After Coach Sakaki finished explaining the rules, he looked at the athletes who were talking about it.

"I think everyone should understand the rules of this training camp now. You must know that this training camp will be very intense. If anyone wants to withdraw, you can say so now."

He waited for about ten minutes.

After looking at the people in the audience who didn't stand up, Coach Sakaki looked at everyone in the audience with satisfaction, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Then, the next thing to be announced is what everyone is most concerned about - the rules of the groups."

"The basis for grouping on the first day is everyone's strength." Coach Sakaki explained, "Those who think they can enter the first group can now stand up directly until there are eight people. If others don't recognize them, they can also You can stand up and challenge them. The champion needs to win three games in a row to keep his seat. If he loses even one game in the middle, then the champion will have to change. Of course, he can also choose to become a challenger to challenge other players. The champion of the competition can get a quota."

After hearing that they needed to win three games in a row, the teenagers below all fell into thinking. Sometimes their physical strength may be exhausted even after just one game, not to mention that they have to play three games now, but this is also a rare case. . However, the physical strength of junior high school students is indeed difficult to support them in successfully completing three games, except for a few who are born with excellent physical strength or have extremely superb tennis skills that can crush their opponents...

Seeing the different expressions on the faces of the teenagers, coach Hua Cun from Chengcheng Shonan helped and added: "If there are less than eight people who have won three games in the end, then we will sort it down according to the strength of the game and choose to win two games." And the score is dominant. In a word, everything is based on your own tennis strength."

Afterwards, someone asked some other questions, such as: Will the eight arena challenges be held at the same time? If you choose to be the champion but no one challenges you, is it considered a member of Group A? …

Seigaku's coach Ryuzaki answered the scattered questions carefully. When the questions on the court were almost solved, coach Sakaki directly announced the start of the arena match.

"Then students who have strong confidence in their own abilities and think they are qualified for the first group position can be ranked!"

Yukimura smiled and took a step forward. At the same time, Atobe, who saw Yukimura's actions, also took a step forward.

Next, Amamiya Arashi and Sanada Genichiro from the Rikkai team came out one after another. Amangong Lan didn't forget to pull Liu when he walked out of the team.

Coach Sakaki looked at the four people who came out, three from Tatekai and one from Hyotei, and then asked: "Is there anyone else?"

Atobe turned his head, but instead of urging his teammates, he looked directly in the direction of Qingxue's team. "Ah, well, Fuji, your minister is not here. As Qingxue's second master, don't you plan to come up?"

Fuji's smile suddenly became stiff. At this time, Oishi's voice came to his ears, "What Atobe said makes sense. Fuji, why don't you go up?"

After looking at his companions with hopeful eyes around him, Fuji hesitated for a moment and finally silently stepped forward.

Seeing Fujigami before and after, Atobe turned his attention to his unreliable teammate.

The three people who had already stepped out of the queue looked at the expressionless Liu.

Looking at the three of them, the corner of Liu's mouth twitched inexplicably, and finally stood next to Sanada.

Although Yanagi doesn't like to be in the limelight, but now three of the four members of Tatekai's group who challenged the seniors together have already stepped forward, and if he is the only one in the audience... Then think about what would happen if Yukimura and Amamiya The look in Lan's eyes just now...Liu decisively chose Congxin. As for Sanada... I'm sorry, he's not really worried that he won't be able to handle Sanada~

Where are the people now?

【Yagi Sanada Amamiya Yukimura Atobe Fuji】

Coach Sakaki looked at the number of people and saw that there were still two people missing. Then he looked at Yushi Ninzu like Atobe.

Renzu dares to refuse Atobe's request, but it depends on the situation. There is still a threat in Atobe's eyes now, and coach Sakaki also looks like he wants him to come forward... Yushi Ninzu pushed up his glasses, showed a slightly hypocritical smile, and then stood in front of Atobe and Fu The middle of two.

At this point, the last of the eight seats in the first group remains.

Seeing here, the doubles players from Yamabuki Middle School are urging Senshi Seijun to step forward and win the title of champion. In their opinion, Tatekai currently has four places, Hyotei two, Seigaku one, then the rest The last one is none other than Yamabuki.

The only strong singles players in Yamabuki Middle School were Sengoku and Akutsu. They didn't like dealing with the bad-tempered Akutsu, so they could only urge Sengoku to play.

It's a pity that Qingchun Qianshi didn't want to step forward, because he didn't have confidence that he would be able to win this position. He was worried that he would be picked on as soon as he stepped up. Wouldn't that be more embarrassing?

Looking at those people who were ready to make a move but lacked the courage, Amamiya Lan approached Yukimura and said something in his ear that caused Yukimura to keep looking at Niou.

Afterwards, Amamiya Arashi said a few words to Sanada, and Sanada looked at Yukimura in confusion. After getting a nod from the young tamizen, Sanada walked to Tatekai's team and dragged the white-furred fox out.

The members of other schools who saw this scene were all talking about it, while Marui and others who were standing there looked at Nioh in surprise. Did they not expect that Nioh's strength has surpassed them so much? They did not doubt that Yukimura and the others were just planning to pull someone in to make up the numbers. In their opinion, Yukimura and Amamiya Arashi must have thought that Nioh had the strength to pull the person over.

In fact, this is indeed the case. What Amamiya Arashi told Yukimura and Sanada before was that he suspected that Nioh's phantom had been perfected. Coupled with Nioh's forced synchronization, the current Nioh Masaharu can be called an all-round player who can play alone or double.

After hearing what Amamiya Arashi said, and not seeing the flaw in Nioh and Yagyu's identity swap during the Kanto finals, Yukimura recognized what Amamiya Arashi said. So with Amamiya Arashi and Yukimura unanimously agreeing, Sanada went to pull Nioh.

Nioh, who was pulled out, glanced helplessly at Yukimura and Amamiya Arashi. After receiving the same smile from the two, he sighed, then followed Sanada and walked over, standing next to Liu.

Looking at the eight people who came out, most of them were Li Hai. This can be renamed the Lihai Grand Selection Competition! Coach Sakaki complained inwardly with an expressionless face. Then the start of the arena challenge was announced.

Now that the eight champions have been decided, as champions, they only need to wait for others to challenge them.

The people outside the field stared at the eight champions, mentally comparing which of these eight people was weak.

Many of the people present were eliminated by these eight people and their teams during the Kanto Competition, so they had some basic understanding of the strength of these people. Although Rikkai is very strong, there may be one among the five people from Rikkai who is weaker. For example, Nioh Masaharu is basically in the doubles position... After all, most people have such a common impression - doubles. Players are weaker than singles players.

Maybe Yukimura's nickname of 'Son of God' and Sanada's nickname of 'Emperor' are too loud, and few people dare to challenge them. In addition, the fantastic moves Amamiya Arashi used in the Kanto finals made everyone confused about his identity. In addition to the details, another person in Haida, military advisor Liu Rener, was also targeted. Maybe they think Niou is the best to deal with among the five people at Tachikai, and Yanagi Renji is easier to deal with than the other three, right?

In addition to the two of them, Seigaku's Fuji and Hyotei's Ninzu are also within the scope of their challenge. As for Keigo Atobe, who was selected for the Hyotei Tennis Club in the first grade, there are not many people who want to challenge him.

Fuji and Shinobu are regarded as soft persimmons because although Seigaku reached the Kanto finals, the past performances of Seigaku's tennis club still made most people not believe in Seigaku's strength. In addition, Fuji Shusukeya was defeated in the finals. Lost to Rikkai University; the other was because in the Kanto semi-finals, Ninzu and Mukahi lost to Seigaku's combination in doubles. Although these two people have the reputation of being talented, their performance in the competition is really not impressive enough.

The crowd outside the field were all thinking about who to challenge, and the three people who appeared least often in their mouths were Yukimura, Amamiya Arashi, and Atobe Keigo. As for Sanada, he was targeted by Seigaku's little 'pillar' Echizen Ryoma.

On the other side, Yanagi and Nioh, who vaguely felt that they were being treated as "soft persimmons", showed a sinister smile at an angle that no one else could see.

The 'Kansai Wolf' Ninzu Yushi stared at Atobe sadly, after all, he didn't want to come up in the first place...

Fuji, who felt that he was also being targeted, began to miss Tezuka Kunimitsu from the bottom of his heart. If Tezuka was here, then the one standing in front must be Tezuka, and he would not need to stand in front... Sometimes , Fuji hates trouble.


Several people who were considered "soft persimmons" quickly received the challenge.

Ninzu Yushi's opponent is Kirihara Akaya, Yanagi's opponent is Sengoku Seijun, Niou's opponent is Jojo Shonan's Wakato Hiroshi, Fuji Shusuke's opponent is Akutsu, and Sanada is entangled by Seigaku's Echizen Ryoma.

There were five games in total, four of which featured Rikkai members.

When Yukimura and Amamiya Arashi, who were not challenged, were still hesitating about whose match they should watch, Atobe, who was also unchallenged, took one by one and directly pulled them to the competition venue between Ninzu and Kirihara.


"Xiaojing~ Your Kansai wolf is in such a careless state now, it might lose to our little kelp with a big Tachikai~" Amamiya Arashi, who was pulled over, looked at Atobe with a smile, and Yukimura on the side He also looked teasing.

Seeing the playful smiles of the two, looking at the lazy Ninzu on the court and the excited Kirihara Akaya on the opposite side, Atobe's veins popped out on his forehead, and then he gritted his teeth and shouted "Ninzu Yushi!".

Kansai Wolf, who was still playing with the 'kelp' on the field, suddenly became excited. He turned around and glanced at Atobe's murderous eyes. The man instantly became energetic.

In order not to be lectured by Atobe after completing the training, Yushi Ninzu immediately activated the 'Block the Heart', and then used the 'Three Thousand Special Skills' he had mastered one after another, the most useful of which were the three moves of Seigaku Fujikai's 'White' Whale', 'Swallow Returns to Nest' and 'Brown Bear in Trap'.

With Ninzu Yushi rarely being serious, the score between the two came to 5 to 3. With only the last game left, Ninzu could win.

Seeing such a score, Kirihara allowed himself to enter the 'demon transformation'. Although this state caused some damage to Kirihara's body, with the help of Rikkai's seniors and the health-preserving medicinal diet provided by Amamiya Arashi,' It can be said that the impact of demonization on Kirihara's body is much smaller now.

But it is a pity that although the 'demonized' Kirihara's strength has improved, he is still no match for Ninzu.

With the last ball, Kirihara's desire for victory succeeded in making his strength a step further. Kirihara initially took control of the 'Angelic' form. The difference from the 'Demonic' is that in the 'Angelic' state, Kirihara is Maintain a fairly sane state of mind.

In the end, although Kirihara lost to Ninzu 3-6, he still received praise from Yukimura and Amamiya Arashi.


Among the others, Yanagi defeated Yamabuki's Sengoku Seijun 6-2. It has to be said that Sengoku Seijun's good luck did cause some little trouble for Yanagi.

Sanada, who was entangled by Seigaku's "little pillar", won the game six to four. After learning this result, Amamiya Arashi had to lament that the protagonist's improvement in strength was really buggy. It was only a few days before the end of the Kanto Tournament!

Nioh faced off against Shonan Shonan's player Wakatohiro, who had a strong imitation ability. Although Wakatohiro had successively used the skills of Hewitt, Sampras, Agassi, Ivanisevic, Kurten and others. In the end, he even imitated the style of Tatekai Daiyukimura and Amamiya Arashi, but in the end he lost to Nioh who had a 'Phantom' with a score of 0 to 6. After all, when 'Phantom' faced off against 'Imitation', 'Phantom' would definitely win.

Fuji Shusuke's match against Akutsu can be said to be the longest among these matches. Although Akutsu is a once-in-a-century sports genius, he is still slightly inferior to the youth genius Fuji Shusuke. At first, Akutsu's beast-like playing style did cause some trouble for Fuji, but in the face of Fuji who gradually became serious, Akutsu still lost the game with a score of 2 to 6.

After seeing their strength, not many people challenge them except those who want to fight against masters.

After all, most people still have some idea of ​​their own strength.

After seeing that no one challenged, the three coaches announced that the eight members had successfully defended the ring, and the quotas for a group of members were also determined.

After that, the three coaches will directly select the eight members of the second group based on the strength of the remaining people. After that, it will be the same process, allowing them to challenge on their own.

In the end, those who won the second group spots were Kirihara and Marui from Tatekai University, Jirou Akutagawa and Hiyoshiwako from Hyotei, Seishi Sengjun and Akutsu from Yamabuki, Yoshihei Tachibana from Fudomine, and Ryoma Echizen from Aogakus.

The rest of the people stayed in the third group.

After determining the players' groups for the first day, they also announced the coaches for each group. One group is in charge of coach Sakaki, the second group is in charge of coach Hanamura, and the third group is in charge of coach Ryuzaki.

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