Chapter leader Deika clenched his fists as he looked at the wreckage in front of him. They had entered the Atris galaxy, and the space station in the planet's orbit had been smashed to pieces.

Even if the soldiers observe from space, they can clearly see the thick smoke generated by the huge explosion on the planet and the green frenzy sweeping the world.

"Chapter Commander, the bird servant array scan shows that this planet has two nests, a foundry area, an agricultural area, and a military fortress in the North Pole."

"Judging from the information received so far, the agricultural area and one hive have been completely occupied, and the Shadow Blades Chapter is holding on in another hive city waiting for reinforcements. The foundry area has been blown into ruins, possibly by the Shadow Blades Chapter. Yes, the military base in the Arctic is still there, and they still have about 10 million soldiers and 150 million civilians guarding it. The number of survivors in the hive is unknown."

"Chapter Master, they said they are willing to join the Empire as long as they receive our rescue."

Chapter leader Deika snorted, now even if the Chaos Space Marines come, they will not hesitate to believe in the evil god of subspace as long as they can be rescued.

"Leader of the Chapter, the Will of the Storm Chapter has also responded to this call for help. They will arrive in 9 hours."

"Understood, full channel communication, we will help the survivors hold their positions, and in 9 hours, we will meet up with the Stormtroopers to launch a full-scale counterattack."

Yifeng didn't know what was going on. He only knew that the 3st and 4nd veteran companies would support the nest, and the 5rd, 6th, th, and th companies would go to the Arctic military base to assist in defense and wait for counterattack orders.

Yifeng ate the last piece of military rations from the external pipeline, and then their connection with the battleship would be cut off until they reached the ground and established the signal system again.

The team leader, William, was still a little uneasy. He looked at the airdrop compartment where there were originally ten people. Now there were only eight people, and the positions of the other two people were also filled with munitions.

"Are these enough? It should be enough. What if the fight is over? I have to think of a few filings..."

Tristi, the top officer of the Arctic military base, was so anxious that he scratched his head into a shiny bald head. As the war continued to worsen this month, their defense forces were already stretched thin.

A month ago, bad news came from the Space Force. They were threatened by an unknown enemy and had been completely wiped out. The final video sent back was of a huge black ball-shaped thing crashing into the ship. When everyone was ready to fight the enemy to the death, what fell from the sky was not warships or raining bombs, but many meteorites.

When this phenomenon was observed, Hamers, the actual ruler of the planet at this time, breathed a sigh of relief. If only the fleet destroyed by the meteor shower attacked the planet, the damaged buildings could be rebuilt quickly.

It's a pity that he was happy too early. The greenskins climbed out of the meteorite, or their super simple version of the landing cabin, and rushed towards the crowd who came to watch the excitement.

The army took action quickly. At first, they quickly wiped out several green-skinned orcs at the "small meteorite". Although they resisted tenaciously, the local soldiers found that the technological level of these green-skinned orcs was slightly inferior to them, and they could only be regarded as Just entering the space age.

With the crushing numbers of the early human army, there were soon only two "large meteorites" that fell in similar positions to be eliminated. There was something strange about this large pit. The mushroom cloud that hung over the pit was still lingering, and the inside was filled with dust, making it difficult to see clearly. But at first no one paid much attention.

At this time, Planet President Hamers made the biggest mistake in his life. In order to regain the popular support he lost after the fleet was destroyed and the meteorite caused huge losses to the residents, he decided to conduct a large-scale military operation and use a huge victory to stabilize his popularity.

President Hamers asked the army to surround the "Great Crater" and mobilized 18 million troops from across the country to prepare for the complete annihilation of the enemy. However, during the month of mobilizing the army, there was no movement at all in the pit. The stupid rulers actually declared to the people that the enemy had been completely frightened by us and no longer dared to act rashly.

Of course, there are also many wise officers in the army who want to attack quickly or release tentative reconnaissance and troops. Without exception, they were rejected by their superiors. After several attempts, all the officers and soldiers were defeated. Isn’t it good for everyone to eat, drink, and sleep well in the military camp? Our superiors won't let us fight anyway, so why bother?

So Melty, the son of the President of the Senate, who had been in the legal process for a month, successfully replaced the commander-in-chief Tristi and commanded an army of 18 million. With one order, a full-scale general attack was launched.

"Fight whatever you want. Eighteen million people will pile them up and kill them. There is no direction of attack. All-out attack. The first soldier to reach the big meteorite will be awarded the rank of major general."

Well, a group of big soldiers marched towards the big pit in a mighty manner. how to spell? I don’t know, what time did you arrive at? I don’t know, what should we do? Hit forward.

There was little cooperation among the regiments. They even marched forward with all their strength after hearing that they were awarded the rank of general first, until the 18th Motorized Light Machinery Regiment, the fastest runner, saw a big mountain.

"Captain, were there mountains here before?"

"I don't know. I see on the map that this is a plain."

"It can't be a big meteorite, right? Commander, rank of major general."

"Use your brain, would the meteorite look like this? Our enemies haven't appeared yet, so be careful..."


The deafening war cry resounded throughout the world, and even Commander-in-Chief Melty, who was sitting 80 kilometers away drinking tea, could hear it.

"What's the sound, Adjutant?" Melty was already panicking. Of course he had heard this war cry from other craters.

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, nothing can withstand an attack by an army of 18 million people."

No, Melty was unsure. Although I had ten divisions to protect me, five more divisions had to be mobilized to guard me.

"Adjutant, what are the five divisions closest to us? They will be transferred back to strengthen the defense."

To a certain extent, this does leave a glimmer of hope for the army.

However, the 18th Light Machinery Regiment was not so lucky.

"Captain, that's not a mountain, that's an enemy." The Orcs piled up into a huge mountain, and now they were charging excitedly because they finally saw their prey.

"Why are you stunned? Everyone, turn around and run."

What nonsense are you talking about? I have 10 million people behind me. If I meet the enemy, I will meet the enemy. 18 million people draw such a large encirclement. I can fight them with at most 40,000 people behind me? Look at the front, there are at least a million of them! Attack forward? Seeking death is not an option.

Just as they were rushing back in a hurry. They found that they seemed to be lost. Why were there green skins all around them?

"Fire, fire! How did you lead the way? Why are there greenskins everywhere?"

"Bang~ Captain, I'm leading the way, bang~ That's right, the road ahead is the way we came here, bang~" The guard's small pistol kept firing, but the one who rushed up first was no longer the same as before. The thin greenskins fighting in the small pit are all big guys covered in iron. Ordinary human bullets jingled on their bodies, and only violent explosions could overturn them.


The greenskins have done nothing but breed in the past few days. They have just dug holes. For no other reason than they fell on top of the iron ore.

The green-skinned warlord and the leader of this green-skinned group, Mistempel, was in a pretty good mood. The idiot native creatures did not attack them immediately, but stayed there motionless.

"waaaaaaagh" (The following are all translation tasks provided by the author with great kindness)

"Grand Technologist Ulutan, how is your research going?"

"Boss, we have mined a lot of iron ore and made a lot of good stuff. The boys can basically wear gray shells (iron armor) and use iron tutu (iron guns)."

"What I asked was not this, but that."

"Oh, you said that big guy will be able to drive out in another month waaaaaaaaagh."

"Very good, let the little ones dig a hole outside and bury themselves?"

Obviously, the other big guys don't understand why. Although they often eat mushrooms, they are not mushrooms.

"You idiot, wait until the food has passed, and then if you emerge from the soil, the food won't be able to escape."


All the greenskins gave their happiest war cries at this brilliant idea.

The green-skinned warlord returned to his underground abode to think about how to enjoy this delicious human meal.

Melty listened to the reports of the heavy losses of each legion. He was completely confused. There were 18 million people. Not only did he lose more than 7 million people in one encounter, but he was also surrounded by people around the pit. What to do, what to do, this Isn’t it the pure rhythm of genocide and genocide?

"Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief, wake up! We still have a guard division, and we still have 15 elite mechanic regiments!"

"But what can hundreds of thousands of people do? There are 18 million of us, all..."

"Commander-in-Chief, we were just ambushed, not all of us were killed. As long as they can withdraw, we can regroup and fight again, and we can still win!"

Melty woke up from a dream and immediately commanded 15 army divisions to launch a fierce attack on the weak points of the green skin encirclement. The fifteen divisions launched a desperate assault on the enemy and finally opened a gap. Lasting two days, 2 million of the million troops were killed and million injured. The remaining people evacuated to the nearest Arctic military base.

Only 36 of the heroes of the fifteen divisions who fought desperately to open the breach returned.

In the next month, the greenskins attacked the city with overwhelming force, occupying most of the planet.

Tristi, the former commander-in-chief and current commander-in-chief of the Arctic military base, took in refugees and built defense facilities for a month. He knew very well that waiting for the bureaucrats to make a decision would make the day lily cold, so he immediately strengthened the military base and collected everything that could be done. The collected food will clear the field and prepare for long-term operations.

The greenskins also stopped attacking them for the time being because Tristi had searched the area too cleanly and there was no food around.

Next, Tristi's life was filled with panic, with good news and bad news coming at once.

"Sir, the front line has been defeated again, and we have lost the agricultural and food area."

"Sir, the garrison in the food area is retreating towards us with the remaining food."

"Sir, Mikoa's nest has been captured."

"Sir, Imperial Space Marines have responded to our call for assistance."

"Sir, the foundry area has fallen, and almost no one has escaped."

"Sir, the Space Marines have arrived."

"Sir, we may not be able to hold our ammunition for two weeks, there are too many greenskins."

"Sir, the Space Marines are going to use the drop pods to land on the ground and fight with us."

"Sir, the Space Marines are heading towards Hive Milanco. The damn hive guys say they are the rulers. As long as they are saved first, they will dedicate this planet to the Empire."

"Sir, another group of Space Marines, called the Green Templars, also responded to our request for help."

"Sir, the foundry area is used by greenskins to make weapons. How come their weapons are more advanced?"

"Sir, the Forge was bombed by Space Marines."

"Sir, the Space Marines have suffered heavy casualties and they can barely hold on."

"Sir, the Green Templars are here!"

With a "whoop~" sound, the airdrop pod left the Blessing Forest strike cruiser and flew towards their respective targets.

Yifeng felt that huge force was tearing them apart. The powerful acceleration could make a mortal's head explode in an instant, but for the Primaris Space Marines, this could only be said to be slightly uncomfortable.

Meteors streaked across the sky and fell on the planet. Last time, such a spectacle brought blood and death, but this time, it will bring redemption.

The powerful jet slowed the airdrop pod to a speed of less than 1 meter per second, and the powerful Astartes rushed out of the airdrop pod and started shooting. Tristi, the commander of the Arctic military base, had already announced the arrival of support to the entire army. The soldiers who had not seen the Astartes for hundreds of years were looking forward to the arrival of support, but they also doubted whether the Astartes could really do it. Save them from fire and water. After all, none of them had ever seen the Emperor's most reliable killing force.

The airdrop pod of the third combat group of the fourth company hit a snow-white mountain peak, and the flying stones almost injured the soldiers in the defensive position on the side.

Team leader William was the first to rush out of the airdrop compartment, followed closely by Yifeng, and there was a roaring and tsunami-like... cheers in front of him.

Eh? This is different from what we expected. Shouldn't we see a huge crowd of people when we come down? No, the green skins with green mountains and green seas rushed towards us, and then we started charging at the green skins with bolt guns?

"Oh my God, our saviors are here. Look at how mighty they are, as if gods descended from heaven."

"Look at it, it's full of weapons. It looks like it's very capable of fighting. It will definitely bring painful punishment to the greenskins."

"Oh, look at their weapons and armor. They are so advanced and sacred. They will definitely beat the greenskins to pieces."

After a long, hopeless and depressing battle, all the soldiers did not hesitate to praise the only words of their cultural level. The people struggling in the darkness finally saw the dawn of hope.

The soldiers in the third group were a little embarrassed by the praise, especially when they praised their appearance with grenades and bolter bullets strapped to their bodies.

Team leader William reacted quickly, "Deputy team leader Keshevich led them to establish a defensive position and hold it for 9 hours, waiting for the counterattack."

The Arctic Fortress is not the kind of fortress that surrounds a city with a long wall, which is time-consuming, laborious and useless to build. The Arctic Fortress relies on the entire Arctic mountain range, using walls to connect various cliffs, and digging tunnels and shooting holes in the mountains. Mountain-city integrated military fortress.

Relying on cliffs can shorten the defensive front, and at the same time, you can enter the mountains to avoid orbital bombing or other powerful bombings. The Void Shield is built at the core of a fortress with complete defenses. It is very safe. It can be said to be a permanent fortress that can be defended for a long time.

Theoretically, the defensive position of the third group should be in the tunnel full of shooting holes directly below them, but the group leader William made an important decision.

"Place your position on the mountain top. Kshevich."

"What do you mean, team leader? Are you contaminated?" The deputy team leader was obviously surprised by this rule that went against common sense.

"We are warriors of the Green Templar on the ship, we are Khan's army, but here, on this planet that is not shrouded in the Emperor's glory, we are the Emperor's representatives."

"Build the position to the highest point, warriors, let the soldiers see that we are fighting, we are killing the greenskins, let everyone in the fortress see that their hope is here, on this mountain peak, fight the enemy bravely. "

All the members of the combat team felt a surge of blood in their hearts.

All members of the third group took action. The powerful chain axes quickly cut out bunkers on the mountain. The Astartes unloaded their equipment and fixed them in place. The first to start the battle was Sniper Gar. Jay, he ran directly to the highest peak, and then used his special sniper rifle to start sniping the big green guy.

The only weakness of the green skin is that when the big one is killed, the ordinary green skins gathered around it due to the powerful waaaaaagh energy of the big one will quickly lose their fighting spirit and collapse until they find a new boss or become themselves This behavior is commonly known as "The boss is dead, run away."

So when Gaje effectively sniped and killed the big green-skinned guy, the green-skinned people in the surrounding area quickly collapsed.

When the warriors who had been fighting for a long time and the people who had been kneeling for days praying saw the arrival of the Astartes and quickly defeated the enemy, cheers like mountain roars and tsunamis came from the rear again, which were constantly mixed with "The gods are coming." Saved us”. "Thank God for your mercy." "Long live the gods."

"Obviously we saved them, but they are actually thanking God?" Gajie was already getting angry.

"Thank you to their gods so much, let's withdraw and let their gods come."

The team leader quickly put a stop to Gaje's inappropriate thoughts. "They are just poor people without faith. Why can't the god they talk about be the emperor? They just need guidance. After the war, the national religion (the religion that believes the emperor is a god) will guide them.

Yifeng remained silent beside them. Should he really pray to the emperor and wait for him to save mankind? Why can't humans take up arms and fight for themselves? What is the purpose of the existence of the Imperial Guard (IG) and the Planetary Defense Force (PDF) if the Emperor protects them?

Yifeng would not say this. At this juncture, it would be easy to be regarded as a corrupted heretic, but a seed has been planted, a seed for human beings to control their own destiny, a seed for proletarian world unity.

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