In the following days, Sakura never had a similar dream again. Looking at Sakura as always, Amamiya Lan temporarily put aside her worries and concentrated on training with her friends in the tennis club.

Less than three days after the start of the national competition, Amamiya Arashi left the villa with everyone in the tennis club and returned to Kanagawa. After all, as last year's national champion, this year's draw will be held at Rikkai University. As the host, they need Just go back and prepare in advance.

After Tiangong Lan and his party left, Elio and Li Xiaolang also left. The difference was that one of them was going to country Y, and the other was going back to the Li family. Although Sakura does not behave abnormally now, there are some problems that can be solved early, and it is better to solve them early.


The day after returning to Kanagawa was the lottery meeting. Amamiya Arashi stayed in the auditorium with Yukimura and Sanada early in the morning.

Liu was leading the other candidates from the tennis club at the school gate to guide the representatives from other schools who came to participate in the lottery, so that they would not be unable to find their way through Rikkai University and miss the lottery time.

With the help of members of the Lihai University Tennis Club, representatives from each college successfully arrived at the draw location.

The final result of the draw was that Rikkai University and Shitenhoji were in the same division, and four schools, Hyotei, Seigaku, Makinoto, and Shishile, were in the same division.

Seeing the result of the lottery, Liu felt that if nothing unexpected happened, their opponent in the semi-finals of Rikkai University would be Shitenhoji. As for their opponent in the final, it would depend on which one is stronger, Hyotei Seigaku or Makinofuji. Anyway, the lion is the winner. It probably won't work. Their previous "Kyushu Two Heroes" have all split up. I heard that one of them went to Tiantianbao Temple and the other to something called Fudang Peak.

As the game progressed, in the semi-finals, Tatekai University met Shitenhoji. And there is indeed one more person among the main players of Tiantianbao Temple - one of the former Kyushu heroes, Chitose Qianli.

"Looking at this, there were rumors that the 'Kyushu Two Heroes' had broken up. It's true!" Amamiya Arashi looked at Chitose and said with emotion, "The relationship seemed to be good last year, but people's hearts are fickle."

"Don't mess around, Tiangong Lan," Liu said to Tiangong Lan seriously, "the two of them left Shishi Le and transferred to different schools. There must be something hidden inside. Don't add salt to their wounds!"

"Ahem," Tian Gonglan looked away, "How could it be, I am such a kind person..."


Shameless person, (?_?)?⌒●~*

"Yes, yes, senior Tiangong is very nice." The innocent little Kelp still didn't notice someone's bad taste.

other people:……

"Okay, let's get ready for the next game!" Yukimura said, drawing everyone's attention to the game, "I hope everyone can win the game neatly, is that okay?!"

"no problem"

"Don't worry, Minister."



Although the answers are different, there is only one meaning. Everyone is guaranteed to win.

In doubles two, Shitenhoji sent out deputy minister Koishikawa Kenjiro and new student Zaizen Hikaru, while Tatekai sent out the fixed combination of Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara.

Kenjiro Koishikawa, the deputy director of Tentenboji Temple, is good at counterattacks, while Hikaru Zaizen is a rare left-handed player.

Since they had never encountered such an opponent, Marui and Kuwahara obviously lacked a way to deal with it, which led to the score falling behind for a time.

In the end, it was Marui who figured out the new move 'Time difference hell' and successfully evened the score. And Kuwabara's 'Fire Rat Cannon Shot' also contributed greatly to Tatekai's victory in the second doubles match.

In the first doubles match, Shitenhoji's former opponents from the doubles match between Amamiya Arashi and Yanagi, Golden Koharu and Ichiji Yuji, appeared. The only difference is that this time Amangong Lan is still playing doubles, but his doubles partner is not Liu, but Maori.

Out of their understanding of the two of them, Amangong Lan and Maori's main idea is to "pretend to be deaf and mute" and just play the game. In order to reduce the time when they were poisoned by tea, the two of them used their full strength (although they did not pick up the weights), and finally won the doubles one with 6-0.

In singles three, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, the director of Shitenhoji Temple, and Genichiro Sanada, the deputy minister of Tatekai University.

Although Sanada's tennis attack power is strong, Shiraishi, known as the 'Bible', is not weak either. The two played back and forth, and the scores of both sides also increased alternately. However, maybe it was because Shiraishi had not completely transformed yet. His strength or luck was finally inferior. In the end, Sanada won the three singles match 7-5.

Li Hai successfully advanced to the finals.

The Rikkai members who had finished the match walked to the other half and found that it was still Hyotei versus Seigaku. This scene looked very much like the semi-finals of the Kanto Competition.

However, the difference is that Hyokui won both doubles matches in the Kanto Tournament, and now he has won one and lost one.

In the third singles match, Hyotei will play Jirou Akutagawa, while Seigaku will play Minister Tezuka Kunimitsu.

As expected, Seigaku's Tezuka won 6-3.

In the second singles match, the choice of Hyotei to appear was surprising. After all, no one would have thought that Atobe, a minister, would appear in the second singles match.

Atobe faced off against Seigaku's genius Fuji. Under Atobe's eyes, Fuji had flaws everywhere. Although Fuji used a triple counterattack, it didn't seem to cause any trouble to Atobe. The game ended with six. At the end of the three-match series, Ice King won the two-match singles victory.

According to the current situation, the last hope of both sides is pinned on the singles in the last game.

Hyotei's singles player is Takahiro Kagachi, who has a pure heart, and Seigaku is Inui Sadaharu. Although Miki could predict the path of Kakarichi's balls, he was unable to successfully return all the balls due to their excessive force. Therefore, it is not surprising that Qian would lose to Hua Di.

In the end, Li Hai’s opponent in the finals was Hyoudi. These are really two schools that ‘love and kill each other’!

The final was held in the afternoon that day, and with Hyokui present, the sidelines were filled with cheers of "The winner is Hyokui!" as always. Of course, the support was not as good as that of other schools. As last year's national champion The cheers for the champion, Tatekai Dai, were no less than those of Hyokui, and could even be said to be a divided fight.

Hyotei and Rikkai University can be said to be old rivals, so they didn't try out a few games like they did against other schools.

After all, the members of Hyotei's tennis club understand Rikkai's true strength. In their opinion, if they don't try their best at the beginning, it may be difficult to overtake him later.

Faced with Hyokui's sudden attack, Marui and Kuwahara, who were two doubles players, did not react at first, but fortunately, they had a close call in the end and won with a score of 7 to 5.

Doubles two, it's still Amamiya Arashi and Mori Juzaburo. They faced off against Renzuyu and Mugahigatake. As a duo whose strength was far superior to that of their opponent, it was no surprise that they won with an absolute advantage of six to one.

In singles three, Sanada faced Jirou Akutagawa and won 6-3. At this point, Rikkai University has secured the final victory in this year's national competition, but according to the regulations, they have to complete the next two games.

In the second singles match, Renji Tatekai Oyanagi faced Hōtei's Takahiro Kagachi. After discovering that Kagaki could imitate his opponent's moves, Ryu directly used this trait of his to defeat him, six to four.

In a singles match, it was Tatekai Great Minister Yukimura Seiichi versus Hyotei Minister Atobe Keigo.

Since they knew that the current Hyotei was bound to lose against Tatekai Dai, they treated this final as a training exercise. In order to personally experience Yukimura Seiichi's strength, Atobe Keigo went to coach Sakaki to discuss the arrangements for the match.

At the beginning of the singles match, Atobe directly used his eyesight to find out Yukimura's flaws. Of course he found it at first, but when Yukimura adjusted himself after feeling awkward when catching the ball, the flaw Atobe saw disappeared again.

And when Atobe planned to do it again, he found that Yukimura had fewer "dead spots".

Looking at Atobe's movements, Yukimura roughly understood where the strange feeling came from. After figuring it out, he directly used the move 'Erotic Five Senses'. Due to the effect of the mental power 'thread' laid out at the beginning, Atobe lost his vision and hearing at the same time.

Trapped in darkness and unable to hear any sound, Atobe stood there blankly. As Yukimura continued to score, Atobe just realized what he was doing. He squeezed the tennis racket in his hand and swung forward based on intuition. The racket hit the yellow ball, but unfortunately the tennis ball got caught in the net.

At this moment, the score was fixed at six to one.

At the end of the game, Atobe regained his sight and hearing. While shaking hands, Atobe gritted his teeth and expressed his "appreciation" for Yukimura's moves, and invited the members of Rikkaida to have practice matches or stay overnight with Hyotei. Of course, Hyotei would bear all the expenses during this period. .

In response, Yukimura politely expressed his approval of the practice match invited by Hyotei and his gratitude to Hyotei for bearing the training expenses. At the same time, he also made an appointment with Aobe to inform Atobe via phone after returning to the tennis club to discuss it with everyone.

After the competition, go through the relevant procedures, such as awarding awards, taking photos, interviews, etc. The teenagers took the trophy back to the Lihai University Tennis Club, and the minister personally placed the trophy in the display room.

Looking at the two trophies put together and the members behind him, Yukimura smiled and said to everyone: "This year's competition is over, but this is not enough. What we need is to build a new dynasty. , so we will also win the championship next year!”

"Of course!"

"Don't worry, Minister!"

"There is no blind spot for Li Hai to be the world's third consecutive hegemon!"

"Hey~ It's a pity that I can only watch you, senior"

"It's okay, we will take pictures to show you ~ Mori-senpai"


As Yukimura stated his goals for next year, everyone began to get excited, except for Mori, who was already in third grade. After all, he would be entering high school next year and would not be able to build a new dynasty with these cute juniors.

But thinking about the part he played in winning two consecutive championships, it seems pretty good~ So Maori thought to himself.

After talking about next year's goals, Yukimura also talked about Hyotei's invitation. With everyone's approval, in the next few days, the Rikkai members began a journey to and from Kanagawa and Tokyo. Of course, except Amangong Lan, after all, his home is in Tokyo.

As for others, they feel that practice matches and training with Hyokui's equipment are helpful to them. In addition, asking Hyokui to bear some expenses has made several teenagers very embarrassed, and because of the national competition and previous During training, they seldom spent time with their families, and traveling between Tokyo and Kanagawa was not a hassle, so the final result was that they declined Hyotei's suggestion of providing accommodation.

After practicing day after day, everyone in the Ice Emperor had a more intuitive understanding of the 'abnormality' of the members of the Big Sea.

After looking at their training menu, they felt quite suffocated. To be honest, they didn't expect that the king, Rikkai Dai, would be so good.

Looking at Kirihara and Yagyu who were confirmed to be the main candidates, they felt that if they were in Hyotei, these two would have already been the main candidates!

Under the 'prompt' of the senior members of Likai, the Hyokui members also began to roll up. After all, if someone loses when they are about the same training as you, you can still blame the talent, but if you don't work hard enough...

In the first three days of school, their practice matches and days of training together were over. After all, they still needed a few days to relax.

Of course, the training during this period of time has improved the members of Rikai University to some extent, especially Nioh, Marui, Kuwahara and the four quasi-main candidates.

Among them, Nioh, who has improved the most, has greatly improved his familiarity with Hyotei's people, and coupled with his own 'Phantom' skill, he can score four points in the hands of Atobe.

As for Hyokui, their strength has improved visibly compared to the national competition. Among them, Ninzu Yushi learned to 'block the heart' in advance, and there is about a 30% chance of being able to synchronize with Mugahigatake (only three out of ten rounds may be successful, and it is still unstable and easy to break). Atobe has great vision. Having improved and found a way to steadily awaken Jirou Akutagawa (Bunta Marui), the tacit understanding between Ryo Shinto and Hochotaro has reached a higher level, and there is a certain chance that both parties can synchronize. In addition, the success rate of Houchotaro's 'one ball into the soul' has also improved a lot.

Although Relatively speaking, Rikkai's improvement during this training was not as great as Hyokui's, but the teenagers didn't care too much. They were not worried about Hyokui's impact on their championship next year. They were never afraid of powerful enemies. challenge.



When others return to Kanagawa, Amamiya Arashi plans to go back to Kinomoto's house to talk to Sakura and Toya about not staying in Tokyo for a few days, and then return to Kanagawa.

After arriving at Kinomoto's house, Sakura happened to be at home. After talking to Sakura, he asked Sakura if she had any physical inconveniences and told her to remember to call if anything happened. Amamiya Arashi took the train back to his residence in Kanagawa.

Next, I stayed at home quietly for a few days until the new semester started.


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