The way of the people is that tolerance is great, life is endless, water can carry a boat and capsize it, death is part of people's life, but death is not everything. If they try to use death to suppress the people, they will surely fail.

Yifeng has not yet fully understood this path, but he is already on the road.

I'm afraid that Karim people are all idiots. If you fool me with your stinky leather shoes, I won't be able to seduce you?

It's useless for me to hit you. I can just hit you with a pillar.

When Karim looked at Yifeng, who was wearing a Baina robe as a cloak, he became so angry that he picked up the broken steel beam on the side and smashed it over.

Yifeng people were also confused. How could they still play like this?

So the great demon of Khorne jumped up and down after Yifeng carrying the steel beam, like chasing away flies.

The big demon found out, and it would be over if he attacked him with materials from the real world. So not only the steel beams, but also the damaged Dreadnought mecha that was four and a half meters long, four meters high and more than two meters wide was picked up and smashed by the big demon like pebbles. Xiang Yifeng. Yifeng managed to dodge and ran to the wall. The big demon breathed black flames and burned the foundation of the wall in an instant. The huge wall fell down towards Yifeng.

I'm afraid Karim was having too much fun. He almost pulled down the ceiling and hit Yi Feng. He picked up all kinds of strange things and smashed them, such as hell beasts (the Dreadnought Mecha of the World Eaters), the corpses of Terminator warriors, etc. The shattered remains of the alloy bunker, throw whatever you have.

On the other side, the surviving technical sergeant of the Shadow Blade and the Grand Apothecary of the Storm Will were searching for the remaining Chapter Relics. They determined that the Chapter Relics could cause harm to the Great Daemon of Khorne, so they tried to collect them. After collecting several relics, the tech sergeant suddenly called out to the apothecary.

"Pharmacist, come here quickly, someone is still alive here."

The pharmacist's two steps turned into one and he came at a gallop.

It turned out to be the Grand Master of the Librarian of the Shadow Blade. He was hit by a fire bomb from Terror Karim, but he was a Librarian, and the thin psychic shield still blocked some damage. Unfortunately, he was still seriously injured and fell into a coma.

"Pharmacist, how is the situation? Can you be saved?"

"Xuan, the injury is too serious. There is no ship or medical equipment now. Are you sure you can put him into the Dreadnought mecha here?"

This... The technical sergeant of Shadow Blade looked at the wreckage of the Dreadnought on the ground. The materials were enough, but in this environment... the big demon hadn't been killed yet, and the edges were still burning.

"It's too dangerous now. You carry out emergency treatment first, and we will find a way to banish the big devil."

"Indeed", the great pharmacist showed a wry smile, how difficult it would be to kill that thing. Among the corpses on the ground, none of them fell on the road to battle.

This creates a paradox. If we want to banish the big demons, we need the help of the think tanks. However, if we treat the think tanks well, we can’t let the big demons find out that they are doing the treatment. At the very least, it will take a long time to install the fearless, which is definitely unrealistic. of.

But staying here is not a problem. There is also a battle brother fighting against the big demon. The two of them had to find a way to use the power of the holy objects to fight against the big demon.

There was no way to get past this wall of fire, so we had to take a detour to get to the other side from another entrance.

The two people gave emergency treatment to the big think tank, picked up the jingling holy objects and ran to another passage. Both of them hold the consciousness of returning to the Golden Throne.

Unexpectedly, I ran to the other side. Various debris blocked the way, and even the ceiling of the passage was blown down. There was no other way, just dig. I had to clear these debris away, at least I could pass by.

As a result, the two Astartes monks from the Technological Party began to work hard.


Yifeng jumped for a while. The jetpack was almost used up. No, he had to fight head-on.

Fear Karim slashed down, and the steel beam hit the ground heavily. Yifeng took advantage of the situation and charged up along the steel beam. His left shoulder had just been seriously injured, so Yifeng jumped with all his strength and attacked...his Right foot.

Karim watched Yifeng take off. Can you resolve the power on one side? Can you resolve both sides? So it aimed its hands at Yifeng and slapped it vigorously like a mosquito.

Yifeng used his jetpack to shoot out the material from the two jet nozzles. Yifeng gained unparalleled descent acceleration and instantly reached the ground, descending to the right foot position where Scaro slashed before.

The chain sword glowing green instantly cut off the half-cut right foot.

I'm afraid Karim will really fall down this time. Its entire demonic body fell straight backwards, and its right leg subconsciously lifted up, black blood still pouring out.

Yifeng seized the opportunity, the green light of the chain sword became brighter, he made a forward jump slash in one go, and then... he was swung away by a steel beam.

Fear Karim used its tail instead of its right foot to support it, and walked towards Yifeng step by step.

Yifeng fell down and felt that several of his ribs were broken. The front armor of the power armor should have been completely shattered. Various medicines in the power armor were quickly injected into Yifeng's body to stabilize the injury.

"This time, let me see what other tricks you can do."

The analgesics and sedatives in the power armor began to take effect immediately, and Yifeng quickly regained consciousness.

The great demon of Khorne raised the steel beam, pointed it at Yifeng and was about to smash it down. This time he was going to smash this hateful white can into meat patties!

"Of course it's the same as last time." At the moment when the steel beam was about to hit Yifeng, Yifeng could even feel the strong wind caused by the huge steel beam.

The jetpack activated instantly, and Yifeng flew directly to the ground. The powerful kinetic energy sent Yifeng to the crotch of the big devil, and at this time it temporarily acted as the tail of his right foot. On this blood-stained tail, the gap made by Deika and Scaro was still there.

Yifeng spun on the spot and swung the chain sword into a circle.

Well, I'm afraid Karim really won't be able to get up this time. Black blood is popping out from the broken parts of his tail and right foot.

Both lay on the ground panting.

"Hey, big man, you really don't remember to eat but not to fight. I just used this method to cut off your right foot, and now you handed your tail to me to cut off. Do you have any brain disease? Do you want to find Na?" Take a look."

"Hey, the steel beam is so strong, can you still move? Little fly."

Yes, the two sides started a trash talk session, and had cordial and friendly talks on ideological issues and personal fitness. The atmosphere was heated and golden sentences were frequently used. Both the old emperor and the wronged Khorne lost a lot of things.

A subspace creature like Karim can fully recover from its injuries as long as the light of the subspace shines on it. However, this is the real world. There are not so many mortal believers performing ritual sacrifices, and there are not so many mortal Chaos believers alive. The barrier between the real world and subspace is quite thick.

Karim tried to sit up and throw a fireball at Yifeng, but was hit in the head by a sacred ion pistol bullet from Yifeng, and the fireball missed the target.

Yifeng took out the Baina robe that was used as a cloak from under his left waist and tied it to the other end of his right shoulder to form a simple bandage.

Yifeng struggled to stand up, and the great demon of Khorne also sat up. Although the demon now lost the ability to move, he could still spit fire and attack Yifeng. Yifeng could only wander around again to look for opportunities.

I'm afraid Karim found out that Yifeng's combat power is not enough. He can only find the position where he was injured before, and attack the wound to cause a lot of damage. He had a big hole in his left shoulder from a yellow can before. It is estimated that the big white can will attack next time. It's my left shoulder. I have to think of a way to trap him.

Yifeng was also thinking about this problem. He didn't have three hands, so he couldn't use the number of weapons to make up for his lack of lethality.

Yifeng started to charge again, his jetpack ejected at high speed to avoid the swung steel beam, and slashed his left shoulder with his sword.

Karim was secretly happy, and quickly retreated with the help of his left arm until he sat down against the wall. He touched a damaged Dreadnought mecha with his right hand.

Yifeng hit his left shoulder with a sword, and saw a huge fearless mecha coming towards him.

I'm afraid that Karim wants to use the big hole on his left shoulder to "lock" Yifeng in the hole. There is a wall on one side of the hole and this abandoned Dreadnought on the other side. By then, Yifeng will have no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth. Aren't you going to let me slaughter you?

Yifeng had no intention of attacking his left shoulder from the beginning. He used the old tactic of attacking from east to west. Otherwise, the great demon of Khorne couldn't remember to eat or fight. No wonder someone cut off a piece of his horn.

Ah, no, I cut it too.

Although the green-glowing chainsword was stuck on Dreadkarim's left shoulder, Yifeng had no intention of pulling it out. His previous experience against the greenskins told him that every moment of hesitation could lead to death.

The jetpack fired a final blast of speed before completely overloading.

Yifeng immediately jumped on the big demon's head. With the golden power sword in his left hand and the dark gold chain sword in his right hand, he pulled them out of the big demon's horns.

"What do you want to do, you bastard?" Fear Karim's roar echoed through the battle barge, but it couldn't help but bring a little panic.

Yifeng pulled out his two swords and slashed downwards without stopping.

"Trivia, you also have injuries on your face."

The scar from the demon's left eye to the mouth was cut again by Yifeng, and the two powerful sacred equipment of the battle group made the scar extremely huge.

Fearing that Karim opened his mouth wide and wanted to release flames to block Yifeng's retreat, Yifeng dropped his golden sword, took out his ion pistol and aimed it at its big mouth.

The light blue ion bullet reached the big demon's mouth before it released flames.

There was a huge explosion in Karim's whole big head, and now Yifeng couldn't even see the face on the other side, it was all filled with black smoke.

"You have to die now." As the smoke filled the air, Yifeng wanted to start his post-war gossip session.

A huge steel beam hit Yifeng with a strong wind.

"Your emperor's cardigan is still alive."

"I'll teach you a lesson, even if the body of a subspace creature is destroyed in reality, as long as the subspace energy is still there, I can control the movement of my body. It doesn't matter whether I have a head or not."

There is no weakness in this thing. There is no other way except beating him until he can no longer move or waiting for his subspace energy to dissipate and his soul to return to the subspace.

I'm afraid Karim is very confused now. As usual, for such a huge injury, the blessing of Khorne on his body has already begun to heal, but now its connection with the subspace seems to be getting weaker and weaker. What's going on?

(Baina Pao: Hey hey hey hey hey~~~)

What to do, I still have two arms and one leg, chop them off, can I still surrender?

Yifeng felt miserable, what kind of life did the common people in Warhammer 40k live? Does the empire have to fight against such outrageous things every day?

The good news is that the opposite Fireball and Warp Roar are really unusable.

Bad news, why are these steel beams so powerful? In the future, I will not use steel beams when building warships.

Yifeng was in a small position, and his jetpack couldn't be used, so he could only hit him in the face.

"You brat, come out."

"I don't". "Kaka" sound of cutting people.

"Get out and die."

"No". (Chopping harder).

"Come out, I will cut you into pieces!!!"

Yifeng drilled under Karim's crotch and chopped his left leg hard. The machine soul of the dark gold chain saw seemed to be in a frenzy, and the small saw made a clanging sound.

Seeing that his left leg was about to be sawed off, he feared that Karim would ignore it and stab it with a steel beam.

It's true that it's too late to saw it off, but I have an ion pistol.

One bullet goes out, okay, two arms left.

I'm afraid Karim can't figure it out. This is not a Gray Knight, nor a Forbidden Army, nor an untouchable. How come you are not affected by the subspace at all?

As usual, if you look at me, you will be severely corrupted by Khorne. How can this guy act like a normal person?

Yifeng is also quite confused about this matter. Does he have a subspace projection? He is a serious earthling. Can he have a soul projection in this world?

The fight continued, but the Space Marines finally gained complete advantage after sacrificing the lives of hundreds of warriors.

In fact, Yifeng was quite pitiful for this big demon. He was beaten from the moment he came out. A hole was burned in his left shoulder, and then his two big wings were blown off. His horns were chopped twice, and his right foot was chopped off. , then the tail and left leg, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It has to be said that the improved Space Marines created by Belisarius Caul are indeed powerful and have restricted the thinking of the Space Marines very well.

When the two poor technical Astartes finally dug their way in and rushed in ready to kill themselves, they saw a scene they would never forget.

Yifeng slashed around with both swords, blood was pouring out from his chest, and the Baina robe on his chest was dyed black, and he didn't care at all.

I'm afraid that Karim's head is gone, and the debris is everywhere. There is still an eyeball under his feet. His right foot, left leg, and tail were cut off and fell to the ground. The black blood has stained the floor. blacken.

The fierce Primaris Space Marine slashed back and shouted:

"This knife belongs to Gaje, this knife belongs to Team Leader William, this knife belongs to Instructor Flo, this knife belongs to Deputy Team Leader Keshevich, this knife belongs to Commander Deyka, this knife It belongs to senior Morgokin..."

After slashing and slashing, the big devil's left arm couldn't hold up anymore, and finally it was severed. Is the big devil with only one arm useful? Useless.

I'm afraid Karim is already furious. He finally came to the real world. Not to mention having enough food and drink, even if he returns to the subspace after this battle, he will have to rest for two to three hundred years.

I'm a big devil! Khorne himself forged it, so why did the power of the Brass Throne fail to heal my injuries at all?

The two warriors were not stunned. Who wouldn't know how to beat a drowned dog? The great pharmacist of Storm Will shouted: "Captain Skaro, I want to avenge you!!!" and rushed forward.

Not to be outdone, the technical sergeants of the Shadow Blade took out the eighteen weapons they had collected. Ah, no, holy objects. Several people slashed from day to night, and from night to day. The wreckage of the battleship floated in space for three days. It took more than ten hours before everyone stopped. At this time, the big demon's torso and previously chopped off tail were all chopped into pulp.

The three of them fell out of breath. The big pharmacist had treated Yifeng's wound before. Now after the high-intensity competition between the Kitchen King Competition and the Knife Skills Group, the wound collapsed again. The big pharmacist had no choice but to treat Yifeng again. Bandaged once.

The blazing hellfire subsided, and the severely injured Dread Karim returned to the subspace, drawing circles and cursing Yifeng. The three Astartes climbed up with difficulty.

The Grand Apothecary and the Technical Sergeant are trying to install the Grand Master of the Think Tank of the Shadow Blade Chapter into the Dreadnought Mecha. Although it is extremely dangerous without professional equipment, now they can only act as doctors.

Yifeng wandered around alone.

You said that a thousand people from Chaos Astartes were escorting things. Where did they hide the things?

After wandering east and west, we walked through the command room, power furnace storage room, and returned to the final battle hall. Where is this hidden place?

We began to analyze from the beginning. The hidden things must be placed in the most closely guarded place, and that must be here. Everything here was empty and smashed. There was an altar in the middle that summoned the big demon. How could there be anything left?

What other characteristics does the hidden treasure have? Think about it quickly.

Baby, precious, safe.

Yes, the place where the treasure is hidden must be very strong and hard. Yifeng looked around to see if there was any solid place left after the big demon was defeated. The walls were crushed (although it was done by Molgekin), the ceiling was buckled down, and all kinds of bunkers were smashed to pieces.

and many more.

Whether it was an explosion, a big demon slashing, or a steel beam smashing, there was not much damage...

floor! ! !

It's designated to be hidden underground, sure, look for it quickly.

So Yifeng plowed the entire battlefield like an old ox plowing the ground.

The great pharmacist and the technical sergeant were all numb when they looked at it. This guy is too diligent. We have just finished the operation. Before this great think tank fearlessly wakes up, have you cleaned up the battlefield?

Oh, power swords and power armor are piled neatly.

Yifeng finally found the entrance on the side of the altar. He called the two technical parties to come over.

Nonsense, I'm just a newbie here, I don't know what is a treasure and what is not.

The mechanical door creaked open, revealing a downward path. The great pharmacist looked at his patient worriedly. He had done everything he could, and now it was up to him to decide. Although he was very uneasy, his strong curiosity made him follow.

Glass jars, so many glass jars, rows and rows of glass jars, the pharmacist’s eyes went straight, my God, so many gene seeds.

The great pharmacist flashed back and forth in front of Yifeng's eyes, almost out of sight, and performed a series of psychedelic operations. Everyone in Yifeng was dumbfounded. You never ran so fast during the war.

"Gene seeds, pure gene seeds, more than 120, my God, they are pure, no wonder I have to stay in the Eye of Terror and come here."

Chaos Space Marines also use pure gene seeds to create Astartes, which can be purchased from some desperate Rogue Traders, but so many seeds...

"Which Space Marine?" the Shadowblade's Techmarine asked.

"It seems to be from the Luna Wolf." Yes, I know why those black legions traveled thousands of miles to come here. With so many pure Luna Wolf gene seeds, did you rob the imperial warehouse?

No, completely wrong. This thing cannot be escorted by more than a thousand Chaos Astartes. There must be something else.

Search, search again!

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