A fleet jumped out of the subspace and hit the wreckage of multiple warships in succession. The frigate at the front was so frightened that it drifted away.

The Angels of Dawn Chapter were shocked. What kind of battle was this? The entire galaxy was filled with broken ships.

Reconnaissance spacecraft spread out quickly, but there was so much to explore, the entire galaxy had to be searched.

Yifeng, who had been sitting outside the battleship for a week, was able to see a living person. He was so moved. We didn't have a serious meal for a week and a half, and we cried.

The Dreadnaught Mecha of the Great Think Tank heard the message and quickly came over. Waiting for a reconnaissance plane to approach, it raised its hand and fired a psychic explosion. A huge flash of lightning illuminated a large area.

An abnormality was discovered, and a reconnaissance plane flew over. The poor quartet were finally rescued.

The Primarch of the Dawn Angels Chapter was Sanguinius. Their Primarch was killed during the Horus Heresy, and the damage he suffered affected the gene-seed of all the Sons of Sanguinius.

They will crave blood, and drinking blood can restore and enhance certain functions. Outsiders call it "blood thirst."

These Astartes can easily fall into illusions when their emotions are extremely unstable. They will feel that they are the Primarch of Sanguinius in the final battle. Their combat power will soar but they will be unable to do so in the end. The death that can be redeemed is called black rage by outsiders.

Blood Thirst can still be undone, but falling into Black Rage there is nothing that can be done. Warriors caught in this situation will be recovered by the stasis field and form a death company. They will appear on the most dangerous battlefields to show the final glory of the Son of Sanguinius.

The Dawn Angels Chapter firmly believes that now is just the darkness before dawn, that dawn will eventually come, and the Emperor will inevitably return. They stabilize their emotions by creating art works with themes such as the Emperor's Return, which also makes it easier for them to control themselves. Not much.

This time, the Angel of Dawn sent out a large army to save them. All the Death Company was brought out, and three battle barges came over. There were countless other ships, almost all of them came out.

I don’t know whether it’s because the Misty Star Realm is rich, or because the Storm Will Chapter and the Dawn Angel Chapter are like “birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups.”


The transport plane came and took the four people back to the hangar of the main ship.

"Welcome, the bravest warrior of the empire. Please allow me to pay tribute to you." Musrued, the leader of the Dawn Angel Chapter, expressed the highest respect to the four.

The final investigation results of the Dawn Angel Chapter's reconnaissance aircraft showed that there were at least the wreckage of 2 battleships, 8 battle barges, 12 heavy cruisers, 5 strike cruisers and more than 100 frigates here.

Look at what level of naval battle this is, not to mention the corpses of about three thousand Astartes floating here according to the Servitor Ceremony.

Look, what kind of brave warrior is this? Not to mention the temporary patch on Yifeng's broken front breastplate that was temporarily put on by the technical sergeant. At first glance, he looks like a warrior who fights to the end. The great pharmacist in front of him wants to kill his brother at all costs. Their gene seeds were brought back, and the technical sergeants sealed all the holy relics of the battle group. This Dreadnought was even more powerful. At first glance, he looked like a powerful warrior who fought bravely until he was seriously injured in the end. He was put into the Dreadnought on the spot.

Thinking of this, the technical sergeant who was originally ranked last in admiration suddenly came up.

All the Dawn Angels express their highest respect to the four.

The entire Angel of Dawn fleet stayed here for a full month, collecting all the valuable battleship wreckage, not even the frigate wreckage, and then built a simple group Geller stand. After all, only one defense was needed. It's just the erosion of machinery by subspace, so the intensity doesn't need to be too high.

At the same time, the Astartes, after cleaning up the Khorne believers on the planet Taste 2, picked up a few half-starved and half-dead unlucky guys from the planet Taste 3. Everyone finally sets out for the forge world of Stolov.

In the past few days, the Dreadnought mecha Mororis, the think tank master of Shadow Blade, has entered a stasis position and fallen into a semi-sleep state. Although he strongly requested to replace the Dreadnought armor, for safety reasons, it is better to arrive at a safe place before proceeding. This kind of surgery.

The great pharmacist Situ Val stayed in a daze at the door of the gene seed bank. Although the soldiers of the Dawn Angel tried to persuade him, it had no effect. He sat on the small bench for several days.

Technical Sergeant Anos stayed in front of his "Relic of the Chapter" without leaving his home.

Yifeng, on the other hand, kept cooking in the cafeteria, as if he wanted to eat the whole group's share.

The Dawn Angel fleet has entered. In the subspace, everyone has nothing to do anyway, so let’s gather together and watch a movie! Techmarine Anos of the Shadow Blades gave his helmet video recording to the Angels of Dawn Chapter, excluding the treasure hunt part of course.

The chapter leader of the Angel of Dawn, Musrued, took a look and said, "Everyone learns, this is a model warrior."

Okay, let’s watch a movie together.

Since the Shadow Blades were the first battle group to break into the enemy's battle barge, except for a small part of the one-on-one duel between Yifeng and Dread Karim, the other links were basically there.

From then on, Yifeng ate and drank whatever he wanted in the cafeteria.

"I'll have another serving of Grox burger and stewed ant beef. Hey, where are my two brothers? I'll send them some as well."

The order was quickly passed to the kitchen, and most of the stock of ant beef and Grox meat was eaten. I don't know if the forge world I will go to next can supply these things. I heard that the people there are very nervous. Building machinery is a life-threatening endeavor, just eat two bites of protein bars and corpse starch cubes every day and you'll be fine.

The logistics supply is very troublesome, and the battle group chef is also uncomfortable. The battle group's chef has been very busy these two days and is on call 24 hours a day. The two chefs took turns serving Yifeng alone, and his hands were almost exhausted.

In the words of Chef Felin, have you raised an Ogryn? What's the speed of eating?

(Ogryn, commonly known as Silly Big Man, is a "subhuman" with strong human body and low IQ caused by a special planet)

In fact, Yifeng doesn't need to replenish so much energy, he is just...sad.

Generally speaking, Astartes will have meditation and prayers to the Emperor to keep the soul pure and eliminate negative emotions in the heart, but you have to Yifeng kneel down and worship the Emperor... and two more STC fragments will do. consider.

In addition to these religious methods, the Astartes' methods of maintaining their hearts vary from chapter to chapter. After all, it is useless for the Astartes to smoke and drink. The metabolism in the body is too strong and they don't feel anything at all. Except for a few special ones such as the wine of Fenris, In addition to the outrageous wine, other wines are bluntly said, Yifeng can drink down an entire astral army by himself.

Don't think about other pastimes. There are some fun ones out there. You're going to find Slaanesh and Nurgle. Whether you can come back depends on whether the Emperor wants to catch you or not.

What can Yifeng do now? Let's eat. All that's left is food. Sadness, confusion, sadness. Turn sorrow and anger into appetite. Brother, have two more big bowls.

After watching the big movie, many Angels of Dawn wanted to compete with the fierce man who chopped down Khorne. However, given that he had been eating for a long time, not only were they unable to compete with him, but there were also many rumors about their own war group. rumor.

Why gluttony is a gene seed defect, why eating to replenish energy can quickly repair injuries is the team's specialty, and eating can be transformed into powerful power (I don't know, try eating some cheese), anyway, the more rumors spread, the more outrageous it becomes. .

One day before arriving at the forging world Stolov, Yifeng finally stopped and walked out of the restaurant.

The news spread throughout the whole group at once, as if it had grown legs. The Angel of Dawn came with a roar and was immediately surrounded. Yifeng was pushed along the flow of people to perform martial arts, just like he used to climb the Great Wall. field.

"Brother Battle, we admire your fighting skills and hope to have a friendly discussion with you..."

"Boss, boss, let's have a fight."

"Dear Yifeng warrior, Captain Ferdinand of the 3rd company of Dawn Angel hopes to meet you..."

There are so many popular people. Yifeng is helpless, I am just an ordinary Primaris Space Marine, the slayer of Mistempor, the destroyer of Dread Karim, and the last Astartes of the Green Templar. How can I have any fighting ability? , you know how to use the Tai Chi sword, and you still fight with the company commander? If you fight with a team leader for a while, you will be successful.

As a result, a poor team leader faced Yifeng. The two of them went back and forth, using all their strength to fight hard for a long time under Yifeng's continuous Tai Chi sword skills.

The main reason was that Yifeng was standing there. The team leader tried various sword techniques but never hurt Yifeng. A simple sword fight, which did not involve brute force, was basically done. Yifeng did not take the initiative to attack (mainly because he was really unsure). Even the violent ten thousand-year veteran like the World Eater could not break through the defense of this sword technique. It was even more difficult for the team leader. He was tired. Substitute, continue, I'm full anyway.

It can be said that the defense is like a turtle shell and the offense is like a shrimp.

After a few people lay down tiredly, Yifeng said in a masterly manner, "You go back and think about how to defeat my defense." He floated away, attracting everyone's attention, and he was about to be struck by lightning.

It's cool, it's really cool. I discovered it when I fought the World Eaters. These fools can't do anything with my Tai Chi sword skills. Now I'm fighting against the technical sword skills of these Sons of Sanguinius. I found that it was still impregnable, wouldn't it be safe? At least I had a trick to survive.

Of course, these warriors did not try their best. They mainly competed in swordsmanship.

Yifeng finally lay alone in the dormitory. It was such a big dormitory, with its own weapons room and prayer room. It was a single dormitory, so cool and quiet. This was the standard configuration of the Astartes.

It's not like deploying nearly 700 Astartes in a battleship and expanding the hangar. A group of people sleep in a dormitory. It might be regarded as a heretic in a place close to the empire. Alas, it's great here, but it's not. Too used to it.

Gan, I want to eat again.

The huge fleet arrived at the forge world Stolov. The Mechanic Priest, who was directing the servitors to transport important cargo at the space port, felt his eyes flashed. He looked up at the space telescope and said, "My Omnissiah's engine oil." Ah, what is this, a random battleship of the Orcs? Skitarii, Skitarii!!!"

A lot of ruins of space battleships were turned into a ball shape by Tuanba Tuanba. After all, installing a Geller Stand inside can radiate all areas. The spherical shape is the most economical method. However, so many space battleships grouped together do look like green leather creations.

Had it not been for the recognition of the keel code of the Dawn Angel warship, the planetary cannon would have been activated.

This Forge World, where everyone is celebrating the New Year, has ushered in an era of great work rush. While researching Eldar spaceships, they are also rushing to build warships for the Storm Will Chapter. Now...it is a super-large one that can be seen even on the surface. The pile of ruins of battleships can't help but make the oil guys feel numb.

Whether it’s time to expand the number of technical staff, Mechanical Bishop Finnis is seriously considering this issue. In the past few years, we have seriously felt a shortage of manpower. The recent orders have been so big that I can hardly handle them all alone in the Forge World. Is it possible that the material orders for the replacement of Will of the Storm's previous staff can be hacked?

Bishop Phoenix and the leader of the Dawn Angel Chapter, Musred, had a cordial and friendly meeting. The two sides had a heated discussion on the issue of battleship wreckage. We don’t know the specific details, but when leaving, the Dawn Angel Chapter gave him a very "generous" gift. The four of them were given two battle barges in stock, and an order was given to Yifeng to deliver 200 Terminator armors within a hundred years.

Great Apothecary Situ Val's teeth are about to be broken. Isn't this the battle barge Solemn Vigilance that you used to trick our Stormwill Chapter hundreds of years ago? Are you paying me back now? No shame.

Isn't this the Terminator armor ripped off the bodies of our nearly three thousand Astartes? You still give us a gift, you beep~~beep beep beep~~

Four people: "Thank you to the leader of the Dawn Angel Chapter Mus Ruide for your strong support."

In my heart: "The emperor has made a lot of money for these grandsons. We have four barges and three strike cruisers going out to fight. Please help us bring back the spoils. Are you going to give us two back?"

Four people: "Your Majesty the Emperor, I hope our friendship will last forever."

In my heart: "Old Emperor Emperor, look at how shameless the Dawn Angels are."

Four people: "We will be returning to the Hazy Star Territory soon. Have a nice trip. Have a nice trip."

In my heart: "I'll beat you to death, just get lost in the subspace, so we can take over the follow-up battleships."

Four people: "Goodbye, brother war team~"

In my heart: "Blow up, blow up, blow up, blow up quickly."

Eight battle barges. If I sell the keels for scrap metal, I can exchange them for 4 battle barges, not to mention the wreckage of other strike cruisers and heavy cruisers.

The battle barge is different from other battleships. The biggest difficulty in manufacturing it is the scarcity of keel materials and the high requirements for forging technology. It can be said that with the keel, 80% of the construction of the battle barge is completed.

Mechanical Bishop Fenis saw off the Angel of Dawn battle group and hurriedly received these four people.

Situ Val, the Great Apothecary of the Will of the Storm, brought two people to replace the multi-player contract. After all, the contract of the Will of the Storm Chapter was still valid and he was still alive.

The Mechanicus Bishop breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was said that leaving the Will of the Storm alone was not a good thing for the Empire, the Mechanicus, or the stability of the entire region, he not only signed a contract with them to manufacture battleships, but also signed a contract with them. There is only one person left to provide one hundred years of supplies. If we start to develop the battle group again, the consumption of one hundred years of supplies will be greatly reduced.

Several people happily signed the contract, and the Archbishop of the Mechanicus also generously gave some weapons and equipment to the four people, or rather to the mortal auxiliary army on the four-man battle barge.

Everyone goes home.

Mechanical Archbishop Finnis immediately issued a "recruitment" mission to all sages and priests to expand the size of the skitarii.

Are we poor? Having just taken such a big order, Gaga is rich.

Do we lack skitarii? There was originally no shortage, but almost all the Astartes in this area have returned to the Golden Throne. The danger here has greatly increased, and more defense forces are needed. They cannot let their "own" Eldar spacecraft be hijacked.

Originally, the foundry world Stolov had two top-level foundry areas. One was the super-large ring planet space foundry located in outer space orbit. The use of zero gravity in space can save the consumption of casting naval warships, and the other was located in the excavable part of the planet. In the deepest part, there are so many lakes of lava that provide endless heat energy, which can be used to cast large machines and even some divine machines.

However, due to the lack of relevant knowledge, some functions are missing and it is an incomplete divine machine.

The most precious Eldar spacecraft is hidden in a specially set up research area next to the underground foundry. It is said that some research breakthroughs have been made on the substances that destroy the outer shell of the Eldar spacecraft.

The three of Yifeng returned to the battle barge. This was the battleship given to them by the Dawn Angel. Now, just like the Will of the Storm gave the Green Temple battle barge the Steadfast Style, the morale of all mortals was very low. Their elders no longer wanted them. Ying.

But the mortal captain Agari still cheered up. The captain who had undergone life-extending surgery was only 120 years old, and his life was still long. He has been at the helm of the Dawnlight battle barge for 40 years, and now he will welcome his new angelic master.

"Dear Lord Astartes, hello, I am Agari, the captain of the Dawnlight battleship."

"Hello, dear Captain Agari, we are your new partners. We hope to have a happy relationship with you in the future."

This frightened Captain Agari. Why did you call me "respected" and "partner" of my emperor? I am not disloyal to you at all. Why do you want me to do this? Corrupted by Chaos.

As soon as Agari's legs became weak, he wanted to kneel down.

"Don't be nervous. We are all fighting for humanity. We should treat each other as equals. Don't kneel down. Those who collect firewood for others must not freeze to death in the snow." Situ Val said softly, after being crushed by Yi Feng After thinking about it for a week, they finally accepted the concept of treating each other as equals. Equality between officers and soldiers is conducive to improving the cohesion of the military's beliefs and setting an example for civilians.

Okay, give it a try.

Agari had never seen such a battle before. He was so frightened that he could hardly speak. Back then, being chased and beaten by three enemy battleships was not as scary as it is today.

"Sir, I still..."

Yifeng stopped the great pharmacist who was still wanting to speak. Changes should come slowly.

"You first contact the captain of another battle fleet, and we will discuss the next action together."

Agari was granted amnesty and quickly called the captain of another battleship, the Solemn Alert.

The leaders met and had cordial and friendly talks, with a warm atmosphere and "thundering applause."

The detailed situation is that Yifeng gave a speech there. The two captains and other cadres were stunned for a while, and they knocked on their foreheads from time to time to confirm whether it was a dream.

Great Pharmacist: Did you agree to take your time?

Yifeng: Let’s start with the leadership.

Okay, no matter what, it's all your fault, right? I don't care.

"Then let's go to the Second Council of the Temporary Taiping Star Territory to discuss the details of rebuilding the battle group. Now that everything is ready, let's set off."

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