Original God, eternal guardian

Chapter 74 Travels in Liyue ()

"What about you? What do you want?" Hengyu asked.

It didn't take long. He used illusions on several people, and the answers he got were different.

"I want to see my dead father."

"I hope grandma's illness can be cured."

"I hope to become the Qianyan Army that protects Liyue."

"I hope my parents can come back and stay with me."

Depending on the reasonableness of the wish, Hengyu also has his own different methods.

He can't resurrect from the dead, but he can let people fulfill their wishes in the illusion. Although it is just a kind of deception..., but even so, they will be very satisfied.

He can do things like cure diseases. The vitality of the immortal body is so powerful. His move even allowed the old man to live for several decades longer... But that's a story for another day.

Using the illusion, he allowed the child to experience life in Qianyan Jundu. Although the child was tired and cried in the end, he still felt that he had done a good job.

He pulled the couple into the same illusion, allowing them to talk and understand each other thinking it was a dream.

After doing these things, Hengyu planned to thank Ying and Daiin, so he took them into the illusion while they were asleep.

"Hengyu? I didn't expect you to come to me." As the proposer of the plan, Ying realized that Hengyu also planned to give herself a gift.

"Well, it's to thank you. Don't worry, my illusion is very powerful, just like the real thing. Even if it's something you haven't experienced before, you can still experience it."

"...I want to meet my brother." Ying said her request: "Is it okay if you haven't met my brother?"

"Well, my illusion is based on your own illusion. In other words, as long as you know what your brother looks like, then, after a while, the illusion will begin. Just be prepared." Hengyu reminded one time

"it is good."

Dain's dream

"What about you, what do you want?" Hengyu asked.

"I want to see my comrades again."

"In a moment, you will enter the illusion you want, and be ready."

"Wait a minute, Hengyu...you should have been there when the Catastrophe occurred in Kyria, right?" Dyne asked.

He had seen Hengyu's blurry figure on the battlefield.

Because at that time Hengyu was wrapped in Susanoo most of the time, or he was in Six Paths Sage mode.

"Of course, rather, how could I not have gone?" Hengyu also livened up the atmosphere.

"After all, that power has something to do with us. Don't you and the gods resent us?" They are people from Kyria, and Kyria brought the abyss and caused disasters of this kind. There is some psychological guilt.

"Who knows, but at least it should have nothing to do with you. Moreover, the curse is considered punishment. You can rest assured that I will not see you with any prejudice." Hengyu explained.

"That's it...thank you."

Wouldn't it be a joy if dreams could be controlled and we could develop them according to our own thoughts? At least among the people selected by Hengyu tonight, there are many who don't even want to wake up. This dream is so beautiful.

"Even if I know this is a dream, I really can't let you go, brother."

"But dreams always have to wake up. It's time for you to go back, Ying." Sora's voice was very gentle.

This is also the way Ying hopes to say goodbye, and also the way he remembers his brother saying goodbye.

Hengyu's illusion is very magical. The person you imagine is completely based on your own memory. The person you know is exactly the same as what you think is real.

"Lord Dainsreb, it's time to go back."

"Well...I've always been proud of you."

"It's an honor for us."

Today, the Hai Lantern Festival officially begins

Liyue officials also attach great importance to the Hailantern Festival

Many places have been chartered by Liyue officials, allowing people from Liyue to come in to watch and play for free.

Even the official price is higher than the market price. The seller is happy and the buyer is also happy.

Even if you have a meal, it will be free for you as long as it is at an officially designated location.

Of course, according to tradition, dinner must be eaten at one's own home, so by that time, the restaurant would be empty.

This is true for humans, and so is it for immortals.

In the residence of Emperor Yanwang, many immortals gathered together.

"You did a great job, Hengyu. It's very innovative." Morax was very satisfied with Hengyu's performance this time.

"It feels good. Being able to hear a lot of voices also allows me to help them more directly." Hengyu was also very satisfied.

"Speaking of which, Hengyu, why did you go to Fengdan all of a sudden?" Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun in human form asked.

"It's nothing. I encountered some interesting things there, so I just wanted to stay there for a while." Hengyu said truthfully.

"That's it, then I hope you can come back soon."

After saying that, Liu Yun took a sip of wine.

The alcohol content is not high, what is important is a feeling and atmosphere.

Hengyu toasted: "Don't talk about me anymore, Liuyun, Ganyu, how are you doing in Liyue?"

Gan Yu didn't expect that Hengyu would suddenly call him: "Ah? Xianjun, you are doing well..."

Liu Yun clapped his hands: "Don't listen to this child's nonsense. It's still the same as before. She has such a temper. There's really nothing you can do about it. I remember Gan Yu when she was little..."

Gan Yu was anxious: "Zhenjun Liuyun... stop talking..."

Hengyu quickly called Liu Yun: "Gan Yu, just call me Heng Yu. Liu Yun, you do the same. If Gan Yu doesn't want you to say it, don't say it."

"Humph, I am very good at chatting. If you don't listen, it will be your loss." Liu Yun said so, but he did not continue to talk about Gan Yu.

"Huh..." Gan Yu sighed, nodded, and cast a grateful look at Hengyu.

"Gan Yu, although I don't know how you deal with so many things, I can't do it anyway, but if you have any trouble, you must tell us." Hengyu comforted.

"How can your Hengyu brain be as powerful as Gan Yu's? To be honest, you are good at fighting." Liu Yun made a fatal complaint.

The Hengyu man was stunned for a moment, his head covered with black lines.

Just wanted to say something.

The fireworks outside lit up.

There is no fireworks business in Liyue.

These were fireworks bought from Inazuma. They were so beautiful that the immortals couldn't help but stop what they were doing and start watching them.

After the fireworks were set off, many sea lanterns began to rise into the sky. Hengyu stood on a high place and stared at the beautiful scenery with endless emotion in his heart.

Liyue, Tianhuang, everything is a different kind of beauty, Hengyu has a sense of happiness that arises spontaneously

He looked at Morax's cave. The other immortals might not have noticed that he left... Hengyu didn't like the scene of farewell.

Morax looked back at Hengyu's position, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he didn't say anything more. He just drank a few sips slowly and continued to watch.

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