Original God, eternal guardian

Chapter 190 Sinner’s Dance (35)

"I want to know how much effort you made to send me up?"

Although Funina had accepted her fate, she still wanted to know how she got here. After all, this situation was indeed a bit dreamy.

The few people who incited the people in the morning were people from the Rose of Thorns Society.

Sora and Paimon were responsible for bringing Funina into the magic box prepared in advance, and made one last attempt, and finally served as accusers.

The magic box was built in a very short time by the servant Arecino, who spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

In addition, they also dug underground passages for transporting magic boxes.

Clolinde is in charge of the duel

Navilet is responsible for convening people temporarily

"So it seems that I have lost my last chance? Hahaha, it doesn't matter, the matter is over, and there is no reason not to continue this trial."

"Now that both parties are in place, I declare that the trial has begun."

With a tap of Villette's cane, the trial of the demon god Fukalos began.

"Then let me ask first, under what name do you plan to convict me? Mortals cannot understand the thinking of gods at all, so your incomprehension alone cannot constitute a conviction against me."

Funina has been watching the trial for five hundred years. She should be the first person under Villette to deal with the various regulations of the trial.

"Yes, but my accusation against you is not what you did as a god, but that you are not a god at all, Funina."

"What is he talking about? Lady Funina is not a god?!"

"Didn't you accuse the Water God of malfeasance in his duties? Are the accusations just made serious?"

This sentence immediately made the entire courtroom people confused, and their voices became more and more chaotic.

"Silence! Ms. Funina, do you admit the accusations made by the accuser?"

Villette maintained order at the venue.

What? them? How did they know? It's impossible. I obviously wasn't exposed. Yes, that's right, they must have deceived me.

"I don't admit it! Of course I don't admit it! I, Fukalos, Fonina de Fontaine, Queen of all waters, all directions, people and all laws, am without a doubt the true god."

Funina was even a little excited emotionally. After all, this matter must not be ambiguous.

"I think everyone here has sharp eyes. Many people have considered it common sense that I am a god since they were born, and they will also support me.

I have been on the throne of the water god for five hundred years. If I am not a god, what do you think I should be? In other words, I can only be a god. "

Funina began to press forward step by step, trying to suppress Sora and Paimon and make them feel the pressure.

After listening to Funina's words, Kong shook his head: "Five hundred years is not a long time. I have seen many immortal species that can live for more than five hundred years, and it is not that there are no other ways to extend life, such as curses. , or blessing.”

Kong has traveled to many countries and has a wealth of knowledge, and uses this to refute Funina's theory.

"Oh? Who told you this? Is it the executive who fooled everyone?"

Funina was slightly flustered.

"It doesn't matter who said it, right? What matters is the result. Humans and gods cannot be distinguished with the naked eye."

Kong naturally did not give Funina a chance to continue to perform.

"Hmph, don't start being complacent now. Even if I admit that there is a curse on me, it doesn't necessarily mean that I am human, right?

I agree with your statement that humans and gods cannot be distinguished with the eyes.

Because the biggest difference between humans and gods is that authority and gods can do things that humans cannot do, so they are called mysterious.

For hundreds of years, there have been many of my miracles on the land of Fontaine, such as the cardinal of foreboding judgment before you, and the Law and Hunner that each of you cannot live without. "

Kong thought for a moment: "That's true, but how do you explain the young master's incident?"

"I made it very clear at that time that the stage of the gods is not understandable to mortals, and does not require explanation." Funina couldn't explain it at all. She really didn't know, so she could only think of trying to explain it away.

"No, Ms. Funina, I must remind you that you must recognize the current situation. In the trial court, the trial itself is above all else.

Before you become a god, you should first be the accused today. If you do not follow the rules of the trial, then the trial will be very unfavorable to you. "

Villette could only add fuel to the flames in this way.

But he actually didn't quite believe that Funina was not the Water Goddess. After all, Villette had met her before she inherited the throne of God.

Funina was silent, she really didn't know how to answer.

"So, Cardinal Ruling is not your miracle, it belongs to the real water god, right?"

The flight attendant wins the chase.

"A real water god? How can there be such a thing? I really don't know what the verdict of guilty in public office is about.

This indicates the unilateral judgment of the Cardinal, and he has been operating independently since his birth. Just because there is something wrong with God's creation, you cannot say that God is fake, right? "

This is a bit of sophistry, and the rhetoric is very rigid.

But it is indeed effective. This is how trials are. When it comes to accusing a person, what you have to point out is not that she is suspected of this, but that she is indeed so in this regard.

If you are guilty, you must be proven; if you are not guilty, you are never guilty.

"Okay, let's put it another way. You might as well show your water god's power. As long as you can use elemental power, it's very simple for gods."

This is a fatal problem. She does not have any divine power, and she does not even have the Eye of God.

"The power of gods cannot be displayed at will. People present may be accidentally injured."

Funina decided to escape from this fact.

"If necessary, I can open the barrier and you can use it to your heart's content."

Villette suddenly gave Funina a heavy blow.

Think quickly, Funina, is there anything else you can say? Law pays for mixed energy? right!

"The power of gods comes from faith. My divine power has been given to Cardinal Judgment, allowing her to permanently transform law into hybrid energy. Therefore, I actually have no divine power. It can only be inspired when I encounter life-threatening danger."

"What? This statement is too forced. I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either, it's too outrageous."

Clearly, the Fontaines didn't buy it.

"Why do you look at me with such suspicion? I am Funina? Don't you all like me? Shouldn't you be on my side?"

The suspicious eyes of the audience were like sharp knives, piercing Funina's already riddled heart.

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