Digital Age: My partner is Jesmon

Chapter 231 Transformation and Evolution!



Two new complete Digimon appeared under the night sky. Yun Qianmo, who was still on MechanicalGreymon's shoulders, inserted the card in his right hand into the groove of the Digimon machine while maintaining the output of his Digital Soul. superior.

"Transform and evolve!"

The Digimon machine's display screen overflowed with a large amount of white light. Two beams of light, one orange and one blue, emerged from the light. After falling on Mechanical Greymon and Orc Garurumon, both were covered by the same light. .

In the light, the figures of the two Digimon changed slightly.

Finally, the orange light of evolution disappeared, and a new Digimon appeared that was similar to MechanicalGreymon, but its right arm was transformed into a large energy cannon, and its upper body was further mechanized and upgraded.

MechanicalGreymon: Modified form!

The transformation program stored in the body was activated, and with the blessing of the Digital Soul, MechanicalGreymon gained further power.

Although it is still within the scope of the complete body, it already possesses part of the power of the ultimate body.

On the other side, the blue light of evolution also disappeared at the same time.

A Digimon similar to OrcGarurumon, but wearing mobile armor on its upper body and with three pairs of light blue light wings behind it, appeared.

Orc Garurumon: Shooter Form!

Like MechanicalGreymon, by activating the transformation program, Orc Garurumon not only regained the agility it lost after evolving, but also possessed some of the abilities of its fellow Ultimates.

This is the power between Yun Qianmo and his Digimon partners.

The evolution of the Digital Soul, coupled with the improvements brought about by transformation and evolution, have made the data fluctuations of MechanicalGreymon and OrcGarurumon very close to those of ordinary Ultimates.

With their current strength, coupled with the help of the Digital Beast Tamer, they can fight against ordinary Ultimates when they work together. This is also the confidence that Yun Qianmo dares to explore various medium-sized and large-scale digital secret realms alone.

"Sure enough, the senior is a genius. No wonder the seniors think that as long as the senior is here, they can sweep through the four major colleges."

After the two Digimon evolved to their final form, Lu Yun, who had already used the Friendship Armor to evolve into Lightningdramon, saw this scene after the evolution and once again realized how terrifying his senior's talent in cultivating Digimon was. .

You must know that even Qingya Meng needs to use Azure Dragonmon's data if he wants to evolve a Digimon to its ultimate form.

Not to mention himself, without a system, it would take at least ten years for Hackmon to evolve to the ultimate form.

Without cheating, at Yun Qianmo's age, he could cultivate a Digimon partner that could compete with ordinary Ultimates. Even if it was short-lived, it would be enough to show how talented the other party was in cultivating Digimon.

However, this time the opponent is not an ordinary Ultimate, but one of the top Digimon known as the Seven Demon Kings - Barbamon!

Digimon: Barbamon

Level: Ultimate

Type: Demon King type

Attribute: virus species

Belongs to: Seven Demon Kings

Adaptable fields: DA [Dark Realm], NSo [Nightmare Legion]

Data value:?

Looking back to Barbamon again, Lu Yun looked at the attribute version given by the system, feeling very heavy in his heart.

Different from those Digimon encountered in the past, the total amount of data of Barbamon is so high that even the system cannot give correct data values, and can only use question marks to represent the immeasurable amount of the former's data.

This is also the amount of data that the top Ultimate Digimon should have. At this point, they can no longer simply use data values ​​to judge their strength. Instead, it depends on the special power they have mastered, or their authority. .

As one of the seven demon kings, Barbamon naturally possesses the special power of darkness just like Demonmon.

Now that Jesmon has not unlocked the five major powers, there is only a dead end against Barbamon, not to mention that the data gap between them is even greater than between the infant and the ordinary ultimate.

So there was no winning in this battle from the beginning.

Lu Yun never thought about defeating Barbamon, so...

"Digital Soul, fully charged!"

After transferring all the Digital Souls in his body into Jesmon through the Digimon Machine, Lu Yun shouted at his Digimon: "Jesmon, do your best!"


Bang! ! ! ! !

The majestic Digital Soul erupted from Jesmon's body. In addition to what the trainer had just transferred, there was also the Digital Soul that the trainer had stored in the Digicore a long time ago.

With the blessing of the two Digital Souls, Jesmon's data value has been further improved, and the data fluctuations on its body are also increasing. If you look at it from the system panel, it has already reached a data value of 30 million. situation.

But there is still a very, very long way to go before Barbamon's immeasurable data value.

"Positron blast!"

"Minijuku San's heavy attack!"

"Sword Spirit!"

At the same time, the three major Digimon attacked Barbamon. MechanicalGreymon and BeastmanGarurumon used their own special moves.

On the contrary, Jesmon did not release its special move, nor did it choose to move forward. It just summoned the sword spirits back and then controlled them to attack Barbamon.

The sub-light speed energy cannon and the slash formed by the three sharp blades hit the Barbamon first. With a loud explosion, the three sword spirits came to the former and exploded on the Barbamon with self-destruction.

Thick black smoke rose up, swallowing the Barba beast inside.


Jesmon turned around without hesitation and came to Lightningdramon, grabbed the latter's body, and flew in the opposite direction at the fastest speed in his life.

At the same time, Orc Garurumon also picked up Yun Qianmo, Mechanical Greymon retracted his energy cannon, and the two Digimon left in completely opposite directions.

No need to discuss, no need to talk about plans.

When they were determined to become enemies, both Lu Yun and Yun Qianmo, as well as the Digimon, knew very well that they could not win this battle, and the only thing they could do was to run.

Run away as much as possible, even if the hope is slim, there is at least a glimmer of a chance.

The black smoke gradually dissipated, and Barbamon, who was completely hit by the three major attacks, showed no injuries at all, not even dust.

Looking at the deserted scenery, the corners of the mouth under the Barbamon mask raised slightly.

"The game of cat and mouse has begun."

As soon as the voice fell, Barbamon disappeared.

A few stars gradually appeared in the blue sky, and a crack seemed to be vaguely visible.

After absorbing the last data of Arkadimon into the body, the special life form entrenched here looked up at the starry sky, feeling the data belonging to it in the distance, and some changes occurred in its body.

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