Digital Age: My partner is Jesmon

Chapter 129 Evolution, perfection

After the black energy body enveloped EarthGreymon's body, the defect was also integrated into its body, completely taking over EarthGreymon's body.

When he opened his eyes again, the pupils that originally represented reason disappeared, replaced by the same scarlet pupils that appeared when Gabumon was controlled by the defect.


The deafening roar spread, creating a violent storm.

"This is trouble."

Lu Yun frowned and looked at the current EarthGreymon. He didn't expect Flaw's movements to be so fast. When he recognized the opponent's identity, EarthGreymon was controlled.

At the same time, EarthGreymon's attribute panel reappeared.

Digimon: EarthGreymon [Defects]

Type: dinosaur type

Attribute: vaccine type

Grade: mature stage

Data value:

"Sure enough, there is an extra word defect."

Like Gabumon, EarthGreymon, which is controlled by a flaw, also has these two words after it.

"Strange, why doesn't this data value change?"

When I saw the data value, I thought that EarthGreymon's data value would be the same as Gabumon's, reaching a number that was very inconsistent with its level.

Unexpectedly, the data value of EarthGreymon did not change, which surprised Lu Yun.

"Xiaoyun, it's targeting us."

At this time, Dilumon noticed EarthGreymon's gaze, and it sensed greed from the opponent. Just like Gabumon, this special life form was eyeing it again.

"I'm going to trouble you again, Dilumon."

Taking out the Digimon Machine, Lu Yun immediately transferred his Digital Soul. After Gabumon's incident, he would no longer look down on Digimon controlled by flaws, even if EarthGreymon's data value did not change due to the Improve despite shortcomings, but don’t be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the eventuality.

What's more, only after evolving to its complete form can Dilumon be able to purify its flaws.

"Dilmon, super evolved!"

With the influx of Digital Souls, the light of evolution appeared on Dilumon, and soon the complete form of Celestialmon appeared again.

"Heavenly magic!"

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Celestial Beast directly used the purple light capable of evolving all evil power at EarthGreymon.

However, unlike Gabumon back then, EarthGreymon seemed to be prepared.

The moment Tiannumon appeared, it immediately sprinted to the right. When the purple light wanted to come towards it, EarthGreymon had already arrived at the location of the original flaw.

"That is!"

Lu Yun had been staring at EarthGreymon, so when he came to the place where the defect began, he immediately saw this group of growing Digimon over there. Like EarthGreymon, they were covered in black energy. Surrounded by a body, each eye flashes with a scarlet halo.

Obviously, these growth-stage Digimon have already been controlled by flaws.

And now these controlled defective Digimon stand in front of EarthGreymon without hesitation, preventing Heaven's magic from reaching EarthGreymon.

Seeing this scene, Celestialmon had no choice but to purify these growth-stage Digimon first. Otherwise, with this group of growth-stage Digimon around, it would be impossible to eliminate the black energy body in EarthGreymon.

Fortunately, these Digimon were controlled by the flaw for a short time. Unlike Gabumon, its own data values ​​have not been improved. In addition, Tenyumon has mastered its own power through the training room a few days ago, so it has been purified. The speed is even faster than the first time.

However, EarthGreymon's preparations did not end there. When Celestial Beast was purifying these growth stages, the black energy body on the opponent's body increased further at this moment.

"That guy is absorbing Digimon!"

When Celestial Beast was concentrating on evolving into the growth stage, it was Lu Yun who naturally paid attention to EarthGreymon. Naturally, he saw that there were some controlled growth stages near EarthGreymon, and there were several of them. During the growth stage, he also held something similar to a sphere.

Lu Yun didn't know what it was, but with the perception of the Digital Soul, he could feel some data fluctuations from it, and he could see EarthGreymon eating these spheres one by one, even those that were controlled Even during the growth period, they did not escape the poisonous hands. They were killed one by one by EarthGreymon and their data was absorbed.

Because of the long distance and the inability of the Celestial Beast to move, even if Lu Yun wanted to save these growing people, it would be too late.

In just less than ten seconds, the growth period around EarthGreymon was absorbed by it, including those previous spheres.

hum! ! !

When the last growth stage died, dark light overflowed from the EarthGreymon. The black energy body completely devoured its body, and then a suffocating sense of oppression appeared.

The air seemed to be frozen. The Celestial Beast, who was originally purifying the last growing stage, seemed to feel something, stopped what it was doing, and focused its gaze on the location of EarthGreymon.

Soon, the black light disappeared, and a Digimon similar to EarthGreymon, but with a mechanized upper body, a huge revolver installed on its left arm, and a pair of mechanical wings on its back appeared.

"It has actually evolved to its full form, LeapGreymon!"

When he saw this Digimon appear, Lu Yun immediately recognized the identity of the other person, which was the complete form of EarthGreymon.

After absorbing the growth stage and the unknown orb, EarthGreymon finally evolved from the mature stage to the complete body.

Moreover, after evolution, it is not an ordinary perfect Digimon. The huge data fluctuations that cannot be ignored already indicate that this is a very powerful perfect Digimon.

Digimon: LeapGreymon [Defects]

Type: Retrofit

Properties: Vaccine

Level: Complete

Data value:

The system brought up the attribute panel of LeapGreymon.

When he saw the data value of LeapGreymon, Lu Yun understood that it was impossible for Celestialmon alone to destroy the opponent.

Celestialmon, which evolved through the Digital Soul, has a data value of 200,000, which can be said to be beyond the ordinary perfect form. However, facing LeapGreymon, Celestialmon can only be regarded as an ordinary perfect form.

There is a full half million difference between the two, and this gap cannot be made up by the Digital Soul.

The reason is also very simple. After all, Celestial Beast did not evolve normally, but relied on the Digital Soul. Naturally, it can no longer be improved by the Digital Soul.

However, even if it evolves normally, with its own Digital Soul, it may not be possible for Celestialmon to reach the level of LeapGreymon.

The evolution and improvement of LeapGreymon also made Lu Yun realize again how much power a Digimon controlled by flaws can gain.



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