Warhammer: Decided to take the route of stars surrounding the warp

Chapter 492 We are born in darkness and will die before dawn.

The Arbiter of the First Brotherhood, Angel Dwin the Immortal, finally understood his prophecy, and he would fight to the death against his dark enemy before the Golden Throne.

In such an extremely sacred way!

The empire cannot be propped up by one hero. It needs a group of heroes who will swarm the stars and bravely go to the dead to fill the ravines of despair. The remaining people build walls with blood. The cowardly race has no future. Humanity has only one future, and that is in the Live strong on the corpse of the victim.

We are the Emperor's sword and the Emperor's shield.

My soul is integrated with the future of the empire!

The Gray Knights chanted non-stop to encourage their brothers to ascend to the sky and fight. He was so close to the Emperor and so glorious.

This has become a forbidden place for demons,


The "Star Torch" on Mercury lit up. Just like the Five Hundred Worlds back then, the light overlapped with the Emperor's Star Torch.

The Tyranids once again saw this bright beam of light, more intuitive, brighter, and closer than the last time.


But to be honest, it's not as bright as the Torch.

Leman Russ found a quiet place to sit down. The bracelet had been given to Constantine Waldo, and he was finally alone.

Ans was too nervous to make any move.

Dear daddy! I also have a biological father!

The winner shook his head from side to side. He did not join the war in the palace. He was the Eye of the Emperor. Logically speaking, he should join up with Trajan, the Marshal of the Forbidden Army, and start their killing with the other "retired Forbidden Army".

Pharos is very bright and shines together with the star torch.


The final high wall of the Imperial Fists has been activated. When the Empire encounters an unprecedented crisis, the sub-groups of the Imperial Fists will regroup and merge into the Seventh Legion to fight for the Emperor.

This didn't take long. Under the arrangement of the regent, it was almost as simple as running from one end of Terra to the other.


Constantin Valdo signaled to the original body that it was ready.

Everyone was sweating nervously, and the original body held the door open, together with other elite Imperial Guards.

The bell of St. Gerstad rang for the first time!

The palace gate suddenly opened, and the Imperial Guard and the Primarch rushed in together.

The golden throne, the unknown golden metal that constitutes this powerful instrument, countless conduits and cables connecting it to the gate to the webway, the Emperor sits high on his throne, millennium after millennium. .

The Emperor's broken body was indescribable. When people looked over it, they could only see the Emperor in their hearts.

Yifeng was the second batch to rush into the hall. It was the first time he saw the emperor. The sacred power seemed to be able to break through his defenses with ease.

Hope Kaur is reliable enough.

Yifeng's route is different from everyone else's. The powerful warriors have to break out of the underground palace connected to the Golden Throne, where the gate of the webway is located.

A place that is open enough for six companies of Space Marines to form an array, and at a height that allows Warhound Titans to easily walk in.

Larger Titans only need to bend down and bow their heads. After entering, the huge network tunnel will make them raise their heads.

That was not Yifeng's battlefield. He was above, higher up, on a step close to the emperor.

The Imperial Guard looked at him nervously and guided him until Yifeng, who was charging forward with his head lowered, found his own place.

It was a very secret black hole. Yifeng turned around accurately and sat down, all in one movement.

I just didn't sit in the right position.

It's not that time yet.

Blackstone Spire's transport troops, at the same time, hundreds of mechanical priests began to work, and the huge and thick psychic door was opening.

Yifeng felt a heat on his side, and the terrifying spirit coming from the black hole made his heart palpitate. Powerful power flowed below, rushing into the black stone spire along the chain.

The little light made him look back, but the extremely shining light of psychic power made him give up the idea.

Let’s talk about it after we sit down. We have plenty of time.

Everything in the underground palace does not look like the beginning of a great war, but like some little thieves trying to use a "black battering ram" with a "light of decomposition" to break open the door of the Webway.

The Adeptus Mechanicus praised Omnissiah and opened the gate with blessings. The Imperial Guard took the first step. No one knew how many demons were waiting behind the door. They were almost on the same front line as the Webway Gate. They were led by the contemporary Imperial Guard. Take command, maintain strict military discipline, and move forward and retreat freely.

The door engraved with ancient patterns is shaking. No one can understand what the runes on it are saying. There is no one in the Mechanicus who can understand the pipeline above. The pressure from the Blackstone Spire is getting stronger and stronger, and some forbidden troops have to Joined the queue to secure Blackstone Spire.

They stabilized the trembling spire and stared at everything in front of them.

Fire, darkness, golden light, flying bullets, the never-ending confrontation of psychic energy and witchcraft.

The melee never stops.

The world behind the door belongs to the Cursed Legion, and there is only one living body here.

Lord of the Seventh Legion, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, One with an Unyielding Will, The Vigilant, True Master of the Mountain Formation, Supreme Leader of the Defense of Terra, Guards of the Emperor, The Golden Giant Who Will Never Fall, Ro G. Dorn.

As the captain of the Emperor's guard, he is naturally on the front line of protecting the Emperor.

The reason why Rogal Dorn appears here is not complicated. He fights for the Emperor in the galaxy and cleans out the traitors left in the galaxy. During this period, the battles were very fierce, and Dorn often took the lead. Help the enemy.

During this time, the Emperor's soul slowly adjusted to its current state, and he realized that he had been wrong.

His original words were: "Do as I say, then I will not die completely, at least my soul will not. My injuries are serious, worse than I expected, but not irreparable. My mental strength will be restored, but my physical body will never recover.”

The premise of this sentence is, "Do as I say."

When he realized his mistake, he had no choice.

It's not like if you do as you say, other Primarchs can do it.

What's more, some things that he thought all the original bodies would perform and did not need to be emphasized at such a critical moment would be completely subverted with the passage of time.

Imperial truth.

He believed that all people would continue, and the inertia of belief in science would force mankind to restart exploration and research, continuing under the supervision of the Primarch.

He would rather never have to return to his physical body, as long as his soul can watch such a human race travel to every corner of the galaxy.

But the Emperor miscalculated, and he saw much earlier than what was going to happen. In his own prophecy, the probability that the "theism" of the state religion would rule mankind in the future was increasing, so that later he could only see this A future in which the truth of the Empire prevails can only be found in tens of millions of prophecies.

He knew what the evil gods wanted to do, to make days like this last forever.

The Emperor did not want to, he had to start fighting.

When Dorn jumped into the World Eater ship to fight against a group of World Eaters, he tried to bless the original body for the first time and conduct the experiment of "turning the original body into a living saint".

At that time, he made up his mind. He must fight for the only chance of survival. Among the millions of possibilities of turning into the King of Darkness, he must fight for the only possibility to come back with his own humanity.

For this reason, he could only advance before retreating, first approach the King of Darkness infinitely, gain the power to fight the evil god, and then use his humanity to control himself and dissipate that power.

The battle between Dorne and the World Eaters was more than an accident; it was Khorne's yet another attempt to corrupt Dorne.

Last time, when Dorne and the Emperor jumped aboard the Vengeful Spirit, Dorne fell into Khorne's trap the moment he fell.

Khorne imprisoned him in an endless sea of ​​sand, surrounded by ruins, and slowed down time, allowing Dorn to fight alone for a hundred years. In the end, he tried to use the corpses of the Imperial Fist Guards to break Dorn's psychology. Line of defense.

He failed.

The battle between Dorne and the World Eaters was the second time. Those World Eaters were sacrifices, and the winner there would be teleported to the Blood God Arena.

The Emperor aided his Primarch at the cost of a Dornish arm.

He teleported Rogal Dorn under the Golden Throne and asked Dorn to help him guard the Webway. In this way, he could use some excess psychic energy to lay out the plan.

He informed the Wolf King in the same way, but... Khan ran away on his own, so there was nothing to say.

Dorne has been fighting here for ten thousand years. His body is shining with the power of the Emperor. The armor made of adamantine repairs itself with the help of the Emperor's power, and so does Dorne.

His broken arm has been repaired as before, and the blade in his hand is still shining coldly, but all this will disappear with the beginning of the Emperor's resurrection.

Rogal Dorn would continue to fight in the Webway as a normal, ordinary Primarch without the essence of liberating the Warp.

Standing on the left side of Dorn is the Cursed Iron Hands Primarch Ferus. He stands with many Cursed Legion warriors burning with the emperor's wrath, crushing them with fierce shooting and ruthless hammers. The coming demon.

This is all normal.

Except for the guy to the right of Rogal Dorn.

Bound, Conrad Coates.

The Primarch of the Night Lords of the Eighth Legion, a bastard full of evil, a very unlucky man who can only predict the bad side of the future, gradually turns into a psychotic Lord of the Night in the constant confrontation with his own awkward justice.

Why not say Lord of the Eighth Legion? Because if you ask him, he will happily push out the First Grand Company Commander Sevita, and return to the dark room of the Nightshade to hang upside down and shut himself up.

Most importantly, he is a traitor.

Everyone "hoped" to think that he was an unrecorded daemon primarch fighting against the Cursed Legion, but the Cursed Flame on his body also failed to deceive anyone.

His state is very special. His body looks gray, but it is not the color of the burned armor of the Cursed Legion. Flames gush out from the cracks in his body, but his movements and fighting are full of the style of the Night Lord. This state is very strange.

Okay, let's go back in time to before he died.

Konrad Curze first destroyed his home world during the Heresy, then participated in the massacre at the drop site, captured and tortured the Fire Dragon Lord, and ended up playing with the Dark Angels for several years.

After a chaotic battle between the Secret Cult, the Iron Hands, the assassination of Ms. Yotun, and the battle with Vulcan, he was exiled to the subspace. When he came out, he met Saint Leth, and was beaten and run again. Finally caught by the Lion King.

It can be said that he only made two contributions to the Loyalists during the Great Rebellion. The first was that he destroyed his home planet, and the second was that when the three heroes of the Second Empire were trying him, he suddenly remembered that "I was in the prophecy." Will he be killed by an assassin sent by the Emperor, doesn’t that mean the Emperor will live?”

The three Primarchs, suddenly enlightened, began to think of ways to rescue Terra and destroy the Chaos traitors. Curze was exiled until he was finally picked up by a ship. There happened to be an Imperial assassin on the ship, and he informed the Empire of his location.

Curze waited boredly for his own death, and built an icon of the Emperor out of mortal corpses to chat with.

At this time, the emperor appeared,

The Emperor pointed out that Curze had chosen this path himself, because Curze's prophecies were completely different from those of Holy Leth.

Curz's prophecies can usually see two outcomes, and then let him choose.

He chose this timeline himself.

The Emperor gave an example: Curze used the statement that he would be killed by assassins sent by the Emperor to make Guilliman, the Lion King, and Sanctity realize that the Emperor was not dead yet, and they could not continue to engage in the third war. The Second Empire is over, and we must immediately return to aid Terra.

You see, you don’t know when the assassin sent by the Emperor will kill you, but you can use this prophecy to determine the future.

Why can't you act out what you see?

How do you know that the future you see is not an act for some more far-reaching plan?

You predicted that you were talking to a traitor, why couldn't it be because you were an undercover agent?

Curze collapsed;

Later, the emperor said that he would give you one last chance to act, a chance to atone for your sins. I know you are in pain, but the essence of subspace must be given to me to make up for the sins you committed.

Later, everyone knew that the Imperial Assassin "killed" Curze and left here with the opponent's subspace essence and weak soul remnants. Because of his easy behavior, he was chased and killed by the already sad Night Lord, and was completely killed. .

The Emperor doesn't care, as long as the essence of the warp comes back.

Even if all the Kalidus assassins died, they would not be able to match the essence of this primarch.

Before Curze died, he ordered all his descendants to rebel and fight the Empire, but not to join Chaos. Obviously, the effect of this order was not good. Now that even the Nightfall has fallen into the hands of Yifeng, it is hard to say how many more midnights there will be. The lord did not throw himself into the arms of Chaos.

The daily life of the three Primarchs is:

Ferus: Kill the demon.

Curze: Kill the demon.

Dorne: Kill the demon, kill Curze.

Dorn refused to forgive Konrad Curze, and stared at Curze and beat him up at certain times, when the evil god was throwing most of his power out into the real world to invade.

But this period of time is over. In the future of his career, Ferus's curse may come back, but Curze's will not.

The three Primarchs began to charge, and all the Cursed Legions followed them closely. Dorn's thick figure was like a signal, and all the Imperial Guards also began to charge. They pushed the Blackstone Spire with all their strength and sent it away. Enter the center of the battlefield.

Magnus endured everything silently, as the Emperor's surging psychic energy crashed into reality from his body. This power, amplified by the Blackstone Spire, had the power to destroy the world.

In the face of this power, his attack that exploded the webway was nothing, not even touching the Emperor's side.

(The Emperor is much stronger now than he was back then)

With the influx of this power, it delicately wrapped every inch of space in the Webway and advanced to the huge breach.

At this time, the Forbidden Army breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that the first step of the strategy was completed.

The Emperor's emissary paused, but not the psychic energy, which burst forth from the breach in the Webway.

A blackstone spire stood in the Webway, and then the next, and the next.

The Imperial Guards mustered up the courage to form a battle formation. Next, they had to fight without the Sisters of Silence until the Sisters and the Adamantine Warriors arrived on the battlefield. There would be a lot of casualties.

Rogal Dorn stood before them, standing with Constantin Waldo.

For example, the battlefield of Terra ten thousand years ago.

Outside the webway, the small half of the adamantine warriors, the descendants of the Imperial Fists, are now extremely excited. The Primarch has never left them, but continues to fight for the Emperor in unknown places. Soon, they will be proud of themselves. The original bodies stood side by side.

The momentum of the entire army was completely different, as if the most powerful iron fist in the empire was back. They looked at the back of the original body fighting the enemy bravely, and tightly grasped the war blade in their hands. What followed was not as solid as a rock. Instead of defense, they will launch a crazy attack. The anger from the Seventh Legion will replace the Cursed Legion and continue to burn in this webway that has been fighting for thousands of years.

As the black stone spiers were deployed one after another, the spiers standing in the entire network constructed suitable positions, so that the Titans who entered later could only fight and fall on the planned route.

No matter how fierce the battle, it is difficult for a Titan to overwhelm other friendly forces due to its own fall.

The signal from the Imperial Army reached Guilliman, and he knew that everything was about to begin.

He shouted loudly to Yifeng: "Sit up, Yifeng! It's time!"

Yifeng hesitated for a moment, the black hole seemed to fall into the abyss just by looking at it, but he still gritted his teeth and turned his head, locking his perspective on the regent.

At the same time, he aimed the connection port on his back and his butt at the multiple channels below, and landed on it from the sky.

The Cursed Conrad Curze took a deep look at his brother. The warriors of the Cursed Legion were disappearing one by one, including the original body of the Iron Hand, but his figure became brighter and brighter.

Farewell, my brother, I am going to complete the final redemption.

The mad Lord of the Eighth Legion disappeared completely, his Warp essence disintegrating, finally returning to a completely unmodified state, a fruit waiting for the Emperor to find a body for him.

Konrad Curze disappeared completely, and his will was drifting with the power of his soul, looking for a suitable place, and it was good above the icy sun.

He swelled, and the fearful justice gathered its final strength and exploded.

The entire subspace was affected by this violent explosion, which was as powerful as a stormy sea, but did no harm.

All the Night Lords who wandered outside and were not corrupted by Chaos heard the call from their souls, from the gene seeds in their bodies.

"The night has come, fight for the Emperor!!!"

The fall of the holiest Primarch, Sanctity Leth, brought a black rage that could no longer be suppressed to all the descendants of the Blood Angels. The curse lingered on them, and Konrad Curze, with the last will of him, tried to summon Return those sinful heirs.

At this moment, the Night Lord finally realized what the grief of losing the original body was. It was not comparable to sitting outside the cabin waiting for the Emperor's assassin to kill the original body, even if Asta laughed at him and hated the original body. Especially, they all felt the deepest pain at this moment.

"Hail, Lord of the Night," they said.

Their numbers were pitifully small, like lone ghosts wandering the warp, but the Nightborne took action.

The warrior who had been sailing in the subspace for a long time raised his blade, and the first one was facing him.

They ruthlessly cut off the effects of subtle subspace corruption. A strong man even pulled himself out of the eternal power armor cage, using his superb flesh-cutting skills to remove the black carapace on his body. Cut them off together.

The Night Lords' ship was dripping with blood. Now they could clearly distinguish which bastards had secretly defected to the subspace. The gene seeds corrupted by Chaos no longer had the legacy of the original body, and the killing began.

The warbands were fighting among themselves, and some of the hybrid seed warbands who had taken over from the Night Lords were surprised to find that every step in the ship was like a dangerous trap, and the fear of being targeted by hunters spread in their hearts.

how so! Astartes has physically eliminated the emotion of fear!

The last gift Konrad Curze left to his heirs, everything that the Emperor had fought for tens of thousands of years under the Webway was compressed into the remaining Night Lords like a genetic virus. Fighting under the holy light can surely To a certain extent, it can heal the schizophrenia of the Children of the Night.

Facing ordinary mortals and aliens, they will still kill, skin and bones, and intimidate their enemies in the most terrifying way as before. But when facing demons and chaos traitors, the mutations hidden in the gene seeds will Will surge out like black anger, their confusion about the future will completely disappear, dark future predictions will no longer confuse their "think tanks", and schizophrenia will disappear.

The Night Lords need no blessings, recognition, advanced weapons, or appeasement; they only need a clear goal.

Be afraid, fear us as a daemon faces the Emperor's Flame.

Every child of the night knows that they are unforgivable, and the blood on their hands can fill the hive, but they choose to follow the orders of the original body. After more than ten thousand years, they have lived enough.

Then let's see where we die.

The ship filled with corpses set sail again, and the Nightborne, who had won the final victory, took down the mortal corpses from the ceiling, hooked up the traitor's body and hung them upside down.

They are gathering spontaneously. The number is too small. It is doubtful whether they can gather 10,000 people. The ships are in tatters, like a group of hulks drifting after the war.

"Hail, Lord of the Night," they said.

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