In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 121 Heading to the gathering place

In the police station, the team that completed the exploration of the hospital and Doctor Angela are taking a break here.

"Speaking of which, owner, do we really want to enter a homeless gathering place so openly?"

Rhine turned his head and glanced at the backpack behind him that was full of looted loot, and then glanced at the equally full backpack behind his fourth brother.

After a moment of silence, Peashooter was the first to ask the question.

"My brother is right, the owner of the house, if you walk in a place like a homeless gathering place with so many high-value trophies, you will easily become a big fat sheep targeted by lawless people."

Owen spread his hands, and he very much agreed with Rhine's idea.

Mo Chen scratched his head: "I didn't consider this a bit."

"Too many people."

Ai Xi suddenly spoke.

"Yeah, it's true, Your Excellency Mo Chen, with so many spiritual warriors around you, it's easy to be recognized as the owner of the War Garden."

Angela said softly, her golden eyes filled with worries.

"Although the identity of the owner is indeed a good deterrent, but..."

Ice Shooter continued what Sunshine Mushroom had not finished: "It will cause trouble."

Angela continued: "Well, it's like being surrounded by refugees and asking the house owners to take them away. This has also resulted in very few house owners taking the initiative to go to homeless gathering places.

If so, it would be to disguise his identity and go to the black market in the gathering place to buy some needed goods.

Rather than recruiting reliable spiritual warriors themselves, the house owners' distrust towards these wanderers or refugees of unknown origin is also written on their faces. "

"Disguise and reduce numbers?"

Mo Chen thought for a moment and finally made a decision: "In that case, Rhine and Mrs. Yuffie, you will return to the War Garden first with the spoils of this exploration."

Mo Chen's decision to return Peashooter and Big Mouth Flower to the War Garden was also a careful consideration for Mo Chen.

Twelve-year-old Rhine was too young. Considering the situation of the homeless gathering place, Mo Chen still didn't want Peashooter to be affected by the atmosphere there.

The reason why Yuffie was allowed to accompany him back was because Big Mouth Flower could carry more trophies home with her Heavenly Selection Skill, and her combat power was also very outstanding.

The hospital explored this time was not too far away from War Garden No. 5905, so the two of them could go home soon.

"Understood! Owner."

Rhine solemnly saluted with a military salute, loaded his firearm, and was ready for battle.

"As you command, owner of the house, I will definitely bring my little brother Rhine back to the War Garden safely."

Yuffie took Owen's backpack with a vine, lifted up her skirt and performed an aristocratic gesture towards Mo Chen.

Soon, Peashooter and Big-mouthed Flower were on their way back.

Naturally, the two spiritual warriors left behind are the ice shooter Ai Xi and the dual-shooter Owen.

As a special soldier of the Blue Ice Special Forces, Ai Xi's combat prowess is needless to say. With her here, Mo Chen is still reassured that his group is safe.

As a former street boy, Owen must be able to play a big role in a chaotic and weak place like a homeless gathering place.

"As for the disguise, luckily I was prepared."

Mo Chen took out four black cloaks from his backpack.

"Introducing, a special offer from Dave's store. A cloak only sells for fifty world points. Made of breathable fabric, guaranteed to be worth the money."

Mo Chen happily showed the four cloaks he bought at a cost of two hundred world points to the two spiritual warriors and Rosemary.

The ice shooter didn't know what to say for a moment, and the dual-shooter took one of the items, looked at it, and showed an expression of disgust.

"No way, no way, owner, this kind of cloak made of inferior material is only priced at 20 cents on the street stalls in the metropolis, but you actually spent ten times the price."


Hearing Owen's complaints, Mo Chen was petrified.

"Well, but after all, at least these cloaks are really good disguises. Many wanderers in the gathering place are dressed like this."

Sunshine Mushroom was awkwardly trying to smooth things over on the side, but with the four black cloaks, the team could successfully enter the homeless gathering place without being noticed.

"Okay, that's it, let's go."

Mo Chen nodded, and then took the lead in putting on one of the black cloaks. Rosemary, Ashe, and Owen naturally followed suit.

Angela looked at the men in black surrounding her, couldn't help but smile, and put on her cloak.


It didn't take long for several people to arrive at the entrance of the homeless gathering place.

From the outside, this air-raid shelter is very hidden. Not only is the entrance blocked by many abandoned vehicles, but also a large number of obstacles are placed.

Like some empty gasoline cans, sandbags from who knows where, some haphazardly laid bricks...

They cover the entrance to the air-raid shelter very effectively. If you smell it carefully, you can smell a faint smell of garlic.

"Everyone, please be careful."

Angela pointed to the extremely sharp spikes on the ground and warned.

The sharp-eyed Rosemary and Ash pulled Mo Chen and Owen, carefully avoiding the spikes that seemed to be randomly discarded on the ground.

That was actually a group of prototype ground thorns. It seemed that they should have been arranged by the former ground thorn planting warriors among the Rangers.

Mo Chen asked the Sunshine Mushroom beside him in a low voice: "Doctor Angela, is the defense of the homeless gathering place always so strict?"

"Strictly speaking, this place is the main entrance, so the defense will naturally be very tight."

Angela smiled bitterly, and then continued: "This is not the only entrance to the homeless gathering place, there are several other roads leading to the abandoned city in the gathering place.

Those places are used as exits, and the perimeter defense is much more relaxed. After all, the controllers of the gathering place are very much looking forward to the population reduction. "

Sunshine Mushroom's words made several spiritual plant warriors look uncomfortable, although this can indeed alleviate various problems caused by overpopulation in homeless areas.

However, they ignored or even supported allowing the refugees or wanderers in the gathering place to go to the abandoned city to die. For a moment, several people felt extremely sad.

After all, those refugees and wanderers are their fellow citizens.

"Go down and have a look."

After passing through a fortification consisting of abandoned vehicles and various obstacles, the five people stood in front of the air raid shelter.

Looking at the passage that continues to extend downward, the stairs are tilted at a forty-five-degree angle.

The deeper you go, the darker it becomes. There seems to be some terrifying monster entrenched in the depths of darkness, opening its mouth to swallow everyone who comes.

"Well, let me lead the way."

Angela, who passed this passage for the second time, walked in front and stretched out her hand to condense a ball of sunlight energy for lighting.

"Excuse me, Dr. Angela."

Mo Chen clenched his baseball bat and followed Sunshine Mushroom closely, followed by Rosemary and Ashe, and Owen followed behind.

"No trouble, I quite like the dark."

Angela smiled slightly and complained. It seemed that she did prefer such an environment.

I walked all the way down, I don’t know how long I walked, and I seemed to have lost the concept of time in the darkness.

According to Angela, signal jammers appear to be installed in homeless areas, and LANs only exist in certain places.

Fortunately, electronic devices with mobile network cards can still operate normally. Mo Chen's tablet showed how much time it took for the group of people to pass through this downward passage.

It lasted about fifteen minutes, and several times it turned into a forward passage. This air-raid shelter was indeed dug quite deep.

Finally, the five people finally saw the light in front of them, and what they saw was a steel door.

There were some sandbags piled in front of the door, and two plant warriors armed with Gatling guns guarded the door.

"Is that a machine gunner?"

Mo Chen's eyes lit up, and his eyes stayed on the weapons in the hands of the two men for a moment.

"That's right, Your Excellency Mo Chen, they are the guards of the homeless gathering place, and they were also the spiritual warriors of the War Garden.

But after the War Garden where they were located fell, they fled to this gathering place and worked for the people in power there. "

Angela lowered her voice and put away the sunlight energy in her hands to avoid exposing her identity.

"Does the Federation not care about them?"

Owen frowned. He saw the shadow of his elder brother in the two machine gunners.

"They are already defined as deserters. Mr. Owen, you know how the Federation treats deserters, right?"

After listening to Sunshine Mushroom's words, the two-shot shooter stopped talking.

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