In those days of Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 113 Next Destination

Looking at Sunshine Mushroom's warm smile, Ice Shooter was slightly startled, and a hint of blush appeared on her face, but it was quickly covered up by Ai Xi.

"Thank you."

She thanked her very calmly, she couldn't help it, that's just her personality.

But even though the ice shooter's tone was very flat, Angela could still feel Ashe's sincerity from these two short words.

"It's okay."

Sunshine Mushroom nodded, and after finally confirming that there was no problem with Ashe's physical condition, he walked towards the closed vacuum chamber.

Angela is very much looking forward to what surprises the medicines and equipment in the cabin can bring her.

"Dr. Angela, thank you so much. Is Ash okay?"

Mo Chen was preparing to instruct the three spirit-planting warriors to open the safety door of the vacuum cabin. When he saw the Sunshine Mushroom approaching, he asked her.

Rhine and Owen, who were opening the security door, also pricked up their ears. As Ashe's family members, they were naturally very concerned about the Ice Shooter's current situation.

"Your Excellency Mo Chen, she is no longer seriously injured. After the death of the dean, the extremely critical condition caused by its ability to affect Ai Xi disappeared."

Hearing Angela's words, Mo Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "In other words, Ai Xi is healthy now?"


Sunshine Mushroom nodded, confirming Mo Chen's idea.

At this moment, the pea shooter and double-shooter on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two brothers felt relieved after hearing that their elder sister/little sister was fine.

"You two, can you come to your senses now and continue to open the door?"

Yuffie coughed twice and told Rhine and Owen, who had not yet recovered, to open the door.

"Oh oh oh, okay."

"Sorry, Sister Yuffie."

The three spirit-planting warriors continued to try and figure out how to open the safety door, but they couldn't open it no matter how hard they tried.

"Strange, why can't you push it inwards?"

Rhine pushed the safety door hard, with a confused look on his face.

"No, no, it should be pulled out!"

As he said this, Owen was ready to take action, but he looked around and found no handle on it.

"Fourth brother, I still think this door is pushed. Look, this door doesn't even have a handle that you can grab."

Peashooter rejects the idea of ​​a dual-shooter and encourages him to join the pusher faction.

"No, I still think it's better to pull it out."

Unfortunately, the two-shot shooter rejected the Peashooter idea and firmly sided with the Lamen faction.

"This takes too much time, so let's just break through it violently."

Yuffie controlled her vines with a gloomy look on her face, planning to go up and forcefully open the door.

If the peashooter and the dual-shooter continue to argue, this door may not open until next year.

Fortunately, at this moment, Angela, who was talking to Mo Chen, noticed the body of the dean lying on the ground beside him, and took out an access card from his white coat pocket.

"Access card? Does it mean the hospital still has electricity?"

Mo Chen was very curious. Logically speaking, the electrical system in the buildings in the abandoned city had lost its function. Why would the dean still carry the access card with him?

"Your Excellency Mo Chen, have you forgotten that the dean used an electric baton as a weapon?"

Sunshine Mushroom said naturally, then picked up the access card and walked to the security door: "Move over, please, let me see if this access card can be used."

"That's right. How could I have forgotten this?"

Mo Chen slapped his forehead, and then saw Angela pick up the access control card and swipe it on the security door, and then successfully opened the security door.

"I suddenly felt a little embarrassed."

"Yes, me too."

"I feel the same way."

The three spirit-planting warriors looked at me and I looked at you, and in the end they all smiled sheepishly.

"A lot of medicine, a lot of equipment, now the patients in the gathering place can be saved!"

Angela instantly became very excited when she saw the rows of shelves full of medicines and the equipment neatly stacked in the cabin.

She shuttled among the rows of shelves and ran back and forth in the cabin several times. She could not hide the joy on her face.

Sunshine Mushroom immediately took out the bag he carried with him and began to select the medicines he needed.

For her safety, Mo Chen asked Dazuihua to go in and accompany Angela. While protecting her, he also collected some expensive medicines.

Rare medicines from the old days are rare, and you can get a suitable reward by turning them over to the federation.

"What's your next decision? Is it to go straight back to the War Gardens?"

The maid quietly came to Mo Chen and asked softly.

"No rush, Rosemary, I plan to go to the homeless gathering place where Angela is."

Mo Chen expressed his thoughts, which shocked the maid lady and several spirit-planting warriors.

Rhine asked with some worry: "Are you really going to that chaotic gathering place?"

Owen frowned, obviously disapproving of the view. As a street kid, he naturally knew very well that a homeless gathering place was definitely not a good place.

"Yes, I want to see what it would be like in a place that houses many homeless people and refugees."

Mo Chen nodded, he had made up his mind.


Rhine wanted to say something else, but saw Ai Xi shaking her head at him.


Ice Shooter said softly: "I understand the owner's thoughts, so I support it."

"Ah, I understand what the owner and the little sister mean."

Owen had a flash of inspiration and instantly understood Mo Chen's intention.

"Fourth brother, sister, I won't let you play like this, why don't you just say it if you have something to say?"

Peashooter was so aggrieved that he could hardly turn around.

"It's actually very simple, Rhine, because I want Dr. Angela to join War Garden No. 5905."

Seeing Rhine's embarrassment, Mo Chen smiled and answered for him.

There is currently only Eve as a sunflower in War Garden No. 5905. Her responsibilities are really too heavy and she needs someone to help share them.

As a sunshine mushroom, Angela is obviously the most suitable candidate.

"Perhaps it would be better to help her fulfill her wish to treat patients before extending the invitation. What do you think?"


The ice shooter nodded.

"Add me one!"

Owen patted his chest.


Rhine nodded very solemnly.

"Your will."

Rosemary nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's take this time to quickly explore this hospital. We will meet here later and we will set off to the homeless gathering place in Abandoned City No. 59."

The spirit-planting warriors scattered one after another. After losing the biggest threat as the dean, the dead souls in the hospital were naturally no longer a threat.

Sure enough, during the exploration, all the dead souls in this hospital disappeared, turning it into an empty hospital.

The reason why Mo Chen wanted to go to the homeless gathering place was because he had an unspoken idea.

They had previously killed all the wanderers who were chasing Angela, which might anger the forces behind those wanderers.

For Angela's personal safety, Mo Chen must follow her to the homeless gathering place to protect her from being taken away by other forces.

To be honest, Mo Chen could only feel relieved when he saw Angela become a member of his war garden.

As the owner of the Federal War Garden, a powerful lord with a powerful influence in the abandoned city, if Angela was protected by him, he would be able to stop the prying eyes of most criminals.

As for those who are still stubborn, if Mo Chen is provoked, don't blame him for being ruthless.

After taking a look at Angela who was busy in the cabin, Mo Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

At least she was safe now.

For his own war garden and for Angela, even if he offended those forces, Mo Chen had no regrets in making this decision.

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