Group chat: I, Obito, why should I defect to Konoha?

Chapter 94 Obito’s Bewitchment, Uzumaki Immortal Human Body


"Your Excellency Sarah, now Baizu is dead and the dragon veins are sealed...

Our mission was successfully completed.

It will be troublesome for you to clean up after the war..."

Namikaze Minato looked at Sara and the people of Loulan who came to see him off, and said as brightly as ever.

Behind him were the three Obitos who were ready to go.

Because of Obito's influence, Loulan Dragon Vein was only sealed and was not destroyed by Baizu...

Therefore, Loulan can still survive now.

But without the blessing of dragon vein power, the living environment will return to the level it was six years ago.

"this is what we are supposed to do……

Please be sure to express my gratitude to the Third Hokage on my behalf..."

Queen Sarah changed her previous sluggishness, regained her brilliance and began to be polite.

Such boring things made Obito roll his eyes, and diverted his attention to the chat group...

Little beauty Sara is good, but now is not the time for ambiguity.

"Orochimaru, Nagato, Danzo, Hizu, Sasuke, Karin."

"This is my era, Konoha 44."

"Now you can use your own strength as a reward for any entrustment you have."

@Orochimaru "You will soon see Jiraiya, Tsunade and another you from twenty years ago..."

@长门“If you want to change Yahiko’s destiny, now is your chance!”

@ Danzo "You, uh...forget it, skip..."

@日足“I know Hizashi Jounin very well, would you like to meet him...”

@Sasuke "Would you like to try raising Itachi? This time it will be you who will lead his life..."

@香丝“Now is the time to save your mother, think clearly and find me...”

Obito started the group live broadcast again, and a series of bombshells were thrown out one after another.

With the plot advantage, how could he let these guys go...

In the past, I was a bit player and didn’t know the plot, so there was no need to waste time.

Things are different now! !

As long as these guys are gathered together, they will have super shadow level strength.


Sasuke, who was originally calm, suddenly became energetic after hearing Obito's bewitchment.

He already hated Itachi's influence on his life! !

Now there was a chance to do the opposite, which made it impossible for Sasuke to ignore this temptation.

"I'm looking forward to seeing Jiraiya again...

But what I'm more curious about is why you know everything..."

Orochimaru spoke next, obviously very interested in Obito's intelligence source.

“This was twenty years ago??

Change Yahiko's death fate! ! "

Nagato's mentality exploded after hearing Obito's speech, and he looked at the live broadcast in disbelief and said in horror.

At this moment, he understood why Namikaze Minato appeared in Konoha!

That was not a resurrection technique, but Namikaze Minato who was still alive in another world.

“Change mother’s destiny!!

Sasuke, Sasuke-kun, I may have to use a share of my ability as reward. "

Xiang Ling followed up and said that her mother's death after being sucked dry by Kusanagi was a pain she could never forget.

She must seize this opportunity.

Although Hizu didn't speak, he was already silently calculating how many missions his ninjutsu could release.

Only Danzo was so angry that he almost exploded...

What do you mean he skipped it? !

He, Shimura Danzo, also has regrets to make up for...

"Obito kid, I'm going to issue a mission now.

I want you to take advantage of the Third Ninja War to annex the four major ninja villages and unify the ninja world!

The reward is all my power, including other gods.

It’s not a rental this time! ! "

As the saying goes: When people strive for a breath, Buddha burns a stick of incense.

Danzo directly gave Obito a super double! !


Danzo, you are such an old fox!

It seems like you are just out of anger, but actually you want to use Obito-kun’s power to realize your dream..."

Before Obito could say anything, Orochimaru started taunting mode.

"No, if that's the case.

I also support the unification of the ninja world...

Only by unifying the five major countries can the world gain true peace.

In this era, Yahiko and the others can also have a more stable life...

Obito, right? I will use the Rinnegan as a reward to unify the ninja world.

With this chat group, you definitely have this ability..."

Nagato interrupted Orochimaru and told him his vision.

Building a peaceful world has always been his goal!

He felt the pain personally and was not limited to changing the fate of Yahiko alone...

"Reincarnation Eye?

Boy, how come you have the reincarnation eye? ?

Isn't the Samsara Eye the eye of Payne, the leader of Akatsuki? ? ? "

Orochimaru, who was not aware of the situation, immediately grasped the key points and asked.

In Obito's previous live broadcast, Nagato did not appear...

Some are just Tendo Pain, the leader of Akatsuki as Orochimaru calls him!

"Penn is just my puppet, Nagato is my true identity.

Speaking of this, I am very confused, Obito, how do you know about my existence?

You actually pretended to be a Bai Jue clone next to me in advance to assassinate me? ? "

Nagato said directly without hiding anything, and then asked the doubts in his heart.

"I remembered...

Nagato, Yahiko, you are the organization that Hanzo and I destroyed in the Third War.

I said that the monster summoned at the end looked familiar, but the person who summoned it was different.

It turns out that you are the reincarnation-eyed brat, and he is your puppet! "

Danzo, who was peeking at the screen, suddenly spoke, causing the harmonious scene to freeze instantly.

"Three battles? Lord Hanzo??"

After a moment of silence, Wei Tuotian, who was diving, spoke to break the deadlock.

"Jiusuke? Why are you here too??"

Nagato was about to question Danzo when his attention was diverted by the appearance of Wei Tuoten Jiuzuke.

Wei Tuotian Jiuzhu: "Do you know me??"

Nagato: "Of course, you are a veteran member of our Akatsuki organization.

It's a pity that you were later intercepted and killed by Hanzo and Danzo's subordinates..."

Danzo: "This old man will not admit it!!"


It’s so much fun here!

About this, I can explain..."

Seeing these conversations, Bai Jue hurriedly interjected and started to show off.

[Forget it, it’s too messy...

It’s better to let them figure out the plot line first and then discuss the deal! 】

Seeing the chaotic chat group, Obito said helplessly to himself.

That's why he hates chat groups with too many people...

So annoying! !

Immediately, Obito's consciousness turned and he looked at Nagato's attribute panel.

Name: Uzumaki Nagato (leader of Akatsuki)

Abilities: six attributes of fire, water, earth, wind, thunder, and Yang, samsara eye, Uzumaki sage body, chakra 540 cards

Skills: Perception, Payne's Six Paths (immortal numbers), Heretic: The Innate Art of Reincarnation, Heretic: Psychic Golem...

Looking at Nagato's attribute data, Obito couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue even though he was prepared.

There are more than five hundred calories of chakra alone, which is simply appalling...

It is worthy of being the reincarnation eye host chosen by Madara.

Immediately, Obito was hesitant between the two choices of reincarnation eye and immortal body...

It is said that the samsara eye can be entered directly with eyes closed, so there is no need to think about it at all.

But Obito, who knows the plot well, naturally also knows the burden of the Samsara Eye!

Even Nagato, Madara's one-in-a-million pick, was skinny and skinny due to the reincarnation eye.

With his current physical condition, would extracting the Samsara Eye be counterproductive? !

You know, the adult Runtu who has the half body of Bai Jue only has a reincarnation eye transplanted.

If he couldn't get a pair right, he would immediately wither...

[Damn it, the samsara eye can’t escape from here!

Take a long-term view and strengthen your physical fitness first.

Chat group, forced extraction of Nagato’s Uzumaki Sage body...]

After thinking about it, Obito suppressed the urge for the Rinnegan and started extracting it.

I didn't get Naruto's immortal body, but the Nagato version is also pretty good.

At least it smells better than the fragrant phosphorus version!

Immortal human bodies are also different...

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