Digital Age: My partner is Jesmon

Chapter 98 Knockout Round, Beginning

"According to past situations, the knockout rounds focus on the cooperation between trainers and Digimon."

In a certain restaurant, Long Zhengchu, who was having lunch, slowly told Lu Yun some key points of the afternoon knockout competition.

"Cooperate, is this a Digimon battle?"

As far as Lu Yun knew, the cooperation between the Digimon Tamer and the Digimon seemed to involve the Digimon fighting. To be precise, it should be the Digimon fighting and the Tamer's command.

"It's almost the same, but fighting in the wild is a little different from normal Digimon."

Long Zhengchu said: "The knockout round of the fighting competition is conducted in the form of a melee. To put it simply, all the digital trainers who have passed the preliminaries will have a knockout round in an area. During this period, their Digimon partners can also compete in the knockout round. Participate, and the team that defeats the trainer will receive certain points."

"The rule I mentioned some time ago is the rule of the knockout round. In the melee stage, the Digimon that defeats the opponent cannot win. It needs to take away or damage the qualification in the hands of the trainer himself. Get this win.”

To put it simply, before the knockout round begins, all digital trainers who participate will receive a qualification, and after the knockout round begins, all digital trainers will be sent to an area.

In this area, digital beast trainers can attack other contestants or dodge, which is somewhat similar to a chicken-eating game played by Lu Yun in his previous life.

The difference is that there are no resources or poisonous circles here. Instead, the ranking is determined by points.

After a trainer defeats an opponent and takes away or destroys the opponent's qualifications, he or she will get one point. At the end of the knockout round, the top 48 digital trainers with accumulated points will enter the fighting competition through the knockout round. of the main competition stage.

During this period, the Digital Tamer can let his Digimon partners participate in the competition, and the Digimon can attack the Digital Tamer at the same time.

"So, the best way to pass the elimination round is to hide yourself?"

Lu Yun probably understood what Long Zhengchu meant. If it was within the rules for Digimon to destroy or take away their qualifications, then some Digital Tamers would definitely not expose their positions and instead let Digimon take action.

As for cooperation, it actually means command. The difference is that compared to real-time command and temporary reactions in Digimon battles, this type of rules focuses more on the planning aspect of the Digital Tamer and the overall situation.

"That's not the case. If you want to pass the knockout rounds, the best way is to keep fighting with fighting."

Long Zhengchu said: “To enter the main competition, you need to get the top 46 points, and this score can only be obtained from other animal trainers, but it does not include obtaining a large number of points through the animal trainers with more points. .”

"This means that no matter how many points the opponent has, you can only get one point after defeating him?"

"Yes, the trainers who are eliminated at the same time will also retain their original scores, so there will be situations where they admit defeat."

Lu Yun now fully understood the rules of the knockout round. He originally thought that since they were all fighting anyway, he might as well let other trainers get a lot of points before taking action himself.

But this rule means that even if you defeat a trainer with a high score, you can only get one point. At the same time, a trainer with a high score can also choose to be defeated after confirming that he can enter the main game. Make sure you can enter the main race safely.

After all, there are not many trainers who can pass the preliminaries, and the scores in the knockout rounds are fixed, so the scores for the last place can be calculated.

"Next, take a good rest. The knockout will be at two o'clock in the afternoon and will last until seven o'clock tomorrow."

Long Zhengchu said: "In addition, in the knockout stage, in addition to the digital trainers, there are also officially arranged digimons, so be careful."

"I understand, thank you teacher."

Lu Yun nodded. He already knew the rules of the knockout rounds very well. Next, just like Long Zhengchu said, take a good rest and recharge yourself to wait for the start of the knockout rounds.

Time passed, and soon it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

The preliminaries of the fighting competition are over and the knockout rounds are about to begin.

Lu Yun once again came to the building where the competition was held. This time he followed the official staff and came to a large hall, where he could see many digital beast trainers.

Compared to the Digital Tamers seen in the preliminaries, the number here is very small, and there are basically few of them of the same age.

Unlike in the preliminaries, Lu Yun could find many young people who were about the same age as himself or older than him, but now in the knockout round, most of them are digital trainers in their thirties and forties.

"There are five hundred people in total, and only forty-eight can pass the elimination round. The scores required are a bit high."

After looking at the number of professional trainers who passed the preliminaries, Lu Yun frowned, but he soon relaxed. Although it was a bit difficult, it was not impossible. With the abilities of himself and Hackmon, It's easy to get a spot.

Of course, the premise is that the area you want to go to next is not too large, so as to avoid wasting time.

Although the knockout competition will last until tomorrow morning, Lu Yun is not sure if other digital trainers have any special means. Fortunately, the rules do not allow digital trainers to use digital cards. Otherwise, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase even more. many.

After all, some digital cards can have auxiliary effects, such as invisibility, breath dissipation, data hiding, etc.

"Contestants please take your seats!"

After some time, the radio sound appeared.

Lu Yun immediately stood on the teleportation device arranged by the staff, and other digital beast trainers also walked into their respective teleportation devices. Compared with the teleportation devices of the Recovery Academy and the Digital Alliance branch, the teleportation devices here It seems much smaller and can only accommodate one person in and out.

But it is more than enough for competitions.

When all the players entered the transmission device, the broadcast sound appeared again.

"The fighting competition, the elimination round, now officially begins!"

As the voice fell, all the teleportation devices were activated, and the Digital Tamers inside were immediately teleported out. They were now going to the competition venue specially arranged for the fighting competition.

An area in a medium-sized digital secret realm, where the knockout rounds of this fighting competition are held.

When the contestants were teleported, the wild Digimon living in the Digital Secret Realm also came to this area under official arrangements, waiting for the arrival of the Digital Tamers.

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