The two sides lined up to say hello, and Shuichiro Oishi of Seigaku suddenly plucked up the courage and shouted at Tatsumi: "Our Seigaku will definitely defeat you Tatekai!"

However, Yukimura just replied lightly, "Looking forward to your performance," which instantly destroyed Oishi Shuichiro's newly built fighting spirit.


Mugahigatake in the audience couldn't help but look at Renzu, "Yuushi, are all the people in Seigaku so confident? Didn't their minister go abroad for treatment?"

After the match with Tezuka, the doctor at Tokyo Hospital suggested that Tezuka go abroad for treatment. Atobe, who felt that he was somewhat responsible for Tezuka's injury, helped to bridge the gap and found a person abroad after learning the news. Experts in the field treated him. Although Tezuka did not accept Atobe's kindness at first because of the Kanto finals, he still went abroad under the persuasion of others in Seigaku. After Tezuka left, Seigaku was appointed acting minister by Shuichiro Oishi.

Hearing what the acting minister of Qingxue said at this time, Xiang Riyue felt that they were a little confused about their own strength. Does Seigaku still have any strong masters after Tezuka is gone? Although Seiichi Yukimura, the director of Rikkai University, has no plans to play, can anyone in Seigaku defeat Arashi Amamiya, who is about the same level as Yukimura? I hope Fuji Shusuke will still be Echizen Ryoma! ? One doesn't seem to be interested in the outcome of the game, and the other... Although he is a second-generation samurai, he hasn't grown up yet! ?

"..." Ninzu Yushi had nothing to say, so he could only rub Yue Ren's head, "Maybe they are more confident?"


"Seigaku... I'm afraid it will be difficult to win this game." Tennis Journal reporter Inoue originally wanted to say that Seigaku had no chance of winning, but then he considered that they broke the rules and created miracles time and time again. Performance and idol Echizen Nanjiro finally chose to show mercy.

"Inoue-senpai, Qingxue's current strength is not weak. They defeated the Hyo Emperor before, so there is no possibility of winning!"

Compared to Seigaku, who didn't know much about Yamato Tatekai, and the presence of the 'prince' Echizen Ryoma, trainee reporter Shiba Saori was naturally more inclined towards Seigaku, and opened her mouth to help Seigaku speak without much thought.


"Now begins the Kanto Competition Finals"

"The first game is a doubles match between Tatekai Daimarui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara against Aigaku Momojo Takeshi and Kaido Kaoru."

As the referee finished speaking, Marui hurriedly stuffed the small cake in his hand into his mouth, while Sanji put away the shaving tools calmly.

The two walked onto the field.

However, Seigaku's team members did not take the field for a long time. Just when the referee was about to call Seigaku a timeout, Takeshi Momoro and Kaoru Kaido arrived late.

The two quickly informed their teammates of the reason for their late arrival, and the referee had not yet declared that they had timed out, so after getting their teammates' understanding, the two hurriedly went on stage.

At the beginning of the game, the right to serve was taken by Tachibana.

Standing in the backcourt, Kuwahara threw the tennis ball upwards, then jumped up and swung the racket.

Seeing an ordinary ball being served from the other side, Taocheng was ready to catch it casually, but what he didn't expect was that the force of the ball made him unable to hold his racket.

Looking at his empty hands, Tao Cheng clenched his fist in surprise, then looked thoughtfully at the bounced racket, and re-examined his opponent today.

Kanze, who was watching the game from the sidelines, was recording the information of Jack Kuwahara. In his impression, Jack Kuwahara was not outstanding at Tatekai University, and he was not a strong player.

The person sitting on the Tatekai coaching bench is not the coach Yukimura written on the list, but Kirihara Akaya.

This was mainly because Amamiya Arashi mentioned that they were about to graduate, and the next minister was probably confirmed to be Kirihara, so he decided to let him experience it in advance. After all, Minister Rikkai was a part-time coach.

So now when I look at the coaching bench of Rikkai University, I see a tearless little seaweed diligently holding a super large thermos cup, which contains the "new drink" Amamiya Lan mentioned before.

As for why Kirihara was held in his arms, it was of course to be more conspicuous and to prepare the Rikkai members who were playing on the court mentally. The loser would have to drink the entire cup.

The members of Rikkai in the player seats could not ignore such a conspicuous large thermal insulation cup while watching the game.

Everyone except Yukimura stared at Yanagi and Amamiya Arashi with reproachful eyes.


It has nothing to do with me, really!

Tiangong Lan:→_→

This is a good thing, I really don’t know the stuff! And not all of them have coptis added!


On the field, Momochi calmed down after being surprised and began to play seriously. Begonia on the side is also concentrating on the game. But it seemed to be of no use, the score was still pulled to 3-0.

During a certain return of the ball, Marui accidentally saw Kirihara holding a thermos cup. Then his hands shook and he was pulled back by one point by Seigaku's two players. The score became three to one.

Seeing Marui's mistake, Kuwahara comforted his partner and then started playing again.

Taocheng and Haitang, who scored one point, seemed to have gained confidence and began to attack fiercely.

After Haitang used the spinning snake ball, Marui, who knew the principle of this move, also used the spinning snake ball to counter Momojo and Haitang's tennis balls. And seeing Marui using his own moves easily, Haitang lost her confidence in the competition.

In front of Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara, who are both offensive and defensive, only Takeshi Momoshiro is left struggling to support.

At this time, the score also reached four to one.

Seeing the frustrated Haitang, Long Qijin used words to regain her confidence during the intermission.

On Tatekai's side, Marui and Kuwahara, who walked near the players' seats, got some 'bad' news.

Yukimura looked at them with a smile in his eyes and said softly, "I feel that just asking to win the game is a bit underestimating everyone's progress in recent days, so I just added one, not six to zero or six to one." The winner needs to taste the 'drink' in Kirihara's hand. What do you think? Are you still not confident in yourself?" After finishing speaking, Yukimura glanced around.

Ah, you've said this, what else can we do? Everyone dared to be angry but dared not speak, and could only look at Yukimura with aggrieved eyes.

After listening to Yukimura's words, Marui and Kuwahara returned to the playing field cautiously, and Aogakus also returned to the playing field.

Looking at the two people on the opposite side who had regained their confidence, Marui said directly: "We don't want to drink the contents of the thermos cup at all, so we won't let you have a chance to score again!" Afterwards, Marui and Kuwahara became even more aggressive. Stronger.

Even if Haitang and Momojo join forces, they can't resist Marui and Kuwahara who are getting serious.

Looking at the fierce competition on the field, Fuji Shusuke looked at Momojo and Haitang worriedly, "Those two people, Tachikai Dai, suddenly became more motivated..." This is not a good thing for them. Before They also wanted to use Rikkai Dai's contempt for Seigaku to launch a counterattack. It's a pity that the current Rikkai always only despises his opponents in words, but he will not underestimate his opponents in real games.

What's more, in order not to become the test subjects of Amamiya Arashi's messy health 'drinks', Marui and Kuwahara are more serious about the remaining games than ever before. Moreover, the strength of the two of them is stronger than that of normal junior high school students. Because of the tacit understanding of You Tongran, Taocheng and Haitang are no match for them at all.

"The game is over, the final score is 6 to 1, this doubles match is won by Tatekai Daimarui Bunta & Jack Kuwahara!"

After the referee announced the end of the game, Momoro and Kaido sat on their knees on the ground, gasping for air. When they shook hands, they discovered the weight on Tachibana's wrists.

Unexpectedly, they didn't even take off the weights. Momotoshiro Takeshi and Kaido Kaoru, the 'sworn enemies', rarely had the same complicated moods.

After seeing Momojo come back, Kikumaru and Oishi hurriedly came forward to comfort them, but Momojo reminded them: "Those two people, Tachikai Dai, they... haven't taken off their weights yet... There is a big difference in strength between us and the other party. ”

The two people who came forward were stunned, and Kikumaru shouted in disbelief, "No way?! How could this happen!"

Oishi looked in shock at the resting area where the senior Rikkai players were laughing and playing.


After a while, the second game started. The doubles match was between Tatekai University's Hiroshi Yagyu and Masaharu Nioh vs. Eiji Kikumaru and Shuichiro Oishi of Seigaku. The doubles team of Kikumaru and Oishi is the best doubles team in Qingxue. They are also known as the 'golden team'.

But even so, in the eyes of the great members of Rikkai, Yagyu and Nioh are still more powerful. They felt that even if it was Seigaku's most powerful doubles team, in front of the combination of Nioh and Yagyu, they would only have the fate of being defeated.


Looking at Nioh and Yagyu who seemed to be normal, Amamiya Lan glanced at Yukimura in confusion. He felt that it was impossible for Nioh not to cause trouble.

Seeing Amamiya Lan's eyes, Yukimura shook his head slightly and whispered, "My mental power has improved a lot, and I didn't find anything wrong."

Liu carefully drew lines on the notebook with a pen, and said expressionlessly, "I hate people who can't figure out the data..." There are three guys in Rikkai University alone who can't measure it!

Amamiya Arashi and Yukimura looked up at the sky in tacit agreement, indicating that they heard nothing.


With the tacit cooperation of Niou and Yagyu, the score of this game quickly reached 3-0, which also put the pressure on Qingxue increasing.

"Eiji, what's wrong with you?" Oishi looked at Kikumaru Eiji incomprehensively, who seemed to have given up struggling.

"They have seen through all my movement habits... We won't get a single point if this continues." Eiji Kikumaru's voice became lower and lower, and his head gradually lowered.

Looking at Kikumaru like this, Oishi Shuichiro was silent for a while. He also knew that this matter was very fatal for them, but now the game is not over anyway, and they shouldn't give up like this, right?

Before the Seigaku members sitting in the rest area noticed anything unusual about their teammates and opponents, Atobe, who had an extraordinary eye, had already relied on his intuition to complain to Ninzu: "Tachikai Dai is really not gorgeous!" It felt like the two people on the court had switched identities again. Although he didn't see any flaws, he believed in his directness. And what happened to Qingxue’s one? The game isn't over yet, is he just giving up? ! Moreover, the Niou on the court was obviously lying to him when he said he could see some flaws. He just saw Kikumaru's little moves when he was playing!


Just after Oishi Shuichiro finally persuaded Kikumaru Eiji, Niou and Yagyu secretly glanced at the thermos cup held in Kirihara's hand, and began to exert force one after another as if they sensed some threat. A 'laser beam' that was stronger than the last hit the half of Qingxue's field.

Seeing the sudden exertion of Likai and the black marks left on the field, Qingxue and Qingxue didn't react at all, and lost the remaining rounds.

Seigaku's doubles one was crushed by Tachibami 6-0.

"The game is over. This doubles match was won by Tatekai Daihito, Masaharu Yagyu, and Hiroshi Yagyu! The score is six to zero!"

When the referee announced the end of the game, Nioh and Yagyu took off the wigs on their heads. Nioh took off his glasses and gave them to Yagyu, and the two changed back to their own appearances.


"As expected..." Atobe's mouth twitched and he muttered to himself as he looked at the two people on the field, "My uncle's intuition is indeed right!"

In the Rikkai rest area nearby, Amamiya Arashi stared at Nioh thoughtfully, and then looked at Yukimura, "Seiichi, are you willing to play doubles with me?"

"?" Seiichi Yukimura, who had not yet reacted, slowly typed a question mark, and then after thinking for a while, he roughly understood Amamiya Arashi's thoughts and agreed.

Liu who heard this next to him:...

Who are you two trying to harm? But does this allow us to know the limits of Nioh? Seems okay?

Compared with the calm and calm atmosphere of Tatehai University, the situation over Qingxue's side can be described as bleak.

After all, Qingxue lost both doubles matches, and they lost by big scores of 6- and --. Among them was the golden combination that Qingxue was most proud of, which doubled the pressure on the rest of Qingxue.

"What should I do...We have lost two games in a row..." Horio, a first-year student, looked at the score and felt worried for his school, but the two classmates beside him encouraged him: "It's okay! You will definitely win if you fuck your seniors." , next is the game between Fuji-senpai and Ryoma, as long as we win three games in a row it will be fine!"

It seems that these optimistic first-year students have no idea about Rikkai University's strength!

Gan on the side looked at Xiao Tongran who was leaving without saying goodbye, and a secret emotion arose in his heart, "The probability of squatting down to tie your shoes is 100%!"

At this moment, Liu did exactly what Inui Sadaharu said, squatting down and retying his shoelaces.

"Hey! Really, doesn't that mean that Gan-senpai can predict the opponent's movements 100%, then we will definitely win!" Horio's excited shouting reached Tatekai.

"You brat! You..." Kirihara, who originally wanted to scold Horio, was restrained by Amamiya Arashi and Yukimura.


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