"Of course not. Neither we nor the Dawn Angels Chapter who came there later and searched for a long time found anything. It was probably destroyed by powerful artillery fire and violent explosions. Or we simply guessed wrong. They Just come and collect some supplies and sacrifices to that one, and then rush to the main battlefield.”

On the battleship that killed the big demon before, the cabin where the gene seeds and STC templates were hidden was blown up so much by Yifeng and the others that even the spaceship designer couldn't recognize it. Not to mention the mechanical pipes, even the walls were blown away. Who knows what is going on here? .

Yifeng's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he looked distressed, as if he had really paid huge casualties without getting anything in return.

Anyway, there is no treasure in one bite. Only Situ Val knows the specific location of the gene seed. Even the Mechanicus personnel who help the recruits transform do not know about the gene seed. All gene seed implantation steps are carried out by Situ Val himself.

The metal box where the STC template fragments are stored is even more unique. It is embedded in the metal pillars, leaving no trace at all. Anos screamed in his heart, come and find it, I will send you a warship if you can find it.

You are not a machine soul, how can you still find my treasure?

It still cannot be revealed on the bright side. The best way is to directly guide the guess that the large wave of enemies are going to the main battlefield. Who knows what the battlefield will look like on the bright side of the empire.

Then there was a grand banquet, and the unlucky chef Felin's shovel started to smoke again. Since arriving here, his arms have become thicker and thicker, and no one among the chefs can beat him in the arm-wrestling contest.

Even Inquisitor Lechel was not completely reassured, but he was embarrassed to question this Astartes who must be loyal and had just won a huge victory for the Empire.

Under the leadership of Yifeng, everyone visited the battle barge, and then they said hello to the Mechanicus personnel who established a base here and left.

There is nothing unusual here, and there is no need to even launch an investigation. After the subspace storm is over, you can even apply for a medal on Terra for these four brave warriors.

After the investigation found that everything was normal, the fleet of imperial officials set off for the planet Atris. This newly recovered planet would undergo a long series of transformations, approvals, and belief building.

After the fleet of these imperial officials left, everyone quickly checked the warships. These inquisitors might not have left any eavesdropping equipment on the warships.

After finding no equipment at all, everyone finally relaxed.

Just after one round of review, the next round won’t start immediately.

The loss test is whether it is loyal to the Emperor, and it is uncertain what will happen if it is asked whether it is loyal to the Human Empire.

Let's just keep growing. At least there will be more people before we can start other layouts.

Really, I heard that there are chaos and green skinned people in the Hazy Star Territory, so I really came here for free.


Mechanical Bishop Phoenix's head hurts. I'm not a subordinate of your empire. We have agreed on a cooperative relationship. Forget it, for the sake of the psychic attack on my head and the empire's goods, I didn't cheat Yifeng. It would also be good to get some supplies from the empire.

But you gave me a note on behalf of the Ministry of Interior. Who doesn’t know the efficiency of your empire? If you can deliver goods to me within this hundred years, Omnissiah will only look at me.

At this time, Yifeng opened the big map. The rebel planet would not cause trouble for them for the time being, but the alien world could be visited.

There are several planets without space capabilities and precious minerals, so we need to think carefully about them.

It's time for the soldiers to defeat the agile enemy.

That's it, a clustered planet. The ecology of this planet is not rich. The main population is a kind of flying lizards with a social structure similar to ants. Let's call them that. These flying lizards can reach 4 meters in length as adults, and their wings are dark. It is brown, with sharp claws on all four legs, and its front face is like a turtle with a beak. The beak is sharp enough to break any bones, and then it eats all the prey without sparing the marrow. The tail has sharp bone spurs that can effectively scratch prey.

This species has developed organs that can emit and receive electromagnetic waves. It can carry out large-scale unified operations very well. It is also suspected of having a leader.

A good practice target for surprise beheadings by Horus and the Sons of Jaghatai Khan.

Another large race is the land beasts with rough skin and thick flesh. They can grow up to 20 meters in length. They are very bulky but they have fully demonstrated the art of stacking armor. As a four-legged reptile, its whole body is covered with arched armor plates that are exquisitely arranged together. If you want to pierce this kind of armor, it is just like attacking medieval plate armor. The weapon is extremely easy to bounce off. The lethal organ is its tail, which is like a giant hammer, with a thick giant bone spur on each side. If the prey is hit by this thing, it will be completely chilled in the physical sense.

Let’s temporarily call this species a tufted armored beast. After all, no one has explored it in detail and there is no formal name.

These are also social animals, with a group of about 30 to 80 animals.

The best siege simulation ever, an excellent counterpart to Rogal Dorn and the Sons of Fainus.

The plants include tall and strange "trees" and colorful "moss" plants on the ground. There are also low plants, but most of them are covered with spikes.

This training had a friendly guest appearance from Technical Sergeant Anos, mainly because Yifeng's understanding of mechanized offensive warfare was really not very good.

46 recruits and two instructors landed on the surface of the planet. The previous training seemed too simple and the personnel were not damaged. This time it was real actual combat training.

First, they will attack some groups of clustered armored beasts. They cannot attack the flying lizards from the beginning. They have to let the soldiers learn what mechanized combat is.

Yifeng led the recruits to disperse quickly and begin the reconnaissance mission.

Soon, the scattered recruits discovered a group of 41 tufted armored beasts. Everyone kept moving noise at a very low level and slowly surrounded the entire group.

All detection instruments are put into operation to analyze the species ahead.

The entire recruits were divided into two parts under the command of the technical sergeant. Those who stayed behind prepared various types of shoulder-mounted missiles, and first practiced a Xu Jin barrage to cover the infantry assault.

The soldiers walking in front were equipped with conventional bolt guns and power swords. These primitive creatures were not as hard as non-Norsnian serpents. Energy weapons such as power swords and bolt bombs were enough to deal with it.

The distance between the two sides continued to close, slowly approaching the range of 150 meters.

The outermost armored beast in the group of clustered armored beasts noticed something was wrong and looked to the side in confusion.

The moment it turned its head, several missiles went straight towards the armored beast.

The tufted armored beast on the outermost edge was instantly attacked by a large amount of firepower. Although in a sense, there was no need for a Space Marine charge, training was still required.

The clustered armored beast, which had never seen such a formation before, quickly used its most familiar strategy. All the adult armored beasts surrounded it, including all the old, weak, sick and disabled in the middle.

All of their buttocks were facing outward, and their tails with powerful attacking capabilities were waving constantly.

The entire group was like a huge flywheel with sharp teeth. Even the Astartes recruits wearing reconnaissance armor could not find a tactical breakthrough point for a while.

Of course, there's no point in having their armor protect against bolter fire.

Five minutes later, everyone gathered in front of a pile of corpses for post-battle analysis. Technical Sergeant Anos angrily cursed the infantry charging ahead. You must trust your teammates and don't slow down the front just because there is an explosive barrage in front of you.

Then Yifeng conducted an analysis on reconnaissance and assault. For example, 150 meters was still too far to be discovered, and the recruits should be able to get closer to a closer distance.

Then the surrounding clustered armored beast tribe was in bad luck. A bunch of huge cans suddenly appeared from very close, with sudden fire and violent explosions.

The thick bloody smell quickly attracted a large number of flying lizards.

Logically speaking, they should withdraw, but Yifeng ordered to hide immediately. If these flying lizards find out, they will fight with the instructors when they go back for combat training.

All the recruits wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury themselves.

Xiaolan quickly found a concealed position and hid there. Enke's battlefield analysis ability was greatly improved after being transformed by the Astartes, and he quickly calculated the best place where he would not be discovered, and then... I saw the leader of the Yifeng battle lying down, forget it, go to the second best... the good boss Anos.

Finally, everyone was hidden, and the group of flying lizards flew in from a distance. After hovering for a short time, they landed on the ground and quickly started eating.

Each recruit quickly began to detect the other's information.

After eating for a while, the largest flying lizard landed on the ground. All the lizards that were eating made way for him and went straight to the corpse of the largest prey.

It was obvious that this one was their leader.

Yifeng quickly issued an order on the tactical communication channel: "Injure the wings of the largest flying lizard, then capture it alive, and hold on until support arrives."

A recruit on the side quickly called for support from a transport ship.

The new recruits responsible for fire support have already shouldered their weapons.

This comes down to the quality of the choice of hidden positions. Some places are really hidden, convenient for observation, and really difficult to attack. The most representative example is Xiaolan. In front of him was a pile of low shrubs that were tough and full of spikes.

The fire coverage quickly turned into a precise strike, and the powerful firepower tore apart the four-legged lizards that were eating. The largest one just wanted to fly away, but one of its wings was shattered by a bomb.

The recruits quickly rushed to the side of the largest one, half of them continued to clean up the enemy, and the other half set up defensive positions on the spot.

Because there is no power armor and nuclear-powered backpacks, the new recruits cannot be considered mechanized in the strict sense, and the amount of ammunition they can carry is not large, but they are always trained step by step from simple to complex.

There were a lot of enemies, and everyone had insufficient ammunition. Many recruits began to use power swords to kill the enemies, which also resulted in many recruits being slightly injured.

Although it was scratched a few times by their claws and pecked by their strange beaks, it would not cause serious damage. As long as it rests for a while, it will grow back quickly.

But it’s a shame.

Everyone is here.

William directed several surrounding Astartes to form a combat team to cover each other, and achieved good results.

In fact, there are usually 3 Astartes in the combat team. Their combat power is strong enough. The Empire's general airdrop pods are also made up of 3 people. However, the White Scars and Sons of the Iron Hand are both relatively special battle groups, with ten people. A combat group is almost used as a front line or assault cone group.

Yifeng looked at William. This young man had a leadership temperament. If he could survive the next battle, he would at least be a company commander.

There are also new recruits who dance like Wushuang with a power sword so that all the flying lizards can't get close. It seems that he was riding a desert wolf in the desert at that time, named Kazanev.

Everyone recorded the enemy's data, and Yifeng kept evaluating the new recruits.

The outline of the transport plane can already be seen in the sky, and the dark flying lizards on the east and west sides also appear in everyone's tactical eyepieces.

However, the transport plane did not receive Yifeng's order and immediately launched a wave of firepower to "deterr" the two enemy groups, scaring them so much that they turned around and ran away.

Yifeng spread his hands, indicating that he was missing a move and forgot about it.

Everyone returned to the battle barge Stern Alert smoothly.

The Great Apothecary Situ Val dissected the flying lizard to better understand their body mechanism, while several members of the Mechanicus were very interested in the scales of this tufted armored beast. It seems possible to make a similar shield. Although there is no point in using them for the Astartes, supplying PDF (Planetary Defense Force) should be able to increase their combat effectiveness a little.

Yifeng asked all the recruits to meet together to formulate a plan to behead the leader of the largest group of flying lizards here.

Which one is the biggest? Scan, for such a big thing, wherever there are more creatures gathered is the nest.

Several recruits were still laughing at each other's injuries. After a few more missions, they stopped laughing. One recruit was even accidentally penetrated by the thick spikes on the tufted armored beast's tail. Fortunately, Rescue is timely, otherwise it will be dangerous.

The recruits finally realized that even though they were angels, there was still a chance of death in this mission. Everyone became serious, like a powerful Astartes warrior.

These soldiers began to make careful arrangements with each other.

Using the Sons of the White Scars with the best perception as reconnaissance, the Sons of the Luna Wolf who are best at executing outrageous tactics as the spearhead of the attack, the Sons of the Iron Hands who are famous for mechanized warfare as fire support, and the Sons of the Iron Hands who are famous for their solid defense and melee combat capabilities. The Sons of the Imperial Fists act as a defensive force to protect fire support personnel.

The powerful war corps showed its strength for the first time.


In the chaotic and evil subspace, in the realm filled with blood and fire, you step on the land full of broken limbs, walk through the vast river of blood, and wander among the crazy demons who are constantly fighting and killing.

In the center of this vast territory, a huge fortress stands. The moat surrounded by blood surges with the wails of the undead. The solid fortress is covered with horrific torture instruments, and in the middle, countless skulls are piled up. On top of the huge bone pile, there is a brass throne.

Now a sound of joy and terror erupted from the brass throne.

"Hahahaha, I have seen it, I have seen the endless killings coming, and my power will increase tremendously..."

The bloody skin and pitch-black horns cannot express his terror. The great Lord of the Brass Throne, Khorne, sits high on his throne. It seems that only here is there a trace of order in the entire realm.

"Let the Blood Legion go. Abaddon is no longer able to survive on the frontal battlefield, but he has also successfully involved most of the power of blood food. Let the Blood Legion eat enough."

His voice spread throughout the realm, and many demons let out a soul-shuddering war cry.

The Khorne Demon wielded the war blade, the Skull Reaper wielded the huge Khorne battle ax, and roared into the rift between the warp and the real world. The Skull Lord's daemon engine emitted a frightening scream. The thirst for blood is unparalleled.

This is a great time to carry out the will of the Brass Throne.


In order to conduct a true war simulation, each Son of the Iron Hands was assigned to command an Emperor's Baneblade tank crew, conducting real gunnery coordination training. Of course, they are not the powerful Baneblade tanks produced by Mars, but the second-class Baneblade tanks manufactured by other forging worlds. Due to the lack of complete technology, most of these Emperor Baneblade tanks have been magically modified according to the technology possessed by the local world.

For example, due to the lack of manufacturing technology of the main weapon, these poison blade tanks were replaced with giant plasma cannons. This kind of plasma cannon is different from the traditional plasma cannon that needs to be cooled. After firing a shell, the plasma cannon is directly fired. The plasma device was disassembled and replaced with a new plasma device. The old plasma device was cooled by coolant and then returned to the "bomb preparation bay" to prepare for the next attack. This also results in this poison blade tank having a slower rate of fire and a larger turret, but it is very powerful.

As for the issue of dying after being hit, generally an attack that can penetrate the armor of a Baneblade tank and actually damage its plasma part will have the same result whether it is killed or not.

The secondary machine guns on both sides were also changed from the turret type to the spherical turret used on bombers due to missing technology, equipped with twin laser guns. It has to be said that this design significantly improves the tank's air defense capabilities, but reduces the firepower density of frontal enemy attacks.

The only frontal stable output of firepower is the burst cannon at the front and the secondary battery of four heavy explosive cannons. The density of these firepower is enough to cover any enemy who dares to charge towards the poison blade head-on. Of course, if the enemy is a Titan, it depends on the performance of the main gun.

As for why it is a simulation of artillery-infantry collaboration instead of infantry-tank collaboration...the soldiers rushing in front seem to be more powerful than tanks.

Under the powerful artillery attack, all the four-legged lizards who dared to stop were immediately beaten to ashes. Occasionally, the enemies who were lucky enough to reach the tank were chopped to pieces by the angry power sword of the son of Rogal Dorn.

The agile son of Jaghatai Khan quickly discovered the enemy's three weaknesses. The Moon Wolf disciples' swift attacks tore apart the enemy's defense line and broke into the cave.

The blood dyed the surrounding land bright red, and it didn't take long for the lizards to flee in all directions. William was carrying the body of the giant lizard king on his back, while Kazanev, the crazy warrior, was holding the enemy's head high, side by side. Walked out of the cave.

For new recruits, using artillery support seems like this trial is too easy.

Obviously Yifeng does not think so. The Astartes also need to be skilled in commanding the crew to fight. In Yifeng's later plan, the Astartes hiding among the mortal troops will be an important way to evade imperial scrutiny.

In other words, these Astartes also exist like political commissars.

The Empire has a long-standing problem, that is, most of the ships are sealed and not used until war. The quality of the soldiers urgently recruited after being used is worrying, and there are many cases of Chaos corruption or the infiltration of Genestealers.

These "political commissars" will be very effective in containing these situations.

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