In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 191 Calm Everyday Part


A loud noise suddenly sounded somewhere in the community of No. 5905 War Garden, but the faces of the passing plant spirits were extremely calm, and they passed by the building with a blind eye.

Such sounds would come out from time to time, and since this place was quite far from a residential area, no complaints or protests were sent to Mo Chen's desk.

The building located here is a gunpowder workshop.

At the strong request of Ying Ling, Ying Rui and Ford, Mo Chen added an additional gunpowder workshop when expanding the community.

It's perfect for demolitionists to have a place to study their favorite bombs.

In this case, it is not surprising that such explosions occur from time to time.

The door of a certain room in the workshop has been locked, and there is a small "In Use" sign hanging on it.

The curtains are also drawn tightly, so no light from outside can come in, and no light from inside can come out.

There is only one exhaust fan working, and the sizzling fan blades are constantly rotating to ensure that the air in the room circulates without suffocation.

Ford was lying on his workbench, tinkering with something in his hands.

The headlamp Mo Chen gave him was installed on his miner's hat by a potato mine. The bright white light was so conspicuous in the dim room.

There was a clanking sound, and Ford held a claw hammer and kept hitting the metal in his hand.

Under his constant hammering, the metal gradually turned into the desired shape of the potato mine.

"After working for so long, I finally got the shell. Now I just need to stuff the detonator in, and my mine is done."

Skillfully using his spiritual power to create a detonator filled with gunpowder, Ford carefully placed the detonator in the center of the casing.

"There's still space left. Maybe we can put something else."

Potato Mines looked at the remaining space after placing the detonator, and out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the bottle filled with marbles placed aside.

"Oh ho, I have an idea."

Ford showed a wicked smile, grabbed the marble bottle, shook it vigorously, then unscrewed the bottle cap and poured marbles into the shell.

After a while, the potato mine installed the firing pin, spring and pressure plate, and then sprayed it with earthy yellow spray paint. A homemade mine was immediately completed.

Using only simple materials, Ford was able to make his own mines.

Many potato mines can do this to ensure that their mine reserves are always maintained at a stable value.

The total cost of making such a mine is less than 200 world points.

Compared with the Federation's 500 world point military version of mines, it is extremely cost-effective.

Ford was reluctant to use his salary to buy expensive military-style landmines after the weekly military supplies from the federal army were exhausted.

Every time you save a little more world points, you can reduce the burden on your family.

What's more, making your own landmines can also improve your crafting proficiency, ensuring that you can still use this craft to make a living after you retire from the army, and you won't starve to death.

Compared to his comrades-in-arms, Potato Landmine was very grateful for his choice.

Even if the spiritual plant warriors who are dispatched to the War Garden retire, they can apply to retain their assets in the War Garden—such as residences.

As long as the owner of the War Garden agrees, he can stay in the War Garden for the rest of his life.

Ford looked forward to bringing his family to the War Garden. He believed that by then, War Garden No. 5905 would become very prosperous.

Even the current War Garden No. 5905 is better than the mining town full of black mines and black mine kilns.

"Perhaps we should study the ratio of gunpowder to increase the power of the explosion."

Potato Mine casually created a pile of black powder and began to experiment with the appropriate ratio.

Just when his research was in full swing, a sudden explosion sounded, as if it exploded directly next to Ford's ears.

Without paying attention, Potato Landmine's hand shook and his arm hit the shelf on the workbench.

The tools rolled off the shelf and fell right into the powder pile.


Ford coughed several times, turned to look at the mirror hanging on the workbench, and saw a charcoal face meeting the eyes of a potato mine.

"I go!"

He quickly picked up a towel and wiped it vigorously to make sure that all the gunpowder on his face was wiped away. Ford quickly went out to check the situation.

Who caused the explosion? Potato mines couldn’t be clearer.

Apart from him, the only twin sisters in War Garden No. 5905 knew how to play blasting.

Arriving at the blasting test site of the gunpowder workshop, as expected, the cherry bomb was right here.

Ying Ling still held a grenade in her hand, while Ying Rui's hand was empty.

The targets in front of them had been blown to pieces.

"Senior Ford, it turns out you are also in the workshop."

Ying Ling threw the grenade in her hand to her sister. Ying Rui took the grenade, pulled the safety cover, and threw it out.

There was another loud noise, which shocked Ford with stars in his eyes.

"I knew it was you two. How come this grenade is more powerful than my mine?"

Potato Landmine calmed down and asked immediately.

"Hmm, of course I add spiritual power to the grenade. The more spiritual power there is, the stronger the explosion will be!"

Ying Rui smiled sweetly and explained the reason.

"Oh I got it."

Ford suddenly understood the trick and immediately understood the trick.

After the spiritual planting power reaches the second level, the spiritual planting power can be blessed on other items for a long time.

The Potato Mine previously had only the first level of spiritual planting power, so naturally it was not possible to use its own spiritual planting power to bless the mine for a long time.

Over time, he also forgot that he could completely forget about this matter.

Even though he is now at the second level, Ford has not changed his habits.

Thanks to Cherry Bomb’s reminder, potato mines can also increase their own mine power.

"Then, I'll give it a try too."

Ford took out his own mine, added his spiritual power, and then walked into the experimental site.

Ying Ling and Ying Rui looked at each other and covered their ears very skillfully.



What is the tallest building in the War Gardens? Presumably most war gardens have only one answer - giant tree base station.

After all, only by building high can you connect to the world network.

Therefore, the top of the base station has become Wendy's favorite place to stay.

Clover sat on a branch at the highest point of the giant tree, looking into the distance.

The breeze blew across Wendy's cheek. She enjoyed the unrestrained feeling and closed her eyes involuntarily.

The explosion in the distance did not disturb Clover's interest, so he just used his spiritual power to plug his ears.

"Hmm, is Ms. Wisdom Tree here to see the scenery too?"

Wendy opened her eyes and looked at Xiaoda who suddenly appeared next to her with a smile.

Wisdom Tree sat next to Clover and nodded: "Of course, it is also a very good choice to take a break from work and relax occasionally."

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