Warhammer: Decided to take the route of stars surrounding the warp

Chapter 29 Surrender is the choice of the weak

Yifeng was sitting on the high platform. He was wearing a white helmet at the moment. He had a power sword and a bolter on his left hand, and a psyker stood on his right. Yifeng looked at his warriors like a Primarch. No one could see his expression, only endless silence.

The psykers in the audience were ready. These psykers from various families and organizations were invited to assist Yifeng in the test.

The contestants participating in the selection sat in their respective positions. The noble children in the upper nest quickly sat cross-legged and began to meditate. However, the children in the middle and lower nests were at a loss. After dawdling for a while, they could only do what the others did.

Of course, there are also those who have no idea what they are doing. Most of them are children who have left the nest. They just sit there lazily and occasionally open their eyes to glance at the people next to them.

Xiaolan simply closed her eyes and rested after eating and drinking. At the end of the last round of "rest", he was eating "lunch". When the closed iron door opened, he immediately realized that the days of sleeping and eating every day were coming to an end, so he quickly ate and stuffed himself. Nearly half of the weekly food ration that had just been delivered in the morning was now full, and there were still uneaten pieces of food in his pocket.

As the huge bell rang again, each psychic activated their power at the same time, transmitting psychic shock to each subject's brain through the chain extension device.

White electric light kept flashing on the linear device, and each boy began to have a splitting headache. At the beginning, the assessment only tested the boy's resistance to subspace, and in the middle and later stages, there would be a test of loyalty.

The blue psionic light began to intervene in the device. It was the big psyker under General IG who took action. The psyker's whole body was wrapped in a black robe. Only one hand wearing a white glove held the expander. chain device.

He will protect the boys and quickly cut off the white psychic energy when they can no longer hold on, otherwise the powerful psychic energy can scorch the children's brains.

As time passes, each boy's brain is put under extreme stress. Some people were bleeding from all the orifices, but they were still clenching their teeth to persist. The blood coming out of the corners of someone's mouth was dried by spiritual energy, leaving burning black marks on their lips, and they fainted completely. The blue spiritual energy wrapped around him and pulled him from the expansion. The chain device detached, and the white light on some people's brains flashed, as if they were about to explode at the next moment.

Every time a person is lifted away, everyone's psychic pressure will increase. Some players' hair has been seen burning, but they are biting their lips to prevent them from making a sound.

Enke's friend Frosa was also carried out, and almost all of his eyebrows were burned off. But he himself didn't know that he no longer had to worry about his future. Being able to survive to the third round and fall under the talent test of subspace resistance was enough to make Frosa favored by many forces.

As time passed, more than 900 players had been carried down.

Yifeng waved his hand, and most of the psykers stopped emitting white psychic energy. All the boys breathed a sigh of relief. However, these psykers each looked for their targets and began to whisper strangely.

William was first targeted by a psyker.

The powerful psychic energy immediately eroded William's brain, and images of the past gradually appeared in William's eyes.

In the beautifully landscaped garden, snow-white prisms support a Gothic-style pavilion. The precious white marble from ancient Terra is made into an exquisite table. Little William is sitting in the pavilion. On the table is a holographic projection device, which plays mysterious music. knowledge.

Little William was distracted and didn't want to study at all.

William was startled by the sudden appearance of a beautiful woman behind him.

"Mother, I..."

"Little William, you are distracted again. You are the future Grand Duke William. You must master this knowledge so that you can better lead the William family to new glory."

"Mom, I don't want to study. It's so boring. Isn't it nice to live like this? Why do you still think about..."

"Silly boy, when we reach our position, if we don't advance, we will retreat. There are many people who are eyeing our position. We have no choice. If we don't move forward, we will be swallowed up by the abyss behind us, and no bones and scum will be left. .”

Little William was still looking at the holographic device in front of him reluctantly in a daze.

Weird whispers came from the void.

"Why do you have to bear the responsibility? Look at the children of the Franklin family next door. They are all playing carefree. Their parents will use their money and power to make their children happy. And you, Just passing the time in different holographic devices.”

"But... my parents are also doing it for my own good. They still care about me."

"For your own good, wake up. They only care about the William family. They only care about the power and money. If you can't bring or keep the power, then they will abandon you without hesitation."

"They don't care about you at all, don't care about you."

The scene quickly switched. The mother scolded little William for not learning a certain knowledge point. Then it switched to the father who rarely came home. He was always in a hurry. When he came home, little William was always very enthusiastic. I wanted to pounce on him, but he always hugged him indifferently, and then promised him the next time, the next time, and the next time.

"No, I am the eldest son of the William family, I should take on these responsibilities."

"Yes, because you are the eldest son of the William family. If you were not the eldest son, who would care about you? Who would care about you? If you don't have your own identity, you are just a child who is not loved at all. "

The scene switched to a major family holiday. As William's eldest son, little William was ceremoniously engaging in various professional social interactions. People on the sidelines kept praising William for his excellent behavior, and no one noticed the deep dissatisfaction in his eyes. Willing and tired.

"You see, they just want to make you what they want. No one cares whether you are tired or not, whether you are willing or not, and no one even cares whether you are you or not."

Next, even though the screen kept switching, little William remained silent.


Another psyker came to Xiaolan, and this strange underdog had attracted this psyker's attention for a long time.

Xiaolan had just experienced such a severe headache, but he gritted his teeth and persevered. He had no way out. If he wanted to keep such a "rich" life every day, he had to persevere.

However, while one moment he was thankful that his headache was relieved, the next moment he was spinning and returned to his lower nest.

Xiaolan was huddled in the corner, with two strong men beside her.

"You are a reckless little thief. He dares to steal your wallet and take Uncle Rong's wallet. He must be impatient with his life."

The two strong men kicked Xiaolan's body vigorously, as if they were kicking a dead dog.

"You bitch, beep~~beep~~~, a sewer rat that even the Emperor hates."

"Brother, he seems to be dying."

One strong man stopped kicking, but the other strong man still didn't stop.

"So what if I kick him to death? Will anyone care about such a little bitch?"

After kicking a few more times angrily, seeing that Xiaolan was completely motionless, the two of them left.

After a long time, Xiaolan slowly started to move. What he was protecting tightly in his arms was the half-eaten corpse starch block.

After recovering their wallet, they will subconsciously look at the belongings in the wallet instead of other items that were previously placed in the same pocket as the wallet.

"There is something to eat...".

Xiaolan took a bite of the corpse starch block, and the remaining starch block was covered with blood.

"You are just a humble guy who never has enough to eat in your life. Why do you have to suffer here?"

Various scenes that Xiaolan experienced were cut and then happened on different parts of Xiaolan's body at the same time.

At the moment when the psychic impact was the strongest, the severe pain in the brain returned to Xiaolan's head.

Both feet were covered with broken skin and blood blisters, a sign of the pain I had experienced in the desert before.

The stomach is extremely hungry. This is a pain that is often endured when laying the nest, but it is especially serious now.

Both hands were broken, which were beaten by gangsters in the lower nest.

There were hideous scars on his thighs. He was bitten by a crocodile dog raised by someone else when he was looking for food in the nest.

Xiaolan's whole body was trembling, and the pain that was enough to make Xiaolan faint in the past was now extremely clear.

The scene changes again.

Xiaolan happily hid in the corner and opened the protein bar he just got. A pair of big hands stretched out from the dark depths and snatched the protein bar away.

"The offerings handed in today are not enough, so they will be confiscated."

"Food~" Xiaolan wanted to reach out and take it, but what she responded to was a pair of big feet.

"I confiscated it when I said it was confiscated. If you still dare to rob it, I'll get you beaten."

A few punches and kicks made Xiaolan's young body unable to hold up and she fell into a pool of blood.

"You will always be a suffering low-level waste, and you will spend your whole life in hunger." The sinful voice emerged from the void again.

However, when Xiaolan heard the word "hunger", her whole body stopped trembling for an instant.

"As long as I can eat enough, I'm not afraid of these..."

"Hahaha, you humble bitch, a beggar who is ravaged at will. Does it make sense whether you are afraid or not? It will always happen to you anyway."

"As long as I can eat, I can bear it, I can eat, I can eat..."

Xiaolan didn't seem to hear this weird whisper at all, and just kept talking to herself.

"You are..."

"Eat full, eat full, I've been full, I've been full."

"It's just good luck, dragging a body that was beaten to pieces like a dog..."

"I've been full, and I want to be full."

Suddenly, Xiaolan's hunched cross-legged body straightened up, and her facial features, which had been twisted together by pain, completely relaxed. The tightly closed eyes opened without warning, staring at the high platform, the eyes exuding blue-white spiritual light were extremely bright.

“I’ve been full before, and He keeps me full, and He can keep me full!”

“He has fed me, and I will follow him to the ends of the earth.”

Countless prayers to the Emperor cannot buy food, but fighting for the man above can!

Yifeng sat on the high platform, holding the power sword tightly in his left hand. The golden sword had been opened, and a faint golden light lingered on the power sword.

The psyker withdrew his interference and raised his hand to indicate that Xiaolan had passed the test.

Yifeng jumped off the high platform and walked around the assessment venue.

The unconscious poor child was lifted up by professional medical staff and carried to the medical transport vehicle. The fully packaged food blocks and food bars fell from his pocket.

Yifeng called the medical staff to stop, picked up the fallen packaged food, and gently placed it in the boy's hand.

"This is his food, get it for him."

Yifeng is not a native of this world. He comes from another era, another great nation that uses "Have you eaten?" as the first word of greeting.

He always has mercy on those who beg for food.

Yifeng did not return to the high platform, but continued to wander around the examination room with the power sword in his left hand.


"According to my calculations, the probability of it being an assessment is 100%, and the probability of you being delusional is 100%."

"Are you always so confident in your calculations? Is there a possibility that you are wrong."

No matter how the scene changed or how tempting the words were, Enke remained motionless with his eyes closed. It looks like "He is strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows on the hills, he is free, he is unruly, and the bright moon shines on the river."

The psyker raised his hand to indicate that Enke passed the test.

Little William's fantasy continues, and every sentence penetrates into the depths of Little William's heart like a sharp knife.

"You are just a victim to maintain the honor of the William family. Who cares about you? They only care about whether you can get honor to enhance the family's prestige."

The psyker wanted to switch scenes again and continue to hit little William.

But the psyker found that he could not control the change of scene. Now, an ancient and majestic old man sat in the center of the lobby. In his arms was the young William, kicking his two little feet randomly. He kept clamoring for old William to tell stories.

Old William told the story of his ancestors fighting side by side with the great Space Marines over and over again. This is the glory of this ancient family flowing in the blood.

Behind him, on the wall in the center of the hall, hung a giant portrait of the ancestors following the tall Astartes to fight the enemy.

"They hope that I will become a great and talented grand duke. They hope that I will bring endless status and wealth to the family. They hope that I and my descendants will pass it on from generation to generation."

"Yes, that's right, in their eyes you are just a..." Before the strange whisper could be finished, little William interrupted him.

"But there is another person. He hopes that I will bring supreme glory to the family. He hopes that I will surpass my ancestors under the guidance of the emperor."

"That's right, in his eyes, don't you also..." The strange voice was a little angry, and he kept getting interrupted.

"It just so happens that I think so too."

"No, you are just a little boy who doesn't want to study..."

"No, I am no longer a little boy, I am a man, a man from the William family."

"For thousands of years, my William family has had politicians, businessmen, soldiers, and even criminals, but there have never been cowards without talent."

"I am a man of the William family, I am a man of the empire, I am a man of substance, for the emperor!!!"

The psyker withdrew his power and raised his hand to indicate passage.

Blood was flowing everywhere on the body of little William...oh no, it was William now. Emergency hemostatic agent was quickly injected into the body. William opened his eyes slightly and saw the tall Captain of the Astartes Chapter. He nodded to him.

Many selection contestants were carried away by medical staff, some passed and some fell.

Perhaps other psykers can correct these effects, but there will certainly be lingering effects.

There were not many people in the selection hall at this time, and some seemed to be wavering, leaving the psychic confused as to whether to pass the contestants who had lasted for so long.

Sitting "under" Yifeng's eyes now is the son of the Desert Orion who arrived first in the desert selection. His belief in the Emperor does not seem to be very pure, because they also believe in what they call the God of the Desert and the God of Hunting. of Neseiro.

The guy next to him is the boy who delivered some sand mushrooms to Yifeng after arriving at the finish line in the desert selection. It seems that this child is the son of a businessman and seems to have difficulty making a choice among the temptations of money.

As time passes little by little. The last selector finally fell. It can be said that he almost passed the test, almost.

Yifeng looked at the psykers around him who had withdrawn their hands and signaled to him, and the faint golden color of the power sword in his hand gradually disappeared.

The previous Chaos Whispering incident in Archduke William's house made Yifeng highly vigilant. The barrier between subspace and reality was already very weak. With so many psykers gathered here, they were not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

So he brought out a few holy objects, but fortunately nothing happened.


The efficiency of Grand Duke William's family has always been high. After all, as long as the money is in place, the sledgehammers of the construction team that come to work can make you smoke.

Only 30 days later, the huge emperor statue in the backyard had been erected. Archduke William spent a lot of money to have psychics "consecrate" and bless him.

The broken piece of white jade was enshrined under the family's sacred object to commemorate this extremely dangerous crisis.

Now, first-hand news has been delivered to Archduke William's desk. Prince William successfully passed the third round of selection and entered the final list of 211 outstanding talents.

Archduke William immediately picked up his sleeping wife and went to the statue of the emperor to pray.

After the prayer, leaving his wife tossing and turning excitedly in bed unable to sleep, Archduke William took down a bottle of good wine and went to their ancestral graves overnight.

Medals are hung on the brackets in front of the tombstones. The grave of old Archduke William is at the outermost of the tombs. The current Archduke William sat in front of the tombstone, pouring glass of wine to the deceased.

"Father, my son, yes, you are going to make a living with your grandson telling him stories. He is likely to fulfill or even exceed your expectations. Please bless him with your spirit in heaven."

"Forefathers of William, please bless my son. He is about to create the history of the William family."

"Emperor, please look after your people who have been loyal to you for generations."


The 211 lucky people who passed the third round of selection are safe and sound under the careful treatment of medical staff, and the final test is about to begin.

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