After passing through the stadium, Tachibana and his team continued walking forward for a short distance before finally arriving at the main stadium.

When they arrived at the stadium, they found that the rest area here had already gathered members invited from eight other schools except Qingxue. However, excluding Hyokuei, the combined members of the other seven schools could only reach Twenty-six people.

When he saw the nine members of Rikkai Dai, Sengoku Seijun couldn't help but sigh to Akutsu next to him: Sure enough~ all members of Rikkai Dai have received the invitation! It is indeed a school that has won three consecutive championships.

Akutsu on the side did not speak when he heard this, but stared at the members of Tatekai University with war-filled eyes.

Although everyone in Rikkai felt Akutsu's gaze, they didn't take it to heart. They walked directly towards Hyokui who was sitting in the rest area. After all, there was a free space next to Hyokui.

Not long after they sat down, eight members of Qingxue also walked in, noisily.

Has Echizen Ryoma not come back yet? Glancing at the Qingxue people on the field, Tiangong Lan showed a trace of confusion when he didn't see the obviously shorter one. However, he didn't care much about it, so he didn't look at Qingxue.

When the members of Qingxue saw the new equipment in the field, their eyes couldn't help but desire. Looking at these advanced facilities, they were full of expectations for the next life.

Except for Echizen Ryoma who had not yet arrived, a total of forty-nine junior high school students summoned by these schools were present at the venue. They briefly visited the training base in batches.

Looking at the junior high school students coming in and out of the rest area, the high school students training on the field couldn't help but sympathize: "They are really pitiful! They have to experience such a big setback at such a young age."

The companion on the side looked at him speechlessly, "Do you still have time to worry about others?"

The person who had previously sympathized with the junior high school student was about to refute, but at this moment a warning suddenly came from the loudspeaker: "Court 13, no talking in the court! You two will be demoted to Court 14 immediately!"

The two looked at each other, bowed their heads and answered "yes" dejectedly, then left the place and walked to another court.

The junior high school students who saw this scene couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a man wearing a white suit and with medium-length brown slightly curly hair walking out of the monitoring room holding a loudspeaker.

"First time we meet, I am Kurobe, the tactical coach who has been entrusted to temporarily guide your training during the absence of the head coach." Kurobe took the microphone and began to speak to everyone on the court, "Everyone, as you have heard, We specially selected 50 junior high school students based on the 246 high school students."

Kurobe continued on the high platform with a loudspeaker, "Next, whether you are a high school student or a junior high school student, please work together to improve the strength of the U17 representative team!"

The more than 200 high school students who heard this were all standing on the court, looking left and right or whispering.

"However, the head coach asked me to tell you that three hundred people are really too many." Kurobe raised a smile on his lips, then closed his eyes and said, "Two hundred and fifty tennis balls will be dropped from the sky above the stadium through a machine. Anyone who doesn’t get the ball will immediately pack up and leave the training base.”

As Kurobe's words fell, the high school students and junior high school students who had just been recruited this year looked at the air. At this time, tennis balls were already being dropped from the air.

"Isn't it? Is this true?" Some high school students suddenly panicked. Although they had seen the sky full of balls, some still hoped that they had heard wrong.

Unlike the panicked high school students, the junior high school students started to move when they saw the tennis balls all over the sky. They either grabbed them directly with their hands or fished them out with rackets. Anyway, they just used various methods. Everyone Taking more than one ball.

"Where's the ball...where's the ball???" There weren't many balls just now, right? Why did he disappear all of a sudden!

When the overwhelmed high school students reacted, the sky was already empty. Looking back, the forty-nine junior high school students just now had tennis balls in their hands or on their rackets, and some even just took their clothes. Kabuto or racket netted a lot of players, such as Toyama Kintaro, Atobe Keigo and Sanada Genichiro.

Seeing the ball that the junior high school students got, the high school students were filled with surprise, sadness and anger!

And when Qingxue's Gan pointed out that there was another ball on the field, they swarmed towards the ball as if they were crazy.

At this moment, a pebble suddenly hit the tennis ball. The tennis ball bounced up and landed on the racket of Ryoma Echizen who suddenly appeared.

"Hello everyone!" Echizen put away his racket, held the tennis ball in his hand, and said hello to the seniors whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Echizen?!" Shuichiro Oishi shouted in surprise. Momotoshiro Takeshi and Kikumaru Eiji ran directly to Echizen Ryoma, one hooked his neck, and the other patted Echizen's head.

"You're so tall!"/"Long time no see, little one."

"Hey - it's very uncomfortable, Amo-senpai." Echizen replied to the two of them with difficulty, "It hurts! Eiji-senpai."

"We are worried about you, Echizen."

"The chance of Echizen being drafted is one hundred and twenty percent."

"Welcome back!"

"Welcome back to the team."

While a few people were fighting, Fuji, Tezuka and other Seigaku members also walked up to them.


"It's really lively~" Members from other schools gathered around to watch this heartwarming scene. Unfortunately, the high school students had no intention of letting this scene continue.

Seeing that even the last ball fell into the hands of a junior high school student, the high school students were completely unhappy. They looked angrily at the junior high school student who had taken far more than 50 balls even though there were only fifty people. students.

On the other side, Coach Kurobe, who returned to the monitoring room, watched this scene and sighed, Sure enough, all the junior high school students got the ball! As for those high school doesn't matter.

Seeing this scene, Kurobe pressed a button and started speaking directly. At this time, his voice came from the speakers on the court.

“Next, let’s briefly explain the rules of the U-17 training base.

Here the coaching staff will assign each player to courts 1-16 according to their strength. Among them, the smaller the number, the stronger the players on this court are.

Before training every day, the coaching staff will randomly select several groups for exchange games, that is, a shuffle. If you win, you can move up the rankings; if you fail, you will be relegated to a later course. "After finishing speaking, Kurobe pressed it again to turn off the loudspeaker button.

"It means that if you want to level up, you have to keep winning the shuffle wars, right?" Yukimura briefly summarized the rules after listening to the coach.

Kurobe did not answer, because at this time the staff in the room were looking at him carefully, "Coach... what about those who didn't get the ball now?"

"Huh?" Kurobe looked at the staff member doubtfully.

"Many high school students didn't get the ball..." Under Kurobe's gaze, the staff member's voice became lower and lower.

"Just tell them to leave. That's the rule." Kurobe didn't care. Anyway, the value of those junior high school students is much higher than that of these high school students who can't even grab the ball.

"Ah, oh, okay!" The staff took a deep breath, hurriedly turned on the loudspeaker button, and shouted directly into the microphone: "Players who did not grab the ball please disappear immediately according to the head coach's request! Announcement completed !" After saying that, I couldn't help but sympathize with the group of high school students who were eliminated by the junior high school students not long after they arrived. It's so miserable. I'm afraid most of them will be eliminated directly now!

When they heard the verdict announced through the loudspeaker, the high school students were unwilling to accept it, so they started quarreling.

"Hey! Who asked you to get so many balls by yourself!" The high school students began to protest directly.

High school students who don’t have a ball and junior high school students who have a ball form two distinct camps.

"Eh? The coach didn't stipulate that one person can only get one ball! Pfft~" Nioh, who was interested, said provocatively to the high school students.

"That's right, why do you have the nerve to blame others if you don't have the ability?" Kirihara, who was standing beside him, cooperated with his senior.

On the other side, Xiao Jin, who was carrying a lot of tennis balls in his clothes, also asked Shiraishi, "Did the uncle just say not to take more balls?"

Baishi lowered his head and pretended to think, and soon answered Xiaojin's question, "No~"

On Hyotei's side, Xiang Yueren snorted and asked his partner, "Hey~ I mean Yushi, the coach just said that anyone who didn't get the ball should just pack up and go home, right?"

"Haha~" Ninzu Yushi chuckled and adjusted his glasses, "Yueren, please keep your voice down~"


"It's just good luck to pick up the ball. Don't get too carried away, you little brats!"

"You can't tell your tennis prowess just by picking up the ball, so why not come and compete!"

With that said, a muscular high school student with short yellow hair walked out carrying a racket.

After hearing this, Qian turned his back and hid behind everyone in Qingxue and said disdainfully, "I won't shed tears until I see the coffin."

As if he heard Gan's words, the yellow-haired high school student pointed at Gan's position with his racket and said, "Hey, that four-eyed boy, it's up to you. Use the ball in your hand as a bet to have a showdown with me." burden!"

After hearing this, Qian trembled unconsciously, and a light flashed on Tezuka's lenses, who also wore glasses, and was about to walk out.

Kite Eishiro from Higa Junior High School stopped Tezuka and said, "Wait a minute, Tezuka-kun from Seigaku, the person he just named seems to be me."

"No, Kute." Yagyu, who was a little interested, pushed up his glasses that had slipped a little and said, "He was obviously talking about me."

"What? When it comes to the four-eyed boy, it's me, right?" Hyokui's Ninzu Yushi couldn't help but join in the fun.

On the other side, Qian, who was challenged at first, calmly took off his glasses.

"Why do you need to take off your glasses? Senior Gan." Looking at the others who claimed to be her and Gan who secretly took off his glasses, Haitang was speechless.

"Stop messing around!"

The yellow-haired high school student couldn't help but speak as he saw the excitement of the junior high school students.

"Hey - can we start?" Echizen Ryoma's voice came from the field.

The junior high school students and the yellow-haired high school students looked over at the same time, only to find that Echizen Ryoma had gotten a pair of glasses from somewhere and was wearing them. Looking at the dwarf lying on the net ready, the yellow-haired high school student couldn't help but sneer.

Other junior high school students were curious about where Echizen got a pair of glasses. At this time, there was an exclamation from the Shitenhoji Temple. It turned out that Echizen was holding golden Koharu's glasses.

Seeing the coquettish gesture of golden Koharu looking for his glasses, Echizen threw the glasses into his arms.


The yellow-haired high school student looked at the kid opposite with dissatisfaction, and a high school student named Matsudaira walked out of the team of high school students. He smiled and said to the yellow-haired high school student, "Sasabe, leave this kid to me. .”

The yellow-haired high school student, Sasabe, readily agreed.

It is a pity that the confident high school student Matsudaira was counter-educated by Echizen Ryoma, who was still a freshman.

Next, Shiraishi, who is good at basic tennis, Marui, who has excellent skills, Ishida Gin's Wave Ball, Chitose Chisato's Kaminakure, Atobe's Ice World, Sanada's Thunderbolt... all brought a big surprise to the high school students. Among them, Sanada's thunderous movements even directly knocked down the opponent's racket.


Coach Kurobe, who was watching this scene from the high platform, walked into the monitoring room and said with a smile, "It looks like these kids are much better than we thought!"

"..." The physical trainer who was doing push-ups indoors said nonchalantly, "This level alone is not enough to make a judgment."

"Haha~ The show is about to begin now!" Kurobe left with a smile.


On the court at this time, Sasabe was dissatisfied with losing to a junior high school student and planned to compete again.

However, at this moment, a hoarse voice not far away interrupted them, "It's too ugly!"

At some point, three more people appeared on the steps. In the middle is a red-haired high school student who looks particularly weathered. To his left and right are a baby-faced man with glasses and a boy with yellow curly hair and a man with short black hair and a face similar to Tezuka's.

"It's too superficial to fight without estimating the opponent's strength." The baby-faced boy with glasses and slightly curly hair said.

"Anyone who didn't get the ball, get out of here immediately!" The red-haired high school student standing among the three people yelled dissatisfiedly, "Don't be embarrassed in this place!"

After hearing the words of the red-haired high school student, those high school students who did not get the ball left the court in an orderly manner. Looking at the high school students leaving, Kintaro Toyama of Shitenhoji Temple suddenly became disappointed and shouted at them, "Eh? Are you going back? Wait a moment! I haven't played yet!"

"Sorry~ Actually, private games are prohibited here." The three people entered the stadium, and the curly-haired boy wearing glasses said softly, "If you want to compete with us, just work hard to climb up in the shuffle~"

The junior high school students who heard this were a little dissatisfied, and some of the short-tempered ones directly sarcastically said, "It must be your high school students who asked for the competition first!"

"Speaking of which, those who played against you just now are from the back of Court No. 10. Don't get carried away!" The three ignored the sarcasm of the junior high school students. After the red-haired boy finished speaking, they turned around and planned to leave.

At this time, Akutsu, who has a not very good personality, couldn't help but provoke, "So, where is this guy from that stadium? Silly guy! I can knock you down completely right now!"

After hearing this, the red-haired boy turned his head and met Akutsu's gaze. The two looked like they were fighting.

"I am Kanata Irie from Court No. 3." Seeing the two men's eyes starting to fight, the boy with curly hair and glasses, Irie, spoke quickly to interrupt the exchange between the two.

"Hmph -" the red-haired boy who understood what Irie meant hummed, and then said, "Court No. 5, Oni Jujiro."

After that, Irie said to the junior high school students, "I'm really looking forward to playing against you~" and then turned around and left with Oni Jujiro.

"So, what court number are you from?" Echizen Ryoma wanted to know which court the other iceberg-faced man was from, but he didn't want to talk to him at all and left directly past him.

In the end, Irie whispered in Echizen's ear as the two left, "He is Tokugawa Kazuya, from Court No. 1~"


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