Digital Age: My partner is Jesmon

Chapter 298 The evolution of the ancient giant sloth!

"This world also has the spirit of a fighter, and it's the original fighter."

Holding the Fighter Spirit in his hand, Lu Yun said, "Why does this Memory Star feel like it can hold so many things?"

Useless data, past history, and digital eggs, and now a fighter spirit. I don’t think there will be digital alloys or digital armor in the future.

Taking his mind out of the Memory Star, Lu Yun took out the human and beast form spirits of the Ice Warrior from his body.

The data fluctuations were exactly the same, even after the human form and the beast form were taken out, the data fluctuations of the three fighters' spirits seemed to resonate and merge together.

"Xiaoyun, are we going to the next place?"

Noticing the tamer turning around, Jesmon put away the Digimon once again and prepared to go to the next place.

"No, Jesmon, I have something to test."

Lu Yun shook his head, walked past Jesmon, passed the cave in front, and came out into the snow.

Jesmon, Angewomon, Ladymon, and V-dramonX, who was holding a ball of light, also ran out. The Digimon looked at Vulcanmon standing in the open space, wondering what the tamer was going to do.

"Huh... Ancient Soul, evolve!"

After taking a deep breath, Lu Yun raised the ancient giant sloth's fighting spirit, and the digital soul overflowed from his body and flowed into the fighting spirit along the arm of the fire god beast.

As the data arrived, the fighter spirit emitted a dazzling ice-blue light, and at the same time a huge shadow appeared behind the fire beast.

"That's the Ultimate Form?!"

The moment the phantom appeared, Jesmon immediately sensed the data fluctuations on it that belonged to the ultimate level.

If you perceive it carefully, you can find that this data fluctuation is somewhat different from the ordinary ultimate form.

Angewomon, Ladymon, and VdramonX focused their attention on Vulcanmon, which was enveloped in the ice-blue light of evolution.

Under their attention, the figure of the Fire Beast gradually grew larger in the light, and its appearance also underwent a drastic change.

When the ice-blue light of evolution disappeared, a huge creature with snow-white fur, looking like the ancient creature giant ground sloth, appeared.

"Ancient giant sloth!"

One of the original ten fighters, representing the first generation ultimate form of ice attribute, and the predecessor of Glaceon and Basamon/Blizzardmon.

"These little clouds' new fighting spirit looks so strong."

Jesmon looked up at the ancient giant sloth that was at least as tall as a ten-story building. Compared to Vulcanmon, the former could bring a greater sense of oppression and suffocation to people.

"This data fluctuation is at least the Ultimate Form. No, it should be the title Ultimate Form."

Feeling the tremendous data fluctuations, Angewomon gave her own judgment.

"Could this evolution be obtained from the Memory Star?"

Recalling what the tamer had said before, LadyBeast speculated.

"It's so furry and must be very warm. I'm so envious!"

Compared to the previous three, the focus of Vdramon X is completely different. The tall body and huge data fluctuations are not as good as the fur that looks very warm.

Jesmon/Angewomon/Ladymon: "..."

"It can evolve, and the consumption is within an acceptable range."

After evolving into the Ancient Giant Sloth, Lu Yun also observed his current body. Compared with the Fire God Beast, the Ancient Giant Sloth was far superior to the former in both size and strength.

And when he focused his mind on the digital core, he could clearly feel that there was a special power contained in the digital core of the ancient sloth beast.

If nothing unexpected happens, this power should be the special power possessed by the ultimate form of the title, that is, the ice power of the ancient giant sloth.

The name sounds very ordinary, even inferior to the dragon power obtained in the four dragon trials.

But the effect is completely different. You have to know that this is the ice power of the ancient sloth.

As the original fighter and the embodiment of ice, the ice power of the ancient sloth can be said to be the origin of ice.

The ancient giant sloth can use any special power related to ice, because everything starts from it.

“Now I really have to study.”

The reason why we didn’t focus on the fighter spirit before is that the improvement of the Digital Soul is higher than that of the fighter spirit.

In addition, every time the fighter spirit is used, the help of the Digital Soul is required. After all, humans are not like Digimon, who can evolve as long as they obtain the fighter spirit.

The body must be converted into data before it can be evolved into a Digimon through the Fighter Spirit.

Based on these points, Lu Yun basically regards the fighter spirit as a carrier for using decoding capabilities.

But now that we have the fighting spirit of the ancient giant sloth, we can no longer waste it. This is a power comparable to that of the ultimate form of the title.

The Digital Soul that was upgraded by the Angewomon incident is still at the Ultimate level, but with more data. It is unlike the ancient Megasloth, which reached the data volume worthy of the title of Ultimate in its first evolution.

After I master the power of ice, I don’t know if I can match the Ultimate Forms like Jesmon and Mostemon, but I should have no problem fighting them.

"But Ice Warrior, I still prefer Fire Warrior. Light and Thunder are also pretty good."

Among the ten ancient warriors, Lu Yun likes Ancient Tyrannosaurus, Ancient Garurumon and Ancient Beetlemon more. Of course, Ancient Mermaidmon is also good, but he doesn't want to evolve into a Water Warrior.

The Ice Warrior can be found in the Memory Star, so the other Warrior Spirits should be available as well.

This way, there is one more target.

"Okay, let's try it next time."

After getting used to the power of the ancient giant sloth, Lu Yun did not rush to cancel the evolution, but took out the ice humanoid and beast fighter spirits obtained from the system.

Both are Ice Warrior spirits, and their data fluctuations are consistent, so can they be combined into one?

With this thought in mind, Lu Yun separated a part of his digital soul and connected it to the human and beast fighter spirits.

Following this operation, the two warrior spirits also showed signs of evolution. After shining on the ancient sloth beast, they merged with it. Then...

"Ancient giant sloth, transfer evolution!"

The light of evolution disappeared again, and a Digimon that was beyond the expectations of Jesmon and the others appeared.

The giant penguin-shaped Digimon, who held a giant blue popsicle in his right hand [Hard Bang Bang-kun] and a giant pink popsicle in his left hand [Hard Bang Bang-kun], stood in the position of the ancient sloth.

An Ultimate Digimon that inherited all the powers of the legendary Ten Warriors of Ancient Time - Ancient Megalodon, and gained a new power boost, thus surpassing the legendary Ice Warriors.

"Big Penguinmon!"

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