Digital Age: My partner is Jesmon

Chapter 197 Digimon Statues and Digital Resources

Tall and incomplete stone pillars stand around, and the walls are covered with moss, filled with an ancient atmosphere. The statue standing directly in front seems to be a guard guarding the ruins.

"Are these Digimon statues?"

Lu Yun asked subconsciously as he looked at the statues whose appearance was unclear and could barely be seen as the appearance of some kind of creature.

"Well, these fishing statues are the Digimon that originally lived here."

While walking towards the main entrance of the ruins, Yu Qingjia said softly: "This digital secret realm should have existed for hundreds of years. If it had just been born, these statues would be just like living Digimon."

"So, to judge the existence time of a digital secret realm, you only need to look at these statues?" Lu Yun asked curiously. Although he had learned about digital ruins, it was all basic knowledge.

I have never seen anything like this in textbooks.

"That's right, statues like this whose appearance is no longer clearly visible are basically over a hundred years old."

Yu Qingjia nodded and continued: "If time goes on, the Digimon statues will disappear, and this type of digital relics will have existed for at least five hundred years."

"Five hundred years, so these Digimon statues will gradually disappear due to time?" Lu Yun asked again.

"Digital researchers thought so at first, but after a period of research, they found that this was not the case."

Yu Qingjia continued: "The reason why these Digimon statues disappeared is not because it took too long, but because they returned to the digital ruins."

"Return to the digital ruins?"

"Well, these Digimon statues are essentially constructed from data. Initially, they require data flow from the Digital Realm to support them."

Yu Qingjia said: "But as time goes by, the data in the statue becomes more and more, and eventually the statue disappears because it cannot bear the flow of data. However, the accumulated data will not disappear, but will be integrated into the digital ruins." , and ultimately form specific digital resources.”

"In other words, these Digimon statues are actually props used to create digital resources?"

Lu Yun looked surprised. He knew that the Digital Secret Realm would naturally produce digital resources suitable for Digimon over time, but he never thought that digital resources would be born in this way.

Yu Qingjia nodded, and the digital researchers who initially came to this conclusion were also very surprised.

Because they did not expect that the real role of digital relics is to create specific digital resources and record past history, just incidentally.

The so-called specific digital resources refer to resources provided to designated Digimon.

For example, before the birth of the Digital Ruins, this was where Agumon lived. Then the Digital Ruins that appeared later would create digital resources that are most suitable for Agumon.

As for other Digimon, even if they can be absorbed, they can only obtain a small part at most, and cannot obtain all the data inside like normal digital resources.

"This is really true, no one can guess it."

Lu Yun smacked his lips. Who would have thought that such a big place could be the natural resource production center of the Digital Secret Realm.

"Then after these digital resources appear, how can we continue to create digital secret realms?"

Suddenly, Lu Yun thought that since the Digimon statues store data streams to create digital resources, how can the Digital Secret Realm create new digital resources after these Digimon statues disappear?

"Just like before."

Yu Qingjia said: "Digimon statues are not only found outside, but also inside the ruins. No one has stipulated that only Digimon statues can save data streams."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yu Qingjia had already arrived at the gate of the digital ruins. She took out her Digimon machine, pointed the port at the front door, and pressed the button on the right side.

Immediately, a beam of light emerged from the port and hit the main door. Then there was a loud bang and the door was opened.

Layers of earth waves were born, making people subconsciously reach out to cover their noses. Their vision was obscured by the earth waves, but a few black figures could still be vaguely seen in the earth mist.

After the waves gradually receded, sunlight shone in from the outside world and fell on these black figures. A closer look revealed that they were exactly the same Digimon statues as outside.

The difference is that the Digimon statue outside the ruins can no longer be seen clearly.

But the Digimon statue inside is not only intact, but is even twice as big as the outside.

"Greymon and EarthGreymon, this is where the Greymons used to live."

After Yu Qingjia's previous explanation, and seeing the appearance of these Digimon, Lu Yun determined the Digimon that once lived here.

"The twenty-eighth time."

Yu Qingjia muttered in a low voice. Unlike Lu Yun, who came to explore digital research for the first time, as a digital researcher, she often had to collect data in digital ruins, so she had seen a lot of Digimon statues.

Among them, Digimon statues like Greymon are the most numerous.

Basically, in two or three digital secret realms, you can see four or five Digimon villages or Digimon statues related to the Tyrannosaurus family.

Not only Greymon, but also Digimon such as Megadramon, Garurumon, and Bidomon are not only popular in the human world, but are also very easy to encounter in the Digital Secret Realm.

After passing these Digimon statues, Yu Qingjia walked to the inner hall. Instead of paying attention to the murals on the walls on both sides, he looked around and saw three roads leading underground.

When he entered the digital ruins before, Yu Qingjia could tell from the appearance of the ruins that it was an underground ruins. This meant that the next exploration would go deep underground, but he didn't know how deep it would be this time.

"Lu Yun, I'll leave it to you now."

Yu Qingjia turned around and looked at Lu Yun who was observing the Digimon statue. He pointed out the three paths behind him and said.

"Okay, senior."

Looking away from the statue, Lu Yun came to Yu Qingjia with V-Zimon and Hackmon who were still curious.

"Do you remember what I said before?"

Before passing by, Yu Qingjia said something again.

"Remember, the main thing is to collect these murals on the walls, followed by some stone tablets engraved with digital text, and finally the entire room."

On the way into the digital ruins, Yu Qingjia ordered some things to be collected. It has only been less than half an hour now, so Lu Yun will naturally not forget them.

"Well, be careful when collecting them. These murals, like the Digimon statues, store data streams. Be sure not to destroy them."

Yu Qingjia warned again: "If digital resources are discovered, let the Digimon first see if the data on them is connected to the outside world. If so, then these digital resources have not been fully born yet. If not, they can be collected. stand up."

"Okay, senior, I understand."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

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