Digital Age: My partner is Jesmon

Chapter 171 Invading Beast

Restore the secret realm.

Located in the deepest part of the secret realm, in a desolate ruins, there are hundreds of infected Digimon gathered here, among which there are several huge shadows that attract attention.

The leader of this group of infected Digimon is a very strange-looking Digimon. It has a human brain but its lower body is like an octopus. It holds a ray gun and aims it at the wall made of Digizoid in front of it.

Invasionmon is full of mysteries and is believed to be an alien-type Perfect Digimon from the distant universe.

call out!

A laser hit the wall, shattering it instantly, and a road leading inside appeared in view.

"Wait here, don't let other Digimon come in."

The invading beast turned its head and said to the perfect beings behind it.

"Yes, sir!"

A perfect Digimon that looked exactly like the capsule, but was made entirely of mechanical structures and had a pair of mechanical long arms, responded immediately.


The Digimon's name is Nanomon, and it is an ultra-small medical machine Digimon produced by the Iron Empire.

It was originally a Vaccine Digimon whose function was to repair collapsed computers and Digicores, but for some reason, it has now transformed into a Virus Digimon with a strong sense of attack.

In addition to Invamon and Nanomon, there were three full Digimon on site.

A flame-type Virus Digimon whose entire body is covered with ultra-low-temperature deep blue flames. It looks just like a mature Flamemon, and is therefore also called Blue Flamemon.

The second perfect Digimon is very large, at least four to five meters tall. It looks like an ancient mammoth, but its head wears a badge mask engraved with the crystallization of the wisdom of super ancient civilizations.

This Digimon's body was covered in thick body hair, and it was breathing cold air from its mouth. The infected Digimon surrounding it were trembling slightly even if they were irrational.

Mammothmon is a complete Digimon in the form of an ancient beast.

The last Digimon is a huge Digimon that is taller than Mammothmon. It is at least ten meters tall, but from the appearance, it looks like an octopus, but it has a demonic face, with two open eyes on its back. The tentacles have their own consciousness.

Uminemon is a fully aquatic beast-human Digimon that lives in the deep sea. It is a subspecies of Devilmon and a dirty fighter that is extremely disgusted among the Devilmon clan.

The three complete bodies are scattered among the piles of infected Digimon. They monitor the surroundings according to the instructions of the invading beasts. If a hostile target appears, they will attack immediately.

The invading beast passed through the steel wall and entered the deepest part of the ruins.

No light from outside can shine in, and the environment inside is extremely dark, making it impossible to see the road and direction clearly.

But for the invading beast, the darkness of this program did not affect its vision, and soon it found its way underground.

In about five minutes, Invadermon arrived at the deepest part of the ruins underground. Here are various abandoned mechanical devices. Occasionally, you can see some armors made of Digizoid, weapons and other equipment used to transform Digimon. props.

The invading beast didn't pay attention to this. It was wandering around in the underground space, looking for something.

"Still not there, strange. According to the information above, it should be in this area."

Stopping in front of a certain mechanical device, the invading beast put down the light gun in his hand and took out a mechanical structure similar to a crystal.

After touching the top button, the surface of the mechanical structure overflowed with luster like a spider web. The next moment, the entire mechanical structure spread out and formed a square-like structure, and then projected a picture.

On the screen was a map about the restoration of the secret realm. To be precise, it was a map of the fifth branch of the Iron Empire.

The invading beast focused its eyes on the map. After comparing its current position with the position on the map, it discovered a very important thing, that is...

"This position is actually the opposite!"

It wasn't that he couldn't find it, but that he was running in the wrong direction from the very beginning.

No wonder I searched for seven or eight Iron Empire ruins but couldn't find the target.

The invading beast didn't expect that it would make such a mistake, and it couldn't be said that it didn't know the direction in this secret realm, which was completely opposite to what was recorded on the map.

Yes, after comparison, the Invading Beast discovered that the geographical location on this map was opposite to the geographical location of the Digital Secret Realm.

To put it simply, if you want to go to the east, you have to go to the west, and if you want to go to the north, you have to go to the south.

It's weird, but it's in line with the digital secret realm.

Putting away the mechanical structure again, the invading beast turned and left the underground space.

After identifying the problem, the next step is to adjust the direction, waste no time, and reach the destination as soon as possible.

"how's it going."

The nanomon on the ground asked quickly after seeing the invading beast returning.

"It doesn't exist here either, but the problem has been discovered."

Intrudermon told Nanomon about his discovery.

Sure enough, after learning the truth of the matter and that he had wasted half a month in vain, Nanomon's mentality collapsed a little.

Fortunately, the problem was discovered very early, and the nearest Iron Empire ruins were not too far away. There was still time to find the data the owner needed before the entrance was blocked.

Next, Nanomon adjusted the team of infected Digimon. Under the leadership of Invasionmon, the Digimon changed direction and set off somewhere in the secret realm of restoration.

After they left, about four or five hours passed, and a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the ruins.

The data fluctuations of infected Digimon and Perfect Digimon still remained on the ruins, but no Digimon could be seen in the field of vision. The black shadow moved his gaze to the wall that had been previously destroyed by the invading beast.

There was only a hissing sound, and the black shadow turned into a stream of light and entered the underground space of the ruins. By the time they returned to the ground again, half an hour had passed.

After coming to the ruins again, the black shadow did not stay long. Based on the data fluctuations it sensed before, it found the direction in which the infected Digimon left, and turned into a stream of light again, heading towards the location of the infected Digimon.

On the way, Sombra discovered that the infected Digimon had returned to their previous positions, and the number of black towers around them also increased further.

This phenomenon made Black Shadow even more doubtful, but it still kept a distance and did not get too close, lest the group of Perfect Digimon notice the fluctuations in its data.


[I had a fever these past few days, so I took a rest. I only got better yesterday. I'm sorry. 】

[I think there is a high probability that I won’t be able to post pictures of the invading beasts. 】

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