In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 119 Dream in a Cage Part

The Zen Garden has always been praised as the best resting place by the spiritual warriors in the War Garden.

The fully enclosed greenhouse made of bulletproof frosted glass is clean and tidy.

The atrium connects dozens of individual small rooms, and potted plants with various prototype plants are placed here.

Elegant and pleasant classical music is played on the gramophone in the atrium. Accompanied by the singing, the prototype plants in the pots dance, forming a vibrant picture.

Built-in warm and comfortable temperature adjustment system and solar fluorescent light system can simulate an excellent sunlight environment.

As well as the vast space filled with abundant spiritual energy, it can be said to be good news to the spiritual warriors.

The Zen Garden can give most spiritual warriors a luxurious enjoyment and provide the best place for cultivation.

It would definitely be a wonderful thing if I could come to the Zen Garden to take a rest after the battle.

Of course, all this beauty has nothing to do with the Zen garden we are going to talk about today.

If you want to ask what is the difference between this Zen garden in War Garden No. 5904 and the Zen gardens in other war gardens? There are so many different places.

Not to mention the dirty appearance of this Zen garden, the outer layer that should be clean and tidy is already covered with all kinds of lush vines.

They are like monsters with teeth and claws, entrenched on the outer layer of this Zen garden, making it even more eerie and terrifying.

A huge, dirty and rusty chain was tied to the door of the greenhouse, and a huge door lock hung on the chain.

There is only one key to this lock, and it is stored in the shovel hand at 5904 War Gardens.

Through the greenhouse door, what comes into view is a dim atrium with a few potted plants sparsely placed, among which there are no prototype plants.

The passages leading to various small rooms are also blocked, showing a sense of desolation and sadness.

The temperature control system and fluorescent lamps were not turned on, and the plant spiritual energy in the air was very thin. It felt like it could be compared to the empire's large cemetery dedicated to producing low-level undead.

Obviously, this is definitely not what a qualified Zen garden should look like.

In a room at the deepest part of the Zen Garden, a low sigh came from.

The sound was so small that it was almost inaudible. Of course, no one could hear it.

"Again, a dream?"

In the center of the room, there was a huge iron cage.

And in the center of the iron cage, on the cold ground, lay a girl with white hair and golden eyes.

She just lay so quietly in the iron cage, her hands and feet were cold, as if there was no life at all.

His face was extremely pale, his limbs were slender, and his golden eyes that should have been bright seemed extremely dim at the moment.

The snow-white long hair was scattered randomly on the ground, stained with dust and filth.

The extremely dirty black and white maid uniform she wore seemed to tell the story of the girl's tragic experience.

On the neck that was as fragile as a swan, there was a dark spiked collar.

It was a suppressor specially created by the Federation for Big Mouth Flowers. It was bundled and sold in the "Big Mouth Flowers" exclusive tactical upgrade set. The purpose was to control wild spiritual plant warriors like Big Mouth Flowers.

But at this moment, this suppressor, which was specially designed to control wild beasts, was mercilessly placed around the girl's neck.

"This time, it's a dream again."

In the dream, the Zen garden seemed to have turned back into a living paradise instead of a lifeless hell.

Marigold lay quietly on the ground, with her bare feet, feeling the coldness of the iron cage floor, as if she had stepped into a polar iceberg without a trace of warmth.

"When did it become like this?"

A strand of Isabella's hair quietly fell down, and she fell into painful and unwilling memories.

Closing his eyes, his eyes fell into darkness again.


"Hehe, you have to know that this is a living cash machine. Young marigolds, one price, twelve million world points!"

Several figures stood not far from Marigold, talking loudly.

The hunched vagabond vendor showed a smile unique to profiteers.

He held the iron chain around Isabella's neck with one hand, stretched out the other hand, and quoted his price to the owner of the house in front of him.

"Twelve million world points, well, it sounds pretty cheap, not too expensive.

However, when will the value that a young marigold can create match the value of my world? "

The fat owner of the house chuckled and straightened out his fat belly.

Even the large and luxurious silk clothes could not hide the trembling fat on his body.

The owner of the house, who was very suitable for the street lamp, glanced at Isabella, who was standing aside with her head lowered and shivering, with satisfaction and greed in her eyes.

"Hehehe, isn't this just to your taste, sir? Don't worry, she is still perfect, you can do whatever you want with her.

As long as you can't kill her, as long as this little girl is still alive, isn't she still a living cash machine?

You have to know that if you miss this village, you won't have this store. This is a business that is more profitable than losing money. "

"Well, what you said makes sense, but I'm speechless."

The plump Roshan laughed, and then waved coldly: "Butler, bring me the money, I want this little girl."

The skinny man in a black butler's uniform has a goatee, gray hair and red eyes. You can instantly recognize him as a shovel android.

He quickly came to his owner with a suitcase full of World Points.

"Take it and treat it as a reward from me."

The housekeeper slowly handed the suitcase to the wandering vendor in front of him, then stood aside and watched coldly as he opened the suitcase and saw piles of World Point coupons and the wandering vendor looking greedy.

"Ah haha, this little girl will be yours from now on, sir."

The wandering trader chuckled, picked up his suitcase, and turned to leave.

A hint of gloom flashed through Roshan's little fighting cock eyes, and he silently made a gesture to the housekeeper beside him.

The housekeeper naturally understood and quickly followed the wandering vendor.

The owner of No. 5904 War Garden showed a ferocious smile, then yanked the chain that the wandering merchant had just handed over to him personally, and pulled the petite marigold over.

Feeling the sharp pain in her neck, Isabella staggered and was pulled in front of him by Roshan.

Marigold, who was still young, looked at the figure in front of her and trembled involuntarily.

"Sigh, no, I have to raise it for a few more years."

After looking at Isabella carefully, as if looking at a worthless commodity, a trace of disgust flashed in the owner's eyes.

Then he tugged hard again, causing Marigold to step on the ground. She involuntarily jumped forward and knelt down in front of him, with blood on her forehead.


Roshan seemed to be very satisfied with Isabella's kneeling on the ground, and Roshan nodded slightly.

"Owner, it's been resolved."

The butler had returned to Roshan at this moment. He showed a sinister smile, holding the suitcase full of World Points in one hand and throwing down what he was carrying in the other hand.

It was a spherical object that fell to the ground and rolled for several meters, just in front of the marigold with its head lowered.


Isabella let out a scream of fear, looking at the dead face of the homeless vendor in front of her, a bloody head appeared in front of Marigold.

"It's really unreasonable for such a mud-legged guy to want my world point."

The owner of No. 5904 War Garden sneered, looked at the trembling Marigold, and threatened: "Little girl, if you don't listen to me, this will be your fate."

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