Warhammer: Decided to take the route of stars surrounding the warp

Chapter 63 The toilet is out of paper? bring the holy book

The fifth batch of recruits are constantly training among the enemies that are constantly attacking, or enemy ships that are trapped in traps. They can be said to be the most fully trained batch of recruits among all batches.

Ten years have passed by, and the transformation of the sixth batch of recruits has been completed. 44 recruits have joined the battle group, and the 40 people in the fifth batch are also facing graduation assessment.

In order to unify the time, recruits basically have to train for twelve years. One group is recruited, one group is in training after transformation, and one group is facing graduation. This is the normal situation of the Red Torrent Chapter.

The Red Torrent Chapter rarely lets new recruits join the battle against the Chaos Astartes, even if the opponent is not a veteran of ten thousand years.

The gene seed feature stores the previous Astartes' combat experience for the current Astartes to absorb. When the current Astartes fully absorbs these experiences, he will gain new combat experience through constant fighting in the following days. Stored in gene-seed.

In other words, if each generation lives for a long time, then the combat experience stored in the gene seeds is quite rich, and the new recruits can quickly obtain strong combat effectiveness. This is why those original battle groups with a long history are so powerful than other new battle groups. Many reasons.

Now, the combat effectiveness of various gene seeds in Yifeng's war group has become stratified. The first batch of recruits is the most obvious. The strongest are the Iron Hands scions of the Shadow Blade Chapter. This war group has the longest history. More wars.

Then there are the white scars of the Green Templar. In terms of history, they are similar to the Stormwill Chapter, a sub-group of the Imperial Fists. However, unlike others who "nest in their own territory", the Green Templar adheres to the white scars. The sub-regiment has a fine tradition of often operating deep behind enemy lines and has rich combat experience.

The last one is the warriors of the Luna Wolves. They are truly pure gene seeds. They were multiplied from one gene seed among the batch of gene seeds that the war group handed over to the empire as the tithe at the beginning. They have absolutely no combat experience from their predecessors, so their combat effectiveness relies entirely on their own learning.

Except Kazanev, the Luna Wolf freak.

It's been a long time since we lost new soldiers. This won't work. Soldiers are made by fighting them, so you have to make them a little more difficult.


"Angels from the Salamanders Chapter, these are all the supplies captured in this battle. Didn't you find the lost holy objects?"

"Unfortunately, Father, we have not found the missing item."

Although the Mechanicus troops wanted to "secretly" hide some precious treasures, they handed them all over at the insistence of the Salamanders Chapter, who did not hesitate to fall out with them. The furious Primordial Chapter left the Mechanicus without any doubt. If they really hid these things, they would annihilate all the fireships here without hesitation.

Urusa was very irritated. If these Stolov Mechanicus really did not hide the weapon secretly, they could only blame it on the escaping strike cruiser.

The relics (already found) forged from the Primarch Vulcan are closely guarded, but there are many warriors who fanatically worship the Primarch and want to create imitations.

But there was an outlier among them, a powerful think tank candidate, a trainee warrior who was studying with the chief think tank. This warrior was the leading forging master in the group, second only to one of the contemporary fathers of forging.

He wanted to build a weapon that the original Vulkan had never built before, and set himself as a benchmark in a new field.

In the end, he chose the pumpkin hammer, which was very similar to a sledgehammer but not used by many.

Powerful psychic flames mixed with the fury of underground magma melt the precious forging materials, and exquisite forging technology and powerful psychic power are poured into them.

Ordinary people didn't know this until one day, the deepest forging room in the forging room suddenly became raging with psychic energy. The blue psychic flame burned the entire forging room. Lying in the middle of the ruins was the weak master and... This magic weapon.

It sounds outrageous, but this is not caused by some evil rituals or sacrifices related to subspace. It is simply that the exhausted master couldn't wait to try out its power after finally creating this holy object.

Then, the master is in confinement now, and the core forging room on the ground floor is very expensive, okay?

This great work did not go unnoticed, but after all, it was forged by later generations. This group of fanatical craftsmen distinguished the weapons made by their original body from other man-made weapons, so they placed it on a transport ship. Transported to some mysterious storage place.

However, it was already a period of all-out war, and only the reserve company that had just been fully supplied could be drawn out, so the escort mission was handed over to a part of the Astra Militarum and the Salamander Warriors of the Sixth Company for joint execution.

Stop by to support the fight in the world around that mysterious cache.

The Astra Militarum were happy to help the Salamanders, after all, the most popular chapter in the Empire was not just a rumor.

On the way, the forces of Chaos attacked them, and the transport ships and escorting ships were scattered by the violent waves of the warp.

The transport ship was lucky enough to find an Astra Militarum supply warehouse in the Obscure Star Territory, and temporarily stored the supplies here so that the severely damaged transport ship could be repaired first.

Then what happened next was foreseeable. When the frigates came to this temporary warehouse, several soldiers stationed there were killed, all the Astra Militarum were killed, and several committing ships were opening subspace rifts and preparing to escape.

The angry Salamander warriors launched a frantic pursuit until now.

"Bang", a hammer specially designed for execution hit Morgan's hand, and he couldn't help but cry out at the intense pain. Drugs specially used for interrogation can increase the sensitivity of prisoners' pain nerves a thousand times.

The cell next to Morgan's was his old superior, who had completely stopped working.

"Tell me! Where are our supplies?"

"Ah~ you are asking, what supplies? We have robbed a lot of things, which one are you asking about?"

"This is a secret, I can't tell you."

Morgan: ...

"That's the batch you grabbed recently. Where are you putting it? Tell me!"

"The latest batch was on the strike cruiser that escaped. It was their hand that moved the ship at that time."

Ever since Morgan fell into the hands of the Salamanders, he has been tortured one after another. But I told the truth a long time ago. Those supplies were really on the escaping ship.

Another beating.

"Captain Urusa, he won't let go."

Morgan: "Is there a possibility that I am telling the truth, ah~ it's true, ah~"

Morgan smiled wildly, just to make them misunderstand that he was lying, and concluded that this thing must be hidden in the captured ship, and it would be best to fight with the Mechanicus who also captured some supplies.

"Then don't worry about them. Let's go and talk to the Adeptus Mechanicus."

Poor Morgan, who had broken bones all over his body, was hung on an iron hook. His strong vitality would not let him die, and now he was cursed forever.

These "silly guys" are not as stupid as outsiders imagine. On the contrary, their philosophical ideas are very clever, which has allowed them to survive for ten thousand years.

It is impossible to break up with the Mechanicus, but it is still possible to pay a price in exchange for a search. Of course, if it is found, then not only will your Mechanicus not be able to get the price, but you will also have to pay something to get over it.

There is no way, my father is still alive, he is so arrogant.


Yifeng was looking at the pumpkin hammer at this time. He was originally inspecting the learning status of the trainee pharmacists, and then planned to visit the new recruits who were about to graduate, but the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

The Pumpkin Hammer is a psychic weapon, so why is it placed with a bunch of other "ordinary" weapons? It's like a gold ingot hidden in a pile of copper ingots.

The more I think about it, the more something is wrong. It can't be Tzeentch's conspiracy.

He hasn't seen much of Tzeentch's power since he came to this world. Or is it that he is everywhere, but he just didn't notice it?

No, it can't be placed next to the Chapter's sacred relics. You have to think of a more thoughtful place to place it.

A cabin was vacated on the Solemn Alert, and the pumpkin hammer was placed away from conventional weapons, lest this mysterious object cause some incomprehensible danger like corroding other machine spirits.

Strict warning and everlasting vigilance.

Yifeng sealed the unknown object with his own hands, and William was already waiting for him in the command room.

"What's wrong William, what's the matter?"

"Chapter Commander, regarding the assessment of the fifth batch of recruits, I think it's time to get ready."

"So William, do you have any good ideas?"

"Chapter Master, I hope that in the next war, the new recruits will fight like real Astartes. Only those who survive will be eligible to serve."

"I understand your feelings very well, William, but at this stage we will not have any big battles to fight." William means a hundred-man level war, a large-scale battle with the Astra Militarum and mortal forces, and Yi Feng's In your mind, if you don't have more than a thousand Chaos warriors, or gather the strength of one or two battle groups, it can be considered a big battle?

"William, if that doesn't work out, why don't we mobilize the graduated Astartes to conduct an exercise, with you as the defender and us as the attacker?"

Exercises are not common in the Warhammer world. First of all, what kind of exercises are needed for fighting every day? If you survive two wars, you will be an elite veteran. Secondly, the fake equipment used in the exercises is not cheap, so it is better to make it real.

"Chapter Commander, it seems that the power and scale of this weapon are not easy to control."

The reason is this, it's fine if the power sword doesn't press the switch, but how to simulate the bolt gun.

"Then let's implement the survival system. Starting from today, the assessment of all recruits of Red Torrent will be changed to the survival system."

"Survival system? Chapter leader, please clarify."

"All new recruits graduate on time and undergo the armor conferment ceremony, but they are not counted among the soldiers who are serving. Well, even the 11th company. They will act at the same time as the veterans in the next war. Only those who survive the war will be counted. Those who graduate and obtain military merit can be given priority for promotion to team leader or company commander."

In disguise, a group of temporary non-staff members who were not counted among the combatants appeared in Yifeng's battle group.

Now it is a rebellion, not a complete rebellion, beating the state religion to death, and being loyal to the emperor.

When the time comes, you can trick a few people from the Space Wolves chapter into coming in. I'll see what you dare to say, and the Inquisition will win for you. (The wolf cub really almost rushed into the Inquisition and beat them up, but unfortunately he was stopped) Of course, this area is muscular... The wolf's deeds don't end there.

Back then, the Space Wolves and the Imperial Guard fought against the demons. The belated arrival of the Inquisition and the Gray Knights wanted to kill all the surviving Imperial Guards, because it was almost impossible for mortals to resist the Chaos Demons, and they would be corrupted by Chaos just by looking at the demons. .

The Space Wolves are quitting. My good brothers who fought with me, will you kill them all if the war is won? No, the wolves directly killed the people in the Tribunal. Because the Wild Wolf's backstage was too tough, the Tribunal had no way to do it. (If you want to know the specific situation, you can check "Moon of Shame")

What Yifeng has to do now is to drag the Space Wolves into the water, and everyone with dads should try their best to unite.

Well, the Raven Guard have to think about it. Although their Primarch is still alive, their relationship with the White Scars is really not that good.

William thought it was not appropriate. This idea was obviously a good choice, but conducting the armor conferring ceremony before the final assessment of the recruits would greatly reduce the importance and sense of honor of the armor conferring ceremony.

Yifeng's answer to this question is, honor? Honor is earned through fighting, and only the blood and heads of Chaos traitors or other enemies can earn you respect and honor.

Okay, you are the Chapter Leader, you have the final say.

Regarding the decline in the importance of the armor conferring ceremony, wouldn't it be great if we had another ceremony? After the big battle, all the surviving soldiers of the 11th Company would have a grand ceremony, and a celebration banquet would be held at the same time. During the memorial ceremony, a promotion ceremony for new recruits was held.

In the future, Yifeng will regret this decision, which seemed to be to save money on the banquet. Of course, the chefs also regard this banquet as their promotion ceremony. Only those who can perfectly handle a banquet of this scale can prove that they are in charge. chef.

What? Chapter tradition? I am the first generation chapter leader, whatever I say is tradition.

William felt relieved and left the command room.

Yifeng has already begun to consider what will happen when the main force of the battle group leaves here in the future. Whether or not he should take away the 120 soldiers stationed on the planet. If there are too many people, Yifeng also feels that the combat power is a waste.

Staying behind is a matter of numbers. The empire has proven this with blood and fire for ten thousand years.

All counter-offensive expeditions over the past ten thousand years have been carried out by the navy and war groups who only care about the battle in front of them. No one cares about the construction of the recovered world. There will never be any more like Guilliman's conquest of the five hundred worlds in the Extreme Star Territory. After the conquest, Get solid notifications and become a builder of gears in the war machine that goes on an expedition.

Think about it, everyone, in a devastated wasteland world, people are crying in chaos, blood is flowing, dyeing the desert red, the hive is full of human limbs arranged in blasphemous sacrificial patterns, and subspace demons are summoned. Come out and drink in human misery.

The imperial troops are coming, and their artillery fire covers the enemies and refugees indiscriminately. You are lucky enough to survive. Then you will face the sweep of the Gray Knights who will be killed at the first sight, and will probably hit you in the head. Imperial artillery fire on.

The world has been recaptured, and you cheer for joy. You have no food, no water, no property, and you are left with only the rags on your body. But everyone is very happy. Everyone thinks that the suffering is finally over and the days to come will be better.

But you are too naive. The Imperial fleet and the Astartes flew away. Their resumes were filled with glory and victory, but your world was in ruins and unmanaged.

People are in groups, and they can only survive by joining gangs and brotherhoods. There is little food, few people know how to repair and operate those huge machines, and there are few production personnel. People gather together to rob for a living.

Theft, death and fear are not far away from you.

The only remaining high-level officials are trying to contact the empire, and the reply axis of those star messages is hundreds of years old. You will never have the chance to see it in this life.

In order to survive, you join the scavenging team organized by the nobles, clean up the tens of billions of corpses, pick out some useful things from them, and hand them over to the nobles in exchange for the grain they have stored.

You often get beaten up. When gangsters see you pick up good things or get more food, they will immediately come up to you and kick and punch you, and take everything away from you. Even if it's right next to the noble exchange point.

The nobles took the lead in acquiring a large amount of supplies by trading valuables found by scavengers with other planets, but they first armed themselves so that no one dared to resist them.

No one cares about your life or death, and you can't live any longer.

Why is my life miserable? You knew it was pointless to think this way, but you couldn't help but think about it.

Suddenly one day, a man who was scavenging with you found you and told you that as long as you follow his method, you can get the mysterious blessing of not being hungry.

Not hungry? Isn’t this a transformation of the Mechanicus? How can it be so simple? You didn't believe him and continued to live a life of being beaten, scavenging, and starving every day.

But one day, the brother was in front of you to exchange food. He exchanged a lot, and the gang soon surrounded him. Unexpectedly, he beat the entire gang away alone.

You were shocked and decided to ask him how he did it with some food.

He led you towards their secret base, which was very secretive and the people gathered there had more or less dark red skin.

He says to you, "Go kill a strong man and bring the head, and you will receive the blessing of no hunger and great strength."

You don't understand why you can avoid hunger by killing people, but you have no choice. The only food you have has been given to that strong brother.

Walking hunched down the street like a zombie, you don't even have the strength to stand up straight.

You were tired and found a corner to rest. Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice and you stuck your head out and looked into the alley. You see those gangsters who often squat at the noble exchange points. They respectfully return the stolen grain to the noble servants who are responsible for distributing grain.

Anger filled your body, and you didn't know where the strength came from. You picked up a barbed stick from the street. This garbage is everywhere.

The gang members left from the other side, and the fat and muscular noble servant came towards you with the grain, muttering vile words to make fun of you scavengers.

Somehow, you gave up the idea of ​​a sneak attack and stood at the entrance of the alley with a stick.

The sound of grain rubbing in the bag is so sweet, if only the voice shouting for you bitch to get out of here would disappear.

You hit the strong servant with a stick, and he kicked you several meters away with a simple kick.

After spitting thick phlegm in your face, the strong domestic servant stepped on your arm with contempt and walked out.

Heartbreaking pain came from his arm, and the bones must have been broken. But you think about the pain of extreme hunger, and now it's nothing compared to that.

You grabbed the enemy's foot fiercely and pulled hard, causing the bastard to fall over.

"Despicable ant, how dare you do this."

Before he could finish cursing, the power pouring from the boundless void poured into you. You used all your strength to pick up the thick stick and hit this bastard on the head hard.

White and red mixed together, almost contaminating the beautiful food.

According to his brother, you took off this servant's head. I don't know if the smashed head is of any use.

You pick up the bag of food. The heavy bag contains enough food to sustain several people for three days.

Thousands of people are following you, coveting the contents of your bag and fearing that you hold the bleeding head in your hands, the head of a noble servant.

Just when the gangsters couldn't help but want to take action, your brother came with his people. They welcomed you happily, and then beat those who wanted to do evil to their heads.

You stumbled and followed everyone back to the secret stronghold.

There is no awareness and you don’t know what you are doing. What they do, you do too, strange cracks glowing red open, a strange light shines on you, you are really not hungry anymore, but only for a few days.

If I take another human head, I can get more blessings.

The strange light makes you full of strength and violence. If you kill a stronger person, I can gain more power.

The Cult of Khorne once again rules the world, and the world is once again plunged into war, repeating itself endlessly.

Most expeditions end with a backstab now or some years from now. The Astartes must participate in the rule. Countless examples have proven that even people at the top of mankind can hardly manage a planet efficiently, let alone a world that has been smashed and is in ruins.

Now Yifeng makes one wrong move and will follow in the footsteps of Huron.

You absolutely cannot resist taxes like him. As long as you actively pay taxes, you can follow the rule that the Emperor himself said during the Great Imperial Crusade that the Primarchs and their legions can manage the territories they have conquered. The quarrel with the empire's personnel continued.

Just throw the Codex Astartes into the toilet and use it as toilet paper.

(Let’s start a contest. Who can guess where the next war will happen? I will post another chapter. Each person can only choose one guess. Post your guess in the comments of this sentence. Other places will not count.)

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