Go through it quickly, the host will torture and kill you indiscriminately

Chapter 588: The whole class reads the victim's mind 5

No one in the class thought that Zhang Tu would end up like this. He couldn't blame anyone else, he could only blame himself for falling in love with someone he shouldn't have.

However, despite everyone's disappointment and regret over Zhang Tu's behavior, some students were still willing to provide him with help and support. One of them spoke directly in the class group:

"@Zhang Tu, if you can't find a job after graduation, come to my company, don't go the wrong way." This sentence not only expresses concern for Zhang Tu, but also carries a hint of warning.

Another classmate said in a more severe tone: "@张图, you have studied criminal law for so long, but it does not allow you to exploit legal loopholes. You will suffer retribution."

This sentence directly pointed out Zhang Tu's mistake and reminded him not to try to evade legal sanctions.

Another classmate echoed: "@张图, you can't do anything that obstructs justice."

The student also emphasized that Zhang Tu’s behavior was illegal and should be corrected in a timely manner.

Facing the accusations and reminders from his classmates, Zhang Tu replied helplessly: "Got it!"

Although he knew in his heart that what he would do in the future would be a bit excessive, at this moment, he had not done anything.

He thought that if at some point in the future, when he was at the lowest point in his life, Ran Qi could lend him a helping hand, then he might really develop deep feelings for her.

But now that he already knew the ending of the story, he would never be easily tempted again.

At this moment, Lin Ruoxue once again made a scene in the class: [Oh my god! It turns out that Ran Qi is so sinister! ]

[After Zhang Tu graduated, a law firm originally wanted to hire him, but Ran Qi asked Li Lili's father to inform many people not to hire Zhang Tu, which led to Zhang Tu's inability to find a job.]

【Ran Qi knew that Zhang Tu had strong professional knowledge, so she hired him to work as a legal advisor in her company at a low price.】

[Oh my god, 3,000 yuan, just that little salary, but Zhang Tu is still very grateful and treats Ran Qi as his benefactor. Isn't this exploitation? ]

[If it were me, I would go to the Labor Bureau and sue him, and I would win every time I sue him.]

Zhang Tu was speechless when he heard this. How stupid would his future self have to be to be so grateful for a salary of 3,000 yuan?

"@Ran Qi, I didn't expect you to be an exploiter?"

"@Ran Qi, you are too scheming. You are hindering other people's future.

However, classmates urged them not to continue: "Stop talking, stop talking. Ran Qi will be unhappy if he sees us. What if he kills us?"

Knowing that Ran Qi will become a murderous demon in the future, how dare they offend him now?

Just after saying this, Ran Qi was kicked out of the group chat.

"You are right, Ran Qi shouldn't know what we said!"

"You are the bravest one, you actually dared to kick Ran Qi out."

The student replied, "I am the group owner, and I have the responsibility to maintain and optimize the content in the group."

Now, without Ran Qi in the group, the students' speeches became even more rampant, and every word revealed their disgust for Ran Qi.

Some students sent voice messages to persuade them: "Li Lili, Zhang Tu, you two must stay away from Ran Qi!" Another student echoed: "That's right, this kind of person is really terrible!"

Some students have been saying in the group that Ran Qi is too vicious and told them not to say they are classmates in the future.

However, for Ran Qi, being kicked out of the group chat actually made her feel a little relieved. She thought to herself: "This is good, at least the phone won't keep ringing anymore."

At this moment, she suddenly felt that her phone became much quieter, as if she was the only one left in the world. Although she was isolated by the whole class, Ran Qi didn't care, she believed that time would prove everything.

At the same time, Lin Ruoxue was filled with pride when she learned that all the classmates had begun to isolate Ran Qi.

She secretly congratulated herself on the fact that the stories she had made up had worked and successfully discredited Ran Qi's image. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile slyly.

[Great, now the whole class has started to isolate Ranqi! ]

When Lin Ruoxue's thoughts came out, the whole class was shocked!

"How did Lin Ruoxue know that we isolated Ran Qi?"

"Why is Lin Ruoxue secretly happy in her heart? Something seems to be wrong."

"Ran Qi has harmed so many of us, we should isolate her"

"That's right. Lin Ruoxue must have known about the bad things Ran Qi did in the future. She also doesn't like Ran Qi. She will be happy to see us stay away from Ran Qi."

“Yes, that’s definitely the case.”

At this time, Lin Ruoxue didn't know that the things she didn't dare to think about at school turned into her inner voice and were heard by her classmates.

[Why didn’t that idiot Zhang Tu transfer money to me this time? Last time, Li Lili transferred one million to me]

[The whole class is full of idiots. They think I don’t know that they can hear my voice and believe me.]

[From now on, I will have everything I want. It’s so nice to be with this group of fools.]

[They actually decided to support me, they still have some conscience]

When they heard Lin Ruoxue calling them idiots in her heart, they all broke down.

"No way? Lin Ruoxue actually knew that we could hear her thoughts."

"Lin Ruoxue actually called us idiots? We are so much smarter than him, okay?"

"What's going on with Lin Ruoxue? Why is she always the same?"

"Am I the only one who's scared? Lin Ruoxue seems to know everything. Could she be a monster?"

"After the founding of the country, no spirits are allowed. Don't exaggerate."

"Since Lin Ruoxue knows that we can hear her inner voice, is what we heard before true or false?"

"It's really scary when you think about it, classmates, it's so scary!"

At the same time, Lin Ruoxue also felt the scrutinizing and suspicious gazes from everyone.

She quickly asked the system, "What's going on? Why are they looking at me like this? Are they suspicious of me?"

"Impossible, they can only hear your inner voice, believe it all, and will only thank you."

【Then why do I feel so scared? 】

“I don’t know, maybe you’re thinking too much.”

Lin Ruoxue thought about it and it was true. Now the whole class regarded her as their savior, how could they possibly look at her with that kind of eyes?

After figuring it out, Lin Ruoxue felt relieved and began to discuss with the system.

[Whose story shall I make up tomorrow? How shall he die? ]

Soon, the system selected a person and said, "He's the one. You should think about how to edit it tonight!"

These stories were actually made up by Lin Ruoxue. When the classmates heard them, they felt like they were going to explode with anger!

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