Magician of HP Clow card

Chapter 37 Bloody Words

Dumbledore seemed to be talking to someone through a double-sided mirror. When he found Lilith walking in, he immediately cut off contact.

"Lilith, why are you here?" Dumbledore poured a cup of tea and placed it on the table opposite. Motioning for Lilith to sit down.

"Harry heard the voice of the basilisk." Lilith directly stated her purpose. "The notebook is no longer in your possession, right?"

"That's right, yes. I put it in a reasonable position." Dumbledore's eyes flashed sharply.

"The notes are in this school? Who is it? Are you sure this is controllable, principal?" Lilith blurted out a series of questions.

Dumbledore: "Of course, everything is planned."

After getting Dumbledore's promise, Lilith felt a little relieved.

"By the way, Ravenclaw's crown has been destroyed by me." Lilith took out a piece of gemstone.

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and looked at them for a long time. It was finally confirmed that Lilith was right. "Where did you find it?"

"Whatever you ask for, Tom Riddle may have thought that no one could find it." Lilith turned and left, not drinking Dumbledore's sweet tea.

Harry hadn't heard the basilisk mentioned again recently. Until this day, Harry was detained by Lockhart again. Forced to help Professor Lockhart write fan replies.

"I think my fans won't be too sad. Although you are not as famous as me, it shouldn't be a big regret to receive a reply from Harry Potter." Lockhart held a hand in his hand. I was talking to Harry while writing the letter.

Harry was used to it, he always said the same thing. "Yes professor."

After writing until 4: in the evening, Lockhart asked Harry to leave. Harry sighed, he didn't know when this day would end.


Harry was walking alone in the corridor when he suddenly heard another strange noise. Alert, he followed the sound and moved forward. I saw spiders lining up and crawling away from the window.

"Harry? What are you doing?" Lilith and others ended the Halloween party early and came to find Harry. I happened to see him walking weirdly against the wall.

Blood...I want to tear it apart...

"Didn't you hear it? That voice appeared again." Harry followed the voice and walked forward.

The sound disappeared again, and Harry saw a pool of water. The bright red text was reflected and he looked up. I saw writing on the wall in red liquid. ‘The secret chamber has been opened, those who are enemies of the heir should be alert. ’

There is a scrawled-looking, motionless cat hanging upside down on the wall lamp next to it.

It seems to be Mrs. Norris? Harry stepped forward to make sure it was still breathing.

At this time, a group of footsteps came, the banquet was over, and the little wizards were leaving the banquet hall collectively, and they happened to come here.

"What's going on?" Someone saw the writing on the wall and Harry standing by the wall.

"Give way, what happened in front?" Fulci squeezed through the crowd, and then at a glance he saw Mrs. Norris who was hung up on the wall lamp and the writing on the wall.

"Did you kill it? I'm going to kill you!" Folch grabbed Harry's collar angrily.

"I didn't, it wasn't me..." Harry stood on tiptoes.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!" Fulci couldn't listen to anything and wanted to avenge his cat. Lilith quickly stepped forward and took Folch's arm, while Hermione and Ron also went to stop Folch.

Hermione: "This is a misunderstanding."

Ron: "It's not what you see. Please calm down."

"Harry Potter? Who would believe that he is the owner of the Chamber of Secrets?" Draco laughed at the side, his face looking a little pale.

"Argus, stop." Dumbledore also came, and he looked at the writing on the wall.

"But, he killed Mrs. Norris. He must have known that I am... I am..." Argus Folch's face was ferocious, and it was difficult to say anything.

"No, Argus." Dumbledore looked at the crowd again. "The heads of each grade will take the students from their own colleges back to the lounge."

"Except you." He said, pointing at Harry and the others.

Draco in the crowd turned around and left with an ugly expression.

"It's a pity that I'm not here. I know a way to break the curse and I will be able to save it in time. I remember when..." Lockhart walked to Mrs. Norris and looked at her, while raising his head confidently and talking.

Dumbledore carefully removed the cat from the wall lamp, held it in his arms and looked at it carefully.

Folch couldn't help but start covering his face with his hands and crying for the death of his Mrs. Norris.

"Don't worry, it was just petrified. It's still alive now." Dumbledore said. “I remember Pomona had some really healthy mandrakes planted this year.”

Professor Sprout nodded, "It's almost mature."

"I think the potion made from it can solve the problem." Dumbledore put the stiff Mrs. Norris into Folch's arms.

"Oh, I'm good at this, leave everything to me. It's absolutely no problem." Lockhart said again.

"I think I am the Potions Professor at Hogwarts." Snape glanced at the noisy Lockhart.

"Oh... that's right..." Lockhart closed his mouth. He still didn't dare to make up nonsense in front of professionals.

On the way back, Harry asked several people for their opinions. "Do you want to tell Dumbledore what you heard?"

"I advise you not to. In the wizarding world, hearing strange sounds is not a good sign." Ron said.

Hermione: "Harry, we can't hear what you hear."

Harry nodded. "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

Lilith looked at Harry worriedly. She knew that Dumbledore was setting a trap for Harry in order to help him grow into a true savior.

The annual Quidditch match begins.

Gryffindor played against Slytherin again, and Draco's father came to watch the game as a school trustee.

As the whistle sounded, Harry and Draco began to search for the Golden Snitch. After dodging a Bludger, the two men spotted the Snitch at the same time.

Draco's Nimbus 2001 is incredibly fast. Harry's broom chased him halfway behind Draco's broom. The Snitch turned sharply, and Harry followed the trend and got in front of Draco. The two chased the Golden Snitch around the field.

"Well..." Draco suddenly looked painful, his face turned pale, and his hand holding the broom had no strength. The body swayed and fell more than 100 meters in the air. Lucius Malfoy stood up abruptly.

Meanwhile, Harry managed to catch the Golden Snitch. He turned around happily and saw Draco's falling figure. Harry's expression changed, he quickly pressed down the broom and rushed towards Draco in mid-air.

In the end, he successfully caught Draco less than 10 meters from the ground, but he was also knocked off the broom by the inertia. It fell on the cushion spell cast by Lucius.

The whistle sounded, Gryffindor was victorious. Harry Potter caught the Golden Snitch.

"Harry, how are you and Draco?" Hermione rushed towards the two from the stands.

"Not good..." Harry was lying on the ground with Draco on top of him. "Draco feels cold to the touch, and I feel like I can't lift my arms."

Lilith touched Draco's forehead, and sure enough, Draco's body was frighteningly cold. If his chest wasn't still heaving, Lilith would have thought he was dead.

Lucius took Draco to the school doctor's office first. Before leaving, he nodded to Harry, "Thank you."

Several people watched Lucius leave, and Lilith finally had time to check Harry's arm.

Harry didn't feel any pain, but he just couldn't lift his hand.

"It's just a dislocation." Lilith touched the bone seam on Harry's shoulder.

"Oh, it's easy. Don't worry, I'll cure you right away." Lockhart knelt down to help.

Lilith didn't wait for Lockhart to finish speaking, and pressed her hands hard, click, click. In two strokes, Harry's dislocated arm was restored to its original position.

Chinese bone setting. Lilith's cousin in her previous life was doing this. When she was a child, she would often wait for her mother to pick her up in his uncle's shop after school. The more I read, the more I learned.

"I think Harry is no longer needed, Professor Lockhart." Lilith said with a smile, "Harry, touch your head."

Harry obediently raised his arm and touched the top of his head.

"Ahem, that's great. I mean, it has the same effect as my spell..." Lockhart's hand holding the wand froze.

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