Warhammer: Decided to take the route of stars surrounding the warp

Chapter 458 The Word Bearer: The horse stumbled, please forgive me, forgive me~

The Gray Knight's holy shield armor screamed.

Before using the nun's blood as an adhesive, Angel fell into the illusion arranged by the devil, and the damage to the power armor was naturally still exposed.

There were corpse fragments everywhere around him. The corpses of Chaos believers polluted this loyal land. He walked step by step.

He needs fire to purify everything, but now, the enemy's fire is afraid that it will engulf them first.

There is a strong flow of gas at Angel's current location, which means that the Star Castle has been penetrated, and the big hole leading to the Galaxy of Disputes is greedily plundering the resources that humans rely on for survival.

The suppressive power of the Three Holy Prayer has penetrated part of their void shield modules, and the cross-shaped Ramesses Star Fortress has two long arms exposed, and the area where Angel is located is among them. One piece.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to teleport in easily.

What he was thinking about now was not to kill more Word Bearers. Angel hoped to join up with his brothers and then find a way to jump to the Three Holy Prayer.

Or when the opponent's void shield is flashing, you can directly initiate subspace teleportation, try to sneak into the opponent's warship, and then use your own psychic energy as a teleportation beacon to guide the teleportation of your brothers.

The three Glory Queen-class battleships are all outside Angel's visual range. He can now only observe the terrifying body of the Three Holy Prayer through the breach in the star fortress. The extremely oppressive huge body is covered with dots. Each point of light has destructive power.

It's so beautiful, it would be even better if it fell on the enemy's head.

The Gray Knight ran, and the traces left by every loyal psychic spell were constantly magnified in his eyes. Tracking demons was a required course for them, but now, he was tracking a rune priest.

The "think tank" of the Wolf Group (although they themselves never admit this) is communicating with Fenris' planetary will (Fenris is too close to the Eye of Terror and is affected by the warp, not sure what state it is in). They can borrow The power of the mother star casts an ice storm.

The true Rune Priest, with just one thought, a blizzard broke out on the battlefield, and the Word Bearers lit up demonic fires to fight, which exposed their traces and made it easier for the wolves to find them.

The cold became thicker and thicker, and wolves howled one after another, sometimes far and sometimes near. Angel kept moving forward, and he gradually felt the cold around him, and ice and snow gradually covered his body.

This is a psychic storm. Every piece of ice and snow is summoned by psychic energy. It falls freely around, causing great interference to the Gray Knight's psychic lock. The ice and snow cover all the footprints, and the howling cold wind disturbs The sound of soldiers' actions was lost, and the sense of smell was reduced to the point where only the special branch of the Space Wolves could search for enemies. Even the heat source reaction was indistinct under the cover of ice and snow, and it was difficult to distinguish.

He guided his spiritual energy and contacted the surrounding environment as harmoniously as possible. If his guess was correct, the wild wolves should be thinking about how to kill him after the war. Of course, he thought the same way.

The problem with werewolves is that either the wolf group is hiding something, or a disloyal person has been corrupted. No matter which one, it is an absolute shame and must not be known to outsiders.

But that was after the war, and everyone hoped that the other party would die under the Emperor's gaze before "having to kill you to protect the secret."

The wind direction of the storm changed, and the Gray Knight ran along the strong wind. The moment he raised his feet, his footsteps were covered by ice and snow again. In front of him was an endless land of ice and snow, with extremely low visibility. He couldn't even believe that he was in a corridor and not some endless ice field.

Before he could explore any further, his feet were in the air, and the flat snow was uneven. At this moment, several wolf warriors jumped out of the surrounding ground and pounced on him, pushing him deep into the ice and snow. go.

A second later, the wind and snow smoothed everything over.


Three wolf heads were pressed against the Gray Knight's silver-gray helmet, their steel manes stroking his armor. A bearded Space Wolf was looking at him with a arrogant expression.

They were communicating psychically, roughly.

"I discovered something strange. The light spots on the Three Holy Prayer above were not all artillery fire. Some of the lights were connected together, like a blasphemous magic circle."

"Why don't you just call us on the comms channel!"

"Do you wear helmets?"

Not one of the Wolf Regiment soldiers likes to wear tactical helmets, and the secondary communication device around the neck is the most unreliable thing.

The rune priest came closer, and his breath could condense into mist on the gray knight's tactical eyepiece, and finally turned into frost.

"What is your judgment, Gray Knight, what kind of rune array do you think it is?"

"I can only make a rough estimate. The people in this star fort should be used as sacrifices. I can't judge the specific effect."

"In addition, judging from the intensity of the bombardment it received, I'm afraid there are at least three Queen of Glory battleships or an extremely large fleet concentrating firepower to attack it. Our support should be here."

The news brought by the Gray Knight was mixed, and Angel hated this feeling with four heads coming together.

"Shh~~Someone is coming."




"My Emperor, it's a pleasure to meet you."

A Blood Crow was pulled down by three strong men, and he was pinned next to the Gray Knight with a confused look on his face. Suddenly, it became a conspiracy among five people.

Boy, that's really fast.

The wolves ambushed the Word Bearers here, but all those who came were friendly troops. I really don't know what went wrong.

"I need help. The loyal Emperor's warriors, traitors and daemons have an evil plan. We must figure it out and stop them. The Trilogy is the key to everything."

"That's very well said. Next time, tell us something we don't know, Gray Knight."

Although the Rune Priest's words are not very respectful, he still acts very quickly. He has strengthened the company's communications through spiritual power, and asked all "think tanks" to pay attention to the battleships in the sky to see if other Rune Priests can see any clues. .

"By the way, do you want a piece?"

A pair of big hands appeared among the five heads and made a piece of frozen flesh and blood. Half of the blood on it was frozen, and it looked like a popsicle.

At this moment, only Blood Crow is completely confused. This Blood Crow is a normal warrior, not a think tank, or in other words, a normal... rookie.

He's just a loser compared to these big guys.

"Monks...what is the situation now?"

"dining time."

"This is?"

"I don't want to talk about the origin of this piece of meat. All I can say is that it's absolutely fine."

Although the Gray Knight doesn't want to admit it, it seems to be wolf meat. The recruits of the wolf regiment who succumb to the wolf spiral will forever become giant wolves, and the outstanding ones will fight with the wolf regiment warriors, which is equivalent to fighting servants.

"Sergeant of the Blood Ravens Chapter, I will explain the current situation to you. Please take your hands away from my demonic code (usually on the breastplate of the Gray Knight), or do you want to read the relevant content?"

Needless to say, you know that the contents inside are the secrets of the Gray Knights. Reading? Don't even think about it.

"Accident, respected Gray Knight, I promise that the same situation will never happen again. (I will definitely not be discovered next time!)"


A few minutes later, the five-man team decided to find an opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the Three Holy Prayer, although a large number of teams had already done so before.

The storm gradually changed its direction and swept forward, but there were only a few demons on the road. The Word Bearers' corpses were cleaned up quite cleanly. Only some residual flesh and blood of unknown significance could be found, and most of the power armor was recovered.

For a moment, no one knew who was winning.

"My side must have been defended. I didn't let any enemies pass, but this side..."

The Rune Priest re-confirmed the communication signal and later discovered that the Word Bearers should have killed the warriors stationed here and used Chaos Sorcery to randomly broadcast war cries in the Death Warrior's communication channel.

"The wolf brothers have died in the battle, so what's going on with the vibration here? I'm going to take a look."

"go together."

Blood Crow:? ? ?

A few people dragged Blood Crow out and left the Gray Knight alone. No one greeted him at all.

Angel followed up casually. He needed more power. If the Word Bearers were retreating, that meant things were getting worse. It meant that the Three Holy Prayer had prepared powerful weapons of destruction to completely destroy this place. Star Castle.

Distant explosions and vibrations came along the pipes and walls, becoming more frequent and denser, eventually turning into a slaughterhouse.

In short...well...the Word Bearers' sacrifice went wrong.

Summoned the wrong demon.

They themselves didn’t know what they summoned. They stayed in the subspace for too long, which led to some negligence. Summoning demons in the real world is different from that in the subspace. One of them forgot this problem and habitually shouted a wrong syllable, causing the situation here to gradually become irreversible.

On a huge altar with piles of corpses, the shape of the altar is not very regular. If you want to find a comparison in the galaxy, is it roughly equivalent to the face shape of the Eldar?

Now, the entire altar is swallowed by darkness, and what emerges from it does not look like an object from this dimension. Its body looks like a dream, but it kills the Word Bearer the moment it comes into contact.

A few wizards were doing a master dance, and the think tank on the side was frantically using psychic powers to fend off the opponent. The battle seemed to last for a long time.

Because when the Gray Knight arrived, he saw with his own eyes that the think tank hammered the comrade behind him to death with a scepter and sacrificed him as a sacrifice.

The blizzard gradually enveloped this place, and the Rune Priest intervened in the battle forcefully. The indescribable object "flowed" towards this side, greatly reducing the pressure on the Word Bearers. The two sides looked at each other and acted incomparably. Decisive.

The Word Bearers: Warp teleportation! Escape!

Rune Priest: Counter-spell, start! Don't even think about running away.

During the psychic confrontation between the two sides, Angel had already blasted out several psionic energies, and a thick bowl of lightning struck the opponent. The unknown monster did not suffer much damage, but the rest of the lightning that struck the altar caused serious damage. Huge damage, one corner of the altar was completely shattered.

After all, it was also constructed by demonic power, and the Gray Knight's spiritual energy naturally suppressed it.

Under the pure light, the entire altar was melting, but the place where the monster was summoned did not shrink with the collapse of the altar, but had a faint tendency to grow larger.

If Yifeng is here, he must be preparing his main gun. He will first fire a shot at the weird place below.

But Angel Devin had other ideas.

"Rune Priest! I'm here to suppress the traitor's witchcraft. Can you call the soldiers of the engine team to directly activate the Rameses Star Fortress and crash our corner into the Three Holy Prayer!"

"Finally, let me say something humane. Don't have your hopes too high. The night is coming."

Judging from the current situation, the Word Bearers seemed unable to deal with this weird thing. Within a few minutes of their arrival on the battlefield, several more Word Bearers were swallowed up. They had to find a way to throw this trouble to the Seventeenth Legion.

It was very difficult for the other wild wolves to reply, and it took many twists and turns to get it here.

Halfway through listening, Rune Priest's heart gradually turned cold.

Has the war situation reached this point?

"Gray Knights, our brothers have proposed a plan to blow up the long arm of the Star Fortress, and we will crash into the Trilogy of Prayer along with the remains of the long arm."

"Are you sure!" Blood Crow's warrior shouted, using more dense explosive fire to cover up his inner panic.

"This plan is too crazy. I'm going to try to banish this weird guy."

The monster's "body" is constantly flowing towards them. It is a mysterious color that they have never seen before. It makes people mesmerized at a glance. The most powerful think tanks will have a feeling of "hearing the truth in the morning and hearing the truth in the evening" when they look at it. I feel like I’m going to die.”

Angel tried to trap the opponent with a small psychic vortex.

"I'm afraid your objections are useless, monk. The damn Steel Wolf has already done this. The battle situation will be worse than you imagined. There are no enemies here because this is already the rear of the Word Bearers."

A wild wolf roared angrily and used all its strength to slash out the power sword. After it penetrated into the monster's body, the promethium element engine of the power sword exploded instantly. The decomposition stance was disabled. A powerful force came from the sword and dragged it inside. .

The Gray Knight wrapped the warrior with lightning, and the blue light flowed along his power armor to the power sword. Only then did he get rid of its attraction and successfully regained the war blade.

"The Word Bearers landed behind us and have defeated the defense nodes behind us. Damn it, the signal interference is too serious. The previous electronic demon invasion paralyzed the machine soul, otherwise the communication terminal could have given some warning."

Later, the Iron Wolf gave a final time limit for the Rune Priest to come back as soon as possible. The Rameses Star Fortress was very hard, but it was penetrated by the jumping gang warehouse, and after being pulled back and forth several times by corruption and purification, the structure of a ring has been Fragile.

"This has long been the enemy's territory. My brothers want to completely destroy this place, or in other words, let it serve its final purpose."

The secondary plasma engine that provides energy for this long arm can be detonated as a bomb, providing enough force to blow up the long arm and spin it towards the enemy ship. The cost is actually not much different from destroying the star fort. The entire system They will all suffer a huge blow.

This is a suicide attack with no return, but so far, the remaining warriors on this long arm have no intention of returning, and even want to recruit more troops.

"It is the Emperor's will that has guided us here."

"Damn it, can you please tell me what the Emperor's orders are and what we should do."

While Angel was chanting the counter-spell to the Word Bearers, he was also able to discuss with the Rune Priest how to resist the coming crazy explosion.

"I think we can hide behind this monster. I don't think bombing can kill this monster."

There were beads of sweat on the Rune Priest's forehead, and the thick hair behind him was gradually turning white, just like the scenery on the Fenris tundra.

"This is a good idea." Blood Crow's warrior was the first to agree. He fired a few rounds at the monster without any effect, and then started shooting at the Word Bearer.

The Word Bearers shouted in the language of Colchis (the Word Bearers' home planet), "Are you crazy? Deal with this monster first..." and mixed greetings to their ancestors in various languages. language.

As the saying goes, curse words always spread the fastest.

The Gray Knights and Wild Wolves finally moved and did not run towards us, thank God.

The Word Bearers thought that the other party understood their words, and then they prayed to the gods to forgive their sins. The wrong ritual had brought them serious disasters, and they had received the revenge they deserved. The Chaos Gods, Please stop your punishment.

Gray Knight: Go to hell, monster. In the name of the Emperor, help me annihilate the aliens and slay the heretics!

What they shouted and what they did were completely different. The Word Bearers' spell was summoning another powerful being to fight against this monster. As for the Gray Knight...

It's totally defensive, ugh.

Divine light protects the loyal and brave warriors.

A huge explosion instantly spread throughout the cabin, and flames poured into the cabin. A soldier with damaged feet hit the ceiling in an instant and was directly embedded in it.

The soldiers who activated the magnetic lock felt that their flesh was about to be torn apart, and the strong torque caused blood to pour into their brains, compressing their cerebral blood vessels.

Warriors illuminated by the Gray Knights' psychic powers were better, and more importantly, Primaris warriors were more resistant to beatings.

"By the grace of the Emperor, we are not the one who hit the enemy ship."

The Blood Crow warrior suddenly shouted.

"This really can only rely on the emperor's blessing."



Blood Crow Warrior: Say Blood Crow bless you, say it~~~Say it quickly~~~

A wave of turbulence rippled through the bodies of the Blood Crow warriors, wrapping the bodies of the warriors as soft as a ball of cotton.

They watched the monster's altar move away from them at an alarming speed. Everything around them was strange and strange, and the changes were rapid and sudden. When they came back to their senses, they were already standing on the burning shell of the star fort.

There are so many good things in Blood Crow Fur, so it’s not too much for me to use a few.

The Gray Knight looked at him in surprise, and the other party's explanation was that the relics were discovered during joint archeology with the Mechanicus, and were given to him as a reward by the Mechanicus' exploration fleet.

Before they had time to think about it, the battle had already begun. They entered the range of the void shield, and the shielded signal could gradually be received. Unknown how many remnants of the assault team were getting in touch with them. Some of them were hiding in the pipes and waiting. At the right time, some of them stayed in the room to fight the demons while others were running and moving.

There was another explosion in front, and the flames shot into the sky. More internal structures of the Abyss-class battleships were revealed. The Gray Knights and Wild Wolves were experienced. There would be no air transmission in space, but metal could transmit vibrations. Anyone who saw the flames could In an instant, he jumped up high.

Blood Crow was obviously a step slower. In his words, "The brief stiffness of the relic made it difficult for me to move."

It was almost shaken to pieces.

The Rune Priest gathered his strength and blasted a wave downward, making a big hole before jumping in.

"Let me rest for a while. The battle has taken too long. Your name is Angel, right? I'll rely on you for the next cover..."

"The duty lies, for the Emperor."

The wolf regiment and the gray knights formed a strange combination and moved forward, followed by a red and trance-like Blood Crow warrior.

I don’t know where he hid the relics. The power armor should be close-fitting...


A corner of the Ramesses Star Fortress hit the Trinita Prayer, destroying a laser turret on the belly of the ship. The Imperial Army's shuttle boat seized the opportunity and stepped on the accelerator. Alpharius and the Imperial Army team seized the opportunity and took advantage of the opportunity. When the opponent's signal detection fell into brief confusion, he rushed directly towards the opponent's warship.

"Quickly, quickly restore the fire control lock, restart the bird servant, reconnect the energy lines, and direct all energy output to the positions of the three Glory Queen battleships!"

The Abyss-class warships required the coordination of a thousand Astartes to function flawlessly, and now there were over three thousand Word Bearers and one Primarch.

Lorgar was a little angry. Didn't the Chaos Gods remind him that he had sacrificed so many lives in exchange for the disgust and distance from the subspace?

The Iron Wolf technical sergeant said, guess who wears the adamantine armor assigned to the wolf regiment~

Power Wrench Warning!

The raid launched by the Imperial Army team was fast and fierce. When the opponent's signal was restored, their position was too close to be detected.

The golden shuttle boat shuttled among the burning flames on the outer deck. The flames seriously affected the signal. Alpharius was going back to his old job. It was really exciting.

"Prince Regent, please pay attention to your safety for a moment. We are not a victorious army." The implication of the Imperial Army is that we will not choose to give up the emperor's mission just to protect you.

(Although the Emperor did not give them the task of taking down the Prayer of the Three Saints at all)

"It's best this way, all for the Emperor's sake."


There were times when Titus really wanted to call the police.

Why did the original body disappear as soon as I woke up, and he left a small note asking me to protect the false original body and wait for his return.

I really want to kill myself with a sword.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought in the direction of "the original body gave him the Astartes version of the Mongolian Sweat Potion".

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