In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 17 In the night, the invasion begins

(二九五四 六二三 一三)

"The war is progressing too fast. On the day we received the call-up notice, a large number of war gardens in many war zones fell to the attack of the undead.

The federal order followed closely, and all plant spirits who received the call-up notice had to report to the reserve forces in each theater within one day. "

"So fast? No time to react?"

Mo Chen widened his eyes and expressed his confusion about the federation's decision.

"Well, that's why we have to choose to take Manonana's child with us."

Margaret looked at her little sister who was enjoying herself next to her, and gently touched her little head.

"There's no one at home who can take care of the child, right?"

Mo Chen thought about it and figured out the reason why the Mushroom sisters had to do this.

“Well, our parents passed away early, and the eldest sister Matilda had enlisted in the army six years ago, so there were only three of us left at home.

Manonana is the youngest child and is still in primary school. We have to take care of her because she is the favorite little sister in our family.

We cannot abandon her and let the child live alone in the metropolis, nor can we entrust others to take care of her because there are no relatives whom we can trust.

So taking her to the army was the only option. "

"I understand that this is a bond that only exists between families and cannot be broken."

Mo Chen nodded, indicating that he understood.

Although he has lived in an orphanage since he was a child and has never seen his parents, it does not mean that Mo Chen does not long for the beauty of family love.

"Why did the army allow you to take a child of Manonana's age?"

"Federal law stipulates that the legal age for enlistment is twelve years old.

However, as the war continues to progress, the enlistment age for most of the plant spirits, including Little Spray Mushroom, has been forcibly lowered by four years.

When we came to the army, we found many plant spirits who were also carrying children, but the army seemed to turn a blind eye to this. "

Margaret explained.

"Is it a decision of the Federal Parliament?"

Thinking of the young Lain and Eve, Mo Chen asked casually.

"Other than those congressmen, who else could it be? Even a super city like Metropolis has become a little deserted because of the Great Recruitment Order."

Big Penguin muttered to himself, not hiding his disgust towards the top federal officials in his words.

"However, we are also lucky to be dispatched to the War Garden. The plant warriors can have independent homes and enjoy federal subsidies.

To be honest, compared to the days in the metropolis, we are much better off now.

Think about it, rent, water and electricity, daily expenses, children's tuition fees... which one doesn't want to be worldly? "

Margaret twirled her fingers and counted them one by one. The wages of the spiritual warriors were all paid by the federal government and did not need to be borne by the homeowner.

Of course, homeowners can choose to issue bonuses, but few homeowners do so.

"Sure enough, no matter where you are, every family has sutras that are difficult to recite."

Mo Chen complained.

"It's great that you understand us."


"Sister, there is a situation."

Cowardly Mushroom's sudden voice interrupted Mo Chen and Margaret's chat.

Madi Linlin put down the sniper rifle in her hand, turned around and whispered:

"I observed some low-level undead gathering outside the War Garden."

Mo Chen's expression instantly became solemn. At this moment, the blond girl in a white coat also slowly climbed onto the preparation platform.

"Eve, you're here."

"Yes, the owner of the house."

Seeing the mushroom sisters beside Mo Chen, Sunflower was slightly startled. She was about to smile, but hesitated for a moment.

As if remembering Mo Chen's instructions, Eve's expression became much calmer.

Margaret didn't notice this episode. She just scanned the battlefield in the front yard with alert eyes.

"How about it? Is it too tiring to be on duty at night?"

Mo Chen walked to Eve and asked with concern about the condition of Little Sunflower.

"Thank you for your concern. There's nothing wrong with Eve. She took a short rest at dusk and it's okay to stay up for a while.

After staying in the sun for a long time during the day, the energy reserves of sunlight are still sufficient. "

"oh, I understand now."

Looking down at the energy reserve on the screen at the moment, the number three hundred and twenty-five made Mo Chen feel at ease.

"Do you need to notify other spiritual warriors to support you?"

"Let Steven and Ford come over first, and let the Rhine kid sleep a little longer. With the mushrooms here, the night defense line doesn't need the fire support of pea shooters."


Eve nodded and took out her cell phone to notify the two spiritual warriors to come.

Mo Chen was about to go up to the top floor when he spotted something on the front lawn out of the corner of his eye.

"Wait, what is that?"

Mo Chen was stunned for a moment and rubbed his eyes, trying to confirm that it was not an illusion. When he saw what was on the lawn, a piercing alarm sounded in his ears.

"Damn, that's the tombstone of the undead."

The black tombstone broke out of the ground in an instant from the front lawn, symbolizing the aura of death that spread, causing the green grass on the ground to turn a lot yellower.

The skull carved on the tombstone had red light flashing in its eyes, and Mo Chen seemed to hear a creepy and strange laugh.

There are currently six tombstones on the field, occupying the following areas:


"Eve, position [3, 2], move quickly, arrange it as you would during the day, and leave the detailed command on the battlefield to you.

Manonana, position [2, 5], tries to intercept and summons prototypes in the front and rear rows. "

Mo Chen's instructions came quickly, and Eve immediately put away her phone, quickly came to the designated location, and began to produce sunlight energy and summon prototype sunflowers.

"Come on Nana, you can definitely do it."

Margaret gently encouraged the little girl beside her, put on her umbrella hat and night vision goggles, the fully armed Manonana nodded solemnly, and stepped into the battlefield holding her spray gun.

"Where is the brain...?"

A familiar roar came, this time with a few more syllables, and a few ordinary zombies in tattered clothes slowly entered the lawn.

Manonana held up the spray gun in her hand and quietly waited for the low-level undead to enter her shooting range.

As a spiritual plant warrior who consumes almost no sunlight energy, the Little Spray Mushroom is always the first unit to invest in the night battlefield.

Although the range is short, the damage caused by the poisonous spores can be said to be very considerable.

It is completely comparable to the bullets of a pea shooter, and this is best reflected in the low-level undead.

Almost at the same moment when she entered the shooting range, Manonana raised the spray gun in her hand towards the ordinary zombies walking in front of her.

Pulling the trigger, purple poisonous spores flowed into the gun from the metal can behind Manonana along the conduit, and then ejected from the muzzle.

When these highly toxic spores attached to the blue-gray skin of the ordinary zombie, they immediately reacted with it.

The spores are beating and spreading on the bodies of ordinary zombies.

A chemical reaction followed, and the blue-grey skin instantly turned black and spread to other places.

Along with the sound of tearing, the bodies of the low-level undead began to dissolve, producing white smoke.

The venom continued to drip to the ground along with the body tissue that turned into pus, more and more, forming a large puddle on the ground.

In the end, this unlucky ordinary zombie melted in front of Manonana, without any trace of its human form in life.

"It's so scary. Just the poison of the small mushroom can do this. Isn't the poison of the big mushroom even stronger?"

Quietly glancing at the metal can behind Margaret, Mo Chen withdrew his slightly frightened gaze.

While continuing to spray poisonous spores, Manonana raised her hand to summon cards with small spray mushrooms printed on them, and arranged them one by one according to Mo Chen's instructions.

Soon, a large group of prototype small spray mushrooms appeared in front of the War Garden.

The simple defense line has been constructed, and then it needs to be improved.

Eve put a portion of the newly produced sunlight energy into the energy box, turned her head and made a gesture to Mo Chen on the high platform.

Mo Chen understood and immediately issued new instructions.

"Maddie Linlin, location [3, 3], please arrange sniper points in the same row."


The cowardly mushroom nodded, put his gun on his back and left immediately.

She nervously came up behind Eve, and Sunflower turned sideways to make way for her.

Taking a deep breath, Madi Linlin picked up the sniper rifle in her hand, pointed the scope forward, and the crosshair appeared on the head of an ordinary zombie.

"You can do it, Linlin!"

Margaret shouted loudly to encourage her sister.

"I...I can do it, just use the undead as a target..."

Gritting his teeth, the cowardly mushroom suppressed the fear that kept rising in his heart and pulled the trigger.

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