In the past few years, Yifeng has been a little distracted. This small area has completely turned red. The number of people in his group has increased, and his combat effectiveness has become stronger. He is sitting here like a local a small landowner. It's not a problem after all.

During the Great Crusade, the Ultramarines Legion captured five hundred worlds to support them in completing their grand expedition. The five hundred worlds here refer to extremely wealthy planets, not planets that are too poor to protect themselves.

From the most optimistic point of view, Yifeng's place can only be regarded as one and a half worlds, Maverick Forge World is one, and Scaria, where the Second Council of the Temporary Pacific Star Territory is located, is half.

No, the site is too small, so we have to find a way to expand it.

After thinking about it, the Chapter arrived at the forge world of Stolov.

The planetary cannon was deployed, but it was unable to destroy the two battle barges instantly. Five heavy cruisers of the Mechanicum that had been transformed into firepower ships also appeared. After all, there was only one foundry planet and it was impossible to have a fleet as powerful as Mavlek.

Yifeng's seven cruisers followed closely and arrived at the forge world of the Mechanicus.

Mechanical Bishop Finnis is not worried at all that Yifeng will take action. The two sides are just showing off their power and warning each other. These are just the basis of the talks.

Let’s talk.

For such an important meeting, everyone important should come.

Chapter leader Yifeng and Bishop Phoenix looked at each other.

His eyes confirmed that he was someone who didn't want to cause trouble.

During the talks between the two sides, there were exchanges of words, voices of harmony arose, and binary language was mixed with ancient Gothic language. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges and made substantial progress.

During the 7-hour friendly talks, the leaders of both sides finally reached a consensus. In name, the Mechanicus has nothing to do with the Red Torrent Chapter. Secretly, it still provides Yifeng with all items, doubled the number of new recruits, and 5 cruisers. , the cruiser will be delivered in two hundred years (you can think of it as fart, the Mechanicus estimates that Yifeng will have been promoted by the Human Empire in two hundred years), the price is the technology in the STC fragments of the Mechanicus that Yifeng gave to Mavlek. Want one too.

The two sides looked at each other, and everyone knew clearly in their hearts that they were not here to fight. There was no need. Is it good for me to kill you Yifeng? You are responsible for maintaining the security of this area. Anyway, the Mechanicus will not send a single soldier to maintain public order until Yifeng's people die. What good will it do if you, Yifeng, kill me? The production of biological organs is slower, and your troop replenishment is also slower.

The worst case scenario is that we ignore each other, and your technical sergeants can go there to learn mechanics from now on.

Both sides spit at each other, but in fact neither one can live without the other.

Of course, these were all agreements reached behind the scenes. On the surface, the two sides were quarreling fiercely, and they seemed to have no contact with each other ever since.

This quarrel, ah no, the meeting was recorded in detail just in case. The Mechanicus showed this record to the Empire to leave a way out.

Why do the Mechanicus dare to be so arrogant? They didn't know that Yifeng had rebelled at first, but they still came arrogantly to make a deal with Yifeng, hoping to obtain information in exchange for knowledge.

Is productivity up and you want to open more orders? Or did they decide to give up research on "a certain" major project to create more productivity?


Because the Angel of Dawn came with news, we have suffered too many casualties and are temporarily unable to receive more warships. The delivery of the order here will be postponed for another hundred years. If our entire group dies, the order will be transferred to the Red Torrent Chapter.

Then there will be spare power to make biological organs for Yifeng, but of course the bishop will not tell Yifeng this news, so that he can gain more benefits in the negotiation.


Yifeng went back happily, and everyone was guessing what they would do with the strike cruiser called Steel Forest.

There were slightly different voices from the Mechanicus, but Bishop Phoenix, who had seen great storms, suppressed the objections.

They just believe in the truth of the Empire. There are many Astartes warbands who believe in this thing, but those who dare to put it openly are the rare ones. Regardless of whether their "rebellion" succeeds or not, he Yi Feng They are all men.

Although according to the bishop's calculation, the success rate is close to 0, he still wants to see how it will develop in the future.

In the Scaria galaxy, the subspace was slowly opened, and two transport ships came out cautiously. They didn't know where this place was, but the navigator said that the psychic coordinates here were the brightest in the nearby area, so they headed here. The edge is coming.

The galaxy defense system took a look, eh, there are two transport ships, so there is no need to be nervous.

However, before the transport ship had moved far in, the Red Torrent Legion led by Yifeng returned, and the area near Mandeville Point became extremely crowded for a while.

This scared the representatives of the rebel planet half to death. Oh my God, what kind of god should I call? No matter what, my God, these fleets can blow up our planet ten times.

Yifeng also apologized very politely to the ships in front, thinking that it was his family who came for a large purchase. In recent years, large transport ships from Atris and Taste have come here frequently.

Representatives of these rebels quickly contacted Yifeng's fleet, don't hit me, don't hit me, I'm here to surrender.

It would be more polite to know that someone is here to give a gift. Although it is intended to be a graduation examination for the fifth batch of recruits.

The process that needs to be followed is to go through the process. The strike cruiser takes the recruit company to redden the two planets. Let everyone get familiar with the new strike cruiser.

If the fifth batch of recruits graduates in a few years, I will have 210 Astartes and 12 Black Shield warriors.

Yifeng struggled for a long time and still carried out the troop hiding operation. 12 planets equaled 120 people. Thinking about it, it felt like a waste. No wonder the senior officials of the Victory-class battleship felt that it was also a waste. It really hurt when the number of people was too large.

But this time it is really for the political stability of the planet. Every planet has just turned red. It will take at least a few generations for the newly trained young people to become intermediate or even senior cadres before they can slowly evacuate. Now there are conditions for evacuation. There is only one planet called Atris, and the planet still needs a lot of time to recover, and its own defense strength is currently insufficient.

Ten people on each planet, let alone, there are benefits. (The main reason is that I don’t have to support these people and let the local planet take responsibility. Hehe, I am really a genius at saving money).

By the time Yifeng returned from the Mechanicus Cult, Nian Cijin's recruitment had been completed, and the sixth batch of recruits were preparing to undergo transformation with great ambition.

Alas, the world is at peace. If there is something to do, we will retreat.

Yifeng was sitting in the lounge, eating fresh local products from the rebel planet, which should be said to be the latest red planet.

It is foreseeable that on a planet without agricultural planets to supply food, it is indeed a sincere thing to save these big and sweet fruits.

So Yifeng asked Agricultural World to bring several ships of food.

Needless to say, this fruit is quite delicious. It is half the size of Yifeng's fist. It is milky white in color and has strange scaly skin. It looks precious.

"Hey, Captain, what are you going to eat? It's quite relaxing." The great pharmacist Situ Val appeared out of nowhere and startled Yifeng.

The great pharmacist's tone showed that he was not in a good mood.

"Everyone is in the state of being beaten up by a giant fantasy beast."

"Huh? What?"

"It's a specialty of our rebel planet. They came to surrender and gave them many gifts. I asked the recruit company to go over and reden them."

"Hey, you are eating big fruit here, have you ever considered me?"


"You want one too? Why don't you take a few with you..."

"I'm talking to you about business, the transformation of new recruits! What are you going to do? Connect the three ships? I'm tired of transforming a hundred recruits. Do you plan to transform 200 of them in one go in the seventh batch?"

"What about the trainee pharmacists? How are they doing with their studies?"

"If they want to get started, the success rate of our recruits' transformation will not be too high."

"Isn't there still nearly ten years left? Give them a devil's training. Put aside the treatment techniques first, and learn how to transform the new recruits first."

The great pharmacist was speechless for a while. Have you ever heard of learning calculus first and then addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?

What can I do? Either exhaust myself to death, or let those brats learn it hard. I don’t expect you to understand the principle. At least I can do the operation according to the specifications. It’s really impossible to copy the gourd.

(Cult Mechanicus: I am familiar with this, so now I can only kowtow to the machine.)

The sixth batch of recruits were tragically used as guinea pigs for trainee pharmacists.

Don't tell me, this is really a problem. When the great pharmacist was angrily looking for those "stupid heads" to be trainee pharmacists, Yifeng was seriously considering the necessity of the iron chain to connect the boat.

The more I think about it, the more it looks like a green-skinned creature.

If those trainee pharmacists couldn't satisfy Stuart, they might have no choice but to take this approach.

The good news is that there are currently only a hundred recruits in the sixth batch. With Yifeng's suggestion, they can move to the Steel Forest Strike Cruiser. It's a good idea to try the machine over there.

The two battle barges were freed up, and the cruiser formations couldn't be idle either.

Suddenly, Yifeng had a flash of inspiration. Although I am not qualified to fight on the Hazy Star Field battlefield, I can set a trap for them to come over.

Come on, please notify the temporary Second Star Torch Court of Scaria's temporary Pacific Star Territory and ask them to brighten the psychic beacon a little more and add a few more high-level psyker marks. I will be responsible for your safety.

I don’t ask you to illuminate the hazy star field, I just want it to be visible to people who have wandered nearby. Yifeng doesn’t know who will come out, because space and time in the subspace are disordered, and it is possible to limit the star field. people will also come to us.

The two battle barges and seven cruisers were almost orbiting the galaxy. Once a target jumped out of the subspace from Mandeville Point, it would be attacked by at least three battleships in an instant.

Nine battleships plus the galaxy defense orbit can basically deal with many kinds of enemies. As long as they don't come like the World Eaters, who came to more than a thousand people at once, the others can basically be dealt with.

After the strike cruiser dealt with the ideological problems of the rebellious world, it returned to the center of the galaxy with the new recruits. Stuart and the trainee pharmacists were going to transform the sixth batch of recruits on the strike cruiser and park it far away from the outside world, which might change at any time. The location of the combat zone.

Start fishing, hoping nothing weird comes your way.

Lord Emperor, you are watching from the sky. See if there is anything I can solve and lure them here. I can help. If it is too outrageous, don't lure them here.

Yifeng is now so arrogant that he starts to attract monsters.

In the past subspace, the Emperor's star torch was extremely bright. Everyone was just like taking a plane. They bought plane tickets to go wherever they wanted. Now, it's like taking a bus. You have to go there. Stand at one stop, and ah, people who are not familiar with stop signs are often prone to mistakes, because subspace is a place without space and time. It is possible that you go to a relatively distant galaxy. In subspace, you only need to take a week's boat ride. Maybe if you go to a relatively nearby galaxy, you have to sit there for a month, and no one knows what the subspace will shake out for you.

In the subspace where it was impossible to distinguish between up, down, left and right, the Baina robe helplessly wrapped this slightly brighter psychic beacon.

Now, Bainapao is the highway conductor. If he sees you, he will open the gate to let you in. If he sees you, he will wrap up the psychic beacon tightly. You will not be able to find this place at all.

Alas, life forces me to work part-time.


On the other side, not only are there people constantly going to places with powerful psychic beacons, but every fleet, after experiencing various emergencies, has made an emergency landing to the nearest location where even the weakest psychic beacon is.

No, when the Stolov Mechanicus was exploring the far galaxy area at the junction of the Pacific Star Territory and the Hazy Star Territory, the newly established Mechanicum Mining Station at the resource point beacon was attacked by a group of unknown enemies. , I don’t know if it was an accident or someone who came here specially. In short, when the support force of the Mechanicus arrived, I saw that in the entire small mining station, everything that could be taken away was taken away.

This scene looks like something happened to Yifeng. What's going on?

The Mechanicus quickly launched an investigation and basically dismantled and took away everything that was usable from the entire scene. First of all, they excluded the Red Torrent Chapter. Although they were very greedy, most of them were negotiating deals and fulfilling the regulations in the contract. No such robbery operation will be carried out.

The Blood Ravens were eliminated second. Although they always stole things, they didn't go so far as to attack a mining station and kill everyone inside.

The possibility of the Shark Chapter is relatively high. They will always use extremely violent methods to collect supplies as much as possible, but they often make deals with the Mechanicus, exchanging those ancient 30K holy relics for some of the empire's latest technology and ammunition. Supplies, suspicion reserved.

There is almost no possibility of those ancient treasures who liked to eat metal before. They have already signed an agreement. If they appear, the Mechanicus Church will capture them all without hesitation and study them. (You violated the contract first, hahaha)

Other Tyranid tributaries should not eat metal either...

Could it be that the greenskins passed by and took down our mining station to repair the battle planet?

There are a lot of thoughts here in the Mechanicus. Every option has some possibility, but the possibility is not high.

In fact, they couldn't guess the initiator. It was done by a group of Iron Warriors warband working with the Dark Mechanicum.

The purpose of this group of people is also very simple. They took advantage of the chaos to see if there are any good things in the real space.

The Dark Mechanicus are "traitors" who "betrayed" the Mechanicus. Some of them were a group of people led by the founding generals of the ancient 30K era who "betrayed" the Mechanicus. It can be said that His Majesty rebelled.

The vast majority of these people only want to "maintain" those "god machines". Performing maintenance on the Glory Queen-class battleship can make the members of the Mechanicus completely forget whether they are loyal or traitorous.

The other group were pure heretics who had no bottom line in doing things. The Mechanicus expelled them from their forging world, so they joined the Dark Mechanicus.

This group of people generally serve Chaos in the Eye of Terror. Of course, the planets in the Eye of Terror are limited, and the resources are also limited. Some of them they dare not mine at all. For example, the world of Nurgle forces is full of viruses and walking corpses. .

So this time I came out to fight against the autumn wind in the real world.

The Iron Warriors and the Dark Mechanicus are both enemies and friends. On the one hand, the Iron Warriors have their own war blacksmiths and do not rely on them for many supplies. On the other hand, the Iron Warriors are the most "friendly" Chaos force to them.

The Iron Warriors regard all assistance as parts of the war machine, including mortals, resources, and the Dark Mechanicus.

In order for the war machine to function well, they are willing to maintain these "parts".

Now the Dark Mechanicus has hired a small group of Iron Warriors warband members to come to the real world to see what materials can be snatched back.

They don't dare touch the forces that are too big. That's what the main forces of Chaos want to do. Their targets are the mines and warehouses scattered in various places.

Therefore, the mining station of Storov's Mechanicum was snatched away along with the building as soon as it was built.

The Iron Warriors' war strategy is not as good at on-the-spot command as ordinary commanders. They are more like a group of computers, based on existing weapons, equipment and ammunition to achieve their goals. As long as the estimated casualty rate is not particularly high, they will act according to the plan. So when the Iron Warriors teamed up with the Dark Mechanicus, they were very sane.

(Who wants to help you, the oil guys, fight with others? If you can’t beat them, just run away!)

They specialize in attacking areas where the psychic mark is extremely weak. If the psychic mark is only slightly stronger, even to the level of Atreus, they will avoid it.

The mining station of the Adeptus Mechanicus is in bad luck. Due to the characteristics of time and space in the subspace, this group of enemies may have just walked a short distance in the subspace and saw a psychic mark. They may have entered the Obscure Star Territory. place, walk a little further, eh, we are back to the Taiping Star Territory again.

Several mining stations of the Mechanicus encountered catastrophic disasters and had no solution. The Mechanicus' skitarii could only set up ambushes at several important mining stations and wait for the disaster.

I don’t know whether it was good luck or bad luck, but the enemy really appeared, just 3 months after the trap was deployed. However, there were a lot of enemies.

Four Mechanicus firepower ships that had temporarily stopped tracking the ancient treasure were deployed here, but two heavy cruisers and two strike cruisers appeared on the opposite side.

If it is broken, it may not be able to defeat it.

Broken, ambushed.

Both sides of the Mechanicus maintain the same belief: if something happens, they will find a way to escape (shake people)

Both sides opened fire, and the light spear bombardment was back and forth. It seemed like the battle was fierce, but in fact they were trying to sneak closer to the retreat point.

Obviously, in the Iron Warriors' perception, this battle is completely winnable. Four versus four, we have the Chaos Astartes, and the advantage is mine.

The two Iron Warriors' strike cruisers quickly charged forward, and even the Mechanicum's macro-cannon array fired several salvos unable to stop them.

The Dark Mechanicus urgently called out to the group of fools who were thinking about how to defeat the opponent.

What are you doing by defeating them? They are an ambush force, not a guard force guarding resources. You won't get much benefit from defeating them. How about you grab four scrapped ships and then go home?

But the arrow had to be fired. In desperation, the two heavy cruisers could only cover the strike cruiser and attack forward.

The defense system in the galaxy is on fire. Although the defense system of this mining station is very stretched, it is better than nothing.

The slowest firepower ship of the Adeptus Mechanicus to "evacuate" was targeted by two strike cruisers and besieged. Once they got close, the power of the strike cruisers was revealed. A large number of artillery fires from the close combat specialization were activated, and torpedoes and macro cannons seemed to be free of charge. Smashing it out the same way.

In the calculations of these chaotic Iron Warriors, even if they pull back a smashed Mechanicum fireship, it will definitely be worth more than my wasted macro cannons and torpedoes.

With the help of the Dark Mechanicus, these strike cruisers all have subspace teleportation devices. Everyone knows the shortcomings. No one knows whether you will get stuck in the wall if you teleport there.

But compared to jumping into the assault cabin with the artillery support of the other three fireships, it is definitely safer to teleport there.

Even the Evil God cannot fully control the subspace. The Iron Warriors still have troops lost due to subspace teleportation, but they are almost negligible.

There was a fierce exchange of fire between the Skitarii of the Mechanicus and the enemy. The people of the Mechanicus were not afraid of this group of Chaos Astartes. Their Skitarii were suppressed in numbers and had the opportunity to kill this group of enemies with the help of the location.

A small number of Skitarii Guards of the Adeptus Mechanicus went up first. They were expensively specially modified to have the size and strength of Space Marines. Of course, they were small in number. The Skitarii armored troops provided cover beside the Guards.

A large number of shield infantry rushed forward without fear of death, and various anti-jump traps and hidden weapons hidden in the fireship began to fire.

It would be unwise for the Astartes to join a Mechanicum ship, and no one knew how many weapons they had hidden.

But this group of people are steel warriors. Since the expedition, they have been doing the dirtiest, hardest and most tiring work, fighting the most dangerous battles and chewing the hardest bones. (They worked the most and were the most tiring, but let alone praise, they didn’t even see admiration in the eyes of other legions. The other Astartes almost regarded them as laborers, so the Iron Warriors rebelled)

For them, if they calculate that they can win, they will definitely win, even if they suffer heavy casualties.

The second batch of gang jumpers teleported over, and then the third batch.

A steady stream of enemies jumped out of the strike cruisers, while the two heavy cruisers of the Dark Mechanicus were dragging down the other three firepower ships of the Mechanicus.

The situation is extremely critical.

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