Original God, eternal guardian

Chapter 22 Xumi Things (2)

A huge desert temple rises from the ground.

This is the preparation made by the Red King to resurrect the Flower God.

But it's a pity that he couldn't even do this without facing Gao Tian's punishment.

"The most seductive power is greed. You can't compete with it in your heart. Whenever you think you have control over it, that is when you are about to be swallowed up by it. In my opinion, the essence should have its own arrogance. If you don't want to If you want to help, you won't give the other party strength, but if the other party is what you want, you should help them with all your strength, instead of playing some disgusting tricks." Here is another Elantus's evaluation of the forbidden power.

When huge power fell from the sky, the sky was torn open...

Everything went so smoothly, so smoothly that it was scary

But so what? This is a road of no return. As long as Nabu is resurrected, everything will be worth it.

When the Red King was still immersed in the joy of resurrecting the Flower God, the huge power spread uncontrollably towards the desert.

The forbidden abyss has taken off its disguise, revealing its original violent nature.

When all this began, the Red King was still performing the ritual of resurrecting the Flower God, and then more powerful power descended.

The Red King seemed to realize something was wrong: "Huh? No, is this power too much? Go back!"

This force has formed its own momentum, and they no longer need to rely on the Red King to reach this world, so they no longer follow the Red King's instructions.

The Red King did not expect that this force would actually resist him: "Damn it!" The Red King used his powerful power to block the entrance. Although he failed, it also slowed down the entry of the forbidden power.

The Red King immediately summoned his seven priests to block out the forbidden knowledge.

But the forbidden knowledge has spread to the desert area. Some of the people in the desert have been swallowed up by the forbidden knowledge, and some have been demonized and become members of the people who destroyed their hometown.

When the Red King began to perform the ritual, Buyer kept an eye on the situation in the desert.

She witnessed the entire process of the forbidden knowledge coming and getting out of control. Now, it was impossible for the Red King alone to stop the forbidden knowledge, so Buyer had to take action.

However, for the safety of the rainforest people, Buyer first used his authority to build a barrier, which would be the windbreak wall for future generations.

The Red King and his party were already very strenuous. The forbidden knowledge was too powerful. Except for the Red King who was only slightly affected, the seven priests had already entered the ranks of pollution.

The originally brilliant civilization in the desert was destroyed almost instantly. The people fled in all directions, with the dark force behind them chasing them closely. The aura of despair gradually filled the sky.

The Red King's eyes widened with anger. He was really angry. Not only could Nabu not be resurrected, but he had also brought such a disaster to his own people.

However, the angrier the Red King becomes, the more helpless people become, and the more taboo knowledge becomes more rampant. It seems that it is a collection of all negative emotions.

He was desperate, and even the Red King felt that he was very powerless, but he still planned to fight until the end. He thought that if he delayed for a while, a few more people might be able to escape...

desert border

Buyer fell on this desolate land, and even the sky was gray.

Buyer waved his hands, and the huge power spread with Buyer as the center, pushing back the weaker taboo knowledge from the outside world, until there was a stalemate with the forbidden knowledge. In the area purified by Buyer on the way, the infected humans He fell in place and slowly changed back.

After being demonized, the people had no choice but to clean them up.

Buyer limited the power of forbidden knowledge to a single area, but that was about it.

The pressure on the Red King's side was great. At this moment, only one of his seven priests was left. He could only avoid the edge temporarily and start to escape with the last priest.

Buyer also walked into the desert, wanting to meet the Red King. She could feel that there was nothing wrong with the Red King's aura, and he was not weak, which proved that the Red King was in good condition.

Eventually, Red King and Buyer met.

Red King half-knelt on the ground on the spot to express his guilt and gratitude to Buyer: "Buyer..., I..."

Buyer quickly helped the Red King up: "Amon, you don't need to say anything, I understand everything. Now let's deal with the trouble in front of you first."

With the joint efforts of Red King and Buyer, the forbidden knowledge was controlled, but this was not a long-term solution. The entrance was not blocked, and the forbidden knowledge became stronger and stronger, and one day it would be unstoppable.

Moreover, once the power of the taboo reaches a critical value, it cannot be eradicated and can only be offset by the same level of power. Neither Red King nor Buyer could do it.

Although Buyer has the power of aura in his hands, the symptoms cannot be cured, and the forbidden knowledge must be stabilized first.

"I have a way, Buyer." Red King said

"What are you going to do? Amon." Buyer asked.

"Use all my divine power. After all, I still have some power from heaven, which can play a certain role. With your power, I should be able to do it." Red King replied.

"You will die if you do this, Amon." Buyer shook his head, not agreeing with the Red King's idea.

"I made such a big mistake. I don't know how to face my people. I can only use my life to make up for my mistake. In this way, I can have the dignity to meet Nabu." The Red King told the truth about his idea.

"..." Buyer fell silent.

"Okay Buyer, this is the best way at the moment. Don't feel sad for me. After all, this is all caused by my own insistence." After the red king finished speaking, he walked out directly, "Buyer, let's get started. "

The Red King walked into the area full of forbidden knowledge. He must rely on his own strength to reach the entrance and then use all his strength to erase it, otherwise the forbidden knowledge will continue to flow.

But the Red King had been in for a long time, and Buyer did not receive any useful information, and the power of forbidden knowledge did not weaken. Suddenly, she felt the Red King's power weaken.

However, the entrance to forbidden knowledge has not disappeared, which means that this is not the result that the Red King expected.

Was there an accident? what to do…

Buyer had no choice at this time. Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration: "Yi Lan... Yes, Yi Lan, although I don't know how you are now and whether it will disturb you, but at this moment, you are my only one." I hope you can forgive me..."

Buyel ignited the soul power left by Elantus.

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