Swords flew, fear spears shuttled between metal and flesh, and the powered meteor hammer had no room to swing up, and its owner died. Broken storms and flying lightning wander around the ancient scepter, and the great machine of God squanders its authority wantonly.

The chain sword in Yifeng's hand whirred, and the machine soul fell into unprecedented joy. Anger filled his stoic face.

The ancient battle technique from the source star of Gene Lord Chagatai Khan. The two armies rush into battle without hesitation. All enemies pass by you and are gone at the touch of a touch. You can safely kill your own back and cut enemies. Leaving the comrades behind him, the two armies passed each other, but the blood on the swords was still wet.

When charging into the battle, Yifeng swung his chain sword elegantly, cutting off more than 40 mechanical arms and injuring 18 killing cans, but he also paid the price. The chain sword he was swinging struck a strange modification of a murderous iron can, and the chain sword was stuck inside. If he were an experienced William, he would have quickly discarded the chain sword, but Yifeng tried to pull it out. The chain sword caused the Killing Iron Can to hit his tactical helmet hard with the blade. The powerful and sharp blade almost cut his head in half. Fortunately, the helmet was of good quality, and in a sense it was also his skull. It was hard enough, and the blade got stuck in the flesh of the scalp.

In an instant, another assault drill attacked from the left. Thanks to Charles behind him, he chopped off the enemy's blade mechanical arm with a chain saw axe. Yifeng was able to quickly dodge the enemy's attack, took off his bolter and continued running and shooting.

Now, Shi Zhengxiang was helping Yifeng pull out the blade stuck on his head. There was a blade stuck on his head that cut open the helmet. After removing the blade, the cracks in the helmet became larger and spread. At the height of the eyebrows, one tactical eyepiece was still black, while the other was stained with blood and glowed red. The shoulder armor on the left has many knife marks, and the shoulder armor on the right has several deep bullet holes. After Yifeng lost his chainsword, he charged towards the killing iron can with his bolter.

Needless to say, the battle just now was considered to be unparalleled in bravery even among the Astartes. Chapter Commander Deyika had to say that this guy looked like a company commander when he saw him.

Although this injury was entirely due to Yifeng's inexperience, he looked quite handsome now from the perspective of a bunch of rough guys fighting bloody battles.

The charge of the Green Temple Company where Yifeng was located directly penetrated the enemy's position and reached the other side.

"Young man, go on."

A member of the Shadow Blades threw his dark gold chainsword to Yifeng.

"A good sword and a hero. Young man, you have the potential to become the champion of the group. I am optimistic about you. My name is Everris."

"My name is Yifeng. Thank you for your sword and blessing. I will use it to kill all the enemies of the emperor. We will talk after the war."

Yifeng was not polite. On the battlefield, killing the enemy came first. It was the best blessing for the two of them to survive until the end of the war.

The second charge began. The first charge of the Green Temple successfully disrupted the enemy's front, and the brothers covering the Storm Will fought with the enemy like a meat grinder. Now, they are going to support the three clan leaders of the Shadow Blade and the warriors of the Storm Will who are fighting fiercely under the Maoge King Kong.

The ten Shadow Blade clan leaders who believe in mechanical ascension have transformed several of their limbs into machines. They even replaced more powerful mechanical arms and other parts with the help of the Monopoly Chapter.

King Kong's left hand ascends to the sky and the death cannon (magnetic traction cannon), his right hand is a creaking cannon (ray cannon), and he carries a rumble (sequential mortar) on his back. He is a heavy firepower fortress that is erupting at this time. Amazing firepower.

The Ascension Death Cannon smashed into pieces the Sentinel-modified mecha that attacked behind the Space Marines, and then dragged it up into the sky, slamming it into the Astartes. The rumbling mortar on its back kept firing shells, attacking the surroundings. The mortal heavy tank position formed a situation where heavy artillery fire from both sides was exchanged. The creaking ray cannon in Maoge King Kong's right hand unceremoniously melted several Astartes and the fearful iron pots around them into molten iron.

However, compared to Gorge Dauntless, Mauge King Kong basically does not carry melee weapons, because it generally does not act alone, and the surrounding greenskins will assume the task of close combat protection. However, due to the formation being broken up by the Son of White Scar at this time, Digital Experience Rich veterans were able to sneak in at his feet and start their own "galactic law enforcement mission of demolishing illegal buildings."

Yifeng learned from experience, basically chop and chop continuously, and go away with one strike. This time it was easy. After the previous attack brought his teammates in, the battlefield was basically filled with Astartes and Dread Cans. As long as he attacked from the side or behind a few Dread Cans, the warriors fighting head-on would be very easy. Quickly gain the advantage and kill them, thereby effectively helping friendly fighters.

And the Astartes who are freed up after winning the battle will intervene in other battles and create a chain reaction.

The clan leaders of the Shadow Blade directly installed a promethium-fueled flamethrower on their nuclear-powered backpacks. After using the small siege drill assembled on the robotic arm to break through the mechanical shell of Mao GeKong, the flamethrower was pushed upwards. Start breathing fire. Don’t you like to blow yourself up? If I don't go in, you either come out or you become a roasted mushroom.

After the Astartes quickly cleaned up the enemy's killing iron cans, most of them left the battlefield. The two great think tanks or think tank masters were always ready to teleport the warriors who were close to the enemy from the subspace. Teleport away.

An Astartes never stumble in the same place twice.

At first, Mao Gejin tried to crush the ants around him, but when several clan leaders dexterously dodged and the internal transmission system was completely melted, he became a complete target.

"Huh? Well, okay, I understand."

"The two think tank masters will teleport everyone one thousand meters away in 11 seconds." The leader of the Deyika Chapter shouted in the communication channel.

"Everyone who is not in the battle, evacuate as quickly as possible."

The greenskin warlord Mistempor sensed something was wrong. Although the shrimps under his feet were attacking fiercely, the people around him began to retreat. His waaaaaagh energy had declined due to the death of too many greenskins, but he still gave him a warning. .

Without hesitation, the green-skinned warlord quickly pulled the emergency lever, and King Kong's huge mechanical head instantly flew back and upward.

11 seconds later, everyone was enveloped in huge psychic energy and teleported to one kilometer away in an instant.

In 12 seconds, four consecutive heavy-duty ship-breaking torpedoes bombarded the Maoge King Kong, turning it into a pool of molten iron.

Although orbital bombing takes more than 20 minutes to reload, it is not necessary for the battleship to be turned sideways. It is not the weapons installed at the bottom of the battleship that can be used for orbital bombing. The fish launch ports and macro gun arrays on the side can also be used.

Ever since, the experienced old captain ordered the warship to face the ground sideways.

Poor accuracy? My bombardment kill range is 300 meters, does it matter if the deviation is 50 meters? No.

A large amount of rock on the surface of the iron ore base also fell off quickly, exposing the metal iron wall below.

The strong green-skinned warlord Mistempor didn't wait for his flying wings to unfold. He jumped down from an altitude of 400 meters, stepped on the splashing rocks, performed a wave of extremely difficult air jumps and walked, and quickly landed.

Even as strong as he was, it could not help but break one of its thighs, but it did not hesitate, endured the pain of broken bones, rolled and crawled into the underground space of the iron ore base.

In a blink of an eye, Yifeng arrived behind a Leman Russ tank on the outside of the battle line. For an instant, a huge black shadow shrouded in front of Yifeng, and then got bigger and bigger, "bombing" the huge cannonball. If it was still a cannonball, it instantly exploded the Leman Russ tank. It was so powerful. The shock wave instantly lifted Yifeng and the surrounding warriors away.

"This...this is..."

Even though the enemy had just emerged, Deyka felt that something was wrong.

"Everyone's attention, the enemy ancient giant garbage appears, change the strategy, change the strategy, everyone retreats ten kilometers."

The ancient giant, this huge war fortress is 26 meters high. It is one of the ultimate killing weapons of the Orcs. Its huge size can only be matched by the Reaver-class Titans of the Empire. If you want to completely suppress the opponent, you need the Warlord-class Titan. Only Titan mechanical creations can do it. The weapons and ammunition equipped inside are endless. The super-large green leather void shield is almost impossible to break if it has enough waaaaaaaaaagh energy. Without at least two knight-level titans, no one dares to say that they are sure of victory. .

"It's the emperor's big pants, how come there is such a thing here."

The mortal auxiliary soldiers are numb, what is this? This battle is getting more and more outrageous.

The leader of the Deyika Chapter did not need to think too much and directly called the two think tank mentors.

"Can you still perform a psychic teleportation? How many people can be teleported?"

"At the scale just now, we can still do it once, but we need a ten-minute rest. During this period, we can no longer use psychic powers."

"You two, understand what I mean."

"Of course, isn't this what we do best?"

Deyka directly issued an order for the entire army to retreat. There was no assembly point, so just run away.

"Brothers who just teleported, let's do what we do best. Let's go and join the gang."

The spiritual power of the two think tank masters shines again, and the Astartes will implement the tactics with the highest mortality rate in space battles and the most commonly used tactics by Space Marines, directly using subspace teleportation to enter the enemy's warship. But this time, it was to go to the ancient giant garbage.

Apart from the Astartes and warships with Geller's stance, few things can directly teleport into the Warp. This will cause evil demons in the Warp to reside in it, which will cause a lot of harm when it returns to the real world.

Yifeng was also numb. I just took a new sword and tried it out before I rushed in front of Brother Mao's King Kong. You just treated me as a veteran and put me in the death squad for no reason? What the hell?

What's more, even a battleship-level teleporter is difficult to accurately teleport in the subspace. Under the interference of the waaaaagh position (psionic level), it is extremely easy for soldiers to teleport directly into the wall and get stuck. Now they rely on two think tank curators? Can it be relied upon? Forget it, squat down first, I guess there is no passage up to three meters high in the ancient giant garbage.

Psychic energy shone, and the thirteen warriors flashed directly into the ancient giant garbage.

"Everyone, listen. The first task is to protect the two think tank masters for ten minutes. The second task is to paralyze their invincible force field device. The third task is to kill the green-skinned warlord. You don't have to complete it."

A total of eleven Astartes responded to the mission, and one is feared dead.

Whether the equipment made by the green skin is strong or not depends on the amount of waaaaaagh energy, so it is a good choice to kill the green skin first to reduce the waaaaaagh energy.

Yifeng teleported to the second floor of the Ancient Garbage. There were six floors in the entire Ancient Garbage. Except for the fifth and fourth floors where the green-skinned warlords and the power core were located, which were four meters high, the other floors were only about 2.7 meters tall. Height, that is to say, if Yifeng had not squatted down just now, his soul would have returned to the emperor's throne by now.

Then don't be stunned. The technician boys and bastards around him looked at him in bewilderment and let's go ahead and do it.

Even though he was crouching, it didn't affect Yifeng's bolter fire. Eight of the ten shots hit the head and two were in the heart. Well, he was in pretty good shape.

Since the passage was not that high, Yifeng could not run, so he could only use his chain sword to slash around and destroy the surrounding walls in order to find some breakthroughs. But apart from cutting out various exposed wires, Yifeng found nothing.

Several big green-skinned guys picked up the big saws on their backs and rushed towards Yifeng. Yifeng was not polite and immediately rewarded them with a magazine of explosive bombs. ha? Fighting with a knife? Don’t you need two idiots if you have a gun? As an excellent inheritor of William's philosophy, firepower is the key.

Go forward in the direction where the green skins emerged, and at the end is a mechanical valve. Use the chain sword to open the door in three strokes, five by two, and oh, it's a horrible scene. The broken limbs of the green skins are everywhere, and the huge one next to it is Assault guns have turned into real garbage. There are many iron gates on the way to the upper level, but they are all opened by huge drill holes.

The leader designated as the Shadow Blade Chapter teleported here and started killing.

Don't think about it, just follow the traces of the battle and find someone to hug you with your lap first.

Yifeng ran up to the third floor and saw a huge steel beam lying in front of him. It was designed to blow up the beam to stop the enemy. Yifeng tried it. Although the chain sword in his hand could cut the steel beam, the day lily would be cold after he finished cutting it, so he should go to the other side.

There was a corner at the end of the passage on the other side. After turning around, there was a room. After kicking it open, Yifeng smelled the rich smell of mushroom soup.

A few farts were hiding under the table and shivering. The only green-skinned boy picked up a kitchen knife and rushed towards Yifeng.

"Bang~ Say hello to Brother Go when you see him"

After casually opening the kitchen, Yifeng found his way upstairs.

Opening the small door, the tip of a power sword was pointed directly at Yifeng's helmet. Yifeng was startled. He jumped back and placed the chain sword in front of him. "Hiss~" His head hurt. He forgot that this place was very dangerous. Shorter.

The power sword is a powerful energy weapon and a symbol of status. In many teams, officers, veterans and champions like to wear power swords. Once the battery of this thing is turned on, a destructive energy field quickly wraps around the entire sword body. This energy The field can destroy most metal armor and flesh and bones, making it the best choice for breaking through armor and killing enemies.

The strange thing now is why an imperial power sword appeared out of thin air in the corridor.

Yifeng slowly walked forward, and he understood that this was the poor veteran who failed to join the gang. Yifeng could only see his hands and sword, and the other parts were inside the wall. There was no blood, but this scene It was more frightening than the bloody battlefield just now.

Yifeng took off his sword. The power sword had a golden blade. It must have been specially made by a noble person. He hoped that someone outside could recognize this sword and confirm the identity of this unlucky man.

Yifeng conveniently discarded the bolter with the empty magazine. He hoped that Team Leader William would not ask about this matter. It was so embarrassing. Just now he claimed to be the successor of his spirit. Now he will use up all the ammunition. .

Yifeng entered the corridor, of course, with her waist down.

But the mushroom soup was so delicious that Yifeng's mouth almost watered. Although an Astartes could fight without eating, drinking or sleeping for two weeks under extreme circumstances, he still pursued delicious food.

Forget it, let's get down to business first and close the olfactory channel of the helmet. Alas, it still smells good. Oh, by the way, my helmet was chopped. It doesn't matter whether it is closed or not.

Catching his waist to climb up the stairs, why is it so long? It’s not that long from the second floor to the third floor. The confused Yifeng turned another corner and saw a thin door at the end of the stairs. Yifeng didn’t even use it. The chain sword opened with a slight break.

A huge green head turned around and faced each other with a masked face.

Isn't the imperial dining room directly connected to Mistempor's command room?

The space on the fifth floor is very high, more than four meters high. When the green-skinned warlord stood up straight, it reached a terrifying 3.8 meters. His strong muscles felt that his arms alone were thicker than Yifeng's head.

Yifeng also stood up straight at this time. He was three meters tall and covered with bullet holes. The golden power sword in his left hand looked like it was not ordinary at first glance. It must be owned by a great warrior who has gained great honor and the respect of the entire battle group. A rare item, a dark gold chain sword in his right hand. The royal aura on it made Mistempel's waaaaaaaagh psychic premonitions feel terrifying. There was a melt bomb with a sacred blessing language painted on it in his waist. There are huge cracks on the left shoulder armor, and the right shoulder armor is full of bullet marks and deep pits. The most conspicuous thing is that on the helmet in the middle, a huge knife mark runs through the top of the head and stops at the eyebrows. One of the two eyes is deep black. , and one is a strange blood-red color.

"It's a big guy, much bigger than the previous interstellar cans. He is probably a company champion, maybe a chapter champion or a chapter leader, a very strong enemy." Mistempor thought, and looked at the wound he had just made. With his unkempt right thigh, Mistampol thought for a moment and decided to find a way to slip away.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, how come I'm so lucky? I didn't read the almanac before teleporting..." Yifeng was completely stunned. I'll fight the big boss? When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins? No, it's safe to think of a way to yo-yo, overload the shield here and blow it up with a railgun as the chapter leader said.

"I am the lawful person of the Green Temple, the inheritor of the will of Ferrus Manus, the inheritor of Rogal Dorn's will, Yifeng, the son of Jaghatai Khan." Yifeng shouted loudly, No matter what, just move out the three original bodies and scare the other side first.

Besides, I didn’t lie. The power sword probably belonged to the Will of the Storm, the chainsword was given to me by someone from the Shadow Blade, and I was a Primaris Astartes from the Green Templar. Isn’t that just a slight exaggeration? Diu diu diu.

However, Yifeng knew that he had to go all out to confront the big warlord in order to find an opportunity. Otherwise, if he turned around and ran away, he would probably be chopped down.

Yifeng clenched the two swords with both hands, fighting intent, the light of the power sword was extremely dazzling, and the dark golden chain sword "whirred".

Very good, the machine soul is pleasant (with electricity), the advantage is mine.


"eye for eye!"

When enemies meet, there is no need to say anything, just start slashing.

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