In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 195 Technological Heroes Confrontation

"I'm curious, and I don't know if Ms. Tina can answer it for me. How did you know I'm here?"

Rusty Iron Man said calmly, taking advantage of the situation to put the empty rocket launcher back into his armor.

"Mission, no comment."

Tina casually gave the zombie hero a perfunctory sentence, pulled the trigger, and exploded the last micro-rocket aimed at the Bagan flag.

"You won't tell me, right? If you don't tell me, you won't be able to live. Just come here!"

The Rusty Iron Man, who was very amiable just now, suddenly changed his tone, and the armor on his arm deformed again.

Then, an alloy spatula stretched out from the zombie hero's arm.

The anxious scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence.


Bagan flag:···


Rusty Iron Man:···

Beta Carrot stared blankly at the spatula on Rusty Iron Man's arm that was obviously used for cooking, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Robertson scratched his hair and slowly extended his thumb to show the person opposite him.


Baganqi let out a burst of laughter, holding his stomach and slapping the ground.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I chose the wrong prop. It should be this one."

The zombie hero, who was also confused, came to his senses and wished he could find a pit and bury himself directly in it.

He was probably the first among all heroes of the empire to be so embarrassed in front of his opponent.

In a mixture of shame and anger, three gun barrels stretched out directly from Rusty Iron Man's arm.

This is the latest scientific research achievement of the empire - the three-barreled laser cannon, which was acquired by the zombie heroes as soon as it was developed.

And now is the best opportunity to verify its practicality.

"Go to hell!"

The barrel rotated, and three laser beams were fired by Rusty Iron Man, targeting Tina and her two followers.

However, as a hero on the technology side, Beta Carrot is not as dependent on equipment as the zombie hero opposite.

Rusty Iron Man is nothing without his armor, and Tina is still an outstanding spiritual warrior without her aircraft.

Beta Carrot flew into the air in an instant, performed a very difficult dodge, and easily let the zombie hero's laser beam hit the air.

Baganqi and Roberton were slightly inferior to their eldest sister, but they also responded.

The two spiritual warriors took out a protective wall at the same time, placed it in front of themselves, and blocked the laser beam aimed at them.

"Let's see how long you can hold on!"

The three-barreled laser cannon in Rusty Iron Man's hand was recharged and fired another 3927 laser beams in succession.

Most of the laser beams were directed at Tina, while a small part of the laser beams were reserved for Baganqi and Roberton.

It can only be said that Beta Carrot is definitely worthy of her status as a zombie hero. She flies back and forth in the air, easily dodges the attacks of the zombie hero, and even has enough energy to launch a counterattack.

Tina's condescending laser strike forced Rusty Man to dodge during the attack, which made him look a little embarrassed.

However, compared to Beta Carrot, Sergeant Bagan and Lieutenant Robden were a little unable to resist.

The protective wall in their hands is a disposable product. Although it is made of nanomaterials, it is unable to cope with the damage caused by the laser beam.

Roberten's protective wall was on the verge of damage, and Bagan Banner's protective wall was also at the end of its strength.

"Sister-in-law, we two can't hold on any longer!"

Bagan Qi raised his head and shouted to Tina in the air.

Rusty Iron Man obviously also understood that his attack did not pose any threat to Beta Carrot, so he changed his target to her two younger brothers.

Soon, under the deliberate targeting of the zombie hero, the intensity of the laser beam became stronger and stronger.

"You two, exit the battlefield immediately and leave the rest to me!"

Tina immediately began to charge her laser hand cannon and switched to charging mode, planning to give Rusty Iron Man a hard blow.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bagan Qi dropped the protective wall in his hand without hesitation and ran back.

At the same time, he fired his own gravity ray at Robden, pulling him out of the battlefield with him.

Rusty Iron Man's laser beam followed closely and passed by Robden's cheek.

Feeling the heat on the tip of his nose, Robden, who had survived the disaster, breathed a sigh of relief and gave a thumbs up to the Bagan flag.


"Where is it, brother."

Ba Genqi smiled and patted Roberton on the shoulder, and then the two spiritual warriors watched the battle between the two heroes.

Beta Carrot's laser hand cannon has been fully charged, and a thick laser shot straight from the muzzle.

The laser accurately hit the three-barreled laser cannon on the zombie hero's arm, completely destroying it and leaving no trace of it for Rusty Iron Man.

However, due to the protection of the armor, the zombie hero's body was still unscathed.

It's just that the affected areas on the armor became a little charred and brittle.

"Holy crap! This is a high-tech weapon I only got with a loan. Ms. Tina, you have to compensate me for my losses."

Rusty Iron Man fell into an incompetent rage, and his words seemed very fearful.

The zombie hero knows the strength of his armor very well. You must know that even if the stupid guy with the super head punches his armor hard, it will not cause any real damage to the armor.

Beta Carrot's charged laser can seriously damage his armor, which scares Rusty Iron Man.

The armor protects Rusty Iron Man. Without this armor, he is just an ordinary zombie, not even as good as a high-level undead civilian who only has first-level zombie spiritual power.

You can do tasks and other tasks at any time. If your life is gone, then you have nothing.

Rusty Iron Man's fighting spirit has been drained away, and now he has the idea of ​​​​strategic retreat in his mind.

I can't continue to be entangled with this beta carrot and must leave immediately.

However, how to leave the library has become a problem facing the zombie hero.

Tina and her two younger brothers obviously came in through the main entrance, which must have been completely sealed off.

The other exits are also difficult to find. Rusty Iron Man doesn't know where they are. All he needs to do is race against time.

In this case, there is only one place left to leave the library.

He raised his head and looked at the dome of the library, and an idea flashed through the mind of the zombie hero.

Rusty Man's foot armor is equipped with thrusters, allowing him to fly quickly.

Although the flexibility is not as good as Beta Carrot's jetpack, it is definitely faster than her.

"Okay, I decided happily!"

The zombie hero let out a loud roar, and the reloaded rocket launcher appeared again behind him.

He raised his arms and pointed at the dome of the library, and twenty-four micro-rockets were fired.

A large hole was blown open in the library's dome, revealing the gray sky of the abandoned city.

The propellers under Rusty Iron Man's feet suddenly started, pushing his body quickly into the sky.

The zombie hero laughed, made a thumbs down provocative gesture towards Tina, and quickly flew out of the library.

"Goodbye, Ms. Tina, today's shame will be repaid a hundred times in the future!"

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