

Only the fourth generation of these gene stealers who are completely human-like will go out and use their weak spiritual energy to confuse others, distort their beliefs, and quietly turn their love for the emperor into the gene stealer clan leader. Psionics.

It is not yet a hive master. Unlike the hive master who was promoted after eating a large amount of the flesh and blood of the Emperor's Children Chaos Astartes, the ordinary leader of the small genestealer sect is the earliest pure blood. It is generally Known as the patriarch.

(Gene - ji, stealer - thief, so gene stealers can be referred to as chicken thieves)

As for why I chose this time to go out... It's simply because the fourth generation has just grown up a few days ago, and the previous generations can be recognized as soon as they show their heads. Who dares to go out because the bolt gun is not powerful enough? Big one?

The patriarch could only send out the mortals who were bewitched by him. These people were simply influenced by spiritual energy. These people naively believed that their faith was still the Emperor and they were extremely loyal.

Most of them are brave desert hunters. In recent years, many of them have entered the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Astra Militarum as low-level non-commissioned officers.

Now these people took the opportunity to cause trouble and caused considerable losses.

But these people are either the descendants of chicken thieves or simply bewitched humans. Unless you put them next to Ina, nothing can be found through ordinary inspection...except Dai's Emperor's Saint. Like a little more arms.

Hundreds of "family members" are surrounding the patriarch at this time. This is the result of its decades of development. There are only a few people here, so it would be great to be able to infect these people.

These strange clan members are waiting for the clan leader to explain his next action plan.

The clan leader didn't speak for a long time, and several gene-stealer aberration masters banged their big hammers impatiently.

Genestealer aberrations are the Ogryns of chicken thieves, bigger, stronger, and certainly dumber. The Aberration Master has some genetic material from the patriarch, a pure-blooded gene stealer.

They can produce the effects of power weapons just by holding ordinary weapons. I don't know how they compare with the green-skinned boss.

The Archbishop, who was also the Chief Psychic Master, signaled everyone to be quiet.

Gene stealers often appear in the form of sects. They recruit believers in the name of spreading faith in the emperor (actually they secretly change the objects of belief. Each group is different. There are two-tailed god emperors, and there are three-headed god emperors. , this group is the most powerful four-armed God-Emperor), who uses spiritual power to distort other people's perceptions and gain fanatical sect members.

The archbishop's spiritual power is still very weak. Their population is too small. If they want to overthrow the regime here and welcome the arrival of the Great Devourer Tyranids, they must develop in the hive in order to obtain enough resources. strength.

Only by making the well-defended hive city chaotic, and then after they carefully screen the lower hive, let them think that the lower hive is "absolutely clean" and then divert the large forces to other areas, can the gene stealers sneak into the lower hive and have a long time. development time.

"Our believers reported that there are Astartes stationed here, and we must find a way to kill them." After a long silence, the patriarch finally choked out a sentence.

(Chicken thieves have their own unique way of communication, similar to a psychic network)

The aberrations were already making strange roars, like the roars of wolves and bears at the same time, and they were excited as long as there was a fight.

Their muscles are very developed, and some of them have two heads due to mutations, while others have grown "non-existent" muscles and phantom limbs.

The mixed-blood acolytes said nothing. They are members of the first and second generations. They look like purebred gene stealers. Their large number of alien body structures make them very powerful in close combat, but they are not now I don't think their forces are strong enough to fight against the Astartes.

The mixed-race novices (members of the third and fourth generations) are eager to try. They are more like humans. Except for the fact that their heads are a little bald, their foreheads are a little convex, forehead wrinkles are a little obvious, and their skin is a little purple, they are human. look.

This look is very common. In this interstellar age, people have colonized various worlds. Different local societies and the radiation effects of space navigation have caused various mutations in humans. If you want to confirm whether this is a "noble pure breed" Humans” instead of weird demi-humans, then scratch your head.

This is the simplest method. A round head is one of the signs of pure human beings.

These mixed-race novices can easily blend into human society to spread their teachings. Now many humans have come here in the name of purchasing desert specialties.

These people are also the intelligence personnel of the Gene Sect.

"Chief, our current intelligence is not enough. These losers didn't even notice that there were Astartes here before."

"It's not their fault. The Astartes tried to hide themselves, but no one could find them."

"But it won't be easy to deal with if they show up." The mixed-race newcomers are full of confidence in their investigative abilities. These people disguise themselves as mortals and have keen hearing and touch that mortals never have.

Of course, the price is that they don't have snipers. These guys have extremely poor eyesight, so don't expect them to be very accurate when using long-range weapons.

"Clan leader, let's spread the people out and attract more believers first. We need more power."

"Okay, let's do it."

A group of humanoid creatures scattered out, and most of them went to the next nest.

However, after the reform, even the lower nest has become prosperous, and some public medical facilities have been established as a matter of course.

These "people" "easily" entered the hive city by pretending to be desert hunters, but they encountered considerable obstruction locally.

The entire nest is in a large-scale investigation stage, and they are checking everyone's records very rigorously.

Wide in and tight out.

Most "employment offices" require them to produce health reports from regular hospitals in Chaodu. These "not quite human" demi-humans must prove that they are "human" before they can live a normal life.

The difficulties don't stop there. When they are looking for a place to live, they are often driven away by guards who want to take them for free health tests and then take them to temporary public shelters until they find jobs.

This is obviously unacceptable. These people can only linger in Xia'an for a long time in the name of just passing by for a rest.

The month-long search made the soldiers wonder whether Bals had made a mistake and that the enemy was not some alien visitor.

How can you get nothing when you get nothing?

Bals fell into self-doubt. This shouldn't be the case. The enemy was not in the hive, so where else could he be? You can't be like the Night Lord back then, outside... Why not?

The short history of the Red Torrent Chapter is familiar to every warrior. This is one of the few reliable combat experiences. The veteran warriors will spare no effort to teach the new warriors.

Bals proposed this idea to the veteran warrior, and the veteran Sara "delegated power" to him with great interest and asked him to do it boldly. Bals did not know that he was a "key observation target" and just tried his best to do a good job. own things.

He even felt a little guilty for leaving the task of fighting against the evil elements in the hive to his other brothers, while he himself went to investigate the matter that had yet to be revealed.

Bals still had the same old habit. He immediately inquired about the people in other small human gathering places and the access conditions of the nest.

These relationships were so intricate that he could only sort them out bit by bit, which was very energy-consuming.

Some records are vague and incomplete, such as large transportation teams. You can't disassemble and inspect the goods one by one.

But the total traffic can still be seen.

For example, the population output of several places was extremely large. Bals decided to visit and investigate those abnormal places on the spot. Is it true that the population is declining and they all flocked to the hive, or are people from other places coming to crowd them out? , we can only go to the nest capital, or... something abnormal happens.

Bals was sitting in a freight train heading to his first destination. There was nothing unusual. It was really just a small problem with the power supply system at night, which caused everyone to go to bed early at night. In the nest city, he could be rated as a fertility model or Model community.

The second destination is a bit strange, but Bales' investigation shows that gangs are prevalent here and everyone has run away. The hive city's crackdown on evil elements allows them to continue to go to such lawless places to continue causing chaos.

This kind of thing does not require the Space Marines to take action, just call the Guards.

The third place he will walk to because there is no train there yet.

The Desert Orion House is a large gathering place located in the Akan Khan Oasis, one of the only large oases in the desert.

The best resources have cultivated the best hunters. The people here are known for their bravery and fighting skills and are very good warriors. This is also where a large number of Orions trade, and it can be said to be the safest trading area.

The managers here are full of martial virtue and have a large number of laser guns and logging guns.

Timber guns can be understood as super-heavy enhanced versions of machine guns. Although these big gadgets were only used by people in the Golden Age to drive away "beasts" in the forest, their powerful attack power made them very popular among the imperial warriors who were stuck in technological regression.

In some worlds that do not have the ability to independently produce laser guns, these logging guns are the main heavy firepower weapons.

Under the protection of such abundant martial ethics, the trade here rose rapidly, a lot of wealth was gathered, and it gradually became a large settlement.

In recent years, many people have moved from here to the nest capital. It may be that the prey in the desert has been hunted down, Bals thought.

The small carrier drove extremely fast, and a few loyal warriors carried the Emperor's Angels across the desert.

They disguise themselves as tourists and come to a desert oasis for vacation.

This is not uncommon, because not everyone is rich enough to go to a semi-resort planet. Most of the middle class will choose beautiful places on this planet to visit.

Who can resist the Akan Khan Oasis with mountains, water and an oversized cat litter box?

Before entering the Desert Hunter House, I saw a large number of vehicles queuing up. I waited for a full 4 hours to let them in, and they still had to pay a small fee to pass.

Although these "commissars" felt angry, Astartes' order made them suppress their anger and start looking for a hotel.

A relatively remote hotel, their selling point is that you can see the desert as soon as you open the door, but this is like a joke in an oasis surrounded by desert.

Several political commissars opened two large bunks, which was very economical. More importantly, ordinary beds could not accommodate Astartes.

As soon as they entered the hotel room, everyone selectively ignored the abnormality of the emperor's icon and the weird atmosphere of the entire room until Bals, who climbed over the wall from the cargo area, met them.

The Astartes' helmet has a simple anti-subspace function. It is of course useless when facing demons in subspace, but in real space it can help warriors resist the erosion of Chaos.

"Didn't you notice something unusual here?" The soldiers were confused and panicked. Such words usually appeared when they failed to fulfill their duties. These emperor's angels would say this.

These mortal elites immediately began to look at the entire room. An old "political commissar" immediately pointed at the emperor's icon, and then a large amount of blood flowed from his nose and ears, and he fell straight down.

Bals immediately realized that this place was corrupted, and it should be caused by the Gene Sect.

After all, if Chaos is corrupted, it will no longer be a four-armed God Emperor, but will kill the Great Emperor and kill the Corpse Emperor.

"Everyone, please don't look at the emperor's icon here, enforce Regulation 20, and go out and report the situation here."

Everyone immediately took action, cursing loudly "I have to work overtime at the request of my boss" while discussing with the hotel to check out and end their journey.

Regulation 20, you have been psychically corrupted. If you still have self-awareness, leave here immediately at all costs and seek help from loyal people for treatment.

Baals tried to contact his fellow Astartes over the comm channel, but there was only a buzzing echo in his helmet.

A small psychic shield, a Genestealer's trick.

Baars began to wander here. It was already dusk. A large number of hunters went home to rest. The voices of chanting hymns came from every house. These loyal eulogies were transmitted to Baals' helmet, which was an unforgivable blasphemy. words.

Fortunately, this is a desert, and Bals can easily lurk under the sandy ground and steal information quietly.

The loyal warriors failed. The gatekeepers refused to open the door on the grounds that it was dangerous at night and there was a curfew. These warriors did not intend to forcefully break in at first, hoping to find other exits, but under the corrosion of psychic energy, they went around in circles. Went back to the hotel to stay.

They passed right over Bals' head, making the sadness and anger in Bals's heart even worse.

It's late at night, and the night here is very beautiful. Compared with the dark hive, the wonderful night view attracts romantic humans to look up.

Under the brilliant starlight, undercurrents surged. Bals crawled out of the sand silently. He wanted to change his position to investigate. However, when he was halfway up, an unusual vibration came, and he had no choice but to bury himself back.

"Are you sure there is a group of humans who are difficult to naturalize living here?"

"I am very sure, sir. It seems that some of them have not been corroded yet. Even if they are corroded, most of them can find it by themselves and then fall into a backlash coma."

A mixed-race believer listened to the innkeeper's words and threw out a strange psychic device to strengthen the corrosion.

"Hmph, a bunch of stubborn guys, why don't you drink cooking wine when toasting?"

Bals had no intention of letting them get their wish. The difficulty was how to kill two people calmly.

At this time, he had not discovered that this was a fourth-generation gene stealer, and just regarded him as an ordinary human corruptor.

He wanted to catch someone silently and get information.

The moment Bals made up his mind and started taking action, the mixed-race newcomer felt bursts of murderous intent coming from behind him and the unusual friction sound in the sand.

"There's..." In an instant, Bars broke the innkeeper's neck, then stretched out his big hand to grab the mixed-race novice.

A scream broke today's peace, and the battle had begun.

Baers regretted his recklessness and had to swallow the bitter consequences of his wrong actions.

The tactical dagger pierced the enemy's neck, but more and more enemies swarmed towards him. They burst out of the room, out of the sand, and out of the grass.

The heavy logging gun was turning from the watchtower to point here, and Balth had to immediately move to another temporary storage point of his, where his power sword and bolter were located.

A first-generation genestealer jumped out of the side window and wanted to attack Baals. The enemy inherited the chicken thieves' ugly face that even the greenskins wanted to shovel off and sharp claws that could tear apart power armor. .

But its power is far inferior to that of an Astartes. Baals grabbed the enemy's sharp claws. The three-armed hybrid acolyte wanted to attack him with the third hand above, but Baals used all his strength and directly hit him. The enemy is torn in half.

The laser gun fired, and the beam of light hit Balth's armor, causing bursts of thick smoke.

Power armor is enough to withstand this level of attack, but as for the red paint... it just depends on luck.

Running with all his strength, Baals quickly reached the hiding place of his bolter. The Astartes' strong body gave them thunderous speed.

There was no need to move lightly, now he no longer cared about hiding himself.

Can't one person destroy you all? I am an Astartes.

He drew out his power sword, turned around and cut the enemy following behind him in half.

"For the Emperor!"

The one who is panicking now is not Baars, but the clan leader underground. The fifth generation has not yet been born, and those guys who should return to their ancestors to become pure-blood gene stealers and become an important fighting force in the clan have not yet been born.

The entire "group" only had so few people, and they were unable to withstand the Astartes' attack.

"Clan leader, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Pack up your things and run away, let those fools hold off the enemy." Since the number of enemies was unknown, the clan leader was prepared to run away directly based on the principle of leaving green hills without worrying about running out of firewood.

Baars was very enthusiastic about killing. He had been training for a long time on the training ground and in the space hulks that invaded from time to time, but he had almost never fought independently.

Especially the task of killing an entire clan by one person.

"Burn the emperor's will, destroy the monsters in the cave!"

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