Original God, eternal guardian

Chapter 69 Journey to Liyue ()

Should it be said or not, the invitation to the Immortal Ceremony is the most important event in Liyue and the whole arrangement of Liyue, so it is very important to warm up.

These days, everywhere in Liyue is bustling with activity, especially the foreigners who come here. After all, who doesn’t want to listen to the teachings of the gods?

Maybe people have different and biased perceptions of the power, knowledge, and contribution of gods.

But Morax is the longest-existing demon god currently known. This is a recognized fact and everyone is familiar with it.

Of course, in the circle of gods, Morax is also recognized as the strongest.

The knowledge is debatable. After all, there is Barbatos who can listen to the customs and know all things, and there is Buyer who can look up the world tree. It is really hard to decide the outcome.

Tianying has not been idle these days, asking around for ways to possibly see Morax.

In addition, Dyne also reminded him to use honorifics to Morax, that is, the Rock King Emperor

Although nothing will happen to you if your name is Morax, the people of Liyue will resent you, and they may beat you if you encounter someone with a bad temper...

However, most of the answers I got were casual.

"Ask a question to Mr. Yanwang Dijun?... It's hard to say. There are so many people who want to ask him questions. This... I guess it depends on your eyesight?"

"Those who have the honor to ask questions to the Emperor are recorded in the entire history of Liyue, but the number of two hands, the specific standards,... no one knows."

"This... maybe if you, an outsider, can become a Seven Star, the Emperor will allow you to ask?"

With all the answers like this, I feel like it just depends on luck.

On the day of the Immortal Invitation Ceremony, the place where several immortals and Seven Stars were was the place where Emperor Yanwang came during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony. This place was already surrounded by water. When you look up, all you see is your head.

Fortunately, Ying and Daiin arrived early in the morning and occupied a pretty good position. It was still a position where they could be seen by the Rock King, although they didn't know whether they could see them.

"The auspicious time has arrived, please let the immortal ceremony begin immediately!"

Following an immortal's order, the magic weapon in the center of the field emitted a dazzling light.

There was an immediate reaction from the sky. In a flash of golden light, a dragon descended from the sky. It had golden eyes and a black-gold body. It was not an earth dragon, but a dragon with four limbs and four claws, a body as long as a snake, and antlers on its head.

This is the most orthodox image of dragon in Liyue

Of course, the image of the dragon spread in Liyue was originally borrowed from the image of Emperor Yan when he invited the immortal.

It is also the image that Liyue people most recognize for Emperor Yanwang.

However, no one knows how many incarnations and images the Emperor Yan has had through the mortal world for more than thousands of years.

"The Great Abyss has been abandoned for a long time. After half a year, the ore industry can be resumed."

"The northern port can continue to expand."

"In the direction of diplomacy..."

"In terms of land planning..."

The gorgeous and majestic Shenlong said a lot, but some of them I really couldn't understand.

The same goes for the people below. She didn't stand with the people below. She sat in an attic.

People in this building were close to each other, and they all went to see the immortal ceremony, so she just sat here for a while.

"Sure enough, I am still not suitable for listening to these teachings. Things like running the country should be left to the Lord and Hu Zhai Palace."

"This concludes the Immortal Ceremony."

Emperor Yanwang finished his speech. He looked around and flew towards the sky.

Ying originally raised her hand and put it down again. She had originally planned to call the Rock King Emperor directly at the risk of being disrespectful.

After the Immortal Invitation Ceremony was over, the people in Liyue were very happy, and their efforts for the next year had a direction.

The foreigners were also very happy. They met the gods of other countries and received far-sighted words from some of the gods.

Only Ying was not very happy. She didn't care about the country's governance or business prospects. She just wanted to ask Emperor Yan Wang if there was any news about her brother.

The plan to invite the God of Rock to the Fairy Ceremony failed, and she had to think of other ways.

"The fox officials of Tianhuang generally know the gods where they reside. If you are anxious, we can go and ask together." Dai Yin looked at Yingying's gloomy look and expressed his opinion.

"...That's true, but a little setback can't knock me down! Come on, Ying!" Ying encouraged herself.

Wangshu Inn

"So, you didn't get to see Morax? It's normal. For a being like him, it would be great to see him, let alone ask questions." He told the truth.

"What should I do? Is there any way you can see him?" Ying asked quickly.

"Of course I have no problem finding him, but you... are a little troublesome."

"Why? Then tell me where he is and I will go find him."

"Don't say it, don't say it, or he will beat me. Gods walking in the mortal world, the most taboo thing is for others to reveal their whereabouts." He was also very embarrassed.

"Then...what should I do?"

"Who knows, if you don't have time, go to the theater troupe or some famous store to try your luck. Maybe you can meet him."

"But even if I meet him, I won't recognize him."

"Don't worry about looking for him. Morax's temperament is unique. I can only help you so far."

Suddenly, Mandrill's figure appeared on the top of the building: "Do you want to see the Emperor?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's right." Ying was still very happy to see Mandrill. He was an immortal and there must be a way to directly contact the God of Rock.

"Then it depends on whether you are worthy of the Emperor seeing you. How can an ordinary person be qualified to receive special care from the Emperor?" Mandrill's words were still as cold and biting as ever, but he told the truth.

If you are just an ordinary person, why would God stop at you and even communicate with you.

Even Ying is not from Liyue.

"..." Ying was silent for a while.

"Mandrill, don't be so stubborn in what you say. The Lord has taken care of her. It's not impossible for Morax to take special care of her." He yelled at the injustice.

"The Lord Tianhuang is like this, but it does not mean that the Emperor is like this. The two cannot be confused."

In fact, it is not what Mandrill said. All the gods act according to the suggestions given by heaven. In other words, no matter which god he is, Ying is a special existence.

"That's it for now, you can make your own decision." After saying that, Mandrill disappeared.

Three people look at each other

Ying said: "I may have to stay in Liyue for a while. I hope to see the God of Rock sooner."

Dain nodded: "If you feel so, I will accompany you."

Yanyi got a piece of grilled fish from nowhere: "I come here often when I have nothing to do,...it's really bland, isn't it very spicy? I'll treat you to dinner."

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