Ever since the continuous torture of Situ Val by reforming one batch of recruits and quickly reforming the next batch, the great pharmacist has not appeared in everyone's field of vision, and the trainee pharmacists who studied with him have not often appeared.

The 47 third batch of recruits led by William have all returned to the battleship. Next, Yifeng will go to the agricultural world of the empire. There is not much else in this world, but there is a lot of food.

Before the subspace storm came, they had to supply food to hundreds of planets. Now they only need to supply these few, making all warehouses full and they have to reduce production.

Hearing that Chapter Leader Yifeng wanted to haul away a large amount of food, the ruler of this planet happily agreed and even filled the warehouses of Yifeng and his battle barges.

Yi Feng planned to give these grains to the new recruits, and then go find an unlucky rebel planet to train the new recruits.

The rebel world has been completely inactive recently, because after losing Orla Ye, their food supplies have been completely unable to keep up. A large amount of famine has spread throughout the hive, and even the middle nest cannot guarantee food supplies.

Seeing this opportunity, unscrupulous merchants united to raise food prices, leading to a large number of deaths due to hunger.

Abandoned food production bases on the planet were quickly put into use, including corpse starch block manufacturing factories and food breeding centers, but they were only a drop in the bucket for the food gap.

When the army's food supplies could not be guaranteed stably, riots broke out. Over the years, the population of the five rebel planets dropped from 5 billion to 30 billion to about 80 billion. Only this food could barely keep people hungry.

The task of these recruits is very simple. They use the food in their hands to establish a red regime with extremely high people's support. They are led by William, who used the reconquest of the rebel planet Taste as the final test for the recruits. Xiaolan is the deputy leader.

A large number of stowaway boats landed on the rebel planet during the night.

A few recruits sneaked into the slums quietly. These places were full of people with withered faces. They were too hungry to move. The few who could move went out to work, bringing a little bit of saved food to their families, and lay down. Those at home are basically waiting to die.

There are no corpses here, all corpses will be sent to make real corpse starch. Although I hate to admit it, there are indeed many corpse starch blocks in the empire made from real corpses.

Those who carry the corpse can get several pieces of corpse starch as rewards, so corpse carrying is a very popular profession. Of course, you must be strong and able to beat other people who snatch the corpse.

The recruits did nothing else but distribute food to the local residents. The local residents were too frightened to move when they saw the tall Astartes, but the recruits enthusiastically distributed food to the common people.

People around heard that there was a strong giant distributing food here. After hearing the news, they came and found a huge crowd of people. Everyone was full of people who got the food and sat on the ground.

There are very few stampede accidents, and everyone has little energy to run. Many people come here crawling.

The recruits made a request after seeing that enough people had gathered. We need manpower to maintain order, carry food, and beat those who want to grab food.

Few local residents can recognize that these are the Astartes warriors of the Empire. They have not had the opportunity to receive education since childhood, and their survival is a gift from God. Even if the Astartes recognized this as the Empire, no one was talking nonsense. If the "police" from above were called and the Astartes were taken away, who would distribute food to us?

The young and strong people were quickly organized. After eating a few meals, their energy and blood recovered, and they stood around majestically, holding simple weapons to maintain order.

Although their bodies are still skinny and bones, their faces are still rosy after eating enough.

People from other slums came to receive food, and Astartes followed suit, even wanting to recruit more strong men.

Other gangs came to grab food, so there was no need to say anything else.

A new gang quickly emerged in the slum area. They called themselves the Red Army and were known as the Big Man Gang. The main reason was that these well-fed young people and the Astartes recruits were extremely tall, young and strong. These gangs were real. Can't beat it.

Food is continuously transported from the universe.

The enemy's space station had been destroyed long ago. It was done when Yifeng wandered there many years ago. The enemy did not have the strength to rebuild it for the time being. Unexpectedly, they had tasted the bitter consequences in just a few years.

This planet has satellites, and now Yifeng's battle barge is hidden behind the satellite. How much do they despise these rebels? The answer was that he didn't care at all. The passage between the two battle barges was established again, and then Stuart was fully responsible for the transformation of the new recruits. He had always been uneasy about letting the trainee pharmacist be responsible for the transformation of another ship before.

This is a test that will take several years, a comprehensive test from winning the hearts and minds of the people to subverting the regime.

After the recruits gathered a large number of people, they began to conduct "policy learning". Once they learned, they would have food.

In this era of famine, food is the last word.

At the same time, people began to organize people to build houses. Although it was impossible to obtain good materials, the basic needs could still be guaranteed.

The law enforcers on this planet also discovered that a brand new gang had gathered in the lower nest, and they also took action, but all the law enforcers who went there disappeared completely, and no one returned.

So no one cares about them. Why do they care about the Chao gang when they are full?

The actual situation is that when these law enforcers went down aggressively, the Astartes recruits took advantage of the terrain to beat them up, and then bundled them into the temporary base they established.

These poor law enforcement officers were tied there for two days straight watching other people eat and drink.

Want to eat? Come, learn the policy, and once you learn it, you will be able to make a living.

In this way, all these law enforcement officers, even those with families in Zhongchao, "voluntarily" stayed here. These educated law enforcement officers recognized the Astartes at once. Didn't they surrender to the Empire? Maybe if you vote quickly, you can seal a general later.

Loyal to the planet? You ask what the nobles above were doing when they were starving and dying? Eat, drink and be merry!

We survived by eating corpse starch cubes made by our relatives!

If you say someone is loyal to such a ruler, it would be his dog! (By the way, the dog species is extinct in Warhammer)

A new recruit named Frus gathered everyone in the square to give a speech.

"Brothers and sisters, look here, everyone, listen to me quietly. We are gathered here for food, right?"

"Yes...if you can have enough to eat, we will work with you." The crowd below responded quickly. Everyone gathered here after they were full.

"Then who kept you from having enough to eat before we came here?"

"Olaye has been invaded and we have no food."

"Then why are the people who come to the nest eating and drinking without stopping?"

"Because... they are the nobles who came to the nest."

"Why are they aristocrats? Why can aristocrats eat and drink so much? Is the food produced by them? No, the food is produced by workers and farmers. If the farmers and workers disappear, everyone will be hungry. The aristocrats have disappeared. What will happen to everyone?”

Everyone is confused. The upper nest is where the superior men stay. Isn't it right to obey their orders? It... seems like our lives wouldn't change much without them.

"Yeah, why can't we make our own decisions? Why can't we decide our own lives?"

"But they have troops and police, and they have guns. Some of us have made trouble before, and they were all arrested by the police and guards. No one has come back."

"Why can't we have our own guard? Look around you. There are many people who were former law enforcement officers who have joined us. Why can't we form our own army?"

"We can rob other people's arsenals with guns. With our leadership, it won't be a difficult task. We have to form our own army. We have to arm ourselves and protect ourselves!"

Most people were frightened by this idea, but those who were law enforcement officials immediately applauded loudly. Nonsense, the Astartes are not here to fight, why are they here for tourism?

Ordinary people are doubtful. Are we going to fight if we are given food? It's not impossible. I need to eat two more mouthfuls of rice.

But the next day when they saw this group of Astartes recruits coming back who had almost moved all their arsenals, they were dumbfounded.

Almost every one of these tall super soldiers has 50 laser guns hanging on their bodies.

However, what surprised them was yet to come. When they opened the house they had built before, they found that it was filled with densely packed arms.

These Astartes have come and gone three times.

Of course, the soldiers who were responsible for guarding the arsenal were in bad luck. Isn't this a crime of being shot?

All those who could escape tried to escape, but under the "tight blockade" only a few people escaped to the next nest.

The arresting troops went deep into the nest and were all shot to death. People in Xiachao other than gangsters finally used guns for the first time. Those soldiers who usually dominate... seemed to be no different from us in front of these weapons.

So why are you being cowardly? The prince and general Xiang Ning has the guts!

A vigorous battle began.

Fierce artillery fire engulfed every street. Many light armored vehicles and tanks flew through the streets to provide fire support for the frontline troops, but they were always defeated by the sudden appearance of Astartes recruits.

In one of the ruins of Zhongchao, solid special fortifications protect the surrounded nest defense force. This place was originally a military supplies storage point, but now it has been surrounded by countless revolting people.

Officer Meloni, who was stationed here, had not slept a wink for two days and two nights. There were only 86 troops left in their unit, and they used their relatively superior firepower to guard the four key passages.

Their laser guns and plasma guns are always aimed at the passage, and they dare not relax for a moment.

"Company Commander, I'm so hungry." A little man wearing a helmet complained quietly to Meloni.

The soldier was as skinny and hungry as a skeleton lying in the trench.

"Orlando, wait a moment, our support will arrive soon."

"Company Commander, I can't hold on any longer."

This terrifying soldier who looked like a skeleton stood up from the bunker and slowly walked out of the position.

"Orlando, come back here, do you want to surrender to the enemy?" Meloni shouted at Orlando, even though he had not eaten for a long time.

Meloni took out his laser pistol. At this distance, he could penetrate the traitor without aiming.

Suddenly, the aroma of food wafted in from outside, a strong aroma of meat and starchy food.

"Food~" Orlando walked outside like a walking corpse of Nurgle.

Meloni opened the safety of his laser pistol, and he wanted to kill this hateful traitor.

Suddenly, a white ball was thrown over, hitting Orlando right in the face. Orlando was knocked to the ground.

"Get down" Meloni shouted to the others in the position. Everyone immediately squatted behind the bunker. Don't lie down on the ground, because the strong shock caused by the explosion will shatter all your internal organs.

But a long time passed, and the expected explosion never came.

Meloni nodded nervously and looked outside the position.

Orlando was chomping at the white ball.

"Orlando, what is that?"

"It's food, starch, etc., and meat." All the soldiers behind the bunker couldn't help but swallow.

"Be careful, Orlando, it may be poisonous, come back quickly." Meloni was still urging the poor little man to return to the team quickly. In his opinion, the rebellion launched by these untouchables would not take long to be put down.

"I don't want to die. I'm going to be a full-fledged ghost." Orlando devoured the food thrown from the opposite army. At this moment, he felt that life and death no longer mattered. After eating this "unparalleled delicacy", he was satisfied. You can die in peace.

The oil paper originally used to wrap the food slipped off, with writing still written on it.

Orlando glanced at it out of the corner of his eye and froze.

Unable to help himself, he read the words above, "Those who surrender with this piece of paper will not be killed, but Baozi will take care of them."

This thing turned out to be called a bun. Orlando looked at the paper blankly. Meloni wanted to shoot, but more soldiers cast terrifying looks at the weather-beaten company commander.

Meloni felt chills suddenly, as if there were countless ferocious beasts staring at him. He knew that he could no longer hesitate. The enemy's psychological offensive had taken effect, and he had to stabilize the situation immediately.

"Go to hell, coward..." Before Captain Meloni could finish his words, more of their food, known as buns, was thrown in from outside.

Of course, it would not be thrown into the defensive position, and the opponent would not dare to run so far to throw it.

There were countless hot buns scattered in the middle of the battlefield between the two armies, and Orlando rushed forward regardless.

Meloni wanted to shoot, but a soldier next to him knocked him out with the butt of his rifle.

"Brothers, go eat buns." Someone shouted. Several soldiers staggered out of the bunker and followed Orlando towards the buns.

More soldiers gathered around the bunker here. They cautiously poked their heads out and watched the people in front of them swallowing the deliciously fragrant food.

When Orlando finished one bun and started to eat another, someone else couldn't hold it back and yelled "They didn't shoot" before jumping out of the bunker and running out.

There are still many cautious people hiding behind, most of them are veterans of hundreds of battles, but they look desperately at the people around them walking out. There are fewer and fewer troops left behind. No matter how hard they fight, they can't hold on here. .

The veterans also began to waver.

Orlando took the "no kill" paper and walked to the enemy's position. No one shot at him. After confirming that the little man had no weapons, a large number of steamed buns were brought up.

When the people behind saw that Orlando had not been shot, they surrendered in large numbers without any scruples.

The three remaining veterans committed suicide in despair. It's completely liberated here.

This kind of fighting can be seen everywhere here. This kind of warfare is called hunger warfare by William. He can even throw one-tenth of the food into the enemy's bunker, and the enemy's troops will naturally mutiny.

The fight is in full swing on the planet, and everyone on the battle barge is not idle. Don't you think there is a lack of actual combat training? Go fight with the black shield warriors.

The objections of the Black Shield warriors disappeared without a trace in front of the warriors who rushed directly towards them.

It's all in my face, so let's do it. Twelve Black Shield warriors knocked down sixteen Astartes with their bare hands.

This group of warriors was also unambiguous. They came to Black Shield to fight after they were injured, and they have been coming for several years.

Five full years have passed, and the recruits below have finally completed their mission intact.

The emperor's old teapot is finally settled. If you don't come back, you will have to train with the next batch of recruits.

William was also thinking that the emperor had accomplished his task with dentures, but this thing was so stupid.

Yifeng, the hands-off shopkeeper, looked red in the face and asked William loudly:

"William, why did it take you so long? Is it so difficult to win a world?"

"I'm sorry, chapter leader, it's my incompetence. It didn't take us long to take over the world, but it took a long time to gain high public support."

"Popular support rate? How high have you improved it?"

"Statistically it's 98.4%"


Good guy, no wonder it took so long. Are you going door to door?

Okay, you guys have done really well, and as a reward you have to fight with the Black Shield Warriors for 3 years.

These recruits, together with the veterans, sixty-five people were divided into three groups. One group competed with the black shield warriors, one group learned sword skills from Yifeng, and the other group learned other combat knowledge. They would rotate after a while.

Of course, Yifeng's sword training is suffering.

"Hold the sword tightly. If you can't even hold your own weapon tightly, isn't it just giving your life to the enemy?"

All the soldiers carried out slashing training with self-made super heavy swords. From time to time, Yifeng also attacked the big swords held by the recruits with force. If you didn't hold it and let go, then you are lucky. You will lose all your sleep at night. Time to continue training with Yifeng.

"You can't hold on after only one night? I, Situ Val and Anos spent three days and three nights just cutting down the big demon. If you don't believe me, ask the great pharmacist and technical sergeant. I was still energetic after cutting down. Fully tidied up the entire battlefield."

Several miserable recruits began to wonder whether they had successfully transformed into Astartes. Could it be that there was something wrong with their organs during the transformation? Why am I so tired from doing these things?

"Let's learn sword skills next, Kazanev, you come out and give a demonstration."

Kazanev used the ferocious swordsmanship of the original body and fought back and forth with Yifeng's Taichi swordsmanship, which attracted a burst of admiration from the recruits.

"Come and tell us what kind of swordsmanship you want to learn."

"Chapter Commander, I want to learn your swordsmanship. I can see it with ease and with ease."

"Chapter Master, I want to learn the swordsmanship of Kazanev and fight fiercely and violently. This is how the Astartes fight."

The two recruits who spoke first were pulled out by Yifeng to continue practicing the epee.

"Can't you just be greedy and learn more? You are the Astartes! You are facing a dangerous environment that no mortal can survive. What you have to deal with is the most terrifying enemy in the world. The more skills you learn, the more you can survive. Do you know the probability?”

"Now I announce that the condition for your graduation is to defeat...Xiaolan with swordsmanship."

Xiaolan looked at Yifeng in confusion, wasn't she asking Kazanev to be the instructor? Why does it still have to do with me?

Nonsense, who told you that you were at the bottom in swordsmanship back then? If you can only graduate by defeating Kazanev, then I can form a legion of recruits in the future.

Under the guidance of Yifeng, these recruits have a good foundation in swordsmanship and knife skills, but there is still too little actual combat training. If they want to graduate, they must at least wipe out two rebel planets.

Rebellion Planet: I beep~~~beep~~beep~beep~~

"Everyone is optimistic about this move. This move is called Oolong Tail. Everyone holds the sword with both hands. Stand still and pay attention to your steps. Hold the sword with both hands and swing it from the left to make a circle and slash downward. Pay attention to your steps. If you swing from the left, step forward with your right foot. If you swing from the right, step forward with your left foot."

"Cut hard, come on, try it on my sword."

"No, no, don't you think that asking you to pay attention to your steps is to stabilize your center of gravity? When you step down, use the power of your whole body muscles from your feet to your waist to slash downwards. It's not for you to step on the ground to scare others. The sword It must fall at the same time as the footsteps, pay attention to my movements."

"Pay attention to your skills, you are using brute force, do it again..."

Yifeng taught me carefully, but Kazanev's place was much rougher. Come and learn this trick from me, have you learned it? Come and chop with me. If you chop until I'm satisfied, you can learn the next move.

I'm sweating profusely from the cutting here, but it's not so peaceful down there.

The Thirteenth Company, composed of twelve Black Shield warriors, is now chasing twenty or so new recruits.

"You brats are no good. If you were in our Iron Warriors Legion, you would be easily beaten to death by your own people."

"Why are you so arrogant, you traitor..." The people on the side tried to hold back this recruit with the Imperial Fist gene seed. If Captain Yifeng hears these words, then be prepared to be lectured several times. God's plan.

Besides, the brother of Shadow Moon Wolf Seed is still here, and the influence is not good.

Let's see the truth behind our hands.

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